Rogerian Argument Essays (Examples)

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Freedom speech guarantees freedom extend disturbing funeral (Armed Forces funerals) support claim, acknowledge claim opponent, find common ground .
There is presently much controversy regarding the concept of freedom of speech and the fact that people are often denied the right to speak when they want to express themselves. Even with this, there are a series of situations when one's right to express his or her position needs to be denied on the basis of common sense. It would surely be absurd to claim that freedom of speech should not be present in every setting regardless of circumstances. However, people should carefully analyze a situation and decide whether or not it would be right for them to speak in a particular environment. Freedom of speech is in some cases rendered ineffective because of a series of reasons that make it possible for individuals to understand that it is more important….

imposition, abolition or return of the death penalty has been an unsettling issue among the world's peace-loving nations over the years in the universal desire to control criminality and promote maximum peace and security in human society. Although strictly imposed in ancient times, capital punishment has been, in recent years, openly and indignantly questioned and condemned by certain organizations and abolished in some countries for certain reasons. These reasons we will consider and attempt to reconcile, as far as possible, with those that favor it.
Those that oppose the death penalty contend that it is racist, anti-poor, condemns even innocent prisoners to death, does not deter serious crimes, and a cruel and unusual punishment. They maintain that more than 75% of those in the federal death row are non-whites (Campaign to End the Death Penalty 2002) and statistics conclusively show that the death penalty makes being lack a crime. More….

The opening phase of dynamic psychotherapy helps the therapist to understand why the patient is seeking treatment; what kind of triggers to current problems are present; and house troubled the patient is in terms of both physical and psychological health (text p. 41). Yalom (1989) allows for several sessions of introductory therapy, also in keeping with the psychodynamic model. At this introductory phase, the therapist gets an idea of what treatment options to present and how to proceed. Yalom (1989) also determines the frequency of the treatment in the introductory phase (text p. 41). The core way that the relationship between Yalom (1989) and Carlos exemplifies psychodynamic therapy is in regards to the transference neurosis, which intensifies in therapy (text p. 53). However, transference is worked through as a core element of the therapeutic process. In the case with Carlos, neurotic transference is exemplified most clearly in the way Carlos….

Likeability: A Factor in Managerial Success

A 2007 survey in which 90,000 employees from all over the world were interviewed revealed that only 20% of those questioned were attempting to perform to their utmost abilities in the workforce. The remaining 80% were reported to be disengaged (Bhargava). hat was the cause of the overwhelmingly lackluster workplace attitudes? A number of researchers have identified the root of the cause in a failure of leadership to personally interact and form bonds of human sympathy with subordinates (Bhargava; Pink; Holmes). Indeed, Daniel Pink has shown in his best-selling work Drive that leaders who demonstrate likeability in the workplace actually have a higher success rate in motivating teams in the long run. Likeable managers establish workplace cultures that provide a necessary foundation for attracting, forming and keeping autonomous, masterful and purpose-driven employees in their workplace environment. This paper will show how likeability is a factor….

Therefore, the state is daily loosing important revenue that could help improve the financial situation of different Departments such as health care, social services, and even immigration policies. However, without this source of money, the federal budget would be forced to allocate funds from other destinations.
Thirdly, there is also the issue of workers' rights. In this sense, it is a rather well-known fact the idea that illegal workers are often exploited by employers by giving them wages that are below the normal tariffs. However, the inclusion of illegal workers as legal immigrants would grant them the rights each worker in the United States has. More precisely, "in past decades, labor unions often saw immigrant workers as the enemy, accusing them of depressing wages and breaking strikes. ut the executive council of the AFL-CIO adopted a more sympathetic approach, contending that too often U.S. immigration rules have enabled employers to….

