Sushi Essays (Examples)

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Sushi Restaurant Unagi Will Be
Pages: 6 Words: 1802

The omakase will receive service from the sake sommelier, but not from any waiter or waitress. The interaction will be with the chef only. The chef will be wearing chef's whites, as this is a chef's table experience. Omakase, for the uninitiated, is a system where the chef chooses the dishes based on the total bill the diners would like. It is typically the most exclusive meal at a sushi restaurant, with the best cuts of fish and the best presentations.
For a restaurant like this, marketing will be primarily be word of mouth. This is consistent with most high-end fine dining establishments, and in particular for a small space like this one. The foodie community and the fine dining community will know about our chefs. Word will spread among these communities, in advance of the restaurant opening. Only low-cost forms of marketing will be used beyond word of mouth,…...

Sushi Economy Globalization and the Making of
Pages: 16 Words: 4791

sushi economy: Globalization and the making of a modern delicacy.
The Book

Position in the literature

The main arguments

The fish economy

There are various books and articles published to highlight he significant impacts and reasons of increased globalization. The books cover a series of specific topics and as a result they represent their main ideas in the most relevant format. The current book is not only a significant piece of work that addresses economic and globalization as a subject. However after reading the book it is also likely that the reader gains an impression of reading a travel account. The author has covered a variety of aspects related to globalization as main argument of the work. The presentation of historic, global, cultural, economic, and futuristic view of the global culture is addressed using a comprehensive approach.

According to Pilling (2007) the book is reviewed in the following sections addressing major elements of the discussed work.…...



Issenberg, S. (2007). "The" Sushi Economy: Globalization and the Making of a Modern Delicacy. USA: Penguin.

Pilling, D. (2007 August). The Sushi Economy. Retrieved from 

Nagel, S.W. (2013). Trevor Corson, The Zen of Fish: The Story of Sushi, from Samurai to Supermarket. Southeast Review of Asian Studies. 31.

Werlen, H. (2007). The Sushi Economy: Globalization and the Making of a Modern Delicacy. History. 35-36.

Sushi in the U S Sushi
Pages: 5 Words: 1307

In fact now the trend has reversed so there are now sushi bars in Japan serving Americanized version of sushi which is considered the "in" item in Japan as everything else that is American. "Sushi has evolved here in the United States. Sushi has come into its own style and culture here, and in some places it's almost considered as American as apple pie. Crazy combinations of ingredients can be found inside sushi rolls, with bizarre names like the Caterpillar roll, Spider roll and Surf's Up roll. But beyond the crazy names and ingredients, the style of sushi has changed. American sushi has taken on a decidedly western technique when it comes to sushi creation, adding area-specific ingredients and changing the shape, size and presentation format laid out by Japanese inventors."
Sushi has thus come a long way since its early days in the U.S. From a novelty item that…...



Shizou Tsuji. Japanese Cooking: A Simple Art [Kodansha International: New York] 1980

HISTORY OF EDAMAME, GREEN VEGETABLE SOYBEANS, AND VEGETABLE-TYPE SOYBEANS (1275-2009): Compiled by William Shurtleff & Akiko Aoyagi, 2009

Corson, Trevor. The Zen of Fish. HarperCollins, 2007

William Shurtleff & Akiko Aoyagi

Sushi History
Pages: 4 Words: 1065

Sushi: A Globalized Favorite from Humble Beginnings
The genealogy of some of Japan's favorite cuisines can be traced back over a thousand years and beyond their borders. Sushi, the most popular of all Japanese cuisine, has a fascinating history relating to its evolution to what we know today. Sushi's popularity has continued to explode, spreading throughout the United States in the 1970s. Sushi is now a global phenomenon.

Japanese cookery has evolved over time and has features that make each item unique and identifiable to their culture. Sushi is such an item. Its sudden rise to popularity brings an interest about sushi's origin, genealogy, and the background history of people and events that changed the methods used to create different styles of Sushi. It's popularity, globalization, and the distinctive differences earmarked by some types of sushi are a growing interest to novice and experienced connoisseurs of sushi.


