Sexual Orientation Essays (Examples)

938+ documents containing “sexual orientation”.

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Sexual Orientation of the Parent and Child Custody Proceedings
Many scholars have noted that the struggle that has ensued in the last few decades regarding equal rights and treatment for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community is akin to the Civil ights Movement in the 1960s. The struggle is fundamentally the same: portions of Americans are being denied their rights for superficial reasons that they cannot control. Just as one cannot control one's skin color, one can also not control one's sexual orientation. The fact that one's sexual orientation is even a question in child custody proceedings today is something that is going to be considered unfathomable in the decades to come. This paper intends to demonstrate without a doubt that one's sexual orientation, just like one's skin color or even one's religious beliefs, does not impact a child's well-being and should have no weight or bearing on child….

Finally, it was found that the anterior commissure in homosexual men and heterosexual women is larger and in heterosexual men it is smaller.
As a final example, Savic et al. studied the activation of the brain in heterosexual women and heterosexual and homosexual men in response to the odours of and EST, two chemicals which may act as human pheromones (Carlson, 2007). They found that the brains of homosexual men and heterosexual women responded similarly, and the brains of heterosexual men and women responded differently, suggesting that the response pattern is related to sexual orientation.

Of the theories mention in this paper, I believe the first one is the most accurate because it is the only theory which can explain the reasons for all forms of sexual orientation. The other two studied heterosexual men and women but only homosexual men, not homosexual women.


Carlson, N.. (2007). Physiology of Behaviour (9th ed.). City,….

sexual orientation and whether it is the result of the nature or environment has been the source of acrimonious debate for several decades. The debate has involved a wide spectrum of individuals such as scientists, religious officials, politicians, and the general public. Both sides of the issue possess strong feelings that they are correct in their assessment and the emotional nature of the issue has caused hard feelings to develop which make resolving the issue far more difficult.
Proponents of the argument that sexual orientation is determined by DNA or the result of hormonal development argue that because sexual orientation, whether gay or straight, is a function of nature it should be protected. Both gay and straight individuals should be, therefore, provided the same legal rights and protections. Opponents of the nature argument argue that sexual orientation is the result of environmental factors and, therefore, not natural. They argue that….

LGBT sexual orientation: is it genetically formulated?
The discussion surrounding the sexual orientation, especially those considered widely as not the mainstream in many societies like the lesbians, gay, bisexuals and transgender, has drawn mixed reactions and differing perspectives over the years. As a matter of fact, the treatment and consideration of such people under the law has elicited protracted legal suits with ultimate varying decisions being arrived at in different cases and different states. This constant debate on the LGBT has led to a constitutional tussle especially regarding the legalization and recognition of the marriages between the gays and the other groups with the sexual orientations mentioned above. The latest decision of the courts recognizing the gay marriages has significantly reshaped the debate surrounding the gay issue, but despite such rulings, debates and the social and medical researches conducted, there has not been enough evidence and facts to convince the….

Sexual Orientation
What Factors Determine Sexual Orientation

When a child is born they will look either male or female based on their genitalia and other cues that are psychologically fixed. Of course, there are children who are inter-sexed, but that is a discussion for another time. Whether that person is born obviously male or female there is no outward method for determining a baby's sexual orientation when they are born. It is a matter that is much discussed and bandied by people who want an easy answer. But easy answers to such questions as these are few and far between. Seeking to find out a child's sexual orientation when they are born, or discovering it for them as they develop, is a faulty attitude to take. This essay will look at the nature vs. nurture debate to see if it has yet been determined how a person's sexual orientation is determined.

By definition,….

Sexual Orientation Issues Impacting Electronic Cigarette International Group
The Board of Directors of Electronic Cigarette International Group (ECIG) is at the forefront of advancing vaping technology and dynamic changes in culture. The shift away from harmful tobacco smoke to a cleaner, safer vaping experience puts ECIG in position to profit from progressive attitudes towards a technological approach to safer smoking habits. At the same time, ECIG has an opportunity to stake a position within corporate social responsibility (CS) in terms of addressing the shifting changes in social attitudes towards sexual orientation. This report will show that by embracing a CS platform of diversity and welcome to LGBT groups, ECIG can position itself to be both a mainstream and alternative sector choice for lifestyle changes. This report will provide an overview of academic analysis regarding sexual orientation and workplace environments and give insight into how this subject affects ECIG both internally and….

