Stock Market Essays (Examples)

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Stock Market Symbol Wfc NYSE Industry Banking
Pages: 3 Words: 904

Stock Market Symbol: WFC (NYSE)
Industry: Banking, Lending, Finance

Primary Competitors: Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, U.S. Bank, Smaller and local credit unions and banks.

Management eam:

John G. Stumpf, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

imothy J. Sloan, Senior EVP, Chief Financial Officer

Patricia R. Callahan, Senior EVP, Chief Administrative Officer

Kevin A. Rhein, Senior EVP, Chief Information Officer

Michael J. Loughlin, Senior EVP and Chief Risk Officer

Richard D. Levy, EVP, Controller

James M. Strother, Senior EVP, General Counsel

David M. Carroll, Senior EVP, Wealth, Brokerage & Retirement Services

Michael J. Heid, President, Home Mortgage and EVP, Wells Fargo & Company

David A. Hoyt, Senior EVP, Wholesale Banking

Avid Modjtabai, Senior EVP, Consumer Lending

Carrie L. olstedt, Senior EVP, Community Banking

Employee Recruitment and Development

raining for low-level employees begins with working at the counter as tellers, but WFC is committed to giving its low-level employees a chance to become brokers because this builds a successful wealth management business. here is little in…...


The company's home loans are in the maturity stage because they are relying on this product as a major portion of their business.

Stock Certificate


Stock Market Crash During the
Pages: 5 Words: 1363

etween 1929 and 1932 the total value of global trade had declined by more than half.
When it was time to elect a new president in 1932, Americans were ready for change and eager to embrace a new leader who could help them (ryant, 1998). The election meant a lot to Americans and to the rest of the world, as national and global economies were in a state of chaos. America elected Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his soothing personality slowly inspired confidence and hope.

y the time Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in March of 1933, the banking system was in despair (PS, 2008). Americans had seen $140 billion disappear when their banks failed. usinesses could not get credit for inventory. Checks could not be used for payments because no one trusted that the checks were good.

Roosevelt's New Deal began with the simple idea to try something new (ryant, 1998). He…...



Bryant, Joyce. (1998). The Great Depression and the New Deal. Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute.

Kennedy, David. (1999). Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War. Oxford University Press.

MSN Encarta. (2008). Great Depression in the United States. Retrieved from the Internet at

PBS (2008). Stock Market Crash. Retrieved from the Internet at .

Stock Market There Are a Number of
Pages: 2 Words: 634

Stock market, there are a number of factors that will have an impact on share prices. This is because of perceptions about: future prospects for the company and the effect of new products / services on the earnings per share. In the case of Apple, the stock fell from $205.94 to $192.06. This was in response to the firm announcing the introduction of the I Pad. What makes the situation so troubling; is this was an eagerly anticipated announcement for a series of innovative products. Yet, investors were not enthusiastic on the news (which led to the selloff). To fully understand what is happening, there will be a focus on why the price of the stock fell. Once this takes place, is when specific insights will be provided that is showing if this was a systematic or an intrinsic move.
Why would the price of AAPL fall just when the company…...



Hernandez, J. (2010). NY Times. Retrieved from: 

Apple I Pad Sends Stock Down. (2010). CNN. Retrieved from:

Stock Market Report on Lowe's
Pages: 2 Words: 825

Undoubtedly, this being a factor, the trends seen in the price inclines with Lowe's stock reports may be a trailing effect of the growth in product sales during the months prior to the apparent growth trends. Large spikes in these trends, either inclining or declining, are direct responses from this type of seasonal business. When a surge of orders and purchases has occurred, there may be several days or weeks before those full profits are reportable. There is also the consideration for the fact that after these seasonal points incur their visible stock trends, there is a point at which declining numbers may be directly apparent in the very next patterns. Other factors must also be attributed, such as internal workings, news, economical factors, and even environmental aspects.
Lowe's Companies, Inc. Declares Cash Dividend"

Lowe's Companies, Inc. announced that the oard of Directors has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.08…...



Cable News Network (CNN). 2007. A Time Warner Company. 

