Taxation Essays (Examples)

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Taxation an Alien Is a Person Who
Pages: 5 Words: 1727

An alien is a person who is neither an American national nor citizen. A non-resident alien is a person who has not qualified after taking the presence examination or the green card evaluation. The American government taxes non-resident aliens only on earnings from U.S. commerce sources. Consideration of income is effective based on commerce or trades within the U.S.A. And is ineffective based on income outside USA sources (Fellows, 2012). For non-resident aliens, taxing of their income is independent of efficiency of connection of the alien's income to U.S. trade or commerce sources. It is succinct that USA tax regime differs for resident and nn-resident aliens.

Income that is properly linked to a USA commerce or trade is subject to a flat legislative tax of 30% on the total amount earned without a deduction executed for related expenses. Decreased tax rates exist depending on the type of income and whether USA…...



Cch Tax Law Editors. (2009). Income Tax Regulations (Winter 2009 Edition) (Six Volume Set).

London: CCH.

Fellows, M. (2012). Taxing America. New York, NY: NYU Press.

Johnson, L.M. (2008). Federal Tax Course (2009). London: CCH.

Taxation in the United States the Taxation
Pages: 15 Words: 4341

Taxation in the United States
The taxation system of the United States of America is flawed in many ways; meanwhile there are some benefits of this system as well. The current taxation system of the United States needs to be analyzed to point out the flaws in the system. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the current components of this system with respect to the flaws and good things about it, to discuss the problems relevant to the particular taxes and what can be done to solve these problems. efore we go on to analyze the system, it is important for us to know the components of the taxation system and the types of taxes that are imposed on the people in the country.

Overview of the Current System

The United States of America is known as a federal republic. This implies that it is composed of autonomous local and…...



"Effective tax rates: income, payroll, corporate and estate taxes combined." Peter G. Peterson Foundation. July 01, 2013.

Edwards, Chris. "Options for Tax Reform," Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 536, February 24, 2005.

Matthews, Dylan. U.S. tax code isn't as progressive as you think. The Washington Post, 2013.

Olen, John. "America's Tax System Must Be Improved." Economy in Crisis, 2013.

Taxation and Price Control Taxes
Pages: 3 Words: 981

In this way, taxation on sellers also diminishes the market in question, as both supply and demand lower to reach the new equilibrium.
The ultimate effect of all forms of taxation on goods is therefore that both buyers and sellers are affected, as the market responds to both changes in demand and supply, regardless of which carries the initial effect.


According to Chris Edwards (2007), the milk market has been affected by government-imposed price controls since the 1930s, with the implementation of "marketing order" regulations. According to these, minimum prices were imposed upon diary processors, which were payable to farmers. This policy limits marketing competition by imposing a minimum government price upon dairy products. In other words, entrepreneurs are unable to supply dairy products at competitive prices and raise demand as a result. Another effect of this price control factor on the market is that…...



Dunlevy, Sue & Dickinson, Alex. (2008, Sept. 25). Milk price set to drop after axing of tax. The Courier Mail.,23739,24398026-953,00.html 

Edwards, Chris. (2007, June 29). The Madness of American Milk Prices. Cato Institute.

Taxation Sales Taxes on Clothing
Pages: 2 Words: 892

The tax holiday was more likely to benefit families that had "the disposable income to buy an $80 sweater for their teen"(De La Torre 2008). To extend this argument, the effect upon equilibrium price and quantity demanded by such non-price sensitive consumers was negligible, resulting in no net benefit to the state's retailers or middle-class consumers. The sales tax holiday on clothing was as equally regressive as a sales tax on clothing -- someone buying a $500 pair of Prada boots gets the same exemption as a poor woman buying her child a much-needed new school uniform, during the holiday period, in contrast to the periods of time when the sales tax was imposed on goods over $75.
But why places a sales tax on clothing, any form of clothing at all? Making the exemption on clothing on items only below a certain amount seems arbitrary. Perhaps shoes in excess…...


Works Cited

Chamberlain, Andrew. (31 Dec 2006)." New York Democrats call for permanent sales tax holiday." Tax Policy Blog: Official weblog of the Tax Foundation. Retrieved 15 Sept 2008. 

De La Torre, Vanessa. (2008). "State's tax holiday on clothes, shoes begins Sunday."

The Hartford Courant. Retrieved 15 Sept 2008.,0,2152521.story?track=rss 

Exemptions from sales and use taxes." (2008). The State of Connecticut:

Taxation and Distribution for Trenton
Pages: 5 Words: 1552

2.) Consider implementing a tax which targets tourists and visitors to New Jersey, with the funds being directly allocated to school districts in the state. A hotel and lodging tax, or a sporting ticket tax, if relatively minor and unobtrusive, could easily bridge the gap between New Jersey's stated educational goals, and the funding capacity necessary for their achievement.