Biology and sexual orientation he topic: SEXUAL OIENTATION AND SEXUAL IDENTITY...It college Biopsychology. Please focus biopsychology (biology, nature, genetics,)
Sexual orientation: Nature or nurture?

'Baby, I was born this way.' The new Lady Gaga song sums up a common theme of the modern gay rights movement: that sexuality is genetic, rather than psychologically determined. Given that homosexuality was once listed as a mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychological Association, it is understandable that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people would wish to emphasize that sexuality is not a disorder: the only 'disordered' aspect of gay sexuality in society is the prejudice directed against gay people. Current medical research literature seems to largely support this claim.

Scientists operating from a biological paradigm have found certain 'clues' which indicate that sexual orientation is hard-wired within structure of the brain. After studying the brains of right-handed,….

And that's the problem. The difficulty of locating sources that document same-sex love and sexuality is legendary
The problem of tracing the movement, then, springs from the fact that historians and academicians had difficulty searching for data, information, and other documents that can prove the existence and practice of same-sex sexual orientation from the 18th to 19th centuries. More than just the problem of locating documents that could prove the existence of homosexuality in these early years, Rupp also experienced problems proving the gender differences between male and female homosexuality, since one of the objectives she tried establishing is that homosexuality "in the case of women" tend "to reveal emotional attachments to other women...we often do not know whether the behavior says anything about love or desire."

After Rupp has posed the scholarly question of the origins and historicity of same-sex sexual orientation movement, "Improper Bostonians" chronicles the lives of famous….

Patient Sexual Orientation on Diagnosis Since DSM-IV
Since the creation of DSM-IV as a diagnostic tool, whether or not a patient is homosexual has affected their diagnosis. Whether or not this should be so is a discussion for another day, but why it is so is a more pressing question which needs to be answered. Concerns that many people are not getting the proper clinical diagnosis simply because they have a sexual orientation that varies from what is considered normal are likely not unfounded. In order to determine whether or not this effect on their diagnosis is detrimental, or even legitimate, it will be necessary to examine not only the history of clinical diagnosis, but how homosexuals are treated by psychologists in the present day.

The intent of this paper is to examine the available literature on this topic in several different ways in order to obtain a clear understanding of….

Materials used for this study consisted of a series of questionnaires: Series 1 was distributed to 300 individuals and included the question identifying sexual preference; Series 2 was designed to gauge the degree to which study participants considered themselves able to disclose potentially embarrassing information in an anonymous study; Series 3 consisted of specific questions designed to reveal any perceptions or disclosures on the part of participants consistent with the hypothesis.

The procedure employed by this study consisted of distributing Series 1 questionnaires to college students on two campuses with an effort made to include homosexual and bisexual individuals by soliciting responses from members of acknowledged gay associations as well as from the general student population. The experimenters then used Series 2 questions to narrow the original field of 300 participants to a smaller field of 100 to identify those individuals who expressed confidence in their willingness to discuss the issue….

Are Men and Women Born Gay

Homosexual Activity as a Function of Biochemistry Introduction
Homosexuality is one of the most controversial topics among people today precisely because so few actually understand it and what prompts some to pursue a homosexual lifestyle. Some view it as sinful, others are very accepting of it because they view it as natural even if it deviates from traditional sexual norms. There are various reasons for why individuals engage in homosexual activity and many of them are personal or environmental, though some are distinctly biological. In fact, while not everyone may be born gay and may come to adopting a homosexual lifestyle as a result of some experience in their younger life (such as rape or negative experiences with the opposite sex), researchers like Dr. Wesley Muhammad, Dr. Marc Breedlove and Dr. Gunter Dorner have shown that the biology of homosexuality is in fact established during fetal development. Thus, in some cases, people….


The Population Cohort: LGBTQ The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) comprise a minority population. Although a diverse group in terms of socioeconomic class background, age, ethnicity, and gender identity, shared experiences of discrimination will impact mental health outcomes. In fact, self-hatred and internalized stigma due to continued exposure to prejudicial attitudes leads to problems like hiding or identity concealment—remaining in the closet—will compound mental health issues by preventing the person from seeking help when needed (Edwards, 2012). Stress due to stigma and discrimination will be compounded by additional factors like race/ethnicity and gender. The composition of the LGBTQ population is incredibly diverse, with the possibility for double or triple minority status such as with Asian American, African American, and other minority groups within the LGBTQ community (Chong-suk Han, Ayala, Paul, et al., 2015; Syzmanski & Sung, 2010). Research has shown that members of the LGBTQ community experience stressors that….

