Torch Essays (Examples)

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This will embolden the Axis powers by believing that their strategy for a long protracted war will be successful. At the same time, the large numbers of casualties or the inability to make significant territorial gains will force commanders to rethink their approach. This is when they will begin taking a defensive position in the region (which will allow the Axis powers time to regroup and build up their forces). ("Operation Torch," 1942)
What events might induce Axis (German/Italian) culmination without being defeated? Why?

The fall of French held North Africa and the destruction of the French fleet will make it difficult for commanders to continue fighting. This is because they realize that they are isolated and effectively being cut off from their supply lines. If some kind of action is not taken, the Axis forces will be subject to attack from: the air, land and sea. This increases the chances….

staff officer with the Combined Chiefs of Staff, European Theater of Operations. As a recent CGSOC graduate, your supervisor has tasked you to review the Norfolk Group's plan and related documents (Parts 2 and 3). The Combined Chiefs will meet soon to be briefed on the planning thus far to advise President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill on the status of Operation TORCH. Your supervisor's instructions to you are:
"I want you to review this outline plan and the associated communications (Parts 2 and 3) and give me your assessment of how well TORCH supports the M/NATO theater objectives and how well TORCH includes the main elements of operational art and design. However, to do this correctly you first need to understand the M/NATO environment and situation. Use operational design methodology thinking to understand the North African campaign and how TORCH fits in it. Do not give me a national….

Umlauf, The Torchbearers
The Mannerist Aesthetics of Umlauf's "The Torchbearers"

Charles Umlauf's "The Torchbearers" is informed by Renaissance art in its handling of the human form, but it is identifiably a modern work. Depicting two muscled athletes clad in loincloths as they run a race, with their bodies frozen in flight as one passes an Olympic-style torch to the other, "The Torchbearers" is installed as part of a fountain on the southern side of the Flawn Academic Center, a testament to Umlauf's forty-year career teaching sculpture at the University of Texas at Austin. As a depiction of athletes in motion, Umlauf's work alludes to Classical Greek and Roman sculpture quite as unapologetically as the sculptors of the Quattrocento did. Yet Classical statues depicting athletes, such as the Discobolus of Myron, seldom invite an allegorical or symbolic interpretation, while "The Torchbearers" quite clearly does. Installed outside a gymnasium "The Torchbearers" would seem purely….

The Vietnam War was a turning point in the Army's growing realization that senior military leaders, and not just political leaders, had a responsibility to be able to speak to soldiers, to the American people, and to the press about ethical issues.
The Professionalism Study of 1970, examined institutional systems and requirements for success in the Army, attitudes and values of senior officers, and tasks for the 1970s. One of the striking conclusions of the first study was that the Army contained "untoward and unhealthy pressures to strive for success" on the part of officers. Systems that regulated the selection, education, promotion, and reward of Army officers were in need of major correction.

It was clear that the Army needed to evaluate its concepts of values and ethics.

During the decades of the 1970s and 1980s senior commanders in all the services began to exert their influence on the direction and content….

La Vie En Rose There

Just as there is a drastic difference between the Louis Armstrong version of What a Wonderful World, and that of Hawaiian folk singer Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, yet both bring tears to one's eyes, both move straight to the heart, and both are timeless.
So, too, is La Vie en rose. For this analysis, though, it was easier to try to quantify some of the similarities and differences between recorded performances and then hone in on what makes the differing versions so uniquely special. By sticking to female singer with somewhat of a torch song tone, we can get more of a uniquely "french" flavor in the classic:


Genre' Version



Piaf, Edith


French Folk, Torch

946+ several versions

Classic french folk with pining voice, silky vowel sounds and sensuous chord changes

Francis, Connie


At the height of her popularity; less sultry, more in line with her image of the all-American girl.

965- mixed English / French version

Uses tricks of chromaticism….

As stated previously, there are two types of lighting in theaters, General Composition and Selective. During theses early phases, while there were some forays into selective illumination, they were very limited. Some parabolic reflectors were used to guide lighting in specific arches across the scene, but there was little in the way of pinpoint accuracy. There was also one major problem with illumination to date, it was always in the form of a flame and had to be held vertically over its fuel source, protected from anything that could burn and had to be fed by oxygen. This limited the type of housing that could be used as well as the positioning possibilities of this type of light source.