A. The origins of sushi date…...

Sushi Went Global Sushi Is
Pages: 2 Words: 567

By the 1970s sushi was a proper fad in America, especially among the culturally elite, and by the 1990s, sushi was officially cool. The increased value of "aesthetics" in food presentation, as well as the appeal of healthy red-meat alternatives, led to the growth of sushi.
From a consumer's point-of-view, sushi is among the most simplistic (and elegantly so) of dining choices. However, from an economical perspective, it is complex. Basing market values on the migratory patterns and life cycles of fish is not a fail proof economic plan. Variations on the environment, as well as ever-present battles between environmentalists, politicians and policy, local fishermen, and big fishing conglomerates (in varying combinations and often changing sides) will wind up deciding the cost of the sushi rolls on the consumer's plate. A single fishingnet's worth of tuna may be millions of dollars, and if something were to happen to that group…...

Sushi's Global Popularity Bestor Has
Pages: 2 Words: 562

Raw fish on rice was not something to be presented to the uninitiated. It was usually replaced with some cooked seafood like shrimps to make it more acceptable to the Americans. However things changed in 1970s as global trends changed and Japan became a big business hub. This coincided with a shift in American tastes as they skirted past red meat and opted for healthier food like fish, rice and vegetables. New Japanese food outlets appeared on American landscape and sushi became a truly global food.
Japan has thus always been the most eager buyer of tuna. However in 1970s, its fish business suffered due to some coastal regulations and Japan looked towards foreign suppliers to meet growing demand for fish at home. This led to an increase in imports of tune from USA. But when Japanese economy suffered a serious setback, these suppliers did not have to worry about…...


While Tuna has always been popular within Japan, its demand outside of its home county has been a result of slow calculated process that trained western appetites and tastes to become more accepting of eastern cuisine. It started after the Second World War, to be very precise even though North American readers had been introduced to Japanese cooking first time in 1929. However for many decades after that, sushi's recipe and in fact most Japanese food recipes were delicately altered to suit the refined tastes of North Americans. Raw fish on rice was not something to be presented to the uninitiated. It was usually replaced with some cooked seafood like shrimps to make it more acceptable to the Americans. However things changed in 1970s as global trends changed and Japan became a big business hub. This coincided with a shift in American tastes as they skirted past red meat and opted for healthier food like fish, rice and vegetables. New Japanese food outlets appeared on American landscape and sushi became a truly global food.

Japan has thus always been the most eager buyer of tuna. However in 1970s, its fish business suffered due to some coastal regulations and Japan looked towards foreign suppliers to meet growing demand for fish at home. This led to an increase in imports of tune from USA. But when Japanese economy suffered a serious setback, these suppliers did not have to worry about sales. That is because demand for fish went up rapidly in North America and U.S. bluefin industry took off in 1990s. Japanese food meanwhile became a symbol of class and sophistication in America.

The article also discusses the whole procedure of how bluefin tuna is caught and goes on to explain how sushi has managed to remain a Japanese dish exclusively even with Americans witnessing an exponential growth in sushi bars around the country. I loved this piece of writing because it takes into account the factors that are responsible for the growth of something that was primarily eastern. It was a welcome change from usual pieces on globalization that deal with popularity of American products around the world.

Toro Sushi Bar Is Going to Be
Pages: 3 Words: 959

Toro Sushi Bar is going to be a sushi-only themed restaurant with an upscale theme. The restaurant will be focused on the concept of a sushi bar. The preparation area will be in the open, with most diners sitting along the preparation area at a bar. There will also be tables, but around half the seating will be at the bar area. The focus of the menu will be on sushi, and the center of the bar will be reserved for those customers who are ordering the omakase, which is the premium offering on the menu where the chef prepares a multi-course feast, roughly analogous to a tasting menu at the chef's table in a Western fine dining restaurant. The idea is to bring the type of sophisticated sushi concept normally found in a place like New York or Vancouver to the local area.
Toro Sushi Bar will occupy the…...