Gay and Lesbian Fight for rights based on \"One Nation Under God\" Documentary Heterosexism is very religious in the context where the people believe that God created people in pairs of the opposite sex, and involved within the same-sex people is considered highly sinful (Rzeznik, 1993). In this sense, heterosexism is considered a natural sexual orientation. At the same time, homosexuals are contrasted in this film in different ways, where people have devised various analogies to explain this sexual orientation other than being natural. Homosexuals are considered mentally ill to the point where people have researched their family history and came up with different theories like having a distant father or mother and son relationship configuration creates a disturbance in childhood, which results in problematic sexual orientation (Rzeznik, 1993). It is considered ungodly to practice sexual orientation by the homosexuals (Rzeznik, 1993)
Some believe that heterosexuality is locked within the people; it's….

Insights on CounselingWorking with an LGBTGEQIAP+ student has provided me with the insight that I must continue to be vigilant in addressing any systemic inequities they may face in order to create a safe and equitable school environment. Through my counseling role, I have taken intentional steps to ensure that this student is heard and respected, through affirming language and understanding their diverse perspectives. To further support this student, I have taken steps to create an environment in which they feel safe to express their identity and be their authentic selves. This includes pushing for more inclusive school policies, educating staff on the importance of using gender-neutral language when interacting with students, and engaging in ongoing conversations about how to foster an inclusive and accepting climate. I also continue to create resources for them such as information about local LGBTQIA+ support groups and organizations that can provide additional personal and….

Managing Workforce Diversity
Diversity is a widely used concept in organizations seeking to be more heterogeneous regarding gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and the inclusion of other diverse groups. The concept is viewed as the commitment of organizations to recognizing and appreciating different characteristics (age, culture, cognitive style, and religious beliefs among others) making individuals unique in their working environments. By so doing, these organizations promote and celebrate people and their collective achievement and thus, keep everyone engaged.

Today, organizations have adopted diversity management, and this implies that the company has conditions that prevent discrimination or employees preferential treatment. All of these are based on the existing diversity, and they facilitate on the utilization of competence and performance of every individual in the organization. Thereby, this enabled organizations to maximize their employee's ability to contribute to their organizational goals by looking at demographic diversity, age diversity, gender diversity, and ethnic diversity….

Title: The Imperative of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Driving Progress in Modern Society

In a world characterized by globalization and interconnectedness, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have emerged as essential pillars for thriving societies and organizations. This essay delves into the significance of DEI and explores compelling essay topics that highlight its multifaceted nature.

Essay Topic 1: The Business Case for DEI: A Catalyst for Innovation and Growth
Analyze the economic benefits of DEI in organizations, showcasing how diverse teams foster innovation, enhance creativity, and drive superior business outcomes.

Essay Topic 2: The Moral Imperative of DEI: Creating a Just and Equitable Society
Explore the....

## Selecting Essay Topics on Mental Health Acceptance

Mental health acceptance has become an increasingly prevalent concern in recent years, as individuals and organizations alike recognize the profound impact that stigma and discrimination have on the mental well-being of countless people. By shedding light on this critical issue, essays can serve as powerful tools for advocacy, education, and social change.

## Suggested Topics for Essays on Mental Health Acceptance

1. The Persistent Stigma: Exploring the Roots and Consequences of Mental Health Stigma

Examine the historical and socio-cultural factors that have contributed to the stigma surrounding mental illness.
Analyze the impact of stigma on....

Essay Topic 1: The Gender Gap in Sexual Violence Reporting and Prosecution

Opposing Viewpoint 1: The gender gap in sexual violence reporting and prosecution is primarily due to societal factors, such as victim-blaming, fear of retaliation, and lack of support for survivors.
Opposing Viewpoint 2: The gender gap stems from inherent biological differences between men and women, such as higher levels of testosterone in men, which may contribute to aggression and sexual drive.

