Teamwork Essays (Examples)

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The important features influencing the magnitude and composition of a team are quantity, type, and intricacy of the assignment concerned. Involvement in work is increasingly regarded a privilege of individuals in the offices and a manner to render establishments increasingly effectual and prolific. (Williams, 1996) Though a team must all the time possess sufficient members to deal with the tasks and not leave the associates experiencing subdued, a bloated workforce contributing scantily can be fed-up and disappointed. The mind-set of the participants of the team and the mind-set of the organization are the two main aspects in the working of every team inside the office. In order to accomplish the objectives of the establishment to be triumphant and remain contending, the constituents of the teams must be adjustable, compliant and capable of collaborating. Adjustability is a vital characteristic of a team, which is functioning in an excellent manner comprising of….

The first thing that I considered is that all of us must have equal opportunities in contributing to our conference project. As a VP, I made it a point that I will play not as someone who commands but as someone who mediates between my members. Hence, the first team strategy that I proposed in the team is to allow open communication between each of us and at the same time hold periodic meetings where every member has the chance of delivering his ideas and thoughts concerning our conference plans and goals. Since I found that most of the team members are vocal and eager enough to make their ideas happen, team meeting is the best medium for the team to arrive at the best conference ideas and plans. The next key team leading strategy that I implemented was self-awareness. In that, being the VP of the team, I….

Teamwork and Motivation
An organization motivation plan that encourages:

High job satisfaction

Workers satisfied and motivated to succeed will work to make more productive work processes in any organization. Managers may as well meet regularly with workers to examine the effectiveness of their job duties and the way they could be enhanced to build profit. An organization that embarks to make a satisfying working environment will be conscious of feedback from workers who might want to build the level of work satisfaction they experience, bringing about open communication between employees and the management personnel (Messmer, 2011). Workers will need to maintain the satisfying work environment, and they will frequently supply feedback and criticism that they feel is fundamental to protect the positive working environment.

Low turnover

The theory of expectancy advances the premise that representatives will put in a measure of work and responsibility equivalent to what they hope to receive in return as compensation.….

Teamwork at Indiana Tech

Teamwork in Organizations
Teamwork within Indiana Tech

Indiana Tech is a private college that strives to produce the best educational environment for its students. As a member of the staff, I have seen first hand all the effort that goes into making this mission a reality. Overall, the teamwork within the organization is very strong because there is a single goal that unites us, although there are some areas that could use some improvement.

Overall, the team at Indiana Tech is like a family. We all help each other when needed and work very closely with each other and the students in order to accomplish our organizational goals. The communication between staff members is unparalleled compared to other organizations I have worked with. Ultimately, it all boils down to how the team communicates with one another, and thus communication is key to a strong and productive organizational culture. The reason we have such….

84-85). Likewise, behavioral measures of assertiveness in team settings can be measured through peer or supervisory ratings of on-the-job performance; in addition, these metrics can be obtained through the conduct of situational exercises (Salas et al.).
A model described by Bryant and Albring (2006) includes two factors, (a) performance measures (e.g., extrinsic factors including the quality, speed and number of errors in the outcome), and (b) other outcomes, to help measure how well a team is performing, as shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1.

Performance measures and other outcome metrics for measuring team performance.

Type of Metric


Performance Outcomes

1) How professional-looking is the final product? (Quality)

2) Is the project turned in on time? (Speed)

3) How accurate is the final product compared with the model solution? (Accuracy)

Other Outcomes

While these may differ from team to team, these outcome metrics general include:

1) Member satisfaction

2) Group cohesiveness

3) Attitude change, and 4) Sociometric structures

The foregoing metrics are intended….

Dear Client, while you specified two sources for use in this assignment, I was only able to access the attached article from Claims Education Magazine. I could not access the sources located at: and, due to password issues.

