Risk Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Risk Analysis Sochi
Pages: 3 Words: 963

Every project has risk of some sort. For the project manager, it is not possible to eliminate all risk, but it is beneficial to reduce risk as much as possible. Thus, risk analysis is required to identify the major risks to the project, to understand the threats that are posed and prioritize the risks. At that point, the project manager is in a better position to take steps to reduce or eliminate the most important risks. This process is necessary because focusing on minor risks will make the project inefficient, but ignoring major ones could represent an existential threat to the project. Thus, risk analysis helps to strike a balance between ensuring that the project goes through without any major issues, but still comes in on time and on budget.

Process used to Uncover and Prioritize isks

There are a number of processes that a risk analyst can utilize in order to…...



Shuster, S. (2014). Fortress Sochi: Russia's security plan risks killing the Olympic spirit. Time Magazine. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from  http://world.time.com/2014/01/07/fortress-sochi-russias-security-plan-risks-the-killing-olympic-spirit/ 

Hsu, W., Tseng, C., Chiang, W. & Chen, C. (2012). Risk and uncertainty analysis in the planning stages of a risk decision-making process. Natural Disasters. Vol. 61 (3) 1355-1365.

Winkelvos, T., Rudolph, C. & Repp, J. (2011). A property-based security risk analysis through weighted simulation. Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from  http://icsa.cs.up.ac.za/issa/2011/Proceedings/Full/55_Paper.pdf

Risk Analysis Financial Markets Main Techniques Risk
Pages: 5 Words: 1670

isk Analysis Financial Markets Main Techniques isk Analysis
isk analysis in the financial markets

This essay mainly intends to outline and explain the objective of risk analysis in the financial market and the main techniques used in risk analysis. In a bid to answer this question the study will first of all include a summation of the types of risks that are found in the financial markets. The financial market here has been classified into three groups that are; the stock market where company stock and shares are traded, the bond market where the Australian government usually sell its' treasury bills and bonds and lastly the international financial market.

Different risk analysis technique will spelt out in the two markets and then the objectives of risk analysis will then be mentioned before the essay concludes.

Types of risk in the financial markets

In his studies Jensen (2009) noted that there are three major risks…...



Bollerslev, T., Engle, R.F. And Wooldbridge, J. 2008, "A Capital Asset Pricing Model with Time-Varying Covariances" Journal of Political Economy, 96, 116-31

Friedman B.M. And Hahn F.H. 2007, "Handbook of Monetary Economics, North Holland pp 45-98

Jensen, M.C. 2009, "Risk, the pricing of capital assets and the evaluation of investments portfolios" Journal of Business, pp, 62, 162-247

Lintner, J. 2005 "The Valuation of Risk Assets and the Selection of Risky Investments in Stock

Risk Analysis Why Are These Features Important
Pages: 2 Words: 501

Risk analysis? Why are these features important components of the Excel analysis process? If so, explain how, If not, explain why.
Base-case analysis,

Base-case analysis is very much an art of Excel since the accountant / mathematician usually starts off with a "base case" set of assumptions and inputs. These are the accountant's best estimates, and he would use these to produce a set of expected results.

cenario testing, for instance, often involves these base-cases analyses.

In scenario testing, the mathematician sets up alternative situations, such as the ones formulated in the Table below ('inflation rate', 'earning rate', and 'salary growth'). Each situation consists of a base-case analysis of assumption and input and the whole model is then run through the Excel system.

Base case analysis is essential for business planning and risk management since one has to know one's base-case situation before structuring plans for one's business.

What-if analysis,

What-if analysis is also superbly worked…...

Starbucks Risk Analysis and Mitigation
Pages: 10 Words: 3027

isk analysis is a process by which the different risks that an organization faces are identified and evaluated. There are many different types of risk, and they can be systematic or unsystematic in nature. There is credit risk, foreign currency exchange risk, interest rate risk, economic risk, country risk, political risk, technological risk, market risk and legal risk (Investopedia, 2016). Within each of these categories, there are specific itemized risks that will need to be evaluated. As example, health care providers face "legal risk," but there are many categories of this including malpractice risk, human resources legal risk and risk associated with legal rights.
This paper will examine the different risks that are faced by Starbucks. There are a number of risks that are apparent immediately from the aforementioned categories. Foreign exchange risk is obviously one of them. There are market risks, such as consumer tastes, or new competitors. There are…...



