Recent Events Essays (Examples)

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eject Shop -- ecent Events (January 1st, 2010 -- March 31st, 2011)
EVENT 1: Publication Date: February 16th 2011 -- Impact of floods on sales

The eject Shop issued a statement declaring uncertainty regarding the aggregate cost of the floods and whether 100% of costs are reimbursable by insurance coverage and indemnity. The company's operations in Victoria and in Queensland Australia have been adversely effected. With working capital at a premium, according to the eject Shop, the impact of the floods on sales will increase pressure on the available working capital. (Asia Post, 2011)

Impact on the Audit

The auditing staff will be assessing whether the eject Shop can improve performance in response to the flooding catastrophe, determine whether company is accurately representing their financial performance as a function of the affected region, and whether they are following the IFS reporting standards.

The auditors will need to focus on the impact of the floods on….

easoned Action
A recent event in the world of business and politics brings home the idea of reasoned action in regards to fixing problems, even on a national level. The event that took place was that American citizens reelected a President that had no economic sense whatsoever, and had wasted trillions of dollars on projects that proved very foolhardy, all in an attempt to jumpstart an economy that has been in the doldrums since 2008.

As one recent article espoused "the kind of social behavior that often serves as a dependent variable in studies of attitudes and behavior is one that is shaped by social forces, not only private preferences" (Manstead, 2011, p. 367). Hence, the private preferences of many American citizens could have been a reflection of personal standards, or could be viewed as a strong display of social influence.

Managing to convince enough citizens to vote for him, even with his….

The lack of process orchestration shows that IBM is failing to understand and manage the bargaining power of suppliers effectively. The core requirements of the project center on a series of healthcare professionals who taken together are the stakeholders of a complex payroll processing system (Paull, 2013). The requirements from a project management standpoint is to concentrate on the bargaining power of suppliers as system integration partners and create a unified project plan that can successfully meet multiple stakeholder needs. Making this more difficult than other implementations is the bargaining power of buyers, who also are requiring that IBM construct a system they can quickly use to solve complex supply chain, procurement and strategic sourcing challenges as can be inferred from the article (Paull, 2013).
IBM has also allowed for a greater level of threat from new market entrants as well, through the ineffective management of stakeholder requirements. What's obvious….

Heinrich events are one of the most discussed and debated phenomena related to global climate change. For each theory proposed related to the cause or effect of a Heinrich event, there is a theory contrary to the concept. Theories relating to the binging and purging of ice sheets, cyclic changes in atmospheric conditions, and the thermohaline circulation disruption of the North Atlantic Ocean all play a part in the discussion of Heinrich events. While the debate of the causes of Heinrich events is still ongoing, the effects of the events are well documented, and are clearly substantial in relation to changes in the global climate.
This paper discusses the history of Heinrich events, and will discuss current theories of their origin. Additionally, this paper will outline the scientific method for discovering more information of Heinrich events, and their relationship to the Bond Cycle, Milankovitch Cycles, and Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) oscillations. Finally, this….

Not Again: A School Shooting Thwarted Anderson (2018) describes a recent event at a Florida high school, not long after the Parkland massacre. In this case, a nineteen year-old suspect named Sky Bouche opened fire at Forest High School in Fort Lauderdale. No one was killed, but one 17 year-old suffered an injury. The suspect, who was a former student of Forest High, carried his gun inside a guitar case.
The Bouche incident occurred on the very same day that nationwide protests had been scheduled. The protests involved coordinated walkouts to protest gun violence, on the anniversary of the Columbine incident, as well as being only a few months after the Parkland incident nearby. Luckily, Bouche did not have the capacity to harm or kill anyone, and upon arrest, immediately apologized.
Teachers and students had already been taught the drill in how to respond to a situation like this, because of the proliferation….