Collaborating with others in team settings is beneficial to the fulfillment of objectives as well as building interpersonal skills. hile working individually minimizes issues over responsibility and dependability, there are significant aspects of daily life that require individuals to work together in order to achieve common goals. Learning to cope with both settings is necessary in obtaining success as well as increasing personal development. The academic world provides early exposure to team work as students are routinely asked to work with partners and small groups to complete classroom assignments and compete in sports. The notion of having to get along with others while managing individual strengths, weaknesses and schedules provides grooming….

Teamwork is becoming more and more important in the business world, as interdepartmental and interdisciplinary teams are brought together to solve complex problems within the organization. At the same time, the workplace is becoming increasingly diverse in terms of gender, age, culture, and many other factors. As such, in recent years businesses have been faced with the dual challenges of creating effective teamwork and managing diversity among employees (Lankard, 1994).
There is significant evidence to suggest that diversity has a largely positive effect on teamwork. Deborah Gruenfeld of Stanford's Graduate School of Business suggests that teams with at least two diverse points-of-view on a specific topic make more effective decisions than teams with a single point-of-view. Notes Gruenfeld (2000), "the pressure of the minority forces the majority to think more complexly and consider diverse evidence." Further, Ernest H. Drew, CEO of Hoechst Celanese notes that diverse teams (consisting of a mix….

During the 'performing' part of the teamwork process, we were no longer intimidated and members of the administrative and billing staff were able to trouble-shoot certain problems with the it department without feeling foolish about their lack of computer know-how -- we were certain we 'knew our stuff' where it counted. During the performance period, after the system was integrated and our input had been taken into consideration, we felt as if we had made a positive contribution to the standard operating procedures of the office, and were 'performing' as a unit once again, without outside assistance as to how to use the new computer system.
Tuckman includes another step in his 'teamwork' process, that of adjourning. This reflects the fact that many teams exist for only a short duration, while in my organization, the office 'team' is smaller, and is meant to work together on a consistent basis. e….

She would also have teams working together on projects and weekly meetings to share ideas.
Creativity can only occur in an organization that promotes creativity. There has to be an environment that makes it easy for employees to offer ideas and listen to and be open to other people's ideas. This makes people want to come up with new thoughts and comment on how things are presently being done.

As seen, creativity also means listening to other people's ideas and being open to them. It also is important to give a good reason for why you do or do not like idea. Just saying, "That's great," or "That won't work" does not promote innovation. It is necessary to say, "That's great, because the wings will be stronger on the glider," or "That won't work, because the wings are too weak to support the body." Feedback is a necessary part of creativity.


Teamwork Defined and Analyzed
For decades organizations have promoted the concept of teamwork. More and more organizations are creating teams to improve productivity and efficiency. In many organizations across the nation teams are replacing individual employees to accomplish organizational goals and tasks. The idea that many heads are better than one is familiar among employees in corporations large and small.

Many people assume that a group of people working together on a project makes a team. An effective team however, is much more than a group of people working together on a project. An effective team is one that collaborates together to accomplish mutual goals and objectives. Below we'll describe in more detail what it takes to establish effective teamwork and how effective teamwork can benefit organizations.

What Is A Team?

A team may be defined in many ways. Perhaps the most important concept to understand about teams is that teams are more….

Summary This paper examines the control process and the importance of teamwork. The control process consists of three steps: measurement, comparison and action. A company’s performance must be measured, using a tool that looks at important variables which help to show where the company is in terms of performance. The data obtained from measuring is then compared to the standard. If the data shows that the company is not meeting the standard, action is required: either, the company must adopt a change to address the lack or it must change the standard. If the data shows that the standard is being met, no change is needed. In terms of teamwork, companies can benefit from teamwork but challenges are also an issue. One type of challenge is multigenerational challenges, where individuals do not shared the same sense of ideals, communication practices, ethics, or attitudes. This can be overcome by adopting the social….