ell, if the Bible is the word of God…why would you expect a Christian pastor to believe anything else?" (ABC News). He was reminded that candidate Barack Obama told him prior to the election that he (Obama) opposed same sex marriage. The ABC interviewer (Jake Tapper) asked arren if he is concerned that Obama might change his position. "I can't control what other people believe. I just know what the Bible says," he answered.
In author David E. Newton's book, Same-Sex Marriage: A Reference Handbook, the author points out that while many who oppose same-sex marriage based on the Bible, there are references in the Bible that mention "other types of marriage" (Newton, 2010, 35). Of the eight types of marriage, this paper will mention several. Jacob had two wives, Leah and Rachel (Genesis 29: 1030); Esau had three wives in the Bible, Adah, Aholibamah, and Bashemath (Genesis 36: 2-3).….

medicate kids with ADHD? Answer is Yes
Children with ADHD have basic behavioural problems and are uncontrollable. In such cases the care givers face a big problem and often are victims. Having an ADHD child at home is being tied up to the child, and to prevent the parent getting mental problems some methods have to be resorted to keep the balance. In 1991 the amount of children treated with medication was negligible because medication itself was not available and was in the test stage. But now the scenario is different. More and more children have been diagnosed with the symptoms of ADHD and they are also in schools. That today 6-9% of pre-school children have severe psychiatric disorders is a fact. (Barkley, 41)

The alarming situation therefore has called for research in the area and has produced some of the best solutions in the form of medication. It is not….

Yalom Analysis
The case surrounds Carlos, a man in his late 30s with a growing tumor that will not respond to radiation or chemotherapy. Carlos has been fighting this cancer for about a decade, but it is now to the point in which medical science can do no more for him. Carlos was referred to therapy by his oncologist, and responded somewhat to individual therapy but became combative and confrontational in group therapy. Carlos is a classic narcissist and misogynist. He has few friends, is estranged from his children, and is, at best cynical and sarcastic. However, through individual therapy, Carlos was able to come to some conclusions about the walls he built around himself, and the tremendous insecurity he harbored; typically using sex and sarcasm to cover up his need to belong. He eventually revealed that he had come up with two insights about himself and his relationship to the….

Stem Cell Ethics
Debating the Ethics of Stem Cells

The term 'stem cells' can mean different things to different people. For some, it conjures images of medical miracles providing solutions for heart disease, diabetes, and dementia. For others, it terrifies with a future filled with cloned humans. Still others cringe at the thought of mass producing cultured human embryos for the sole purpose of providing organs and tissues for a paying public. As with most complex issues, news media coverage tends to exaggerate easily understood concepts at the expense of the overall truth and the public accordingly remains ignorant of the subtleties surrounding this debate. This seems to add fuel the emergence of polarized camps and a shrinking of a common middle ground. To better define this middle ground, this essay will discuss both sides of this debate and argue instead that the vast majority of people would likely support an intermediate….

This skill will help am in all areas of his life.
The counseling protocol

I will introduce am to these ideas by using a mixture of Rogerain non-directive counseling with behavioral and cognitive techniques, as well as Gestalt by placing am in the other's shoes.

It seems to me that although am's confidence needs working on, the best route to rectify his self-esteem is by focusing on the problem and having am address it in a practical incremental way.

Discussion with team

My plan of action will be open-ended listening where I will encourage them to share their reactions about am. I will involve am in these meetings so am can discuss his concerns with his colleagues resulting in each gaining a perspective and understanding of the other's situation and feelings. I will encourage all participants to be as concrete and as open as possible so that all concerns get brought to the table.….

Theoretical Foundations of Nursing:
Nursing can be described as a science and practice that enlarges adaptive capabilities and improves the transformation of an individual and the environment. This profession focuses on promoting health, improving the quality of life, and facilitating dying with dignity. The nursing profession has certain theoretical foundations that govern the nurses in promoting adaptation for individuals and groups. These theoretical foundations include theories, theory integration, reflection, research and practice, and assimilation.

Grand Nursing Theory:

There are several grand nursing theories that were developed by various theorists including the Science of Unitary Human Beings by Martha ogers, Sister Callista oy's Adaptation Model, and Systems Model by Betty Neuman. Sister Callista oy's Adaptation Model is based on the consideration of the human being as an open system. She argues that the system reacts to environmental stimuli via cognator and regulator coping techniques for individuals. On the other hand, the stabilizer and innovator….