3.) Provide attainable goals for students so that the level of educational outcomes is dependent on their drive, ambition, and talent, rather than on the decree of an anonymous lawmaker in Trenton. When the education of an entire generation of students is contingent upon a Congressional body that has become synonymous with futility, we should not be basing the schooling of our children on funding formulas and tax rates.


Cerf, C.D. New Jersey Department of Education, (2012). Education funding report. etrieved from State of New Jersey website:

Crawford, C., Sabrin, M., & Tuneva,…...



Cerf, C.D. New Jersey Department of Education, (2012). Education funding report. Retrieved from State of New Jersey website: 

Crawford, C., Sabrin, M., & Tuneva, E. (2010). Property Taxes in New Jersey: Are Homeowners Paying for School Districts at Disproportionate Rates…Is There Equity in New Jersey. Northeast Business & Economic Association, Morristown, New Jersey.

Goodspeed, T.J. (1998). The relationship between state income taxes and local property taxes: education finance in New Jersey. National Tax Journal, LI (2), 219-238.

Trenton Public Schools, New Jersey Department of Education, (2012). Budget & salary / compensation transparency reporting. Retrieved from Trenton Public Schools website:

Taxation Impact of Taxes on Business Owners
Pages: 9 Words: 2512

Impact of taxes on business owners

Tax Implications on Salary and Dividend Payments

The amount of money that a business takes out has important implication of tax amount that the business will be liable to pay. But for the case of sole proprietorships and partnerships, it makes no difference how much or when the money is taken out of the business. After all, owners of both partnerships and sole proprietorships pay personal taxes on their full share of their company's incomes every year. These business structures do not allow for owner salaries but withdrawals which have no tax impact at all (oss, 2007).

For the case of corporate businesses, owners can get money out of their businesses in just a number of different ways each of which has different tax implications. In this case, the business owner and the tax authorities are at cross purposes; the business owner wants to minimize tax bills…...



Atkinson, B. (2007), Optimal Taxation and the Direct vs. Indirect Tax Controversy, Ottawa

Hoffman, N, (2004), Fiscal Crises, Liberty, and Representative Government, Vintage Books, Boston

McCluskey, W., (2005) Land Value Taxation: An Applied Analysis, William J. McCluskey Books

Parkin, M., (2006), Principles of Microeconomics, Moss Publishers, New York

Taxation However the Issue of
Pages: 4 Words: 1122

The total imports will tell you how much how strong the economy is based upon areas that are being heavily taxed. This is because the non-direct taxation system, will tax imports and other items, as a way to raise revenues for the government. (McCann 2006, pp. 37 -- 53) y comparing this number with the information presented earlier, we can see the total effects of the non-direct taxation policy on the economy and the government. When you look at the total number of imports that were being received, it is clear that this figure is following a similar trend as the rest of the economy. With total imports coming in at: $881.6 million for 2007, $876.5 million for 2008 and $735.9 million for 2009. The below chart illustrates the overall declines that were seen with imports during this time. (Cayman Islands Annual Economic Report 2007) (Cayman Islands Annual Economic Report…...



Cayman Islands Annual Economic Report, 2007, Economics and Statistics Office.

Cayman Islands Annual Economic Report, 2008, Economics and Statistics Office.

Cayman Islands Annual Economic Report, 2009, Economics and Statistics Office.

Gupta, G, 2004, 'Laffer Curve,' Macroeconomics, Tata, New Delhi, pp. 131 -- 133.

Taxation Status of Transactions Involving
Pages: 1 Words: 368

Based on that, the original 8% cash transaction would not be considered a reorganization, but the subsequent exchange of stock for the 75% interest in Travis would be considered a non-taxable reorganization. This view was upheld in Chapman v. CIR. This recognizes the principle of continuity of interest that is required. The first transaction, the 8% that was purchased for cash, would not qualify as a reorganization, as it does not represent continuity of interest. In Chapman V. CIR, the court ordered that the 8% interest would need to be liquidated in order for the transaction to be considered a nontaxable reorganization.
If Austin were to liquidate Travis back into Austin, it would qualify as a reorganization, since Austin now owns a controlling interest in Travis. As long as the reorganization plan is adopted after the controlling interest is acquired, it would qualify as a reorganization to absorb Travis into…...