Event Sponsorship

Marketing Communication
My marketing concept is event sponsorship. Event sponsorship is when a company agrees to pay money to event organizers in exchange for the opportunity to use the event as a marketing platform. There are many benefits to event sponsorship, including brand exposure, but the primary benefit is for brand associations to be created. Typically, the brand is associated with the event, which might be an athletic event, a charitable event or a community event. The sponsorship works on the principle of image transfer, where the positive associations of the event are transferred to the brand that has provided the sponsorship (Gwinner & Eaton, 1999). It has been argued that the greater the fit between the brand and the event, the better this image transfer will be (Haden, 2014).

There are several examples that can be found of event sponsorship. At very high levels, we can look to the recent World….

American history is an exercise in country branding and national identity construction. Through a careful editorializing and curating of historical documents, events, and places, historians contribute to the shaping of American identity, ideology, and culture. Revisiting the process of history making shows how historians and history educators can encourage critical thought, shifting away from the use of historiography as propaganda toward a discursive process. Historians can define and interpret evidence in different ways based on their own historical and cultural context, and the influences of prevailing social norms.
American history has long been a myth-making process, rather than a discursive exercise. Westad (2007), Dudziak (2004) and Manela all points out how the United States has cultivated and crafted an identity based on the tenets of liberty, justice, and freedom. Yet in practice, the nation has been an exercise in exploitation, imperialism, and racism. "From its inception the United States was an….

1960's through the 1980's (and eyond)
The chosen historical event is actually a 4 1/2-year phenomenon: Kenneth Starr's extensive investigation of President and Mrs. William Clinton, culminating in the impeachment of President Clinton. Given the leeway of choosing an event from later than the 1960s through the 1980s, an event was chosen from the 1990s. The choice was not necessarily made due to the writer's relative youth but due to the searing controversy and clear memory of the event. Patterson's recollection of the event is genteel compared to the acidic nastiness and political maneuvering recalled by this writer.

The appointment of Independent Counsel for investigation and possible prosecution was authorized by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, passed in at least partial reaction to the Watergate Scandal.[footnoteRef:1] According to Patterson, this appointment was used by conservative members of Congress to counter the political savvy of President William Clinton, "who gave….

atrocities happening in recent modern history of civilization. The two orld ars in the first part of the 20th century have demonstrated the human capacity to inflict harm and destruction on its peers. Perhaps one of the most significant event in the history of the Second orld ar is that of the genocide that took place on the Jewish community. During the war and immediately afterwards more than six million Jews are reported to have been massacred by the Nazi forces
However, despite the fact that the holocaust that took place during this time is mostly attributed to the Nazi forces and Adolf Hitler's plan to exterminate the Jewish population, there are numerous accounts of historians that point out the fact that the SS German troops would have been unable to achieve this great atrocity without the assistance of the local populations such as the Polish or the French. One….

One thing my father has taught me since I was a little boy is always to look neat and clean, hold my head up high, and walk with purpose, no matter how rich or how poor. He says that this can affect a person's confidence, and it won't hurt if someone is watching them for an advancement at work. I try to follow his advice, but find my body bending too easily to the positions of a soccer player. My father asks Miguel to pardon us while he leads me to the window to pray. Once our noon prayers are done, the four of us sit at the table, and my mother, artfully tucking her veil out of the way while she slurps noodles, says my father has something to discuss with us.
"Son," my father begins in the stiff way he has adopted for talking about serious matters. "I….

Reason 4: The Great Awakening awakened old cultural reminders of the reasons that the Puritans had left England, and the state-run Church of England, to found the colonies long ago.

Reason 5: England was making 'noise' about abolishing the slave trade, which the Southern colonists were profoundly opposed to, as they believed this would mark the end of their agriculturally-based way of life.

Reason 6: The rise of individualism, inspired partly by the Awakening and also the increased popularity of the philosophy of John Locke, was another contribution to the growing sense of discontent amongst the colonists.

All of these factors contributed to the rebellion. However, the old cliche about the drive of 'no taxation without representation' continues to be valid. Of all of the reasons, Reason 3 seems to be the driving factor, because it struck at the heart of conflicts over American government as well as American economic stability. The colonies….

