Sampling Method Essays (Examples)

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Sampling Methods That Can Be Used in
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

sampling methods that can be used in quantitative research. The first is simple random sampling. This method allows the researcher to get a truly representative sample of the population, free from any bias. Whether simple random sampling is easy or not depends to some extent on the nature of the population. Simple random sampling does not involve targeting any sub-grouping within the population, but it does deliver a more globally representative sample.
Another method is stratified sampling, wherein the researcher targets specific sub-groups. An example of this would be using demographics to break down groups. Marketers commonly use stratified sampling to understand how specific demographics respond to their products. A company might use simple random sampling, but if it wants to test a specific ad campaign for effectiveness in a target demo, then it would use stratified sampling in order to ensure that all members of the sample are within…...




Vergura, S., Acciani, G., Amoruso, V., Patrono, G. (2009). Descriptive and inferential statistics for supervising and monitoring the operation of PV plants. Industrial Electronics. Vol. 56 (11) 4456-4464.

Trap Net vs Electrofishing Sampling Methods
Pages: 2 Words: 728

Bluegill Fish Populations: Sampling Methods
Field research can often depend on the quality and reliability of the equipment used to record samples and observations. If researchers fail to understand their sampling measures and any potential limitations they present, the end result of the data collection and observations may not have the validity required to make realistic conclusions about the population in question. Such is the case for studying fish populations, as different collection methods can skew the size and species of fish observed within a given sample area (eynolds & Simpson, 1978). This current survey explores two sampling methods, trap-nets and electrofishing in order to highlight the potential limitations both show and to determine which of the graphs represent each method. Ultimately, Gear B represents the electrofishing method because of the larger numbers of smaller fish, while Gear A represents trap-net methods because there are relatively no smaller fish present in…...



Laarman, P.W. & J.R. Ryckman. 1982. Relative size selectively of trap nets for eight species of fish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 2:33-37.

Reynolds, J.B. 1996. Electrofishing. Pages 221-253 in B.R. Murphy and D.W. WIllis, eds. Fisheries Techniques, 2nd ed. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

Reynolds, J.B. and D.E. Simpson. 1978. Evaluation of fish sampling methods and rotenone census. Pages 11-25 in G.D. Novinger and J.G. Dillard, eds. New Approaches to the Management of Small Impoundments. North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Special Publication 5, Bethesda, Maryland.

Reimers 2015 Determined That Sampling Methods Have
Pages: 3 Words: 905

eimers, 2015) determined that sampling methods have proven to be a very efficient an intuitive method of understanding different properties as they are presented in research. Sampling methods for this specific study will be somewhat constrained based upon the fact that the target population will be derived from a small community facility located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Additionally, the sampling method must concern itself with the fact that the researcher is attempting to evaluate qualitative results and according to eimers (2015) qualitative results that are obtained from sampling methods should be considered with caution (p. 1). It is expedient therefore that the researcher choose the correct type of sampling methodology to achieve the best possible results. In this regard, this study looked at a variety of sampling methods and determined that a modified convenience sampling would likely work very well.
Convenience sampling allows the researcher to work with a population…...



Gilliland, J.; Clark, A.F.; Kobrzynski, M. & Filler, G.; (2015) Convenience sampling of children presenting to hospital-based outpatient clinics to estimate childhood obesity levels in local surroundings, American Journal of Public Health, 105(7)


Reimers, A.C. (2015) Obstructions to sampling qualitative properties, PLoS ONE, 10(8)

p. 1-13

Sampling Design There Are a Number of
Pages: 3 Words: 925

Sampling Design
There are a number of methods that can be effectively used to gather data in order to ascertain thesis or answer research questions. Determining which methodology to use is at the behest of the researcher and should be determined as part of the overall design of the study. In order to gather valid and reliable data, sampling methods such as cluster, quota, simple random, systematic, stratified, non-probability and probability, and diversity sampling have all been created, and effectively used, to assist the researcher in his/her endeavors. Dos Santos and Beck (2015) found that regarding sampling methods "comparing the performance of several techniques over several problems are rarely found" (p. 624). Since a performance comparison would take a lot of time and effort to complete this study will discuss a few of the methods that are being considered for this study only. The discussion will describe the technique being considered…...