Should the UK Restore the Additional 50p Taxation Rate
Pages: 7 Words: 2312

Taxation: Should the UK Government estore the 50% Additional ate of Income Tax?
Debate surrounding the controversial 50 pence additional rate of income tax for high income earners hit the limelight again at the beginning of this year following Shadow Chancellor ED Beals' announcement that the Labor Party intended to restore the same if it was elected to power in the 2015 general elections. Addressing journalists in January, the Shadow Chancellor argued that such a move would see the economy raise approximately £10 billion over a period of three years, which would essentially imply that i) the level of national debt would be reduced, and ii) disparities in income and wealth would be minimized through a fully-progressive tax system structured to ensure that "those with the broadest shoulders bear a fairer share of the burden" (Merrick, 2014). The Chancellor's argument and the Labor Party's proposal by extension have, however, received their…...



Ault, A. & Arnold, B.J. 2010. Comparative Income Taxation: A Structural Analysis. AH Alphen: Kluwer International

BBC. 2014. Q & A: Return of the 50p Top Rate of Income Tax? BBC News. Online at:   Accessed 28th December 2014. .

Brewer, M., Browne, J. & Johnson, P. 2012. The 50p Income Tax Rate: What is Known and What will be Known? Institute for Fiscal Studies. Online at:   Accessed 1st December 2014 .

Edwards, J. 2014. Finance Bill Debate -- Increase the Top Rate of Income Tax. Jonathan Edwards (Member of Parliament for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr). Online at:   Accessed 1st December 2014 .

Corporate Structure and Taxation
Pages: 2 Words: 755

Taxation Discussion
Under Section 706, a partner cannot "change to a taxable year other than that of a partnership in which he is a principle partner unless he establishes a business purpose therefor." Section 444 elaborates. The general rule is that "except as otherwise provided in this section, a partnership may elect to have a taxable year other than the required taxable year." If the deferral period is less than three months. A scenario under which a business might use a different tax year would be tricky to establish, but if there is a business purpose, it can be done. What constitute a "business purpose" is not established under these sections of the code. There could be situations where a business has revenue accrued at the end of the calendar year, but payment in the early part of the next year. That might be a reason why a business would be…...



26 U.S. Code § 706 - Taxable years of partner and partnership. Retrieved May 14, 2016 from 

26 U.S. Code § 444 - Election of taxable year other than required taxable year. Retrieved May 14, 2016 from (2016). S corporation stock and debt basis. Retrieved May 14, 2016 from

Accounting Finance Taxation International Citizens Are
Pages: 3 Words: 1146

S. citizens who renounced their citizenship and long-term residents who have ended their U.S. resident status for federal tax purposes" (Expatriation Tax, 2011). Different rules apply according to the date upon which one expatriated. People that give up their U.S. citizenship or terminate their long-term resident status for tax purposes after June 3, 2004 are required to confirm to the IS that they have fulfilled all federal tax requirements for the five years before expatriation. If all federal tax requirements have not been fulfilled for the five ears before expatriation, even if the person does not meet the financial thresholds, the person will be subject to the expatriation tax provisions. People that have expatriated should file all tax returns that are due, in spite of whether or not full payment can be made with the return. Depending on a person's circumstances, a taxpayer filing late may meet the criteria for…...



Expatriation Tax. (2011). Retreived from,,id=97245,00.html 

Foreign Tax Credit - Choosing To Take Credit or Deduction. (2011). Retrieved from,,id=97037,00.html 

Income Tax Compliance by U.S. Citizens and U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents Residing

Outside the United States and Related Issues. (1998). Retrieved from

Avoiding Double Income Taxation
Pages: 2 Words: 573

Northwest Brands
Avoiding Double-Income Taxation

Northwest Brands, Inc., is a small business incorporated in Minnesota. Its one class of stock is owned by twelve members of a single family. Ordinarily, corporate income is taxed at the corporate and shareholder levels. Is there a way for Northwest Brands to avoid this double-income taxation? Explain your answer.

Because corporations are considered fictional 'persons' under the law, they are taxed as separate entities. The incomes of their owners (shareholders) and employees (from the most lower-level employees to the members of the boards of directors) are all subjected to income tax. This is called double taxation as income is taxed "once to the corporation itself and then a second time when earnings are paid out to the corporation's owners (shareholders). This is true only for earnings paid out to shareholders in the form of dividends -- that is, profits paid by the corporation to its shareholders in…...



Double taxation. (2013). INC. Retrieved: 

What is double taxation? (2013). Nolo. Retrieved:

Why Choose a Masters in Taxation
Pages: 2 Words: 481

Personal Statement: Master's In Taxation
It is often said that 'there is nothing certain but death and taxes.' I would beg to disagree with the latter statement. Although the existence of taxes may be a reality, the way in which the tax code and accounting standards will change and take shape is anything but certain. Pursuing a master's in taxation would deepen my knowledge of the tax code and enable me to become more flexible in dealing with the inevitable changes that will occur in the profession and tax policy over the next several decades.

