Steel Essays (Examples)

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Nucor the Steel Industry Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1230

Three human resources management tactics that can help to address these issues are the fostering of corporate culture, the integration of new companies and JVs and lastly the path of promotion in the company. The corporate culture is essential to the success of a company like Nucor, which must attract talented individuals from throughout the industry in order to maintain its leadership position. In addition, in an industry focused on low cost production, corporate culture is often a key driver of cost reductions (as at al-Mart, Southwest Airlines, Costco and other low cost providers). In order to implement a low cost strategy, the culture must support that strategy (, 2010). The integration of new companies and joint ventures into the Nucor fold is partially a strategic issue, but it is one with many HRM applications, from integration of compensation policy to establishing company-wide training programs and the aforementioned cultural initiatives.…...


Works Cited:

2008 Nucor Annual Report. Retrieved March 24, 2010 from 

No author (2003). Nucor Corp's organizational culture. ICMR. Retrieved March 24, 2010 from 

Campbell, P., Blejde, W., Mahapatra, R. & Wechsler, R. (2004). Recent progress on commercialization of Castrip direct strip casting technology at Nucor Crawfordsville. Metallurgist. Vol. 48 (9-10) 507-514.

No author. (2010). The cultural web. Retrieved March 24, 2010 from

Guns Germs and Steel and
Pages: 5 Words: 1840

As the world is more thoroughly explored, social scientists seem to find that the words social and science are largely contradictory and an oxymoron. Even rational choice theory bases its conclusions upon statistics and upon a costs and benefits analysis to come up with their conclusions in a more logical manner. Simply put, rationality can not be directly tested. Rather, social scientists that base their ideas upon rational choice theory build dependable and testable models.
In Guns, Germs and Steel, there are no testable models. There are no alternative models whatsoever. The determinism of Mr. Diamond's theory makes his reasoning circular, and therefore not able to be tested. This is what makes his effort amateur history. It is possible that the book due to its apparent originality garnered some awards. However, while Mr. Diamond's efforts to put the science in social science is laudable, it is largely amateurish in its…...


Works Cited

"Ancient Greece: Sparta." Ancient Greece. Available from Internet; accessed 1 May 2010.

Diamond, Jared.

1997. Guns Germs and Steel. New York: WW. Norton.

Downs, Robert.

Nucor Corporation Steel Industry Trends
Pages: 3 Words: 809

HRM Issues

One of the most important HRM issues that must be addressed is represented by the fact that the company does not use job descriptions. Although the practice of Nucor and the appreciation of both managers and employees have revealed that this system seems to be working, the situation must be changed in order to increase and to maintain efficiency.

The company's motivational system is another area of interest in relation with HRM practices. This is because the company admits to not believing in a formal motivational system that would refer to formal rewards and punishments. The company's managers consider that a formal motivational system would be less efficient than the one implemented by Nucor. Also, employees probably feel more at ease with an informal system rather than with a formal one.

Another HRM issue is represented by the company's intention of creating an egalitarian culture within the company, and therefore increasing…...

Guns Germs Steel
Pages: 3 Words: 968

Guns, Germs, and Steel is the documentary film version of Jared Diamond's Pulitzer Prize winning book of the same name. Like the book, the documentary is divided into three separate sections. This allows for the logical development of Diamond's ideas, and for the application of the underlying thesis to different time periods, themes, and human populations. Although extensive ground is covered in the three episodes, the premise and themes are straightforward enough so that the documentary never becomes complicated or clunky. The title explains the primary three issues that have impacted human history, allowing some people to have a strategic advantage over others. When these advantages occur in groups, the results can be dramatic to the victors and devastating to the losers.
Developing guns and other armament depends not only the availability of resources to manufacture weapons of mass destruction, but more importantly, the political situations that warrant their use.…...



Guns, Germs, and Steel. PBS Documentary. Retreived online:

Guns Germs Steel Based on
Pages: 1 Words: 452

hat are the symbols of group identity in the United States? Are they good or bad in your opinion?