If ape were legal

This is a story about a cancer patient who objectifies women and his life changes drastically for the better after his therapist takes an aggressive stance in one of the personal therapy sessions after a disturbing incident in his group therapy session. This paper reviews the relationship between the patient and the therapist by analyzing their dynamic through the following psychotherapies: Dynamic, Person-Centered, EBT and Alderian.


Psychodynamic psychologists research human habits by trying to find the unseen meanings in things that individuals think, do or state. This needs them to collect huge quantities of qualitative information about individuals, which is typically done with using the specific case-study technique. The topic of the case history is typically an individual who is dealing with a mental ailment and who is being treated with psychoanalysis. The professional gathers details from things the individual states or finishes treatment (consisting of cost-free association….

The Rogerian Model

This is a theory of communication introduced by psychologist Carl Rogers (Lee 2011). It is founded on trust and emphasizes common goals. This theory proposes that an argument or situation should begin with a brief and objective definition of the problem. Rogers believes that communication will be more effective if trust exists. The nurse or therapist should make a neutral analysis of the patient's position so in order to show understanding of his views. She should also establish and present a neutral analysis of her own position. She should then analyze the goals and values they have in common. Their problem situation should construct a proposed solution that recognizes the interests of both sides, rather than one of them dominating and winning the problem situation (Lee).

Motivational Interview

This is a client-centered, directive method meant to encourage the patient's intrinsic motivation to change by discovering and handling imbalances (Lussier 2007).….

XBRL Adoption at Hmrc and
PAGES 55 WORDS 17839

Within these findings are many insights and differences in opinion as to the benefits and caveats of XBL adoption. In the a case of HMC, privacy issues are a key factor in the reason for their partial adoption of XBL, rather than the full adoption undertaken by CH. The interviewees were from varied backgrounds and included three from HMC and four from CH. They included persons from many different facets of the project. They included interviews from accountancy, the Manager of Online Services, a Technical Architect, and a Process Advisor. These interviewees represent technical personnel who are directly involved in the project implementation. The list of interviewees also included senior management, including the Head of Development, Senior Project Manager, and Business Systems Analyst.
The interviewees represent diversity in opinions among those in various phases of the project. They represent numerous disciplines that are involved as well. Each professional was concerned….

Has there been any parent contact at the school, prior to, during or after the bullying incident?
3. What are the school guidance counselor's clinical impressions as to the present problem? Underlying issue?

4. What are some of Beth's strengths?

5. Has she been willing to talk in the past about things that may be bothering her? Does she have suicidal ideations? Her response to friend leaving? Lack of friends at the school?

Process Issues for Consideration

The process issues that need to be considered if the child counselor has determined it is beneficial to engage Beth in services include presenting behaviors, attitude and affect. Beth may be much more willing to discuss these issues vs. beginning with something possibly more difficult such as addressing her parent's divorce. The child counselor will also need to address the comments Beth has made regarding herself to determine if there is a risk of self-injury, or a….

Crafting a Persuasive Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the cornerstone of a persuasive essay, articulating the central argument and guiding the entire piece. Crafting a strong thesis statement requires careful consideration and understanding of the topic, evidence, and persuasive techniques.

Understanding the Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a concise and declarative sentence that expresses the writer's main argument or position on a specific topic. It should be:

Specific: Focused on a particular issue or aspect of the topic
Arguable: Contestable and supported by evidence
Assertive: Clearly states the writer's opinion or argument

Components of a Persuasive Thesis Statement

A persuasive thesis....

A Rogerian argument approach can be particularly effective in finding common ground in the ethical debate surrounding animal testing by emphasizing empathy, understanding, and open-mindedness. This approach focuses on building mutual trust and respect between opposing sides, which can be instrumental in fostering productive dialogue and ultimately finding potential areas of agreement.

Here are some ways in which a Rogerian argument approach can help in the ethical debate surrounding animal testing:

1. Acknowledgment of common goals: By recognizing that both sides of the debate share a desire to advance scientific knowledge and improve human and animal health, a Rogerian approach can help....