Essay Topic 2: The Role of Gender in Victim Blaming and Sexual Violence

Opposing Viewpoint 1: Victim blaming is a pervasive problem in cases of sexual violence, with....

1. The gender pay gap and its impact on female workers
2. The challenges faced by women in male-dominated industries
3. The underrepresentation of women in leadership positions
4. The societal expectations and pressures placed on women that hinder their progress
5. The intersectionality of gender and other factors, such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and class, in creating additional barriers for women
6. The impact of motherhood on women's careers and opportunities for advancement
7. The lack of support and resources available for women in various fields and industries
8. The psychological effects of discrimination and bias on women in the workplace

4 Pages
Research Paper


Sexual Orientation of a Person Should Not Be a Consideration in Child Custody Proceedings

Words: 1273
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Sexual Orientation of the Parent and Child Custody Proceedings Many scholars have noted that the struggle that has ensued in the last few decades regarding equal rights and treatment for…

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1 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexual Orientation Sexualorientation Sexual Orientation

Words: 316
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Finally, it was found that the anterior commissure in homosexual men and heterosexual women is larger and in heterosexual men it is smaller. As a final example, Savic et…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexual Orientation and Whether it Is the

Words: 726
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

sexual orientation and whether it is the result of the nature or environment has been the source of acrimonious debate for several decades. The debate has involved a…

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5 Pages

Sociology - Family Issues

Sexual Orientation and the Gift of Nature

Words: 1727
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Chapter

LGBT sexual orientation: is it genetically formulated? The discussion surrounding the sexual orientation, especially those considered widely as not the mainstream in many societies like the lesbians, gay, bisexuals…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

What Gives US a Sexual Orientation

Words: 628
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Sexual Orientation What Factors Determine Sexual Orientation When a child is born they will look either male or female based on their genitalia and other cues that are psychologically fixed. Of…

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8 Pages

Sports - College

Cross Cultural Impact of Sexual Orientation at Work

Words: 2486
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Sexual Orientation Issues Impacting Electronic Cigarette International Group The Board of Directors of Electronic Cigarette International Group (ECIG) is at the forefront of advancing vaping technology and dynamic changes in…

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3 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Biology and Sexual Orientation He Topic Sexual

Words: 995
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Biology and sexual orientation he topic: SEXUAL OIENTATION AND SEXUAL IDENTITY...It college Biopsychology. Please focus biopsychology (biology, nature, genetics,) Sexual orientation: Nature or nurture? 'Baby, I was born this way.' The…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Same-Sex Sexual Orientation the Development

Words: 843
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

And that's the problem. The difficulty of locating sources that document same-sex love and sexuality is legendary The problem of tracing the movement, then, springs from the fact that…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Patient Sexual Orientation on Diagnosis Since DSM-IV

Words: 605
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Patient Sexual Orientation on Diagnosis Since DSM-IV Since the creation of DSM-IV as a diagnostic tool, whether or not a patient is homosexual has affected their diagnosis. Whether or…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Psychology - Sexual Orientation the

Words: 1006
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Materials used for this study consisted of a series of questionnaires: Series 1 was distributed to 300 individuals and included the question identifying sexual preference; Series 2 was designed…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Gender / Sexuality

Are Men and Women Born Gay

Words: 2279
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Homosexual Activity as a Function of Biochemistry Introduction Homosexuality is one of the most controversial topics among people today precisely because so few actually understand it and what prompts some to…

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5 Pages



Words: 1423
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The Population Cohort: LGBTQ The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) comprise a minority population. Although a diverse group in terms of socioeconomic class background, age, ethnicity, and gender…

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5 Pages

Gay / Lesbian

One Nation Under God Documentary

Words: 1539
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Gay and Lesbian Fight for rights based on \"One Nation Under God\" Documentary Heterosexism is very religious in the context where the people believe that God created people in pairs…

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2 Pages


Supporting LGBTQIA Students in High School

Words: 551
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Insights on CounselingWorking with an LGBTGEQIAP+ student has provided me with the insight that I must continue to be vigilant in addressing any systemic inequities they may face in…

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2 Pages


Sexual Orientation and Diversity

Words: 646
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Managing Workforce Diversity Diversity is a widely used concept in organizations seeking to be more heterogeneous regarding gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and the inclusion of other diverse groups.…

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