Japanese Food Known as 'Sushi'
Pages: 3 Words: 1046

Such a melding of cultures, of Southern-American and Japanese-American would be unthinkable back in the 1940s, when Japanese-Americans were not regarded as Americans at all, as exemplified in the openly hostile policies of the American government during orld ar II. Also, the Japanese sushi masters of the past would not trust such a non-Japanese individual. Both the book and the review use the whiteness of Cole as kind of 'exoticism' in and of itself. Cole's Texan origins, and his mundane background, fused with his ability to prepare exotic sushi becomes a kind of symbol of the new face of America. But the book also notes that sushi came to America, not because of Japanese-American's appetite for the foodstuff in America, but because of purveyors' attempts to get rid of a type of fish despised by the Japanese as too oily, tuna. The fish was first sold as sushi in…...


Works Cited

Lalli, Nina. (29 May 2007). "Roll, Sushi, Roll! Sasha Issenberg serves up the raw facts on the global economy of a favorite meal." The Village Voice. Retrieved 16 Sept 2007 at,lalli,76774,10.html

Japanese Art of Balance
Pages: 10 Words: 3502

Japanese Art of Balance
In Japanese culture there is a balancing act taking place. There is a definite ebb and flow, wax and wane to life. Here several aspects of the culture will be considered and addressed in an effort to show how the art of balance is created and how significant it is in the Japanese culture and lifestyle. It is not just art, not just food, not "just" anything when it comes to where the balance is seen and how much it has to offer to the Japanese people. It seems as though balance has always been part of their culture, from the earliest times right up until the present day. People who are not part of that culture, or who do not focus on the many ways in which balance can be achieved in life, may not realize the significance of some of the things Japanese people create.…...



Cwiertka, Katarzyna J. (2007). Modern Japanese Cuisine: Food, Power and National Identity. New York: Reaktion Books.

Dale, Peter N. (1990). The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness London: Routledge

Diamond, Jared (1998). "Japanese Roots." Discover Magazine 19 (6).

Goldstein-Gidoni, Ofra (1999). Kimono And The Construction of Gendered and Cultural Identities. 38. The University of Pittsburgh. pp. 351-370.

Tuna Harvest and Production Describe
Pages: 3 Words: 1013

According to the recently released Stock Status Ratings -- 2012: Status of the orld's Fisheries for Tuna, which was compiled by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), "there are 23 stocks of the major commercial tuna species worldwide (6 albacore, 4 bigeye, 4 blue-n, 5 skipjack and 4 yellow-n stocks) ... (and) globally, 52% of the stocks are at a healthy level of abundance, 39% are over-shed and 9% are at an intermediate level" (3). The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species has found that because "this species has been intensively fished since the early 1950s "estimated (that) spawning stock biomass has declined approximately 85% over the past 36 years (1973 -- 2009) and there is no sign that the spawning stock is rebuilding" (1). Today, the majority of canned tuna purchased by consumers is sourced from commercial "fish farms" and industrial fisheries…...


Works Cited

Fonteneau, Alain. "Species composition of tuna catches taken by purse seiners." Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Division. 22 Aug 2008: Web. 5 Apr. 2013. .

Greenberg, Paul. "A Tale of Two Cans: Why Canned Salmon Is Better Than Tuna." The Atlantic. 12 Aug 2011: Web. 4 Apr. 2013 .

Sepulveda, C.A.; Dickson, K.A.; Bernal, D.; Graham, J.B. (2008). "Elevated red myotomal muscle temperatures in the most basal tuna species, Allothunnus fallai." Journal of Fish Biology 73(1): 241 -- 249. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. .

United States Department of Agriculture. The USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2011. Web. .