## Finding Common Ground in the Animal Testing Debate: A Rogerian Argument Approach

The ethical debate surrounding animal testing is a complex and multifaceted one, with strong arguments on both sides. However, by adopting a Rogerian argument approach, it is possible to find common ground and work towards a more compassionate and ethical solution.

Principles of Rogerian Argumentation:

Empathy: Seek to understand the perspectives and feelings of others, even if you disagree with them.
Unconditional Positive Regard: Value and respect others, regardless of their views.
Active Listening: Listen attentively and reflect back what you have heard to ensure comprehension.
Collaboration: Work together....

4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Freedom Speech Guarantees Freedom Extend Disturbing Funeral

Words: 1275
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Freedom speech guarantees freedom extend disturbing funeral (Armed Forces funerals) support claim, acknowledge claim opponent, find common ground . There is presently much controversy regarding the concept of freedom…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Imposition Abolition or Return of the Death

Words: 1549
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

imposition, abolition or return of the death penalty has been an unsettling issue among the world's peace-loving nations over the years in the universal desire to control criminality…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Analyzing Yalom's if Rape Were Legal

Words: 1541
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Psychoanalysis The opening phase of dynamic psychotherapy helps the therapist to understand why the patient is seeking treatment; what kind of triggers to current problems are present; and house troubled…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Why Likeability Is Essential for Success

Words: 2862
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Management Likeability: A Factor in Managerial Success A 2007 survey in which 90,000 employees from all over the world were interviewed revealed that only 20% of those questioned were attempting to…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants the

Words: 1066
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Therefore, the state is daily loosing important revenue that could help improve the financial situation of different Departments such as health care, social services, and even immigration policies.…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Same Sex Marriage There Are

Words: 758
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

ell, if the Bible is the word of God…why would you expect a Christian pastor to believe anything else?" (ABC News). He was reminded that candidate Barack Obama…

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2 Pages


Medicate Kids With ADHD Answer Is Yes

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

medicate kids with ADHD? Answer is Yes Children with ADHD have basic behavioural problems and are uncontrollable. In such cases the care givers face a big problem and often…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Analyzing Yalom's if Rape Were Legal

Words: 2027
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Yalom Analysis The case surrounds Carlos, a man in his late 30s with a growing tumor that will not respond to radiation or chemotherapy. Carlos has been fighting this cancer…

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4 Pages


Stem Cell Ethics Debating the Ethics of

Words: 1900
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Stem Cell Ethics Debating the Ethics of Stem Cells The term 'stem cells' can mean different things to different people. For some, it conjures images of medical miracles providing solutions for…

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6 Pages


Small but Successful Systems Integrator

Words: 2180
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

This skill will help am in all areas of his life. The counseling protocol I will introduce am to these ideas by using a mixture of Rogerain non-directive counseling with…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Nursing Can Be

Words: 4161
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Theoretical Foundations of Nursing: Nursing can be described as a science and practice that enlarges adaptive capabilities and improves the transformation of an individual and the environment. This profession focuses…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Psychotherapies if Rape Were Legal This Is

Words: 1296
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Psychotherapies If ape were legal This is a story about a cancer patient who objectifies women and his life changes drastically for the better after his therapist takes an aggressive stance…

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10 Pages
Ghost Writing


Non-Directive Communication Theories of Communication

Words: 3036
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Ghost Writing

The Rogerian Model This is a theory of communication introduced by psychologist Carl Rogers (Lee 2011). It is founded on trust and emphasizes common goals. This theory proposes that an…

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55 Pages
Research Proposal


XBRL Adoption at Hmrc and

Words: 17839
Length: 55 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Within these findings are many insights and differences in opinion as to the benefits and caveats of XBL adoption. In the a case of HMC, privacy issues are…

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7 Pages
Case Study


Client Presentation Year-Old Beth Presented

Words: 2146
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Case Study

Has there been any parent contact at the school, prior to, during or after the bullying incident? 3. What are the school guidance counselor's clinical impressions as to the…

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