Davis, A. (2014). Building a climate resistant coffee economy for Ethiopia. Kew Gardens. Retrieved April 18, 2016 from  http://www.kew.org/discover/blogs/kew-science/building-climate-resilient-coffee-economy-ethiopia 

Investopedia (2016). Inherent risk. Investopedia. Retrieved April 18, 2016 from  http://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inherent-risk.asp 

Investopedia (2016). Risk and diversification: Different types of risk. Investopedia. Retrieved April 17, 2016 from  http://www.investopedia.com/university/risk/risk2.asp 

MSN Moneycentral (2016). Starbucks Corp. Retrieved April 17, 2016 from  http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/stockdetails/financials/fi-126.1.SBUX.NAS?ocid=qbeb

Analyzing Discussion on Risk Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 675

isk Analysis
How does a clinical trial contribute to risk analysis?

In the UK, clinical Trials Toolkit offers realistic advice to researchers in structuring and carrying out publicly funded trials via the utilization of an interactive route map. The Toolkit is majorly centered on CTIMPs (Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products) and the regulatory needs and environment related with these. However, &D and researchers working in other fields shall also get significant data and guidance of relevance to the broader trials settings. isk evaluation and mitigation entails application of statistical methods to choose significant factors having high research predicative values or sites which might be prone to noncompliance. It is claimed that prospectively arranged data-motivated and model-founded advances could assist optimize resources usage with maximal impact. Although the modeling exercise initiates objectivity in the hunt for significant risk factors, it should not by itself be seen as the only determinant of an…...



Chappell, P., Knirsch, C., Alvir, J., & Alemayehu, D. (2012, April 1). Risk Assessment and Mitigation. Retrieved January 15, 2016, from http://www.appliedclinicaltrialsonline.com/risk-assessment-and-mitigation

Pang, T., & Guindon, G. E. (2004). Globalization and risks to health. EMBO reports, 5(1S), S11


Shangquan, G. (2000). Economic globalization: trends, risks and risk prevention. Economic & Social Affairs, CDP Backround Paper, (1).

It Risk Analysis Risk Is a Constant
Pages: 3 Words: 783

It isk Analysis
isk is a constant in everyday life. It is part of life, where there are no guarantees. As humans, we have developed or reasoning skills enough to figure out that minimizing risk allows us to live a better life and provide some level of comfort and safety. No one or nothing is 100% safe and so risk analysis is necessary to provide this assistance to inform, protect and guide people and organizations into performing wise and prudent action.

The purpose of this essay is to explain the benefits of performing a risk analysis using information technology to secure data within an organization. This essay will discuss the objective and goal of this analysis as well as suggest ways to discuss these issues with the target audience. This essay will also list the steps necessary for performing a risk analysis and the types of securities that will be recommended. Finally…...



Causey, B. (2013). How To Conduct An Effective IT Security Risk Assessment. Dark Reading, 22 Jan 2013. Retrieved from  http://www.darkreading.com/management/how-to-conduct-an-effective-it-security/240146681 

Violino, B. (2010), IT Risk Assessment Frameworks: Real World Experience. CSO Online, 3 May 2010. Retrieved from  http://www.csoonline.com/article/592525/it-risk-assessment-frameworks-real-world-experience

Vose D 2008 Risk Analysis A Quantitative
Pages: 6 Words: 1740

Vose, D. (2008). Risk Analysis: A quantitative guide. (3rd ed.). West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
he book is written on risk analysis using quantitative methodologies. he book has two parts and chapters are divided into these two parts. he first part is intended to help managers realize the rationale for conducting risk analysiswhereas the second part explains the modeling techniques of risk analysis. First part describes in detail the rationale for risk analysis, how to assess quality of risk analysis, and how to understand and use risks analysis results. Part two is based on use of statistical and mathematical processes to build risk analysis models. Correlation, dependencies, optimization in risk analysis, and checking as well as validating risk analysis model are the main important themes discussed in part two. he book adequately describes the risk analysis models and how best to use them, both in perspective of managers…...


The article is aimed at discussing potential impact of sections of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) that relate to information technology management by organizations. Section 404 has been specifically discussed that outlines the internal control assessments required of the firms. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) also requires publicly traded companies to comply with Treadway Commission's Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO). The case of Motorola IT governance model is taken to demonstrate how compliance with SOX can be ensured for data and IT security by organizations. The article observes that SEC fails to provide specific guidance on IT security; rather it leaves room for interpretation by firms. There is brief mentioning of SOX acts that outline compliance related issues such as Sections 302, 404, 409, and 802 of SOX 2002. The article concludes with an observation that firms with least effective IT security made decisions related to IT governance at the level of business unit managers. Most effective firms in terms of IT governance made IT decisions by engaging three main stakeholders i.e. top management, business unit managers, and IT specialists.

