Renal Failure Essays (Examples)

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Renal Failure
Main Functions of the Kidneys

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs, 12 centimeters long, which lie at the sides of the spinal column behind the abdominal cavity (Merck 2010). Their main function is to maintain the proper balance of water and minerals in the body. Their other major functions include filtration and elimination of wastes and toxins, regulation of blood pressure and secretion of some hormones. The amount of water taken into the body must match the amount being eliminated. If the balance is not maintained, water will accumulate fast and illness or death may occur. Excess water will dilute the body's electrolyte and inadequate amount will concentrate electrolytes. The kidneys regulate and help maintain the precise concentrations (Merck).

The kidneys' second major function consists of filtration and excretion (Merck 2010). They pass out urea, a main waste product from protein metabolism. Urea moves through the glomerulus and into the tubuluar fluid….

Renal failure, or commonly referred to as kidney failure, is a condition in which the kidneys do not sufficiently filter out the toxins and waste products that are transported in the body's blood stream. There are two basic forms of renal failure. The first is when there is an acute injury prevents the kidneys from functioning properly. The next is a more serious condition in which the kidneys are chronically inflicted. Chronic kidney disease has the potential to be irreversible and requires immediate medical attention. Some of the symptoms of renal failure include (Lin, 2011):
Appetite loss

General ill feeling and fatigue


Itching (pruritus) and dry skin


eight loss without trying to lose weight

Other symptoms that may develop, especially when kidney function has gotten worse, include:

Abnormally dark or light skin

Bone pain

Brain and nervous system symptoms:

Drowsiness and confusion

Problems concentrating or thinking

Numbness in the hands, feet, or other areas

Muscle twitching or cramps

Breath odor

Easy bruising, bleeding, or….

Renal Failure

These clinics will have to be set up over a number of years as funding becomes available for each. It is envisioned that the combination of clinics and learning programs will help the community to achieve better overall health. Indeed, clinics that focus on the specific health issues faced by the Hispanic community will remove some of the burden from general-purpose clinics and hospitals.

In conclusion, it is projected that the above-outlined prevention strategies can go a long way towards significant improvements in the health of the Hispanic community. In addition to addressing specific renal failure problems, prevention measures and better access to clinics can also result in a better overall health and lifestyle experience for the Hispanic community. It is therefore proposed that these measures be implemented and thoroughly researched for both short- and long-term effectiveness.


Bibby, M. (2009). Advocacy strategies for government sponsored public health agencies: The BCCDC a….

Acute renal failure is a serious medical condition. The gravity of the condition is manifested itself in the fact that the survival rate for renal failure has not improved for more than forty years. It occurs in 5% of all hospitalized patients and dialysis treatment is required in approximately .5 of cases. Dialysis is required to sustain "fluid and electrolyte balances, minimize nitrogenous waste production and sustain nutrition Infection accounts for 75% of deaths in patients with acute renal failure, and cardiorespiratory complications are the second most common cause of death" (Agrawal & Swartz 2000). Pathophysiology can vary depending upon the type: "patients who develop AKI can be oliguric or nonoliguric, have a rapid or slow rise in creatinine levels, and may have qualitative differences in urine solute concentrations and cellular content.... Oliguria is defined as a daily urine volume of less than 400 mL/d and has a worse prognosis,….

Part 2: Additional Evidence (Narrative)Justification of EvidenceThe evidence presented in the concept map is relevant to the case study of a patient with renal failure related to DM. Acute renal failure interventions are proposed by the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), and they emphasize early detection and management of acute kidney injuries. This is particularly relevant to our case study, where the patient\\\'s renal failure is a direct consequence of poorly managed DM, a metabolic condition that affects glucose regulation and can lead to nephropathy (Genco & Borgnakke, 2020).Hyperglycemia: Likewise, with respect to hyperglycemia, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) standards of medical care in diabetes offer recommendations for the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes. Given that hyperglycemia is a glucose-related aspect of our case study, these guidelines are directly relevant (Schwartz et al., 2023). The evidence used is the best available because it is derived from academic, professional and….

CT scan or MA may result in the clinician oversight of some of the more subtle findings. It is expensive and the availability is limited.
It is possible to evaluate AS via angiogram, bet evaluation of the size of the stenosis tends to be imprecise. Additionally, angiography does not allow a cross-sectional assessment of the stenosis, and in the case of FMD, it is not possible to distinguish the different histological types, although intervention at the time of assessment is a possibility. Doppler sonography is able to measure the amount of blood flow, and is non-invasive. It tends to be highly invasive and is able to demonstrate problems with slow patterns and other issues which are highly suggestive of significant stenosis. Doppler ultrasound tends to be very operator dependent and the exam takes a significant amount of time. Additionally, the exam may be limited by abdominal girth, patient movement and….