MSN. 2007. MSN Money Focus.

Stock Market Since 1948 Stock
Pages: 7 Words: 3002

(Vital Information for Stock Market Investors! What Every Investor Needs To Know)
egarding increases in the stock market, one has seen in the past that rises take place over a long-term, but the terms are very long. When the Dow crashed in 1929, it took 26 years to regain the ground that was lost. Again it fell to a level below 1000 in 1973 and then it took ten years before that level was reached again. In Japan, the Nikkei fell and has now continued to fall for the last 14 years, and does not seem to be recovering. According to these experts, the best measure for any investor is now to invest in shares that are historically safe and income producing and the income levels are around the historical average of Dow. (Vital Information for Stock Market Investors! What Every Investor Needs To Know)

The study of market history should…...



Boshnack, Robert. "Vital Information for Stock Market Investors! What Every Investor Needs to Know" Retrieved from 

Accessed 27 August, 2005

"How to Invest in the U.S. Stock Market" Retrieved from   Accessed 27 August, 2005 

"Is the market overbought? Do you think stocks are overvalued?" Retrieved from

Stock Market Trading
Pages: 2 Words: 668

Stock Market Trading/Corporate Finance
Insider trading

Insider trading involves the trading of public company's stock or other securities such as stock options or bonds with people who can get access to non-public information regarding that company. However, there are some countries where insider trading based on insider information is considered illegal. esearch shows that purchase portfolio normally earns abnormal returns for over 50 points every month. A quarter of these abnormal returns accumulate within the first five days after the first transaction while a half accumulates in the first month. The sale portfolio normally earns abnormal returns. In addition, studies show that abnormal returns in small firms do not differ significantly from those that are in large firms. At the same time, top executives do not earn higher abnormal returns compared to other insiders. Therefore we can say that studies on insider trading generally show that insiders make positive abnormal trading profits.…...



Richard, F. (2008). Dividend reductions and the pecking order theory. Retrieved July 17, 2014 from

Jeng, L.,Metrick, A.,Zeckhauser, R. (1999). The profits to insider Trading: A performance-Evaluation Perspective.

Stock Market Crash of 1987
Pages: 12 Words: 3323

Black Tuesday)
Stock Market Crash of 1987

The purpose of this report is to discuss in detail the stock market crash of 1987. The stock market is supposed to fluctuate from day-to-day. But this account will delve into some of the less obvious reasons for that dramatic day on all Street and also providing additional insights into how and why investors are in the game and why they were so taken aback by that particular market downturn.

This testimony will also examine some of the more immediate consequences that occurred immediately following the events and how those series of events have carried through to the mindset of present day investments and the Federal Reserve Bank's policies and procedures. Then the report will try to ascertain some lessons learned so as to avoid repeating history.

The report also attempts to explain some investor philosophies that are continually occurring throughout history. Unfortunately, investors seem to constantly…...


Works Cited

( 1987 Stock Market Crash) The 1987 Stock Market Crash. 1 Oct. 2004 .

(Better Than Expected Earnings Boost Yahoo SharesJim HuJuly 12, 2000)Better Than Expected Earnings Boost Yahoo Shares. Ed. Jim Hu. July 12, 2000. 1 Oct. 2004 .

(Black Tuesday) Black Tuesday. 1 Oct. 2004 .

(Greatest Market Greatest Market Crashes. Ed. 1 Oct. 2004, .

Saudi Arabian Stock Market Measuring
Pages: 30 Words: 8204

The following is a chart of what the February 2006 crash looked like, according to

Source:, 2007

According to Bloomberg, this downward crash had a dramatic effect on the U.S. market as well. hen one views this chart, it is no wonder that speculators are divided about the reactions of Saudi Investors. This was a devastating crash for many and it will undoubtedly have a dramatic effect on their decisions in the future. The real question is whether this indicates a reason for caution in the future, or whether it represents a good time to get some good deals.