Capelli, D., Moore, A. & Trzeciak, R. (2012).The CERT Guide to Insider Threats. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

The book is written on the subject of 'insider attacks' related to abuse of information security in an organization. The book identifies and explains potential information technology (IT) system's vulnerability from insider sources of an organization such as employees,

Political Legal Economic Risk Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 2099

Political, Legal, Economic isk Analysis
Spain is the eighth biggest industrialized economy in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development -- OECD and the fifth biggest nation within the EU as regards population, output and production. Spain has undergone a remarkable change since the last thirty years. Progressing from a somewhat a poor agrarian economy, it has witnessed speedy economic progress and is presently a modern, fully industrialized nation. Since the past decade sincere efforts by successive governments have pushed economic reforms placing the Spanish economy on a robust structural standing with the result that since the last five years the Spanish economy has come to be amongst the front ranking European economies. The International Monetary Fund in its preliminary Conclusions on the 2001 Article IV Consultation has ranked Spain as the most dynamic economy of Europe. (Doing Business in Spain: An Introductory guide to the market)

Turkey on the other hand…...



Doing Business in Spain: An Introductory guide to the market. 2003. Retrieved from  http://www.dfat.gov.au/publications/business_spain/doing_business_spain.pdf 

Accessed 27 October, 2005

Doing Business in Spain: Types of Corporations. Retrieved from Accessed 27 October, 2005http://incorporate-in-delaware.ukincorp.co.uk/s-H1-spanish-company-formation-incorporation.html

Spain: Economic Policy Analysis. The McKeever Institute of Economic Policy Analysis.

Why Do a Risk Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 490

Security and isk Analysis
The job of an information security officer is not confined simply to the realm of digital data protection, as the rigorous demands of modern global commerce require an information security plan which is specifically designed to prioritize a firm's operational functionality. While constructing control mechanisms that entirely eliminate systemic risks may be an information security officer's notion of time well spent, managers and executives expect their firm's information security policies to enhance productivity rather than impose restrictive barriers to doing business. One of the most important aspects of risk management and data protection is the concept of risk analysis, which is the process of assessing "the business risks of an application, system, or other asset to determine the most prudent method of operation" (Peltier, Peltier and Blackley, 2005). The vast majority of risk management experts within the information security field share the fundamental belief that "by…...



Layton, T.P. (2007). Information security: Design, implementation, measurement, and compliance. (6 ed.). New York, NY: CRC Press.

Peltier, T.R., Peltier, J., & Blackley, J.A. (2005). Information security fundamentals. New York, NY: CRC Press.

Project Risk Analysis Football Match
Pages: 3 Words: 930

It is approximated to consume $2,000 and to require two weeks for completion.
- the development and implementation stage would require minimum resource consumption as it is constructed on the resources previously invested.

- Finally, the control and evaluation stage would require an estimated week and would consume an approximate $1,000. The main risk at this stage is that of not observing the mistakes or not learning from them.

A Work Breakdown structure would be presented as follows:

The risk mitigation strategy is constructed based on the previously identified risks, in a means that the following recommendations address the risks:

1. It is necessary that the team organizing and managing the event be formed from professional planners who are skilled, experienced and objective and who will as such clearly identify the project needs, as well as assign the tasks, distribute responsibility and efficiently manage the resources.

2. It is of the utmost importance to recognize…...



Gray, C.F., Larson, E.W., 2002, Project Management: The Managerial Process, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill / Irwin, ISBN 0072833483

Estimating Project Times and Costs, San Jose State University, last accessed on May 12, 2010http://www.cob.sjsu.edu/bentley_d/Fall%2007/Bus%20286%20Lecture%20Material/Ch%2005%20Estimating%20Time%20&%20Costs.ppt

Project Life Cycle -- Project Cycle Management, Visitask, last accessed on May 12, 2010http://www.visitask.com/project-life-cycle.asp

Environmental Risk Analysis Process
Pages: 2 Words: 754

Environmental isk Analysis Process
Environmental isk Analysis (EA) is "a process for estimating the likelihood or probability of an adverse outcome or event due to pressures or changes in environmental conditions resulting from human activities" (Ministry of Environment, Land, and Parks, 2000). EA should be a scientific process, when that is possible. "In general terms, risk depends on the following factors: How much of a chemical is present in an environmental medium (e.g., soil, water, air), how much contact (exposure) a person or ecological receptor has with the contaminated environmental medium, and the inherent toxicity of the chemical" (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2012). All of these factors help the assessor determine the "potential adverse effects that human activities have on the living organisms that make up ecosystems. The risk assessment process provides a way to develop, organize and present scientific information so that it is relevant to environmental decisions" (United…...



Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. (2009, June). Ecological risk assessments.

Retrieved January 7, 2013 from Department of Environmental Conservation website:  http://dec.alaska.gov/spar/csp/guidance/eco_risk.pdf 

Ministry of Environment, Land, and Parks. (2000, July). Environmental risk assessment (ERA):

An approach for assessing and reporting environmental conditions. Retrieved January 7,

Securing Telecommunications Networks Through Risk Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 534

Telecommunications & Network Security, Application Security and Operations Security
The ubiquity of smartphone technology within the world modern business has necessitated a greater emphasis on the use of telecommunications and network security within the pursuit of information security on an organizational level. Corporations and other complex institutions require a tremendous amount of data transmission -- in the form of standard telephone calls, text messages, and downloaded data -- which is facilitated by the construction of multilayered networks combining local area, wide area, and remote access networking capability. Networks of all size, scope, and purpose are dependent on fundamental tenets of security architecture and design, properties which are typically derived after the completion of a Network Security Architecture Evaluation based on multiple telecommunications methodologies (Layton, 2007). This evaluation process invariably leads information security officers to utilize the adaptable virtual private network (VPN), which is defined as "a secure private network that uses…...



Layton, T.P. (2007). Information security: Design, implementation, measurement, and compliance. (6 ed.). New York, NY: CRC Press.

Peltier, T.R., Peltier, J., & Blackley, J.A. (2005). Information security fundamentals. New York, NY: CRC Press.

Risk and Insurance Management Risk Is Believed
Pages: 11 Words: 3537

isk and Insurance Management
isk is believed to be a newly coined word of assurance (for example, Ewald, 1991: 198). One of the broadly shared suppositions regarding insurance is that it spins around an instrumental concept of risk. Possibility and the amount of influence make up a technical concept of hazard/risk and hazard administration is chiefly worried about reviewing these possibilities and influences (for an overview see Gratt, 1987). For instance, external profits of financial or political occurrences lay down thresholds for the availability of associated risk guesstimates or reckonings (Huber, 2002).

So, the range of the risk groups cannot be clarified by risk judgment single-handedly; peripheral circumstances that could be political, financial or inclusive of image, arts and manners, are also required to be taken into account. Therefore, if risks are not be present, per se, but are deliberately selected, we can go a step ahead and presume them to be…...



Douglas, M. And Wildavsky, A. (1982) Risk and Culture. An Essay on the Selection of Technical and Environmental Dangers. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Evers, A. And Nowotny, H. (1987) Uber den Umgang mit Unsicherheit. Die Entdeckung der Gestaltbarkeit von Gesellschaft. Frankfurt / Main: Suhrkamp.

Ewald, F. (1991) 'Insurance and Risk' in Burchell, G., Gordon, C. And Miller, P. (eds.) The Foucault Effect: studies in governmentality . London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Gratt, L.B. (1987) 'Risk Analysis or Risk Assessment: a proposal for consistent definitions' in Covello, V. And Lave, L. (eds.) Uncertainty in Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Decision Making, Advances in Risk Analysis (4). New York: Plenum Press.

Risk Metrics Calculations Exposure Calculating
Pages: 3 Words: 977

Part of the overall calculation of uncertainty according to iskMetrics recommendations, however, should include a calculation of correlative uncertainty (Finger 2007). The rationale for including this specific uncertainty in calculations is that it helps to account for inaccuracies and inadequacies in the model, determining the level of risk associated with incorrectly defined or changing correlations used by the model in other calculations and definitions (Finger 2007). An accurate calculation of uncertainty and risk will necessarily include a calculation of the correlative uncertainties attendant upon the model and the situation to which it is applied, providing not a necessarily more accurate view of direct risk, but a useful evaluation of the risk prediction's efficacy.

iskMetrics Calculations: Exposure and Uncertainty

An accurate and well-developed combined understanding of the exposure and uncertainty of a various investment venture or portfolio contributes a nearly complete understanding and assessment of the risks presented by that investment option/portfolio. There…...