Impact of Teams

Impact of Teams - Review of Case Study Introduction
It is important to note, from the onset, that there is need to add the number of working teams at Sanderson Soaps. This assertion is largely founded on several factors. With the company’s gross sales having hit $3 million last year, Sanderson Soaps appears to be on track to becoming a much larger enterprise. Indeed, the company was barely able to fill orders last quarter. The future growth of the company will be largely dependent on how well the management of the company harnesses the power of teamwork to further advance the organizational agenda. It should be noted that at present, the company does not work as a cohesive team keen on accomplishing specific organizational objectives and goals. This is true at both the executive/managerial level and at the employee level. If the company does not embrace teamwork and increase the number of….

Many other organizations around the world have received benefits from the use of teams in the production and operations management. A clear example is Starbucks. Teamwork is a core value for Starbucks and is one of the key reasons for the company's success company in the management of production and operations as well as overall.

Boone, L.E., & Kurtz, D.L. (2010). Contemporary Business. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Cohen, P.., & Levesque, H.J. (1991). Teamwork. Nous, 25(4), 487-512.

Gilbert, S. (2008). The Story of Starbucks. Mankato: Creative Co.

Griffin, M.A., Patterson, M.G., & West, M.A. (2001). Job Satisfaction and Teamwork: The ole of Supervisor Support. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22(5), 537-550.

Heywood, J.S., & Jirjahn, U. (2004). Teams, Teamwork and Absence. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 106(4), 765-782.

Hinds, P.J., & Bailey, D.E. (2003). Out of Sight, Out of Sync: Understanding Conflict in Distributed Teams. Organization Science, 14(6), 615-632.

Jarvenpaa, S.L., & Leidner, D.E. (1999).….

Organizations have varying teams and work groups. These groups hardly achieve peak performance levels, and only a handful bear team attributes such as teamwork. This paper explores team training themes and provides a holistic perspective of Team Development and Teamwork solutions. The tools and programs proposed in this paper seek to help leaders and their teams to overcome common challenges in team operations, even as they discover solutions for success. The areas discussed in this paper span how to improve communication, maximizing resources, utilizing the creativity resource among team members, enhancing team alignment, embracing change positively and how to handle and overcome resistance. A well bonded team is a resilient, tough and productive machine. The list of the practices highlighted below are meant to help intact teams, mixed groups and cross-functional teams and individuals achieve high performance in the organization I work for.

Teamwork training Theme development

The aim is to attain….

teamwork in a business context is based upon communication and cooperation. These principles also apply to an educational environment. It is critical that all members of the team make a consistent and determined effort to participate. Consistency is very important. Students in an online environment must communicate regularly, in both a synchronous and asynchronous format. Email, chat rooms, and message boards all enable team members to keep in constant contact. Communication also facilitates adhering to deadlines for long and short-term goals, another critical component of teamwork. All teams must have a sense of mission and purpose. Communication enables the team to generate rules for interactions that must be obeyed, to ensure that members are treated with respect, that members 'pull their weight' and do not have their areas of authority trampled on, and basic rules of civic discourse are obeyed.
One problem with using synchronous communication, however, is that team….

When I think about what I have learned in my professional skills course, I think of those things that my parents would have called “soft skills.”  To me, they are the factors that make the difference between someone looking good on a resume and someone doing well in an interview and on the job.  They include several factors that relate to how well a person can work in a team, as well as factors that demonstrate someone’s ability to manage time.

Time management is probably the most important skill I have learned from this course.  I never had....

Title: The Benefits of Mandatory Community Service for Secondary School Students

The modern education system should aim to produce well-rounded individuals who are not only academically successful but also socially responsible. Community service plays a vital role in this development, as it exposes students to various societal issues, instills empathy, and fosters a sense of duty towards their communities. Therefore, it is essential that every secondary school student be required to participate in community service as a condition for graduation.

I. Enhancing Social Awareness
A. Community service exposes students to diverse social issues in their local communities.

Each of these principles will have a significant impact on the way I teach. Here's a breakdown of how each principle will influence my teaching approach:

1. Prior knowledge: Before introducing new concepts, I will assess students' prior knowledge to identify any gaps or misconceptions. This will enable me to provide targeted instruction, building upon their existing understanding and connecting new information to what they already know.