There are many factors that the Saudis cannot control, but that have a dramatic effect on their economy and well-being. They depend on consumer demand and are limited by the amount of money that the consumer is willing to pay for their products. They are particularly sensitive to shocks in the American…...


Works Cited

Abraham, A., Seyyed, F., and Alsakran, S. 2002. Testing the Random Walk Behavior and Efficiency of the Gulf Stock Markets. The Financial Review. August 2002. 37 (3): 469.

Al-Rasheed, M. 2002. A History of Saudi Arabia. Cambridge University Press.

Berument H. And Kayimaz H (2001) "The day of the week effect on stock market volatility." Journal of Economics and Finance. 25:181-193. 2007. Stock Market Index Chart: SASEINDX. Accessed January 14, 2007 at .

Abu Dhabi Stock Market
Pages: 42 Words: 11185

A number of economists suggest that markets are efficient, but this efficiency is merely assumed. In this regard, Batten points out that, "There is no actual proof. It is virtually impossible to test for market efficiency since the 'correct' prices cannot be observed. To get over this hurdle, most tests examine the ability of information-based trading strategies to make above-normal returns. But the results of such tests do not really prove whether markets are efficient. Therein lies the basic dilemma" (p. 210).
In his book, Stock Market Cycles: A Practical Explanation, Bolten (2000) reports that assuming that an economy begins in a trough (a period this author refers to a the first stage of the economic cycle), expectations are for positive economic growth and higher future earnings, which has a positive impact on stock prices. In this regard, Bolten points out that, "Interest rates are typically low at this period…...



Abdou, a., Al Zarooni, S., & Lewis, J. (2006). Public healthcare project appraisal in the United Arab Emirates: Towards better feasibility. Architectural Science Review, 49(1), 31.

Abu Dhabi securities market: Finished first presentation in a series of road shows in London. (2007, June 14). Abu Dhabi Securities Market. [Online]. Available: / 5_0_9U/.d/2?PC_7_0_JL_newsid=1181795795&PC_7_0_JL_from=main.!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_GS/.cmd/ad/.ar/sa.details/.ps/X/.c/6_0_9U/.ce/7_0_JL/.p

Al-Alkim, H.H., Al-Sayegh, F., Al-Shamsi, F.S., Gause, F.G., Jahshan, K.E. et al. (1999). A century in thirty years: Sheikh Zayed and the United Arab Emirates. Middle East Policy, 6(4), 2.

Balling, M., Lierman, F., & Mullineux, a. (2004). Financial markets in Central and Eastern Europe: Stability and efficiency. New York: Routledge.

Saudi Arabian Stock Market the Objective of
Pages: 10 Words: 2649

Saudi Arabian Stock Market
The objective of this research study is to examine the influences of the Saudi Arabian stock market including such as prices of oil, political factors, regional events, financial crises and how these have impacted the Saudi Arabian market relative to other markets. This work will additionally examine regulatory authority as well as laws and regulations in the Saudi Arabian market including such as efficiency, transparency and the role of CMA in fraud.

The work of Arouri and ault (2011) that the GCC was established in 1981 and includes the countries of Bhrain, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). GCC countries share several common patterns. In 2007, they produce together about 20% of all world oil, control 36% of world oil exports and possess 47% of proven reserves. Oil exports largely determine earnings, government budget revenues and expenditures and aggregate demand." (Arouri and ault,…...



Ramady, Mohamed A. (2010) The Saudi Arabian Economy: Policies, Achievements and Challenges. Springer 2010. Retrieved from Google Books at: 

Factbox-Political Risks to Watch in Saudi Arabia. 1 Apr 2011. Reuters News. Retrieved from:

Arouri, Mohamed El Hedi and Rault, Christophe (2011) Oil Prices and Stock Markets: What Drives What in the Gulf Corporation Council Countries. ERF 17th Annual Conferences 20-22 Mar 2011. Renaissance Antalya Beach Resort & Spa, Turkey.