Andren, N.; Jankensgard, H. & Oxelheim, L. (2005). "Exposure-Based Cash-Flow-At-Risk under Macroeconomic Uncertainty." Journal of applied corporate finance 17(3), pp. 21-31.

Argentin, P. (2010). "Two-sided counterparty risk." RiskMetrics Group: On the Whiteboard. Accessed 24 September 2010.  http://www.riskmetrics.com/on_the_whiteboard/20100615 

Finger, C. (2007). "We identify two main versions of correlation risk -- parameter uncertainty and new financial products -- and examine the modeling challenges implied by each." RiskMetrics Group: Research Monthly. Accessed 24 September 2010.  http://www.riskmetrics.com/publications/research_monthly/20070400

Risk Sales Forecast Budgeting Sales Forecasts and
Pages: 3 Words: 717

Risk Sales Forecast
Budgeting, Sales Forecasts, and Ethical Consideration

Sales forecasts and the budget preparation process in general, serves as a cornerstone for effective operations management. hen this practice is performed with strict adherence to good business ethics it is one of the key components of the entire business planning process. ith reliable estimates the organization can plan appropriates. Financial planning and estimation includes forecasted sales and revenues, expenses, and required cash flow to operate the business.

The budget will then combine all of the different estimates into a comprehensive document that can be used to plan for the future and to make business decision. The first activity in the budgeting process is usually a sales forecast. Once an organization determines what their projected levels of sales will be for any period, they can then estimate the other expenses based on this forecast. Accuracy of the sales forecast therefore is paramount to the…...


Works Cited

Decker, R., & Gnibba-Yukawa, K. (2010). Sales Forecasting in High-Technology Markets: A Utility-Based Approach. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 115-129.

Todd, S., Crook, T., & Lachowetz, T. (2013). Agency Theory Explanations of Self-Serving Sales Forecast Inaccuracies. Sciedu Press, 13.

What are key findings from literature review on risk analysis of Infosys investments?
Words: 452

Investment management Risk Analysis Of Infosys
Infosys is a multinational corporation that provides business consulting, information technology, and outsourcing services. As an investment option, Infosys has been a popular choice for investors looking to diversify their portfolios and potentially benefit from the growing demand for technology solutions in the marketplace. However, like any investment, Infosys carries its own set of risks that must be carefully analyzed and managed.
One of the key risks associated with investing in Infosys is the volatility of the stock price. As a publicly traded company, Infosys' stock price is subject to fluctuations based on market conditions, interest....

What are key findings from literature review on risk analysis of Infosys investments?
Words: 358

Key Findings from Literature Review on Risk Analysis of Infosys Investments
1. Geopolitical and Economic Risks
Infosys faces geopolitical risks associated with its global operations, particularly in politically unstable regions.
Economic downturns and currency fluctuations can impact its revenue and profitability.
2. Competition and Market Risks
Intense competition from both domestic and international IT service providers poses a threat to Infosys's market share.
Emergence of new technologies and disruptive business models can disrupt its traditional offerings.
3. Operational Risks
System failures, data breaches, and project delays can lead to reputational damage and financial losses.
Dependence on a narrow range of clients and industries....

How can discussing our weekly growth and changes help us prepare for unexpected outcomes and have a reliable plan B in place?
Words: 735

Weekly Growth and Change Discussions: A Foundation for Unforeseen Circumstances

In a rapidly evolving world characterized by uncertainty and volatility, fostering a culture of continuous growth and change is paramount for businesses and individuals alike. Embracing a process of weekly discussions dedicated to reviewing and assessing progress and identifying areas for improvement empowers organizations and individuals to adapt and thrive in the face of unexpected outcomes. By establishing a consistent framework for introspection, these discussions serve as a cornerstone for developing robust contingency plans and ensuring business continuity.

Proactive Identification of Vulnerabilities

Regularly reflecting on weekly growth and changes allows for the identification....

What key insights does literature provide on risk management strategies?
Words: 707

Literature can provide valuable insights on risk management strategies, offering a range of perspectives and approaches to addressing uncertainties and potential threats in various industries. By examining how different authors portray risk management in their works, we can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with risk management. In this literature review, we will explore key insights from various sources on risk management strategies.

One common theme that emerges from literature on risk management is the importance of proactive risk identification and mitigation. Authors such as Robert Kaplan and Anette Mikes emphasize the need for organizations to anticipate....

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