Symbols of group identity often pertain to foodstuffs (such as the critical evolution of wheat, corn, and the animals consumed) and cultural symbols such as literacy. hat one eats, where one lives, and how one expresses one's self-reflects one's cultural associations -- whether a society was a hunter-gatherer or agrarian in ancient times, and in the United States today. For example -- is a person prosperous and can select a variety of foods from the local market, like a sushi-eating urbanite, or is he or she forced to eat cheap fast food? Is he or part of a particular ethnic group striving to recreate his or her culture in the United States, or striving to assimilate by serving hamburgers and French fries? Apparently functional items like clothing styles, sizes of cars, where…...


Works Cited

Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, Steel. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 199

Smorgon Steel Case Study Analysis
Pages: 11 Words: 4300

The company has chosen to make a substantial investment in the Easy Pay Enterprise (EPE) platform that acts as an Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) layer that serves to integrate the many processes areas where accounting and human resources are required to complete internal tasks. EPE is actually an integration layer suite of applications that is tailored only to shared common corporate functions. To date, Smorgon has found this a useful integration suite for their Shared Business Services architecture. Batch-oriented integration of key system updates and financials from operations must be consolidated, analyzed and stored on the SAP /3 instance first. The integration between EPE and the SAP /3 instance is not considered reliable due to the strict formatting and naming convention features SAP uses and that the EPE cannot exactly match on all transactions. As a result, Smorgon continues to spend heavily on consulting and integration projects between EPE…...


Resources Conference. Smorgon Cash Flow and Corporate Growth. Accessed from the Internet on October 6th, 2006:

Demand Driven Supply Network: Striving for Supply Chain Transparency. AMR Research.

Thursday January 22, 2004. John Fontanella, Vinay Askegar, Bill Swanton. Boston, MA

Master Data Management Framework: Begin with the End in Mind. Bill Swanton. Report published by AMR Research. Boston, MA Tuesday September 27, 2005.

Manufacturing Snapshot 2006: Information Architectures for Operations Intelligence Are Still a Work in Progress Report published by AMR Research. Boston, MA. Thursday, August 31, 2006

Analysis of Iron and Steel
Pages: 3 Words: 1084

Iron and Steel
The refining of the heavy metal element iron can be considered as one of the technologies with the greatest impact on today's society. This is primarily because iron makes a series of modern products, particularly commercial iron that is commonly known as steel (which is rich in carbon). Iron and steel are increasingly used to make several modern products and items such as cars, skyscrapers, tractors, rails, guns, bridges, ships, and trains. The increased use of iron and steel in the manufacturing of these products is attributable to the fact that they make them strong. However, the importance of iron can be traced back to the Iron Age period where primitive societies learned how to refine it and use it in making several products, tools, and items. The significance of iron and steel in today's manufacturing processes can be understood through examining these metals with regards to their…...



British Broadcasting Corporation. (n.d.). Extracting Metals and Making Alloys. British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved May 2, 2015, from 

Clark, J. (2015, July). Iron and Steel. Retrieved May 2, 2015, from 

Woodford, C. (2015, August 21). Iron and Steel. Retrieved May 2, 2015, from

Recycled Steel Fiber on Environmental
Pages: 3 Words: 1041

The work of Aoude, Cook, and Mitchell (2009) reports a studying which "a series of 13 full-scale axial compression tests was conducted on reinforced concrete (RC) and steel fiber-reinforced concrete (SFRC) columns." (p.1) Results of the study are stated to indicate that "the addition of steel fibers can partially substitute for the confinement reinforcement in columns, thereby improving constructability while achieving significant confinement." (p.1) The work of Klemens (2004) entitled: "New Fibers Add Flexibility: Precast Concrete is an Ideal Use for the Product" states that the idea for steel fiber reinforcement for concrete emerged through research at the University of Michigan more than a decade ago. The resulting product, which greatly increases the effectiveness of steel fibers, is just now becoming commercially available." (p.1) It is related in this study that a screw type shape is used to reinforce the steel and that this serves to increase the bonding strength…...