Wiesenthal, Joe (2011) Art Cashin On The Saudi Connection To Tuesday's Big Market Plunge. 2 Mar 2011. Retrieved from:

Obesity and Diabetes Increased The Stock Market
Pages: 4 Words: 1255

obesity and diabetes increased?
The stock market is one of the most powerful entities in the contemporary society and this is largely owed to the fact that it controls the financial aspect of the social order. Stocks and bonds are the most important concepts in the stock market, as companies and institutions buy and sell them depending on their interests. Most individuals who want to make a profitable investment think about the stock market as a starting point for their businesses. These people basically want to buy stock, hold it for a while, and then sell it for a higher price than they initially paid for it.

Each company has stocks of ownership and depending on the amount of stocks that an individual possesses; he or she is more or less entitled to control dealings in the respective firm. Companies sell stock with the purpose of improving their business, considering that…...


Works cited:

Furgang, Kathy, "How the Stock Market Works," (The Rosen Publishing Group, 2010)

McClellan, Stephen T. "Full of Bull: Do What Wall Street Does, Not What it Says, To Make Money in the Market," (FT Press, 2008)

"The Stock Market," Retrived August 11, 2012, from the Oracle ThinkQuest Website:

Brazil's Stock Market Precise Economic or Political
Pages: 1 Words: 368

Brazil's stock market [...] precise economic or political events that contributed to either a significant rise or fall in the Brazilian stock market for the years of 2001 and 2002.
While the events of September 11, 2001 had an effect on global economies as a whole, Brazil's economy in 2001 was already in a downward spiral by September. The Brazilian stock market ended up down 25% by the end of 2001, due mostly to a financial crisis in neighboring Argentina. The two countries' economies were closely tied -- too closely, and Brazil struggled to step away from Argentina's influence, so the value of their money fell, and the government cut spending, which helped aid the stock market's plunge. In addition, an energy shortage in June 2001 caused rationing, which resulted in lower usage and consumer confidence, and the stock market suffered. Experts had expected the market to peak at 20,000…...



Edwards, Hugh L. "General Manager's Report 2002." Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange. 2002. 1 Oct. 2004.


-- . "General Manager's Report 2001." Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange. 2001. 1 Oct. 2004.


How Can We Make Profit Through Investing on Stock Market
Pages: 33 Words: 11006

profit through investing on Stock Market
Generally, all over the world financial markets exemplify a state of intricate and inscrutable situation. These marketplaces are of immense significance in the western nations, where the constituents employ their expertise to invest and generate profit whilst formulating a pool of funds, statistics, derivatives, shares and calculation intricacy. These constituents or elements are those investment maestros who are the whole and sole performers of the elaborated function pertaining to the methodologies of these markets. These marketplaces also play an important role in facilitating the financially viable entities as well as the intellectual traditions. Even though being the most vital component of an economy, these marketplaces have not been fully acknowledged because; the constituents who are unswervingly gripped in the methodologies of these marketplaces, as well as those who endeavor at delineating these methodologies, still comprehend up to their better judgment the efficacy of these…...



Abolafia, M. (1996a) Hyper-rational Gaming. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 25(2): 226-250.

Abolafia, M. (1996b) Making Markets: Opportunism and Restraint on Wall Street. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Balvers, R.J., & Wu, Y. (2006). Momentum and mean reversion across national equity markets. Journal of Empirical Finance, 13, 24 -- 48.

Barber, B. And T. Odean, (1999) The courage of misguided convictions. Financial Analysts Journal 55(6): 41-56.

Oil Prices and How They Affect the Stock Market
Pages: 3 Words: 956

oil prices and the stock market. The relationship between oil prices and increases in costs to transportation, heating and production are reviewed, and the role of spiking oil prices on market uncertainty is discussed. Overall, higher oil prices are historically linked to declining stock market prices, and it seems reasonable to suggest that future stock market decreases will come from current increases in oil prices.
Stock market performance is strongly linked to oil prices. ecently, oil has hit new price records, and the stock market has declined in response. This trend follows the historical relationship between oil and stocks, which has seen sharply rising oil prices as a strong predictor of stock market declines. Such stock market declines can be linked with increased costs due to high oil prices, as well as general market uncertainty.