Dos Santos, K.R.M.; (2015) A benchmark study on intelligent sampling techniques in Monte Carlo simulation, Latin American Journal of Solids & Structures, 12(4)


Emerson, R.W.; (2015) Convenience sampling, random sampling, and snowball sampling: How does sampling affect the validity of research? Journal of Visual

Impairment & Blindness, 109(2) p. 164-168

Sampling Techniques Reveal Media Psychology the First
Pages: 2 Words: 576

Sampling Techniques eveal
Media Psychology

The first study of focus regards perceptions of news media bias and how individual and interpersonal factors affect those perceptions. The sampling method used in this study is non-probability. The researchers worked in conjunction with an international marketing company. The company contacted a massive quantity of people via mail inquiring for participation via mail and via telephone; they had more than 500, 000 participants. The researchers and the international marketing company solicited people based on census data so as to reach intentionally reach & sample a diverse population of participants. They collected data using surveys and questionnaires. The authors were concerned with drawing participants across levels of income, gender, race, and marital status. They made more than one adjustment to their sample group before sending out the questionnaires. They used the census data to draw on populations across age, population density and household size.

The method they…...



Eveland, Jr., W.P., & Shah, D.V. (2003) The Impact of Individual and Interpersonal Factors on Perceived News Media Bias. Political Psychology, 24(1), 101 -- 117.

Malhotra, N., & Krosnick, J.A. (2007) The Effect of Survey Mode and Sampling on Inferences about Political Attitudes and Behavior: Comparing the 2000 and 2004 ANES to Internet Surveys with Nonprobability Samples. Political Analysis, 15, 286 -- 323.

Sampling Is Best Utilized When
Pages: 2 Words: 571

In frequency control, the type of quota purposive sample being employed in this example, the surveyor would attempt to get a sample that comes close to the known percentages in the population (Cooper & Schindler, 2008). With frequency control, an exact sample is not required, only that the percentages surveyed are close to the known percentages in the population.
One of the weaknesses of quota purposive sampling is that the variables used to define a population may not be representative of other variables under study (Cooper & Schindler, 2008). The researcher may find that freshmen do not represent the important variable that is being researched, for example. Another weakness is in the data used to identify a demographic. That data could be flawed, outdated, or inaccurate, and as a result the researcher might not get an adequate sample (Cooper & Schindler, 2008). Still another weakness is the researcher's inability to…...



Cooper, D.R. & Schindler, P.S. (2008). Business Research Methods, 10th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Sampling Coding and Recording
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Social Network Survey
Draw a sample

The sample for this study utilizes non-probability sampling techniques. Unlike probability sampling, nonprobability sampling does not use random selection (Trochim, 2006). andom selection is rarely used in qualitative survey research as the population will have been selected for specific purposes and often a certain level of attribute representation is desired in the sample for purposes of analysis. Because distinctions between the responses of survey participants from small businesses and medium business are important, individual surveys will be employed.

A series of processes is used to identify and obtain a sample: those processes are together referred to as the sampling plan (Trochim, 2006). The sampling plan for this study uses a purposive sampling format. The sample unit from which the eventual sample will be drawn is commonly known as the sample unit (Trochim, 2006). In this study, the sample unit consists of local small and medium (SME) businesses…...



Dye, J.G, Schatz, I.M., Rosenberg, B.A., and Coleman, S.T. (2000, January). Constant comparison method: A kaleidoscope of data. The Qualitative Report, 4(1/2). Nova.

Goetz, M.D. And LeCompte, J.P. (1981, Spring). Ethnographic research and the problem of data reduction. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 12 (1), 51-70.

Trochim, W.M.K. (2006). Research Methods Knowledge Base. Retrieved

Developing a Sampling Plan
Pages: 17 Words: 5476

Sampling Plan
Before discussing a sampling plan, there has to be clear and unambiguous definitions of what a sample and sampling are. Despite diversity in the definition of a sample, the best meaning is that a sample could be considered as a subset of a population, with which a researcher would like to use as participants in a given research study (Landreneau & Creek, 2012). According to Deming (1990), sapling is a science, which specifically guides quantitative studies, materials, behavior and the different causes of difference. In other aspects of research such as the qualitative research, sampling could be considered as the art of selecting a part of a population, in a given research area that is a representation of the entire population.

Both the qualitative and quantitative researchers approach their sampling differently. For the quantitative researchers, samples which are selected are those that will give the researcher easy time when trying…...



Adler, E.S. & Clark, R. (2008). How It Is Done: An Invitation to Social Research. New York: Cengage Learning Publishers.

Babbie, E.R. (2010). The Practice of Social Research. New York: Cengage Learning.

Bartlett, J.E., Kotrlik, J.W. & Higgins, C.C. (2012). Organizational Research: Determining Appropriate Sample Size in Survey Research. Retrieved 28th October, 2012 from 

Beri, (2007). Marketing Research. India: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing.