Generally the number and range of events in all countries including those in Australia are growing, and events are increasingly viewed as entertainment and big business (Hillary, 1997:2). Events of the future are more and more seen as a way to compete for the public's leisure time among other things, and a way for event sponsors and organizers to reach target markets through enjoyable activities (Hillary, 1997:3).

Generally current and future trends center on preparation that includes a 'feasibility' check which assesses among other things (1) whether the event is a good idea, (2) whether the event managers and marketing agents have the right marketing skills available to do the job, (3) whether the marketing and publicity is targeted in the right communities, (4) whether adequate knowledge of the community is available and (5) how media support and funds will be acquired (Hillary, 1997:4).

Current trends also include sufficient planning for time,….

While triangulation helps improve the dependability and the trustworthiness of the data, qualitative research findings are frequently difficult to transfer to other settings (Neuman, 2003).

Author-identified limitations, implications, and recommendations


Limitations of the study. Qualitative researchers are faced with some formidable limitations, and Von Hagel does a credible job in identifying these. Among the potential limitations cited by Von Hagel were the potential for dishonest replies by the interviewees and the potential for response bias which he explained in detail. The author, though, failed to change the future tense of his "limitations" section which appears to be taken from his proposal for the study (this did not substantively affect the content of this section).


Implications of the study. The analysis of the qualitative data that emerged from the interviews identified previously unknown precipitating events that compelled IT professionals to leave their jobs for better opportunities elsewhere. Given the enormous number of variables….

current events from the last six months that relate to the international business environment of Japan. It will include an analysis of Japan's international business activities, Japan's government, private enterprise in Japan, and the impact of international organizations on Japan.
International Business Activites

China's rapid domestic growth has been important in maintaining Japan's economy. Specifically, steel exports to China have been growing, increasing profits for four major Japanese steel companies (Shimbun).

Japan's ongoing business relationship with the U.S. continues to thrive. Almost 20 years after it first began U.S. production, Honda's U.S.-based operations made their 10 millionth vehicle (Yahoo News).


Disturbingly, a recent poll suggests that Japanese citizens are losing faith in their government. Only a week after the November 9th Lower House election, almost 52% of respondents felt that Koizumi would not honor his campaidn promises (, Japan's voters).

Japan's government has recently entertained the idea of sanctions against North Korea in retaliation….

Even if the prices of consumer staples such as gas continue to escalate in America and in Europe, this is less likely to deter European consumers, given that such cost-of-living budgetary issues such high fuel costs have long become acceptable to European consumers, and because public transportation is better funded within the EU. The fears of competitors regarding European investment may actually be a potential boon, given that they will temporarily lessen the threat of competition in the present environment, and the fact that European spending seems to be continuing, unabated -- hence the fears of inflation.

In contrast, the average American's spending on consumer goods may flag, given likely increases in the interest rates by the Fed. This is especially true for mid-market products like Levi jeans. Consumers who are lower middle-class are likely to cut back on their clothing budgets, or buy from discount retail stores. Upper end….

Crafting a compelling contemporary thesis statement is an essential step in writing an effective academic essay, research paper, or dissertation. It provides a roadmap for your entire project, guiding your research, analysis, and argumentation. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you create an engaging and impactful thesis statement:

1. Choose a Timely and Relevant Topic:

- Select a topic that resonates with current societal issues, trends, or cultural phenomena.
- Make sure your topic is timely, relevant to contemporary discussions, and has scholarly significance.
- Stay informed about recent events, emerging trends, and ongoing debates in your field.

2. Develop a Specific Research Question:

- Articulate....

Historical conflicts between Russia and Germany have had a significant impact on their current diplomatic relationship. The two countries have a long history of conflict, dating back to the 18th century when Prussia and Russia were rivals for dominance in Eastern Europe. The Napoleonic Wars, World War I, and World War II further strained relations between the two countries, with the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany fighting a brutal war on the Eastern Front during World War II.