Oil Prices and the Stock Market

ecently, oil prices have hit historic highs, and stock markets have…...



E-Commerce Times. Record High Oil Prices Send Markets Lower, Financial News, 09/27/04 1:54 PM PT. 27 September 2004. 

Evans, Stephen. Rising oil prices threaten U.S. economy. BBC News, May 19, 2004. 27 September 2004. 

Leeb, Stephen and Leeb, Donna. (2004). The Oil Factor: How Oil Controls the Economy and Your Financial Future. Warner Business Books.

McMahon, Tim. (2004). Is Oil Predicting a Stock Market Crash? Financial Trend Forecaster. 27 September 2004.

Pros of Investing in the Stock Market
Pages: 6 Words: 1960

Pros of Investing in the Stock Market and the Increased Benefits it provides for lobal Stability.
One of the strongest areas of investing is the stock market. This is because it is known for providing above average historical returns. Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than information that was collected by Anspach (2012). She found that the stock market has produced an average return since 1990 of 9.14%. This is higher than what most investors are earning in other asset classes.

As a result, these views are illustrating how investing in these areas will produce a larger overall return. To fully understand how this takes place requires examining the benefits of investing in the stock market and the merits that it is providing when it comes to global stability. This will be accomplished by focusing on: the advantages, the role that credit card debt will play in personal…...


Garman, Thomas, Personal Finance, Staten Island: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print

Khan, Arshad. Stock Investing for Everyone. New York: Wiley, 1999, Print

Manajin, Stephanie. "Want to be a Millionaire." Fool, 2012. Web. 30 May 2012

I need help with an essay outline on the Financial Market?
Words: 765

Right now, it is impossible to discuss the financial markets without looking at what happened with GameStop stock, so we are going to focus our example essay outline on this event.  To understand how a bunch of small investors organizing on social media were able to disrupt hedge fund managers and traditional ways that they profit off of failing companies, it is important to understand the concept of shorting stocks

I. Introduction

A. Stock shorting

B. Why businesses fail from stock shorting

C. Why GameStop was vulnerable

D. The impact of purchasing GameStop....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to 2020 Presidential Election?
Words: 248

1. The impact of social media on the 2020 Presidential Election
2. The role of race and identity politics in the 2020 election
3. The influence of foreign interference in the 2020 election
4. The polarization of American society during the 2020 election
5. The rise of political populism in the 2020 election
6. The role of the Electoral College in the outcome of the 2020 election
7. The role of gender in the 2020 Presidential Election
8. The impact of COVID-19 on the 2020 election
9. The importance of swing states in determining the outcome of the 2020 election
10. The impact of voter turnout and voter suppression....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about inflation?
Words: 198

1. The Impact of Inflation on the Economy

2. Causes and Consequences of Inflation

3. Controlling Inflation: Policy Options

4. Understanding the Relationship Between Inflation and Unemployment

5. Inflation and Its Effects on Different Socioeconomic Groups

6. The Role of Central Banks in Managing Inflation

7. Inflation and Interest Rates: A Complex Relationship

8. Inflation and the Purchasing Power of Currency

9. Globalization and Inflation: How are they Related?

10. Inflation in Developing Countries: Challenges and Solutions
11. Hyperinflation: When Prices Spiral Out of Control

12. Inflationary Expectations: How Public Perception Influences Economic Trends

13. The Psychology of Inflation: Why Do People React the Way They Do?

14. The Politics of Inflation: How....

does computers think?
Words: 524

Do Computers Think?

Defining Thought

Before delving into the question of whether computers think, it is essential to define what we mean by "thought." Thought is a complex and multifaceted process that involves various mental operations, including:

Cognition: The acquisition, storage, and retrieval of knowledge.
Reasoning: The ability to draw logical conclusions from given premises.
Problem-solving: The ability to find solutions to problems by applying known information and strategies.
Decision-making: The ability to evaluate options and select the best course of action.
Consciousness: The subjective experience of being aware of one's own thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.

Capabilities of Computers

Computers are powerful machines capable....

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