Steve Jobs Essays (Examples)

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Steve Jobs Remarkable Career
There are two current events that make a discussion of Steve Jobs career an especially interesting endeavor. The first is that the co-founder and notorious Apple visionary stepped down as the company's chief executive (Zweig, 2011). Shortly after Jobs stepped down he passed away. Many health care professionals believe that Jobs death may have been preventable and attribute his early death to his choice of trying to treat his disease through an alternative medicine approach (Michelson, 2011). Jobs was actually aware of his condition fairly early in its development which provided him an opportunity to treat it with traditional approaches however Jobs refused.

Steve Jobs is often accredited as the man who turned around Apple Inc. from the verge of collapse on several junctures. Another headline that dominated many of the major media networks recently is that Apple just passed up Exxon Mobile to become the world's most….

Steve Jobs and Entrepreneurialship
College dropouts Steve ozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer in April 1976. The 1984 launch of the Macintosh computer finally moved Apple into the business office, and by 1988, over one million Mac's had been sold. Jobs stunned the world with the 1984 Super bowl commercial, and literally changed computing for all time (Appleseed, 1984). Now, Apple designs, develops, produces markets and services microprocessor-based personal computers, related software and peripheral products, including laser printers, scanners, compact disk read-only memory drives and other related products; and manufactures communications products that connect Apple systems to local area networks, connect the Macintosh to other computers and integrate the Macintosh into various computing environments. One of Apple's most successful new products is considered by many to be the current "ultimate" smart phone -- the iPhone, capturing over 40 million sales in 2010 alone, and almost 20 million in Q1 2011….

Steve Jobs if I Were

Steve Jobs made sure that his devices were simple and beautiful, and I would be interested in learning how to devote so much passion into the products I am going to be working with in the future.
The 'reality distortion field' is a catchphrase that was attached to Steve Jobs because of his willingness to do whatever it took to get his way in every situation. In his biography, Steve Jobs, alter Isaacson gives the subject of this phenomena a full chapter entitled "The Reality Distortion Field: Playing by His Own Set of Rules." (Isaacson, 117) He would lie to his coworkers, create fake deadlines, and refuse to yield to design choices of his, which caused a lot of friction in his workplace. This attitude got Jobs fired from Apple in 1986, and he did not return to Apple HQ again until 1997 after his successful stint with Pixar Studios….

Steve Jobs
How Steve Jobs demonstrated or used coercive and legitimate power

Coercive power

Jobs was famously arrogant, even pulling up to Apple's front entrance and parking in a handicapped space in the famously crowded Apple parking lot, because no one dared to ticket him (Kahney 2008).

Employees lived in fear of being fired by Jobs at Apple. "At most companies, the red-faced, tyrannical boss is an outdated archetype, a caricature from the life of Dagwood. Not at Apple. Whereas the rest of the tech industry may motivate employees with carrots, Jobs is known as an inveterate stick man" (Kahney 2008).

Jobs was known to curse at or openly berate employees in public whom he felt were underperforming (Mui 2008).

Jobs openly played favorites. "There is a small group at Apple...called the Top 100" which Jobs gathered for "an intense three-day strategy session at a proverbially secure, undisclosed location" annually (Lashinsky 2008). Jobs would remove individuals….

Steve Jobs was a visionary leader, who preferred a centralized command structure in order to execute his visions. He rallied people around his vision, getting a high degree of buy-in, and in the process was able to build a leading consumer products company. He founded Apple and guided it to early success. After his ouster, the company lost its way, but when Jobs came back into the company, he was able to guide the company to incredible success, leaving it as the largest company in the world by market cap. This paper examines Jobs the entrepreneur, and visionary leader who was able to transform the way that people interact with their technology.
Steve Jobs has long been a compelling figure in American business. He was raised in California by his adoptive parents. After high school, Jobs attended eed College in Oregon, but dropped out shortly thereafter. After this time, he visited….

Steve Jobs as the best of the 10 Best Leaders of 2005. In fact, it was not him but his partner who created the Apple and Jobs was shown to have expropriated some of his ideas -- including the original idea for Apple from others. More so, one can claim that Jobs had lousy leadership skills. After all, he was manipulative, frequently cruel to employees and others, egoistical, and bullying. This was the reason why Apples fired him and Jobs was forced to start afresh and failed until Apple hired him again as their leader (Isaacson, 2011).
Job's leadership success it may be argued resulted from his imagination, creatively, and ability to take risks. It also resulted in his love for his job -- a job that he was willing o be paid only $1.00 a year -- a token sum in his last tenure as manager for he was….

Steve Jobs Leader

One of the most influential business leaders of the last century is Steve Jobs. Jobs helped his technology firm Apple, Inc. rise to fame and outpace competitors through the duration of his tenure. He has been called a "business genius," and is on "a very short list of greatest American businessmen ever," (Nocera, 2011, p. 1). Biographer Isaacson (2012) places Steve Jobs in the same sentence as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Walt Disney, deliberately choosing visionary leaders who were also controversial like Steve Jobs. Some of Steve Jobs's biographers point out that his business acumen extended far beyond the realm of technology. Steve Jobs "helped to transform seven industries: personal computing, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, retail stores, and digital publishing," (Isaacson, 2012, p. 1). It can also be safely said that Jobs transformed the nature of media marketing, as the iTunes model has established a firm precedent….