The first attempt at a focused shaft of light was created by the introduction of limelight. The limelight, or calcium light, was produced by directing an oxygen/hydrogen flame at a cylinder of….

orks Cited

Boehm, Deborah A. "Our Lady of Resistance: the Virgin of Guadalupe and contested constructions of community in Santa Fe, New Mexico." Journal of the Southwest. March 22, 2002. Retrieved November 27, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Bowen, Jennifer A. "Our Lady of Guadalupe: New devotional site dedicated to Mary at Our Lady of Snows." Belleville News-Democrat. September 4, 2005. Retrieved November 27, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Coleman, Patty. "Guadalupe caught in clerical struggle." National Catholic Reporter.

June 14, 1996. Retrieved November 27, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Edwards, Bob. "Commentary: Our Lady of Guadalupe, patron saint of Mexico."

Morning Edition: National Public Radio. January 4, 2002. Retrieved November 27, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

The gift of Guadalupe." U.S. Catholic. December 1, 1999. Retrieved November 27

2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Lyden, Jacki. "Profile: Torch run to celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe comes to New

York from Mexico." eekend Edition - Sunday: National Public Radio. December 14,….

It is not intended for the contemplation of the reserved sacrament. Under this new principle, Roman Catholic tabernacles are now set in separate chapels or other more appropriate places (ELCA).
Guidelines for Lutheran Churches

These Churches do not recommend the placement or use of eternal flame lamps in the worship area (ELCA 2011). Doing so will give the erroneous belief that God is present only because of the light or that He is absent if the light is off. Lutheran theology affirms the real presence of Christ in the sacrament and the maintenance of the elements for the sick and the homebound. Some Lutheran congregations keep a clear encased light near the elements to honor or indicate the area where these elements are kept but not to worship them (ELCA).

Symbols at the First Presbyterian Church

An acolyte carries a torch during a liturgical procession (FPCreidsville 2011). This light represents and reminds the….

Psychomotor Assessment
1st Method Psychomotor Assessment

Neurological observation as relating to psychomotor Assessment framework revolves around collecting data about the CNS or brain and spinal cord of a patient. Some of the areas that are assessed include Level of Conscious, Alertness, Pupillary esponse, Vitals, and Motor esponse (Mooney and Comerford, 2003).

In categorizing the level of consciousness some of the observations include alertness, being aware of surrounding environment, in contrast to drowsiness or slower responses. As stimuli is applied, it is important to record not only if there is a response, but the rate or speed of the response could indicate there is an uncharacteristic condition. If a patient is not conscious, there is no response even to a pain induced stimuli such as heat, pressure, or light. A problem could exist when there is pressure on the brain caused by excess fluid or a head trauma of some type.

Vitals are part of….

The decision as to which protests should be permitted needs thorough evaluation in this particular case.
The Amnesty International protest proves to be at a safe enough distance from the convention and is also a more secure situation, where police and other law enforcement can better keep suspicious bags and packages from entering the area. However, there could be a number of legal claims if the Committee grants a permit to Greenpeace to conduct a protest at the shopping mall. There is a possibility that protesters might spill into the roadway adjacent to the American Airlines Arena, where the Conference is taking place. Due to the fact that it is so close, it would be difficult to keep people from entering that area from the protest, which could be a danger to all the attendees and politicians inside. If the permit is granted, police can not lawfully conduct pat downs….

Memory: The Statue of Liberty
The 7-volume French Realms of Memory: Rethinking the French Past and its condensed 3-volume English translation examine French History through "collective memories" of powerful French symbols. Editor Pierre Nora sums up France's History as "neither a resurrection nor a reconstitution nor a reconstruction nor even a representation but, in the strongest possible sense, a 'rememoration" (Nora and Kritzman xxiv). In Nora's theory, History involves memory as "the overall structure of the past within the present" (Nora and Kritzman xxiv) and co-editor Kritzman asserts, "Our knowledge of the past is less a question of our empirical grip on the past than on our apprehension of the past as we represent it through the lens of the present" (Nora and Kritzman xii).