Economics Major First and Foremost I Intend
Pages: 2 Words: 612

Economics Major
First and foremost, I intend to major in Economics. From quite an early age, I have grown up admiring successful business leaders. I envisaged such individuals as living relatively fulfilling lives based on the wealth they had amassed from investments. One of my main personal heroes in business and investments has always been Benjamin Graham, an astute investor and economist who passed on in 1976. Graham who in my opinion remains one of the most rational investors of all time came up with some of the most priceless yet simple investment principles. Having developed a keen interest in the investments field at an early age, I have been an avid reader of any available literature on Ben Graham. Based on these readings, I remain convinced that to make sound investment decisions; the need for a well-founded understanding of economics cannot be overstated. Further, over time, I have come to…...

Hardship Letter - Nutritional Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1376

Subject should also increase fat intake to better balance his diet.
Subject's fiber consumption was so far in excess of DV that negative digestive consequences cannot be ruled out.

Salt intake was more than the DV, but could be easily corrected with some minor dietary changes.

The Food Standards Agency has developed the Eat Well Plate as an easy to follow nutritional guideline.

The Eat Well Plate is a visual display and quick reference for consumers to better balance their diets in compliance with the DV's. Analysis revealed a shortfall in fruits and vegetables as well as bread, rice and pasta - the two largest sections of the plate. Subjects fat consumptions were well below the DV's, but per the Eat Well Plate are the smallest category recommended.

ecommendations for Subject's improved nutritional balance would include increased caloric intake, weighted heavily in the fruits and vegetables, breads, rice and pasta categories. Targeted changes in…...



Nutritional Analysis Tool 2.0, created July 1999, retrieved January 31, 2009

Media Advertising
Pages: 3 Words: 1054

Media Advertising: Posting an Ad on Facebook
Social media advertising provides a great platform for enhancing a brand message's reach and influencing prospects at the buying cycle's middle-of-the-funnel or evaluation stage. Facebook presents a unique marketing plan for advertisers; one that entirely focuses on middle-of-the-funnel offers as a way of influencing buyer decisions. This is quite logical since it is at the evaluation stage that a buyer i) clarifies exactly what they need, and then embarks on the search for a satisfying provider, and ii) is most likely to share information through their established network though a 'like' (Social Media Today, 2013).

In order to take advantage of this aspect, Sushi Fashions, a dealer in ladies wear, handbags and accessories intends to put up an ad regarding its Super Bowl sale, in which buyers could get up to 50% off on the conventional prices - over the entire product range. Having used…...



Catholic Democrats. (2008). Step-by-Step Instruction to Place a Facebook Ad. Catholic Democrats. Retrieved from 

Social Media Today. (2013). Enhance your MOFU: 10 Ways to Advertise on Social Media. Social Media Today Community. Retrieved from >

VanHoose, D. (2011). E-Commerce Economics (2nd ed.). New York: Taylor & Francis.

Apply Tipping Point Theory
Pages: 2 Words: 655

Tipping Point Theory
Apply Tipping Point Theory

Applying tipping point theory: Salespersons

As articulated by Malcolm Gladwell, tipping point theory suggests that small changes can make an enormous difference, in terms of the ways they create waves of change that eventually affect the rest of the surrounding environment, much like one carrier of a 'disease' that spreads an illness from person to person can create an epidemic. Although the disease metaphor is an example of a negative manifestation of tipping point theory, positive reforms can also be spread from person to person very quickly. Another good example of this is that of the 'meme' or Internet phenomenon that 'goes viral' as more and more people share the image or video with their online acquaintances.

Gladwell divides the disseminators of ideas into three categories: that of mavens, connectors, and salespersons. Mavens know a great deal about a topic and have the authority and enthusiasm of…...