2. Active learning: I will incorporate various interactive activities, such as group discussions, problem-solving tasks, and hands-on experiments. By actively engaging students in their learning process, they will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge....

Thesis: Although both "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll and "Treasure Seekers" by Edith Nesbit are imaginative and adventurous children's books, they differ in terms of narrative structure, character development, and themes. In "Alice in Wonderland," the narrative structure is whimsical and dreamlike, following Alice as she encounters various fantastical characters and situations in a nonsensical world. On the other hand, "Treasure Seekers" follows the adventures of a group of siblings who embark on a quest for hidden treasure, with a more traditional narrative structure focused on their journey and interactions with each other.

Character development in "Alice in Wonderland" is centered....

12 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Teamwork the Important Features Influencing the Magnitude

Words: 4845
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Teamwork The important features influencing the magnitude and composition of a team are quantity, type, and intricacy of the assignment concerned. Involvement in work is increasingly regarded a privilege of…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Teamwork One of My Experiences

Words: 643
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The first thing that I considered is that all of us must have equal opportunities in contributing to our conference project. As a VP, I made it a…

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5 Pages

Business - Management

Teamwork and Motivation an Organization Motivation Plan

Words: 1610
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Teamwork and Motivation An organization motivation plan that encourages: High job satisfaction Workers satisfied and motivated to succeed will work to make more productive work processes in any organization. Managers may as…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Teamwork at Indiana Tech

Words: 568
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Teamwork in Organizations Teamwork within Indiana Tech Indiana Tech is a private college that strives to produce the best educational environment for its students. As a member of the staff, I…

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8 Pages

Business - Management

Teamwork The Promotion of a

Words: 2250
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

84-85). Likewise, behavioral measures of assertiveness in team settings can be measured through peer or supervisory ratings of on-the-job performance; in addition, these metrics can be obtained through…

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2 Pages


Teamwork Dear Client While You Specified Two

Words: 822
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Teamwork Dear Client, while you specified two sources for use in this assignment, I was only able to access the attached article from Claims Education Magazine. I could not access…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Teamwork Is Becoming More and More Important

Words: 782
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Teamwork is becoming more and more important in the business world, as interdepartmental and interdisciplinary teams are brought together to solve complex problems within the organization. At the same…

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2 Pages


Teamwork Performing on a Work

Words: 796
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

During the 'performing' part of the teamwork process, we were no longer intimidated and members of the administrative and billing staff were able to trouble-shoot certain problems with…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Teamwork Glider With Increased Competition and

Words: 1360
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

She would also have teams working together on projects and weekly meetings to share ideas. Creativity can only occur in an organization that promotes creativity. There has to be…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Teamwork Defined and Analyzed for Decades Organizations

Words: 1108
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Teamwork Defined and Analyzed For decades organizations have promoted the concept of teamwork. More and more organizations are creating teams to improve productivity and efficiency. In many organizations across…

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3 Pages


Theories of Teamwork in Business

Words: 1259
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Summary This paper examines the control process and the importance of teamwork. The control process consists of three steps: measurement, comparison and action. A company’s performance must be measured, using…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Impact of Teams

Words: 1327
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Impact of Teams - Review of Case Study Introduction It is important to note, from the onset, that there is need to add the number of working teams at Sanderson Soaps.…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Teamwork in the Production and

Words: 1711
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Many other organizations around the world have received benefits from the use of teams in the production and operations management. A clear example is Starbucks. Teamwork is a…

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5 Pages


Teamwork Training Theme and Leadership

Words: 1831
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction Organizations have varying teams and work groups. These groups hardly achieve peak performance levels, and only a handful bear team attributes such as teamwork. This paper explores team training…

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2 Pages


Teamwork in a Business Context Is Based

Words: 565
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

teamwork in a business context is based upon communication and cooperation. These principles also apply to an educational environment. It is critical that all members of the team…

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