The end of World War II saw Germany divided into East and West, with East Germany falling under Soviet influence and West Germany....

Dementia: A Comprehensive Overview


Dementia is a progressive neurological syndrome characterized by a decline in cognitive function beyond what might be expected from normal aging. It affects memory, thinking, judgment, and behavior. Dementia is not a specific disease, but rather a collection of symptoms that can be caused by a variety of underlying conditions.

Causes of Dementia

The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, which accounts for approximately 60-80% of cases. Other causes include:

Vascular dementia: Caused by damage to blood vessels in the brain, which leads to reduced blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain cells.
Lewy body dementia:....

14 Pages


Reject Shop -- Recent Events January 1st

Words: 3759
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Essay

eject Shop -- ecent Events (January 1st, 2010 -- March 31st, 2011) EVENT 1: Publication Date: February 16th 2011 -- Impact of floods on sales The eject Shop issued a statement…

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2 Pages


Reasoned Action a Recent Event in the

Words: 583
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

easoned Action A recent event in the world of business and politics brings home the idea of reasoned action in regards to fixing problems, even on a national level. The…

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7 Pages


Global Business Current Business Events

Words: 2292
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

The lack of process orchestration shows that IBM is failing to understand and manage the bargaining power of suppliers effectively. The core requirements of the project center on…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Heinrich Events and Their Impact on Climate

Words: 3846
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Heinrich events are one of the most discussed and debated phenomena related to global climate change. For each theory proposed related to the cause or effect of a Heinrich…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

criminal justice current event

Words: 333
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Not Again: A School Shooting Thwarted Anderson (2018) describes a recent event at a Florida high school, not long after the Parkland massacre. In this case, a nineteen year-old suspect…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Event Sponsorship

Words: 674
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Communication My marketing concept is event sponsorship. Event sponsorship is when a company agrees to pay money to event organizers in exchange for the opportunity to use the event…

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2 Pages

American History

recent american history and pedagogy

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

American history is an exercise in country branding and national identity construction. Through a careful editorializing and curating of historical documents, events, and places, historians contribute to the shaping…

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2 Pages

American History

Event From the 1960s to the 1980s

Words: 880
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

1960's through the 1980's (and eyond) The chosen historical event is actually a 4 1/2-year phenomenon: Kenneth Starr's extensive investigation of President and Mrs. William Clinton, culminating in the…

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5 Pages
Book Report

Drama - World

Atrocities Happening in Recent Modern History of

Words: 1622
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Book Report

atrocities happening in recent modern history of civilization. The two orld ars in the first part of the 20th century have demonstrated the human capacity to inflict harm…

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4 Pages


Cultural Event the Choice Miguel

Words: 1343
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

One thing my father has taught me since I was a little boy is always to look neat and clean, hold my head up high, and walk with…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Building Reasons Events for the

Words: 595
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Reason 4: The Great Awakening awakened old cultural reminders of the reasons that the Puritans had left England, and the state-run Church of England, to found the colonies long…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Marketing and Publicity for Events

Words: 2214
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Generally the number and range of events in all countries including those in Australia are growing, and events are increasingly viewed as entertainment and big business (Hillary, 1997:2). Events…

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5 Pages


Precipitating Events Leading to Voluntary

Words: 1366
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Dissertation

While triangulation helps improve the dependability and the trustworthiness of the data, qualitative research findings are frequently difficult to transfer to other settings (Neuman, 2003). 2. Author-identified limitations, implications, and…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Current Events From the Last Six Months

Words: 704
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

current events from the last six months that relate to the international business environment of Japan. It will include an analysis of Japan's international business activities, Japan's government,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Financial Event Briefing to the

Words: 683
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Even if the prices of consumer staples such as gas continue to escalate in America and in Europe, this is less likely to deter European consumers, given that…

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