Vilkner, G., Meyer, C. And Shimanovich, S. (Date Unknown) Properties of Glass Concrete Containing Recycled Carpet Fibers. VILKNER, Glass Concrete with Carpet Fibers. Civil Engineering Columbia University. Online available at: 

Aoude, Hassan, Cook, William D, Mitchell, Denis (2009) Behavior of Columns Constructed with Fibers and Self-Consolidating Concrete. ACI Structural Journal 1 May 2009. Online available at: 

Klemens, Tom (2004) New Fibers Add Flexibility: Precast Concrete is an Ideal Use for the Product. The Concrete Producer. 1 April 2004. Online available at: 

Hwai-Chung Wu, Yun Mook Lim and V.C. Li (2004) Application of Recycled Tyre Cord in Concrete for Shrinkage Crack Control. Journal of Materials Science Letters. 22 Oct 2004. Vol. 15. No. 20 reprint of 1996 journal article. Online available at:

Guns Germs and Steel Summary
Pages: 2 Words: 567

Strengths of Author's Argument

On their face, the author's main arguments seem to make sense. The way different societies developed depended largely on the natural resources available to them. Greater resources led to larger and more complex societies that both permitted and promoted subsequent technological development and advancement. By the time Western societies encountered and dominated tropical societies, the means through which they did so were result of earlier (natural) causes rather than the result of inherent differences in ability.

Weakness of Author's Argument

Frankly, it is difficult to critically assess the writing and argument of a writer who is profoundly more qualified in his area of professional expertise than this reviewer. Nevertheless, his characterization of tropical native hunter-gatherers as being more intelligent (because of natural selection) than Western people seems tenuous and speculative, unlike the rest of his arguments that are based on objective evidence and reasonable inferences.

Contribution to World History

On balance,…...

Guns Germs and Steel and American History
Pages: 2 Words: 672

Cultural Change:
Guns, Germs and Steel vs. Culture Sketches: Case Studies in Anthropology

As indicated by the title of Jared Diamond's book and the films based on his text Guns, Germs and Steel, Diamond takes a relatively fatalistic view of how the environment impacts human culture. From Diamond's perspective, history is shaped through the influences of biological phenomena and changes in technology. For example, the fact that the native inhabitants of Central America had no immunological resistance to the diseases like smallpox carried by the conquistadors, the history of the world was changed. Europeans had some immunological resistance because they lived in close proximity to their livestock while the Incas did not. They also had superior technology: "political competition within Europe fueled a medieval arms race. Pizarro's conquistadors were armed with the latest and greatest in weapons technology -- guns, and swords. The Inca, by comparison, had never worked iron or…...


Works Cited

Diamond, Jared. "Episode Two: Conquest." Guns, Germs, and Steel. PBS. Transcript. 2005.

Web. 8 Dec 2015.

Peters-Golden, Holly. Culture Sketches: Case Studies in Anthropology. New York:

McGraw-Hill, 2015.

Steel Frame Construction Bibliography and
Pages: 15 Words: 4365

According to Montgomery (2003), "Higher floors of buildings tended to rent at a substantial discount, due to the need to climb several flights of stairs to reach one's workplace or residence. Otis's invention of the safety elevator at mid-century heralded the end of this constraint on vertical real estate development" (495). Likewise, Masden notes that the increasingly confident use of the relatively new ' elevators' also fueled demand for more steel frame structures; such new steel-framed buildings were known during this early period as "elevator buildings" instead of skyscrapers, a term that was first coined in 1883 (Marsden 78).
The underlying theory behind steel frame construction during its early use, though, fueled some well-intentioned but misguided efforts that adversely influenced future applications, selection of building materials, site selection and other salient factors involved in construction. In this regard, Mumford (1959) reports that, "Unfortunately, the skyscraper was an almost automatic response…...


