Sexually Transmitted Diseases Essays (Examples)

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Syphilis is a highly contagious disease that is caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. ("Syphilis - CDC Factsheet") This disease is spread primarily through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral; but can also be spread by extended kissing. Another form of the disease, called "congenital syphilis" occurs when a pregnant woman spreads the disease to their unborn child. This can result in birth defects, abnormalities, or even the death of the child. The bacterium Treponema pallidum can only be transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected one through sores found on the infected person's body. These sores are small, firm and round and appear on the genitals, anus, or mouth. ("Syphilis - CDC Factsheet") Because these sores are often not recognized as being caused by Syphilis, many people do not know they are infected and go on to infect others. Contrary to popular belief, this disease….

Once a person has been infected, there is no known cure for this Herpes hence one becomes a carrier for life, only suppressing the effects that it has on him.
Some of the more outstanding symptoms are blisters that are small and fluid filled around the genital area (vaginal lips, vagina, cervix, head/shaft/foreskin of the penis, scrotum, buttocks, anus or thighs). These small blisters are noted to burst leaving sores that are often quite painful. There is also the itchy feeling around the anal area and in the genital areas. The patient can also have backaches, flu-like conditions, swollen glands or fever as well as headaches. In some instances there can be tingling sensation around the anal area and the genitals even before the outbreak of Herpes, since it can be spread to other people even before the host shows any symptoms.

Upon outbreak, the first bout is the worst and….

The symptoms of HIV infection are similar to the flu. In addition, the lymph glands swell. The virus can remain dormant for even decades, but eventually attack the immune system. AIDS results when the immune system is completely overwhelmed. Death results from problems with the immune system or AIDS-related complications. Dementia is one of these symptoms.
Syphilis: This is a bacterial disease that affects men more than it does women (by about 60%). It is cases by the bacterial Terponoma pallidum. It is treatable by penicillin (except in cases of those with allergies, who are treated by other antibiotics). The cure is simple, though several cases go unreported. The symptoms occur in three stages and can even culminate in death. The progress through the stages takes place if the disease is left untreated. The first stage involves painless sores on the genitals, lips and tongues. In the second stage, a….

However, because of their nature, it is more appropriate to study them as STIs, or sexually transmitted infections since that is the their most common form, and the manner in which they are typically spread. The distinction, particularly from a public health perspective, is that the term STI has a broader range -- meaning those who may become infected through needle sharing, sexual activity, or medical procedures; not necessarily those who develop the disease.
Studies show that approximately 1 million people are infected with an STI daily, almost half of those under the age of 30.

At least 25% of U.S. teenage girls have had a STI, 40% among those who have acknowledged they are sexually active. In the world, AIDS/HIV is the single largest cause of mortality in some countries (Sub-Saharan Africa) and one of the most hard to control and virulent STIs. In the United States, about 1.1 million….

Health Informatics The Central Research Question:
What are actually the unidentified sexual issues with the geriatric set and how can they be resolved?
In line with Peterson (2017) the subject of sex amid the aging population had gradually become insignificant, a monumental time killer and sometimes an even oxymoron. This viewpoint has altered recently. The Peterson’s (2017) book on sex therapy discusses the experiences of sex within this geriatric group.
A few of the apparent sexuality issues faced by the aged are actually; declining intimacy and decreasing sexual activity and appetite. The factors for this happen to be a decline of estrogen hormone in females and testosterone hormone in males. Kalra, Subramanyam and Pinto (2011) established that elderly females frequently lose virginal secretion and male's erectile function declines concurrently as well.
Most of the patients in this group frequently try to get guidance on methods which can activate their sex life once again. Elderly males….

From the Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Act (Section 27), venereal diseases refer to ailments like gonorrhoea, granuloma, chlamydia, chancroid, syphilis, lymphopathia venereum and inguinale (Public Health Law Research, 2014). Established by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the California Regulations and Reportable Disease Information Exchange refer to a safe system used for automated disease diagnosis and monitoring. A number of certain conditions and diseases are authorized by State regulations and rules to be stated by laboratories and healthcare providers to the state healthcare agencies. The mission CPDH pursues is the enhancement of the efficacy of surveillance exercises as well as the quick identification of health occurrences amid public via the gathering of timely and up-to-date surveillance information across the State. This provides a platform for reporting as well as collection of health conditions in real time throughout the year. CPDHs and LHDs (or Local Health Departments) are both….

Sexual Transmitted Disease

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Given the advances in medicine and public health over the past several decades, most people might assume that the incidence and prevalence of sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) is declining; however, the scientific evidence suggests otherwise. ecent estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States suggest that 20 million new STD infections occur every year and cost the U.S. health care system close to $16 billion dollars annually (CDC, 2013). This is up from 12 million STD infections and $10 billion dollars annually during the mid-1990s (Zenilman, 2004). In 2011, reports of chlamydia incidence set another annual record, double from what it was just 10 years ago (CDC, 2011). To better understand the health threats facing Americans when they engage in sexual activity this report will review what is known about the most common STDs infecting the population.….