Steve Jobs' leadership
Steve Jobs founded Apple because he had a passion to create a new, stylish, user-friendly computer. He did not become an entrepreneur to make money. Jobs was motivated by a desire to see his ideals for what technology should look like and feel like become manifest. This passion became clear after Jobs returned to the company he founded after a brief hiatus. "For years, Jobs plugged away at Apple with his more proprietary approach, not worrying much about Wall Street's complaints. In fact, one of his first moves was to take an ax to Apple's product line, lopping off dozens of products to focus on just four… Apple has eschewed calls to boost market share by making lower-end products or expanding into adjacent markets where the company wouldn't be the leader. 'I'm as proud of what we don't do as I am of what we do,' Jobs….

A Case Study in Pathophysiology: The Steve Jobs CaseIntroductionA good way towards understanding gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NET) can be through study of the case of Steve Jobs. This analysis and care plan looks at the details of GEP-NET, from its pathophysiology and historical treatment perspectives to a targeted plan of care utilizing the PIE (Planning, Intervention, Evaluation) framework. It emphasizes evidence-based practices and patient-centered care, and thus this comprehensive strategy can be useful in managing the disease effectively and in improving the patient's quality of life amidst the challenges posed by GEP-NET.Introduction and Pathophysiology of GEP-NETSteve Jobs' CaseSteve Job was a pioneering figure in the technology world who was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer known as GEP-NET (Pettinger, 2012). Unlike the more aggressive pancreatic adenocarcinoma, GEP-NETs are slower-growing tumors that potentially can be cured if detected early and managed properly. Jobs' choice of initially pursuing alternative medicine….

Culture of Ethics

The author of this report is to answer several questions for this exercise. The first question pertains to whether Steve Jobs, prolific late leader of Apple Corporation, was an ethical leader. Further, the author is to explain Steve Jobs was or was not an ethical leader. Further, the author is to answer to the question of whether or not the author is an acolyte or a rejecter and why the answer is one or the other. While Steve Jobs did blur some ethical and legal lines, he was a great leader for Apple and the author of this report is most certainly a rejecter in terms of gleaning onto the traits and aspects of others.

Steve Jobs is certainly one of the more prolific and notorious names in the history of industry, consumer electronics and computing right along with people like Bill Gates of Microsoft and Larry Ellison of….

Steve Jobs: Innovative or Creative?
The difference between creativity and innovation is rather subtle. Indeed, the two words have in the past been used interchangeably. To determine whether Steve Jobs was innovative or creative, we would first have to define the two terms and highlight what each entails.

Creativity, as I have pointed out above is most times associated with innovation. In the words of Clegg (2009, p. 2), "from the origins of the words themselves, innovation would seem to be about newness, while creativity is about bringing something into being." Although it appears rather difficult to firmly put Steve Jobs in either category, upon closer analysis of his life and times, one would say that Jobs was more innovative than creative.

To begin with, in addition to seeking problems, innovators, according to McKenna (p. 237), "derive a challenge from seeking new and possibly unexpected solutions." Most of the products whose development Jobs….

Apple Jobs
Apple's Post-Jobs Shift From Innovation to Ethicality

The death of Steve Jobs would mark a sharp transition in the history of the Apple Company. Driven by innovation under the visionary CEO's watch, Apple would nonetheless be the subject of criticism for its negative ethical performance in areas such as labor rights and environmental compliance. Jobs untimely death would bring new CEO Tim Cook into the office under intense pressure both to maintain the company's high product development standards and to alter its decidedly lesser ethical standards. This discussion considers the ethical flaws which persisted under Jobs and some of the steps taken by Cook to alter Apple's troubled ethical reputation.

Section I. General description of the enterprise and its environment

Apple has enjoyed a reputation as a progressive and ethical company largely on the strength of its image is a cutting edge technology company whose products are used and enjoyed by progressively….

Leadership Lessons From Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs was a transformational leader, both from a technological and human leadership standpoint. Having not only launched Apple but also saved it from bankruptcy when he returned in 1997, Steve Jobs showed a unique set of transformational skills that would set both him and his company apart globally more than any other technology-related brand. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate Apple Computer from the standpoint of Steve Job's major impact and influence on it, including a discussion of the three major business challenges that needed to be overcome for the company to succeed. The leadership style Steve Jobs relied on is also discussed. His role as a transformational leader is clear by how effectively he could communicate a product vision and mobilize organizations in the tens of thousands of people to accomplish them (Cheung, Wong, 2011). Third, his effectiveness as a transformational leader….

Corporate Leadership

The late Steve Jobs was a pioneer and leader in technology and in leadership. He has been praised as being one of the best leaders during the 21st century (2005) by Forbes. The paper will discuss concepts of strong and good leadership as well as how Steve Jobs' performance as leader of Apple, Inc. coincided with these criteria.