Works Cited

Code of Standard Practice. 2006. American Iron and Steel Institute: Committee on Framing Standards. Steel Framing Alliance Practice Guide CF06-1.

Fanjoy, Rob. 2006. "As an alternative to lumber, cold-formed steel framing has advantages and disadvantages. Here's what you need to know." Steel Framing Solutions. 18 Nov. 2006

Marsden, Donald. 2005, January 1. "How Chicago Got All High and Mighty." The Daily Mail 78.

Montgomery, M.R. 2003. "Keeping the Tenants Down: Height Restrictions and Manhattan's Tenement House System, 1885-1930." The Cato Journal 22(3):495.

Steel Tariffs After Imposing Tariffs
Pages: 2 Words: 692

They could have ranged from being between 8% and 30% and would have been applied on a wide variety of American goods ("Q&a: U.S.-EU Steel Dispute," Dec. 4, 2003). The exports potentially being affected ranged from Harley Davidson motorcycles to citrus fruit ("EU slaps $200m tariff on U.S. imports," Nov. 5, 2003).
The basis upon which the EU selected goods to impose duties on was the political damage they would cause Bush during his 2004 re-election bid. The majority of affected goods were produced in states that were vital to Bush's success in the election. They included the southern U.S. where items such as citrus fruits, clothing, shoes, tobacco, rice, yachts, paper, and cardboard were produced. They also included many states in the Midwest, where watches, spectacles, hand tools, and steel products were produced (Q&a: U.S.-EU Steel Dispute," Dec. 4, 2003).

The Bush administration finally repealed the steel tariffs for various…...



EU slaps $200m tariff on U.S. imports" (November 5, 2003). Retrieved April 7, 2007 from BBC Website: 

Q&a: U.S.-EU steel dispute" (December 4, 2003). Retrieved April 7, 2007 from BBC Website: 

Statement by AFL-CIO President John Sweeney on President Bush's decision to lift steel tariffs" (December 4, 2003). Retrieved April 7, 2007 from AFL-CIO Website:

Steel Girder Concrete Slab Bridge Repair
Pages: 5 Words: 2088

This product may provide "long-term electrochemical protection" against the deterioration of the steel rebar in the concrete, the article states. When this "pressure-sensitive" zinc-hydrogel solution is applied an "iconic current" is conducted. Wires run through the rebar grid once the concrete is covered thoroughly with the adhesive gel. The bottom line here is the zinc slowly corrodes rather than the rebar. Ironically, the 3M companies developed this zinc hydrogel anode in Minneapolis in the year 2,000 -- seven years before I-35 crashed into a river in Minneapolis.
A study conducted by Korean civil engineers Hyo-Gyoung Kwak and Young-Jae Seo puts forward, in short, another methodology in terms of predicting the life expectancy of a concrete bridge. The authors suggest the behaviors of "pre-stressed concrete" (PCS) girders can be predicted fairly accurately. This is because the PCS girders are constructed by placing in-situ concrete decks on the girders "at time intervals."…...



Advanced Materials & Processes. Zinc hydrogel anode protects against rebar corrosion. 158(6)

2000): 15.

Advanced Materials & Processes. (2007) Xion Corp. Develop Coating Technology for Bridge

Repairs. 165(11), 101.

Steel Drum Band Was Born
Pages: 1 Words: 399

Winston "Spree" Simon is credited with crafting the first convex, tuned steel pan instrument (Berre). Steel pans are now custom-designed from lead and other materials.
Steel drum music flourished in Trinidad and Tobago during and after World War Two. Since their original development in the early 20th century, steel drum sounds have come to characterize Caribbean music in general. Since the 1960s, steel drum bands flourished not only on Trinidad and Tobago but throughout the Caribbean islands.

The influence of steelpan extends far beyond the Caribbean as well, as steelpan music integrates well with other types of world music and jazz, lending an its distinctive sound to any band arrangement. Hundreds of steel drum bands perform regularly worldwide, but Trinidad and Tobago remain the epicenter of steel drum music.