Social Sciences
Living with the genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) creates several problems for the herpes sufferer. This paper delves into the emotional, physical, and social stressors that a person with genital herpes is subjected to, and it suggests a research project based on several scenarios, including the male college student who has herpes and how he approaches his health issue when it comes to intimacy with a girlfriend. In other words, there are ethical issues involved. Should a man tell his girlfriend that he has herpes, or should he just be sure not to become intimate with her when he is having an outbreak? Which decision is the most ethical?

Social Science Research on Herpes and Dating - ackground

Genital herpes causes periodic physical discomfort but it also causes "recurrent emotional distress" because one never knows when an outbreak will occur, and certainly the male in this research does not want to….

Sexually Active Teenagers:
The Use of Theory to Protect America's Youth

In 2003, sixty two percent of American high school seniors admitted to being sexually active. The use of condoms in the high school population has increased over the last decade; however, not all teenagers are using any form of contraception (The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005). In order to protect against unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and infections, the public health department must influence the use of condoms to sexually active teenagers. To best assist with this task, Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen's Theories of easoned Action and Planned Behavior will be a most valuable resource in forming a thoroughly strong campaign.

In the mid- to late 1970s, Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen proposed the Theory of easoned Action, which began as solely a study of attitude. It later developed into including behavior as well. The two….

Castor Std, Castor Enhanced, Castor Enhanced Minor policies Constructit E-Editors.
Economic issues simulation

Castor Collins is currently faced with the need to enhance its presence within the market and, in doing so, it sets out to attract more enrollees. Currently, the company has been solicited to make health care plan offers to two companies, namely Constructit and E-Editors. Each of the companies is characterized by its own traits, which generate the need for different offers.

E-Editors employs a total of 1,600 people, who are willing to pay an insurance of up to $4,500 per year. Constructit employs 1,000 individuals and these are willing to pay up to $4,000 per year for their health insurance plan. In terms of profiles, Constructit is more so populated by younger and healthier employees, who are however faced with higher risks of workplace accidents. In the case of E-Editors, this firm is characterized by a diverse workforce,….

Pelvic inflammatoy disease, a citical poblem
Occuence o ecuence of pelvic inflammatoy disease o PID has been linked to STIs such as C. tachomatis o Neisseia gonohoeae. Patient education and simplified guidelines ae needed to develop accuate diagnosis. In ode fo changes to take place, moe eseach must be done to undestand the complex natue of the disease and the most effective and cost effective method of teatment.

This pape delves into the isk factos, diagnosis pocesses, teatment, elevant psychological issues, public health implications, patient and family education, and appopiate efeal to specialty by eviewing liteatue petinent to PID. The esults of the liteatue eview show vey little in the past was done in egads to eseaching symptoms of PID and teatment efficacy. New eseach shows lowe abdominal pain as a main indicato of PID as well as C. tachomatis o Neisseia gonohoeae. The data also elaboates on the isks of….

Using condoms is also an excellent prevention activity that can also be used (Primary and Secondary HIV Prevention, 2008).
Potential obstacles to HIV prevention activities taking place in clinical settings often include:

narrow formations of medical care and the role of physicians or health care providers in HIV prevention, a provider's discomfort with discussing human sexuality and illicit drug use and their attitudes towards persons with HIV or AIDS along with constraints on time and resources, and the vagueness of HIV prevention messages (Primary and Secondary HIV Prevention, 2008).

The very nature of HIV transmission involves behaviors that are not readily discussed in American society. It is important for health care providers to become comfortable discussing sexual and substance-use activities with their patients. They need to create an environment of trust for patients so their risk behaviors can be discussed. It is important to assure the patient of the confidential nature of…., through the National Guideline Clearinghouse at
Evidence-based findings concerning chlamydia screening and treatment of PID contained in the peer-reviewed and scholarly literature.

The additional resources cited at Appendix a will also be consulted.

3. Identify a specific group of people that are being affected by the disease/condition. The screening guidelines published by the USPSTF recommend that the following specific groups of women should be routinely screened, whether or not they are pregnant, if they:

Are sexually active and aged 25 or younger;

Have more than one sexual partner, regardless of age;

Have had an STD in the past, regardless of age; and Do not use condoms consistently and correctly, regardless of age (Screening for Chlamydial infection) a. Explain any unhealthy behaviors that may be contributing to the disease/condition. Some of the unhealthy behaviors that may contribute to the incidence of PID include (1) having multiple sex partners and (2) not using condoms consistently and….

Medical Ethics
Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Contact Tracing

MG is a 27-year-old graduate student, recently married, who comes into the student health clinic for a routine pelvic exam and Pap smear. During the course of the exam, the gynecology resident performing the exam obtains the Pap smear, but also obtains cervical cultures for gonorrhea and chlamydia. The examination concludes uneventfully. Several weeks later, MG receives a postcard indicating that the Pap smear was normal, with no evidence of dysplasia, but that the cervical culture for gonorrhea was positive. The card instructs her to come into the clinic to discuss treatment, and that "public health authorities" have been notified for contact tracing, which refers to the identification and diagnosis of sexual partners, as required by law. The young woman is terrified that her husband will be contacted. Is contact tracing ethically justified?