It is no secret that Apple is one of the most prominent companies in its industry with a strong international presence. Apple technology has influence global culture and the global economy. There were periods during the company's existence where Jobs was not the leader, but the company saw some of its most dramatic growth and profit under his leadership until his recent passing. One trait of a strong leader that Jobs had that he commanded and engaged groups well. He knew how to speak effectively in front of others and to get….

here are many changes affecting business operations of companies; producers change their production method to save on cost and to maximize on revenue, consumers' tastes and preferences do change. Apple's marketing environment face the following challenges, high rates of inflation, stiff competition from other producers, high costs of production and influence from the natural environment's policies. Apple's political and legal environment has a broad spectrum, laws and regulations impact on the marketing strategy of a company.
Without regulations and laws in business, means that some firms will transact unfairly, laws are not only limited to, legislations, but it can also include public policies that protect consumers of product in any said market. Apple is faced with legislations and laws that govern its market operations, some of these laws and policies not only include, price controls, labor laws, tax policies, import and export laws and consumers protection Acts and legislations. On….

Unique Perspectives and Insights of Outsiders

Outsiders, individuals who are not part of a particular group or community, can offer valuable perspectives and insights that can enrich and transform the group's dynamics and understanding. Their external vantage point allows them to observe and interpret situations from a different angle, contributing fresh ideas and innovative solutions.

Unveiling Blind Spots and Biases

Insiders may often be blind to certain aspects of their own group due to familiarity and ingrained assumptions. Outsiders, however, can provide a fresh perspective that challenges these assumptions and reveals hidden biases or blind spots. They can point out patterns or behaviors....

4 Pages

Education - Computers

Steve Jobs Remarkable Career

Words: 1088
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Steve Jobs Remarkable Career There are two current events that make a discussion of Steve Jobs career an especially interesting endeavor. The first is that the co-founder and notorious Apple…

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8 Pages

Education - Computers

Steve Jobs and Entrepreneurialship College Dropouts Steve

Words: 2817
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Steve Jobs and Entrepreneurialship College dropouts Steve ozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer in April 1976. The 1984 launch of the Macintosh computer finally moved Apple into the business…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay

Education - Computers

Steve Jobs if I Were

Words: 634
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Steve Jobs made sure that his devices were simple and beautiful, and I would be interested in learning how to devote so much passion into the products I…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Steve Jobs Using Coercive and Legitimate Power

Words: 525
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Steve Jobs How Steve Jobs demonstrated or used coercive and legitimate power Coercive power Jobs was famously arrogant, even pulling up to Apple's front entrance and parking in a handicapped space in…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Steve Jobs Leadership Style

Words: 2128
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Steve Jobs was a visionary leader, who preferred a centralized command structure in order to execute his visions. He rallied people around his vision, getting a high degree of…

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3 Pages


Steve Jobs as the Best of the

Words: 1128
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Steve Jobs as the best of the 10 Best Leaders of 2005. In fact, it was not him but his partner who created the Apple and Jobs was…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Steve Jobs Leader

Words: 1855
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadership One of the most influential business leaders of the last century is Steve Jobs. Jobs helped his technology firm Apple, Inc. rise to fame and outpace competitors through the…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Steve Jobs' Leadership Steve Jobs Founded Apple

Words: 831
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Steve Jobs' leadership Steve Jobs founded Apple because he had a passion to create a new, stylish, user-friendly computer. He did not become an entrepreneur to make money. Jobs…

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6 Pages


Steve Jobs Cancer Treatment Approach

Words: 1728
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

A Case Study in Pathophysiology: The Steve Jobs CaseIntroductionA good way towards understanding gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NET) can be through study of the case of Steve Jobs. This analysis…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Steve Jobs Hero or Villain

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Culture of Ethics Team-Building The author of this report is to answer several questions for this exercise. The first question pertains to whether Steve Jobs, prolific late leader of Apple Corporation,…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Was Steve Jobs Innovative or Creative

Words: 601
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Steve Jobs: Innovative or Creative? The difference between creativity and innovation is rather subtle. Indeed, the two words have in the past been used interchangeably. To determine whether Steve Jobs…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Ethics and Leadership of Apple With and Without Steve Jobs

Words: 2930
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Apple Jobs Apple's Post-Jobs Shift From Innovation to Ethicality The death of Steve Jobs would mark a sharp transition in the history of the Apple Company. Driven by innovation under the…

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5 Pages

Education - Computers

Leadership Lessons From Steve Jobs Steve Jobs

Words: 1813
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership Lessons From Steve Jobs Steve Jobs was a transformational leader, both from a technological and human leadership standpoint. Having not only launched Apple but also saved it from bankruptcy…

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2 Pages


Corporate Leadership Case the Late Steve Jobs

Words: 756
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Corporate Leadership Case The late Steve Jobs was a pioneer and leader in technology and in leadership. He has been praised as being one of the best leaders during the 21st…

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4 Pages

Education - Computers

Apple's Marketing Strategy Steve Jobs

Words: 1094
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

here are many changes affecting business operations of companies; producers change their production method to save on cost and to maximize on revenue, consumers' tastes and preferences do…

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