Excutive Summary Popularizing Sakae Foods Singapore Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1079

Excutive ummary
Popularizing akae Foods

ingapore is a multicultural society where many types of cuisines are available, such as Islamic-Halal, Indian, Chinese, Western, vegetarian and low-calorie meals. In order to attract and retain customers, akae will have to develop unique brands and menus that are available nowhere else. In order to be competitive, it will also have to provide a wide variety of foods at reasonable prices to appeal to various demographic groups. Each product has a life cycle of introduction, growth, maturity and decline, which is why the menu will have to be changed every two months, so that customers will not become bored with the same items. New foods will constantly be introduced during each decline phase.


akae uses only the best quality sushi from highly-rated suppliers and has had relationships with the same ones throughout its 20-year history. Its competent and experienced chefs perform their own…...


Sakae should also expand its franchises overseas, including Western nations, where Japanese food has increasing appeal, and this become a true global brand. Over time, it could develop into the leading international chain of Japanese restaurants.


Sakae Sushi is a well-known Japanese food company that started in 1996 and has now evolved into a global brand, with more than 100 distributors and partners all over the world. Sakae has numerous competitors but it retains its advantages among its customer base of all ages, and its appeal for restaurants. Their product is not Western food, but traditional Japanese cuisine, and this is exactly what consumers want. In the future, the company is going to expand on the global level and give customers the opportunity to experience real Japanese food.

What are the main characteristics of fast food that set it apart from other dining options?
Words: 653

Defining Fast Food: A Culinary Category of Convenience and Speed

In today's fast-paced society, dining options that prioritize speed and convenience have gained immense popularity. Fast food, a culinary category characterized by its rapid preparation, standardized menu, and accessible locations, has become an integral part of the modern dining landscape. Distinct from other dining options, fast food possesses several defining characteristics that set it apart:

1. Rapid Preparation:

Fast food restaurants prioritize speed and efficiency in their operations. They utilize pre-cooked or quickly prepared ingredients, standardized cooking methods, and specialized equipment to minimize preparation time. Customers can typically expect their orders to be....

\"What are the key ingredients and steps involved in making traditional sushi rolls?\"
Words: 356

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of sushi
B. History of sushi
C. Significance of sushi in Japanese culture
II. Types of Sushi
A. Nigiri sushi
1. Definition
2. Ingredients
3. Serving style
B. Maki sushi
1. Definition
2. Ingredients
3. Serving style
C. Sashimi
1. Definition
2. Ingredients
3. Serving style
III. Health Benefits of Sushi
A. Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids
B. Low in calories
C. High in protein
IV. How to Eat Sushi
A. Using chopsticks
B. Using hands
C. Proper etiquette when eating sushi
V. Popularity of Sushi Worldwide
A. Availability in restaurants
B. Fusion sushi dishes
C. Sushi appreciation events and....

What role did Japanese woodblock prints play in influencing 19th c. Western artists like Monet, Degas, Cassatt, and Van Gogh?
Words: 338

I. Introduction

  1. The Art of Japanese Woodblock Prints

    1. Definition and origins

    2. Significance in Japanese culture
  2. Materials and Techniques

    1. Woodblocks, ink, and paper

    2. Carving and printing process

II. Key Artists and Styles

  1. Ukiyo-e Masters

    1. Katsushika Hokusai

    2. Utagawa Hiroshige
  2. Later Innovations

    1. Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

    2. Kawase Hasui
  3. Comparison to Western Prints

    1. Differences in techniques and aesthetics

    2. Influence on Western art

How does American cuisine shape our national identity?
Words: 299

1. A Culinary Tapestry: How American Cuisine Weaves Together Our National Identity

    This title captures the idea that American cuisine is a diverse and complex tapestry, reflecting the various cultures and influences that have shaped our nation's history.

2. From Apple Pie to Sushi: The Evolving Landscape of American Food

    This title highlights the dynamic nature of American cuisine, emphasizing how it has evolved over time to incorporate flavors and ingredients from around the world.

3. The Melting Pot on the Plate: How American Food Reflects Our Immigrant Heritage

    This title focuses on the role of immigration in shaping....

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