While it is definitely not a good thing that the woman has….

exually Transmitted Diseases in Developing Countries
exually transmitted diseases (TD's) have been a problem for doctors worldwide and governments around the globe for many years.

Pre-screening, diagnosis, and treatment programs are required to stop the spread of TDs.

A host of sexually transmitted diseases have, unfortunately, exploded in large numbers in the continent of Africa. These TD's include the HIV virus and the HPV virus, or human papillomavirus. HPV causes cervical cancer, and the HIV virus causes AID (auto-immune deficiency syndrome).

It is estimated that there are 100 million cases of AID worldwide, and that AID is now claiming more lives than all wars and natural disasters around the world.

In Africa, the problem is quite tremendous.

In outh Africa alone, there are 4.7 million people infected with the AID virus. outh Africa is the world's country with the largest infected population.

adly, it is estimated that worldwide, less than 1% of people infected with AID take….

The key to writing a good argumentative essay is thoroughly understanding the pros and cons of the topic you are considering.  That is because you are asked to take a position in an argumentative essay and support that position, while also being ready to meet challenges that would come from people taking a different position.  Sex education is a surprisingly divisive topic given the evidence that supports sex education as being a positive for students.  Much of this division is based in religious and moral objections to sex education, and, while it....

2 Pages


Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Words: 800
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Syphilis is a highly contagious disease that is caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. ("Syphilis - CDC Factsheet") This disease is spread primarily through sexual contact, including…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Sexually Transmitted Disease Sexual Transmitted

Words: 3217
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Once a person has been infected, there is no known cure for this Herpes hence one becomes a carrier for life, only suppressing the effects that it has…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases STD

Words: 1244
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The symptoms of HIV infection are similar to the flu. In addition, the lymph glands swell. The virus can remain dormant for even decades, but eventually attack the…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Sexually Transmitted Diseases Also Had

Words: 1150
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

However, because of their nature, it is more appropriate to study them as STIs, or sexually transmitted infections since that is the their most common form, and the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


The Aging Population Sexual Awareness of STDs and Sexual Behaviors

Words: 1147
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Health Informatics The Central Research Question: What are actually the unidentified sexual issues with the geriatric set and how can they be resolved? Introduction In line with Peterson (2017) the subject of sex…

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3 Pages


Sexually Transmitted Diseases and how Automated disease diagnosis and monitoring can help

Words: 1916
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

From the Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Act (Section 27), venereal diseases refer to ailments like gonorrhoea, granuloma, chlamydia, chancroid, syphilis, lymphopathia venereum and inguinale (Public Health Law Research,…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Sexual Transmitted Disease

Words: 1837
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

STDs: A MAJO CONTEMPOAY PUBLIC HEALTH CONCEN Sexually Transmitted Diseases Given the advances in medicine and public health over the past several decades, most people might assume that the incidence and…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Checking Ethical Decisions - The Transmission of STD

Words: 749
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Social Sciences Living with the genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) creates several problems for the herpes sufferer. This paper delves into the emotional, physical, and social stressors that a person…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexually Active Teenagers The Use of Theory

Words: 625
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Sexually Active Teenagers: The Use of Theory to Protect America's Youth In 2003, sixty two percent of American high school seniors admitted to being sexually active. The use of condoms in…

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4 Pages


Castor Std Castor Enhanced Castor Enhanced Minor

Words: 1072
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Castor Std, Castor Enhanced, Castor Enhanced Minor policies Constructit E-Editors. Economic issues simulation Castor Collins is currently faced with the need to enhance its presence within the market and, in…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Words: 2543
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pelvic inflammatoy disease, a citical poblem Occuence o ecuence of pelvic inflammatoy disease o PID has been linked to STIs such as C. tachomatis o Neisseia gonohoeae. Patient education…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal


Communicable Disease Epidemiology Has Been

Words: 2112
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Using condoms is also an excellent prevention activity that can also be used (Primary and Secondary HIV Prevention, 2008). Potential obstacles to HIV prevention activities taking place in clinical…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Conduct a

Words: 4252
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper, through the National Guideline Clearinghouse at Evidence-based findings concerning chlamydia screening and treatment of PID contained in the peer-reviewed and scholarly literature. The additional resources cited at Appendix a…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

The Ethics of Controlling Disease Spread

Words: 1071
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Medical Ethics Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Contact Tracing MG is a 27-year-old graduate student, recently married, who comes into the student health clinic for a routine pelvic exam and Pap smear.…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Workforce Education Training and Development

Words: 1229
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

exually Transmitted Diseases in Developing Countries exually transmitted diseases (TD's) have been a problem for doctors worldwide and governments around the globe for many years. Pre-screening, diagnosis, and treatment programs are…

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