Berre, M. Steel Pans: A Brief History. Latin American Folk Institute. etrieved June 26, 2007 at

Guppy, a. About Steelpan. Official Website of…...



Berre, M. Steel Pans: A Brief History. Latin American Folk Institute. Retrieved June 26, 2007 at

Guppy, a. About Steelpan. Official Website of Anthony Guppy. Retrieved June 26, 2007 at van Onselen, S. (2002). Steelpan Science. Science in Africa. Retrieved June 26, 2007 at

Steel Tempering Section 8 Increase
Pages: 3 Words: 701

Lower quenching temperatures create microstructures that demonstrate a greater elasticity, with smaller and less brittle connections forming between microstructures.
12) Martensite is a high-carbon steel formed from the rapid cooling of austenite in a process that does not allow carbon to diffuse out of the heated metal. Tempered Martensite has reduced hardness but increased toughness, and the metal is partially decomposed into ferrite and cementite by the tempering process.

13) Yes; there are some limited applications where the brittleness of quench-hardened steel will not pose a significant barrier to use. In most applications, however, tempering is required after quench hardening in order to reduce brittleness and increase the toughness of the steel.

14) Furnace: All heat shields must be in place, and the area in and around the furnace must be kept clear of all dust, debris, and other equipment. Ventilation paths must be substantial and remain free from blockages, and indicators…...



Askeland, T. & Phule, P. (2006). The science and engineering of materials. Ontario:


I\'m looking for an essay book that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 342

Research-Based Essay Books

"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot
"In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex" by Nathaniel Philbrick
"Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company That Addicted America" by Beth Macy

These books provide in-depth, well-researched accounts of historical events, scientific discoveries, and societal issues. They rely on extensive interviews, archival research, and scientific data to support their arguments and conclusions.

Persuasive Essay Books

"How to Win Friends & Influence People" by Dale Carnegie
"Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman
"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg

These books aim to persuade readers....

how wealthy is brazil?
Words: 526

Brazil's Economic Wealth

Brazil, the largest country in South America, boasts a diverse economy with significant wealth and natural resources. However, despite its economic prominence, Brazil faces substantial challenges related to inequality, poverty, and socioeconomic disparities.

GDP and Economic Indicators

Brazil's gross domestic product (GDP) is the ninth largest in the world, reaching over USD 1.6 trillion in 2022. This represents a significant contribution to the global economy. Brazil's GDP per capita is around USD 7,600, placing it in the upper-middle-income category.

The country's economic growth has been driven by several factors, including its abundance of natural resources, such as oil, minerals, and agricultural....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on removal of aircraft tyre. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 229

1. The use of sustainable materials in aircraft tire production
2. The impact of tire wear on the environment and potential solutions
3. The role of tire maintenance in improving aircraft safety and efficiency
4. The development of smart tires for aircraft to monitor performance and detect issues
5. The history of aircraft tire technology and how it has evolved over time
6. The challenges of aircraft tire recycling and potential innovations in the field
7. The influence of tire pressure on aircraft performance and fuel efficiency
8. The impact of tire design on overall aircraft performance and handling.
9. The effect of extreme weather conditions on aircraft....

I\'m not very familiar with main landing wheel. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 619

Essay Topics on Main Landing Wheel

1. Design and Engineering of Main Landing Wheels

Explore the various types of main landing wheels, including single-wheel, twin-wheel, and multi-wheel configurations.
Discuss the structural components of a main landing wheel, such as the tire, rim, tread, and hub.
Analyze the design considerations for main landing wheels, including load bearing capacity, durability, and rolling resistance.

2. Aerodynamics and Performance of Main Landing Wheels

Explain the aerodynamic forces acting on main landing wheels during takeoff, landing, and taxiing.
Discuss the role of tread patterns and tire pressure on the wheel's traction and rolling resistance.
Analyze the effects....

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