The tax code is in a state of transition, and accountants and other finance professionals must be prepared to cope with issues such as the rise in importance and the use of more philosophically-based International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) versus the more technically-oriented Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in (GAAP) in the U.S. The increased concern about corruption…...

Federal Income Taxation of Charitable
Pages: 9 Words: 4184

Where the charities were directly or indirectly involved in, through their officers in other ventures, the tax debts of such entities were estimated to be $15 million in additional tax debts, mostly payroll taxes. (United States Government Accountability Office, 2007)
There were instances where in spite of findings that the exempted entity was abusing the federal tax system, these organizations continued to have the exempt status. (United States Government Accountability Office, 2007) The rigidity of a trust and the changes in law are contradictory that creates a situation where the intervention of courts becomes necessary. In the case of institutions like the Barnes Foundation for example, the Institution owns art collection, amassed in the beginning of the century by Dr. Albert C. Barnes, has clauses in the establishing of the trust which has the creator's detailed instructions and some restrictions on the use of, the trust and its funds. Charitable…...



Abbin, Byrle M. (2008) "Income Taxation of Fiduciaries and Beneficiaries, 2008"


Braunstein, Samuel L; Burger, Carol F. (2007) "The IRS Gets Less Charitable- New tax rules for charitable deductions create hurdles to taxpayer philanthropy." ABA Journal, Retrieved 10 June, 2009 from 

Buckles, Johnny Rex. (2002) "The Case of the Taxpaying Good Samaritan: Deducting

Optimal Business Forms for Taxation
Pages: 21 Words: 5934

Since their inception, a number of LLC statutes have been adopted across the country and becaue of the RULLCA initiative, the various jurisdictional disparities are slowly being replaced with more uniform approaches and interpretations. According to Greubner, LLCs have "evolved [into] a more of a distinct form and less of a hodgepodge of existing corporate and limited partnership rules."

The LLC, though, remains a relatively new governance regime compared to the traditional partnership structure that has been around as a common law form of organization far longer than the first limited partnership statute adopted in 1822.

To date, the remains a paucity of relevant case law adjudicating LLC statutes or agreements; however, recent trends make it clear that there will likely be a growing body of case law in the future as various states hammer out their remaining differences in the inexorable march to universal adoption of the RULLCA. As Gruebner points…...

What are the differences between the French Revolution and American Revolution?
Words: 417

While it is impossible to escape the similarities between the French Revolution and American Revolution and there is no question that the American Revolution helped inspire the French Revolution, there are a number of important differences between the French and American revolution.

Location was an important difference.  America was a colony that was revolting against a ruling government that was separated from it by a large distance, while the French Revolution occurred in France and was aimed at the monarchy in that country.

Social class played a much more important role in the French Revolution than the American Revolution. ....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on Crypto Markets?
Words: 586

## Crypto Market Dynamics and Emerging Trends

### 1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

- Growth and Innovation: DeFi protocols offer a range of financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and trading, without the need for intermediaries.
- New Tokenomics: DeFi introduces innovative token designs that reward liquidity providers and community members.
- Interoperability: Cross-chain bridges allow users to transfer assets across different blockchains, facilitating DeFi activities.

### 2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

- Digital Collectibles and Art: NFTs represent unique and verifiable digital assets, enabling the ownership and trading of digital art, collectibles, and other items.
- New Markets: NFTs create new markets for digital creators, artists, and collectors.

I\'m in need of some essay topics on titles about exclusion. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 862

Topic 1: The Social Exclusion of Marginalized Groups

Essay Title: Unveiling the Hidden Toll: The Profound Impact of Social Exclusion on Marginalized Communities

In contemporary society, the insidious forces of social exclusion continue to cast a long shadow on the lives of marginalized groups. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of social exclusion and its profound impact on these communities, shedding light on the systemic barriers, prejudices, and societal attitudes that perpetuate their marginalization. By exploring the lived experiences of those affected, we aim to unveil the hidden toll of exclusion and advocate for a more inclusive and equitable society.


1. Institutional....

Need help generating essay topics related to Alcohol Consumption. Can you help?
Words: 471

1. The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Physical and Mental Health

The physiological effects of alcohol on the liver, brain, heart, and other organs
The psychological consequences of alcohol abuse, including depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment
The link between alcohol use and chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke

2. Alcohol Consumption and Social Behavior

The role of alcohol in social interactions, including its effects on communication, mood, and aggression
The impact of alcohol consumption on relationships, family life, and work performance
The social consequences of alcohol abuse, such as domestic violence, child neglect, and crime

3. Alcohol Policy and....

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