Sampling Design & Data Method
Pages: 5 Words: 1442

(362) One additional note on this half of the duel research study was that the pair of applicants with and without fictitious criminal records was rotated throughout the experiment to reduce the odds that a single applicant would alter results if assigned the rigid role of ex-con or clean record applicant.
In the second half of the research study the same set of potential employers was surveyed using a vignette method. The vignette described the scenario of applicants who matched the (tester) applicants. The employers who were screened by asking for the person in charge of hiring at the place of business were then asked to respond to the scenario by answering questions regarding if they would or would not hire or consider hiring the applicant in the vignette. Data was collected utilizing the responses to the survey questions, which avoided direct racial comparisons but simply stated the race of…...


Works Cited

Pager, Devah and Lincoln Quillian.. "Walking the Talk? What Employers Say vs. What They Do." American Sociological Review 70: 2005, 355-380.

Gray, Paul S., John B. Williamson, David a. Karp, and John R. Dalphin the Research Imagination: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Sampling Data Analyses the Single-Study Critique Paper
Pages: 2 Words: 690

Sampling Data Analyses the single-study critique paper 2 individual assignment. Develop individual response Single-Study Paper 2 IOM topic area. Use article Single Study Critiques 1-2. It a requirement a quantitative study paper.
Quantitative article analysis

The Nursing esearch article "Effectiveness of an Aspiration isk-eduction Protocol" addresses a proposed method to reduce the risk of aspiration in critically ill patients through a three-pronged intervention strategy. The intervention strategy components include "maintaining head-of-bed elevation at 30 degrees or higher, unless contraindicated; inserting feeding tubes into distal small bowel, when indicated; and using an algorithmic approach for high gastric residual volumes" (Metheny, Davis-Jackson & Stewart 2010: 1). It used a two-group quasi-experimental design of critically ill, mechanically ventilated adult patients receiving tube feedings. 329 were in the control population, 145 in the experimental group (Metheny, Davis-Jackson & Stewart 2010: 1). The patients were all drawn from the same five ICUs at a Level I trauma…...



Metheny, Norma A., Jami Davis-Jackson & Barbara J. Stewart. (2010). Effectiveness of an Aspiration Risk-Reduction Protocol. Nursing Research, 59(1): 18 -- 25. Retrieved: doi:10.1097/NNR.0b013e3181c3ba05.

Sampling Sizes How Much Is Enough
Pages: 2 Words: 681

Sampling Size: Qualitative esearch
The aim of qualitative research is to ensure that the population in question is studied with sufficient rigor and above all sufficient depth to yield meaningful results. "There is a point of diminishing return to a qualitative sample -- as the study goes on more data does not necessarily lead to more information… qualitative research is concerned with meaning and not making generalised hypothesis statements" (Mason 2010:8). The advantage to large sampling sizes is that they are more representative as a whole and are less likely to be thrown off by anomalies: "for qualitative studies, where the goal is to 'reduce the chances of discovery failure,' a large sample size broadens the range of possible data and forms a better picture for analysis" ("The importance of a quality sample size," 2013, Unite for Sight). In the process of qualitative research, when a small sampling size is selected…...



Mason, M. (2010). Sample size and saturation in PHD studies using qualitative research.

Qualitative Social Research, 11 (3): 8. Retrieved from 

Maxwell, J.A. (2005). Qualitative research design: An interactive approach (2nd Ed.).

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Systematic Sampling Convenience Sampling Stratified
Pages: 1 Words: 362

The ordering is based on an arbitrary scale that holds no significance besides describing it's obvious qualities.
Nominal Data: Nominal data is information that is organized by name. There is no value in this type of data other than its descriptive use.

Discrete Data: Discrete data is information that needs specific beginning and ending points. Certainty is a required quality of this type of data. Discrete data is information that can be counted.

Continuous Data: Continuous data is information that can be taken from a scalar measurement. Continuous data can be recorded at many different points and can hold any numeric value.

2. Following are several variables. Which, if any, yield ordinal data? Explain your answer.

(a) height

(b) weight

(c) age

(d) sex

(e) number of siblings

(f) religion

(g) place of birth

(h) high-school class rank

3. Identify which type of sampling is used:

To avoid working late, a quality control analyst simply inspects the first 100 items produced in a…...

Participant Selection & Sampling Procedures Media Psychology
Pages: 2 Words: 821

Media Psychology

I will select my sample by first reviewing statistics about reality television programming. I want to find how about programs categorized as "reality television" in the United States of America. I want to know how many shows qualify as reality television. I want to know who the targeted audiences are for the programs. I want to determine the age range of intended viewers/demographics. My sample will contain participants from the youngest ages in the range to the oldest ages in the range. The sample will also contain the average age viewer and the mean age viewer based on the data gathered about reality television programming. Further, I am interested in participants that range across ethnicity, location, and class. Additional helpful information from the participants maybe how much television/media they consume in general so as to determine what percentage of their overall viewing is dedicated…...



Giles, D. (2003) Media Psychology: Chapter 3 -- Research Methods in Media Psychology. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.: Mahwah, NJ.