Mayor, S. (2009). "UK sees rise in people donating a kidney to unknown recipients." British medical journal 338(7710), pp. 1521.

In this brief yet highly relevant article, the author describes a recently observed trend of increasing live-donor kidney donations for unknown recipients. hough living donors for family members with a need for transplant have been relatively common for sometime, the idea of donating a kidney while still living for a person unknown to the donor is a very recent development in kidney translation and availability. hough the reasons for this increase are not yet clear, as no research has been undertaken to determine the causal effect of this observed trend, initial results suggest that simple awareness of the need for renal donation and the normalcy of life following the donation of a kidney is a major factor.

Nakamura, Y.; Konno, O.; Matsuno, N.; Yokoyama, ., et al. (2008). "How can we increase….

Congestive Cardiac Failure

Congestive Cardiac Failure: Nursing Perspective
Congestive heart failure is a congenital condition that affects millions of American's every year. Heart failure often manifests in a chronic condition for victims of the disease.

There are several nursing interventions important for control and maintenance of the condition. Congestive heart failure can result in serious complications including edema, respiratory disorders and can lead to premature death. Treating congestive heart failure appropriately is critical to a patient's outcome. Perhaps even more critical to a patient's outcome is patient education targeted at prevention and healthy living. Nursing management of the condition depends upon appropriate medical evaluation, medication administration, monitoring and patient education. These ideas are explored in greater detail below.

Congestive heart failure is often congenital in nature. Congestive heart failure usually manifests when the cardiac muscle is old and tired and stops circulating properly. This may result from damage to the heart; alternatively myocarditis and cardio….

6. Identify the collaborative team members pertinent to the care of the geriatric patient in the scenario, including the emergency room nurse's response to changes in the level of consciousness and increasing respiratory distress.

The collaborative team here would consist of a primary care physician / geriatrician, pain management specialist, laboratory specialists, and x-ray team. Additional consultants may be neurologist, neurosurgeon, gastroenterologist, psychologist, and drug and alcohol detoxification specialist.

In the case of increasing respiratory distress, the nurse is advised to continue or modify the interventions: to continue to teach patient how to breath and cough correctly; to summon a productive cough; to attempt to clear lungs to auscultation; and to achieve symmetric chest excursion of at least 4 cm; also that her respirations and pulse beats should be regular, and that she should inhale a normal volume of air. This is done by encouraging Fowler or semi-Fowler's position; monitoring the respiratory….

Security Consulting Firm

Critical Pathway: Chronic enal Failure
Advanced Pathophysiology

egents Online Degree Program

Critical Pathway: Chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure is often occasioned by chronic kidney disease, immune disorder, trauma among other conditions. It does not have any specific symptoms and might include feeling unwell generally and experiencing a reduced appetite. It is diagnosed following screening of individuals who are identified to be at risk of kidney problems, like individuals with diabetes or high blood pressure and others who have blood relative with chronic kidney disease. It always seems complex when trying to come up with the right diagnosis for a patient.

M.A. is a 60-year-old man who has a stage V chronic kidney disease mainly as a result of diabetic nephropathy and a 12-year of type 2 diabetes. He has symptomatic peripheral vascular insufficiency, and 3 years ago he had undergone coronary artery bypass 3. Within the ten months that passed, Mr. M.A. had been….

Pathologists are often called 'the doctor's doctor ' -- when other doctors are experiencing an impasse, they go to a pathologist for advice, to provide clarity. As someone who has always enjoyed working as a teacher and preparing teaching materials, I look forward to this role in relation to my fellow physicians.
pon arriving in the nited States to practice medicine, I gained experience in the field of pathology-related research, collecting data about survival rates of patients with colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. I came to learn how pathology touches all fields of medicine. Even in my work with patients suffering substance abuse and psychiatric problems, I saw how the progression of the addiction created a pathology in terms of the way that the body responded to the patient's negative behaviors. I hope that this residency program will expose me to the laboratory and clinical aspects of the field,….

Tylenol Overdose
Health Sciences 101

The Health Impact of Acetaminophen Overdose

Acetaminophen (APAP) is a common over-the-counter (OTC), antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic that is more commonly known as Tylenol®, a product of Johnson & Johnson1. Overseas the drug is called paracetamol and is manufactured and sold by countless generic drug makers.

A number of concerns regarding the safety of APAP have arisen over the past several years, including liver and kidney toxicity and adverse cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary effects. This essay will provide an overview of APAP, its uses, and safety issues, with an emphasis on the cardiopulmonary system.

Mechanisms of APAP Activity

The analgesic and antipyretic activity of APAP was thought to be similar to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications because it was believed to inhibit prostaglandin (PGE2) synthesis2,3. This assumption has not withstood the test of time, for either APAP or other popular OTC non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The main evidence against NSAIDs affecting PGE2 synthesis is….