Jensen, K.B. (ed.) 2002. A Handbook of Media and Communication Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies -- Chapters 13: The quantitative research process; Chapter 15: The complementarity of qualitative and quantitative methodologies in media and communication research; Chapter16: The social origins and uses of media and communication research. Routledge: New York, NY.

Kallet, R.H. (2004) How to Write the Methods Section of a Research Paper. Respiratory Care, 49(10), 1229 -- 1232.

Random Sampling Why Random Sampling
Pages: 2 Words: 566

There are sampling methods that are still under the quantitative paradigm but utilize non-random sampling to collect data from samples that are either too expensive or logistically difficult to select if random sampling will be used instead. These sampling methods can be convenience, purposive, quota, and snowball sampling (Babbie, 2003:211).
Convenience sampling is a non-random sampling method used when the goal is just to achieve the target sample size of a specific group for the study. No other criteria are set except for the kind of group being targeted and sample size that needs to be achieved. Purposive sampling, meanwhile, specifies characteristics of units that will be included in the sample. These units could be extreme characteristics of each other, or maybe only units from the extreme end of a characteristic spectrum are needed. The objective of this sampling method is to include units of a specific type or a…...



Babbie, E. (2003). The Practice of Social Research. NY: Wadsworth Publishing.

Business Research Methods
Pages: 3 Words: 943

Business Methods
In order to study career aspirations, a survey of fifteen students was conducted to determine what level the student expected to achieve as their highest level. The students polled were all business students. The unit of analysis was scalar, with the options reflecting hierarchical levels within a corporation. The results of the survey were as follows:


Upper Management

Middle Management

Lower Management


These results show that business students have a wide range of aspirations and expectations for their careers. While some see themselves on a path to executive-level leadership, others see themselves slotting into middle- or upper-level managerial positions as their apex. None of the business students surveyed felt that they were likely to end up in a non-management role. Because of the desire to create scalar units of measurement, the question did not distinguish between these levels and entrepreneurship. So the size of the company in question was open to the interpretation…...



Lund Research (2012). Stratified random sampling. Lund Research. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from 

No author (2014). Business research process: An overview. EIS.HU.EDU. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from

can you help me with a research proposal entitled understanding the influence of extracurricular activities on students personal development and social engagement ?
Words: 281

Sure! Here is a suggested format for your research proposal:

Title: Understanding the Influence of Extracurricular Activities on Students' Personal Development and Social Engagement

- Brief overview of the topic
- Importance of studying the impact of extracurricular activities on students

Research Problem:
- What is the gap in current literature regarding the influence of extracurricular activities on personal development and social engagement?

Research Objectives:
- To examine the relationship between participation in extracurricular activities and personal development
- To explore the ways in which extracurricular activities contribute to social engagement among students

Literature Review:
- Summarize previous studies on the topic
- Identify key theories and concepts related to extracurricular....

What current data exists on Co2 monitoring methods in literature reviews?
Words: 593

Current Data on CO2 Monitoring Methods in Literature Reviews
Monitoring carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in various environments is crucial for understanding climate change, atmospheric pollution, and human health. Literature reviews provide comprehensive overviews of the current state of research on CO2 monitoring methods. This summary highlights key findings from recent literature reviews on CO2 monitoring techniques.
In-Situ Monitoring
In-situ monitoring involves measuring CO2 concentrations directly at the source or location of interest. Common methods include:
Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy: IR sensors use absorption or emission spectroscopy to detect specific wavelengths of light emitted or absorbed by CO2 molecules. They offer high accuracy and precision,....

How can strategic sampling design optimize supply chain management efficiency and performance?
Words: 538

## Strategic Sampling Design for Supply Chain Optimization

Strategic sampling design plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and performance of supply chain management. By carefully selecting a subset of data points or items for inspection, organizations can gather meaningful insights while minimizing resources and maximizing decision-making accuracy. Here's how strategic sampling design contributes to supply chain optimization:

### 1. Quality Control and Inspection:

Strategic sampling allows organizations to inspect a limited number of products or components to assess their quality. By focusing on specific characteristics or attributes, such as defects, dimensions, or composition, inspectors can identify potential issues with the manufacturing....

How do researchers in literature reviews ensure representative census sampling?
Words: 685

Researchers conducting literature reviews employ various strategies to ensure representative census sampling in their studies. The goal of representative sampling is to select a sample that accurately reflects the characteristics of the larger population from which it is drawn. This is crucial in ensuring the generalizability of research findings and minimizing bias. In the following literature review, we will discuss some common methods used by researchers to achieve representative census sampling in literature reviews.

One key strategy used by researchers is to carefully define their target population. This involves clearly outlining the specific demographic characteristics, geographic locations, and other relevant....

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