(2008). The study measures public opinion concerning two scenarios: one in which the kidney donor is given a fixed financial compensation; and one in which the donor is provided with health insurance coverage for life. According to the findings of the study, "although almost half of the respondents (46%) were reluctant towards introducing a system with fixed compensation to increase the number of living kidney donors, still 25% of the general public reacted positively." (Kranenburg, 1039) This study would conduct a similar comparative discussion, but would expand the number of available options discussed and would use a different sample population, as discussed in the subsequent section.
Subjects and Sampling Technique:

The subjects will be drawn from amongst nursing professionals working in randomly selected renal specialty facilities and wards. Initial contact will be made by phone with a Director of Nursing at selected facilities requesting participation. Those that agree will receive surveys….

Direct to Consumer Advertising










In order to provide the most efficient method of evaluation, the study will utilize existing stores of qualitative and quantitative data from reliable sources, such as U.S. Government statistical references, University studies, and the studies and publications of non-profit and consumer oriented organizations. Every attempt will be made to avoid sources of information sponsored by or directly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry.

Existing data regarding the history, levels, content and growth of direct-to-consumer advertising will be examined. In addition, the industry's composition prior to and after the proliferation of direct-to-consumer advertising will be examined, with regard to market share, type of substances sold, benefits of substances sold, and consumer benefit (or lack thereof). Perceptions regarding direct-to-consumer advertising will be revealed,….

4 Pages

Business - Management

Renal Failure Main Functions of the Kidneys

Words: 1217
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Renal Failure Main Functions of the Kidneys The kidneys are bean-shaped organs, 12 centimeters long, which lie at the sides of the spinal column behind the abdominal cavity (Merck 2010). Their…

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2 Pages


Renal Failure or Commonly Referred to as

Words: 551
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Renal failure, or commonly referred to as kidney failure, is a condition in which the kidneys do not sufficiently filter out the toxins and waste products that are transported…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Renal Failure

Words: 1539
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These clinics will have to be set up over a number of years as funding becomes available for each. It is envisioned that the combination of clinics and…

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4 Pages


Acute Renal Failure Is a Serious Medical

Words: 1181
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Acute renal failure is a serious medical condition. The gravity of the condition is manifested itself in the fact that the survival rate for renal failure has not improved…

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2 Pages
Case Study


How to Treat Renal Failure Nursing Case Study

Words: 604
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Part 2: Additional Evidence (Narrative)Justification of EvidenceThe evidence presented in the concept map is relevant to the case study of a patient with renal failure related to DM. Acute…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Renal Artery Stenosis Rather Than

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

CT scan or MA may result in the clinician oversight of some of the more subtle findings. It is expensive and the availability is limited. It is possible to…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Kidney Donation and Renal Availability

Words: 775
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Mayor, S. (2009). "UK sees rise in people donating a kidney to unknown recipients." British medical journal 338(7710), pp. 1521. In this brief yet highly relevant article, the author describes…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Congestive Cardiac Failure

Words: 1248
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Congestive Cardiac Failure: Nursing Perspective Congestive heart failure is a congenital condition that affects millions of American's every year. Heart failure often manifests in a chronic condition for victims…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Geriatric Patient With Multisystem Failure

Words: 1769
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

6. Identify the collaborative team members pertinent to the care of the geriatric patient in the scenario, including the emergency room nurse's response to changes in the level of…

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12 Pages
Research Paper


Security Consulting Firm

Words: 3345
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Critical Pathway: Chronic enal Failure Advanced Pathophysiology egents Online Degree Program Critical Pathway: Chronic renal failure Chronic renal failure is often occasioned by chronic kidney disease, immune disorder, trauma among other conditions. It…

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2 Pages


Personal Statement Pathology Has Been

Words: 594
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Pathologists are often called 'the doctor's doctor ' -- when other doctors are experiencing an impasse, they go to a pathologist for advice, to provide clarity. As someone…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Affect of Tylenol Overdose on the Cardiopulmonary System

Words: 2649
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Tylenol Overdose Health Sciences 101 The Health Impact of Acetaminophen Overdose Acetaminophen (APAP) is a common over-the-counter (OTC), antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic that is more commonly known as Tylenol®, a product of Johnson…

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8 Pages

Health - Nursing

Nursing Kidney Nursing Perceptions and

Words: 2121
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

(2008). The study measures public opinion concerning two scenarios: one in which the kidney donor is given a fixed financial compensation; and one in which the donor is…

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59 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Direct to Consumer Advertising History of Drug

Words: 16271
Length: 59 Pages
Type: Term Paper


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