Examining famous French symbols such as the Eiffel Tower and Joan of Arc (Nora and Kritzman xii), Nora's and Kritzman's work illustrates that the "realm of….

Archaeological Interpretations of Upper Paleolithic Cave Paintings
There are many questions related to the chronological spread of Paleolithic tool production and paintings due to geographical differences in the progress of the spread of such tool production. While radiocarbon dating has furthered the ability to identify specific time period information there are still limitations to this type of data. There has been loose identification of chronological periods of production and in cave paintings the more complex paintings are not always those most recently created. Difficulty exists in the establishment of regional progressions of development. While the combination of radiocarbon, thermoluminescence, and electron spin resonance dating techniques assisted investigators for the upper Paleolithic period in the reconstruction of "a reasonably coherent global chronology." (Bar-Yosef, 2002) At the same time there are still significant standard deviations along with other limitations in this dating of archaeological findings. This study examines these issues and limitations….

Project Management: Case Study in Managing a Complex Shipyard Project in Singapore
Background of Complex Shipyard Construction Project

Company background

Project Overview and Objective

ork Process of Building Construction

Issue Analysis in Shipyard Construction Project Management

Literature Review of Project Management

Issues in Scope Management

Methodology of Scope Management

Lessons Learned from Scope Management

Issues in Cost Management

Methodology of Cost Management

Lessons Learned from Cost Management

Issues in Human Resources

Methodology of HR Management

Lessons Learned from Human Resource Management

Case Study in Managing a Complex Shipyard Construction Project in Singapore


This paper introduces the special features of a completed shipyard project, together with its construction and human resource management processes as well. The organization of the paper provides an introduction to the topic, an overview and background of the In the first part, this project illustrates overview of the complex background of a complex ship-building project as envisioned by Koppel Shipyards of Singapore, the project objective and the background of the company involved. A critical….

Every year, right before the beginning of the rainy season, right when the air is at its thickest, hottest, and most utterly unbearable, everybody rushes around, trying to get everything done. For when the rains come, you want to be ready. You never want to get caught out. Because once they start, they do not stop for months. the world is transformed entirely, the fields become lakes, the stilted houses on which we live become islands, and life becomes attuned to the migration of the padang fish. They come so thick through the muddy waters that once held our crops, that one cast of the net will feed each family for a week. I remember the idyll, those carefree days after the lakes have formed, where there is nothing to do but lie in my hammock listening to the rain patter on our shack's tin roof.

But the rainy season does….

Architecture through the Ages

Construction in ancient times is second only to agriculture-it reaches back as far as the Stone Age and possibly further (Jackson 4). Before the existence of master builders in design and construction the Code of Hammurabi (1795-1750 B.C.) referred to design and construction as a simple process (Beard, Loulakis and undrum (13). Hammurabi was the ruler of Babylon, the world's first metropolis and he codified his code of laws (Beard 13). This is the earliest example of a ruler introducing his laws publicly. The code regulated the organization of society including the extreme punishments for violating the law. The builder's work is addressed in the code, however faulty design and improper construction were viewed as one (13). Six specific laws address the builder. These laws are;

228. If a builder build a house for some one, and does not construct it properly, and the house which he….

1. "The Importance of Family Traditions: A Look at Thanksgiving Celebrations"

2. "Creating Lasting Memories: Our Thanksgiving Family Tradition"

3. "Passing Down the Torch: Keeping Thanksgiving Traditions Alive"

4. "The Evolution of Thanksgiving Tradition in Our Family"

5. "A Time for Gratitude: Our Thanksgiving Family Rituals"

6. "From Generation to Generation: Our Thanksgiving Family Traditions"

7. "Celebrating Togetherness: The Meaning of Our Thanksgiving Tradition"

8. "Reflections on Thanksgiving: Our Family's Unique Traditions"

9. "The Heart of Thanksgiving: How Our Family Traditions Bring Us Closer"

10. "The Joy of Thanksgiving: Our Family's Time-Honored Traditions"
11. "United in Gratitude: Our Global Thanksgiving Traditions"
12. "Traditions Across Borders: Our International Thanksgiving Celebration"
13. "A Tapestry....

5 Pages
Case Study


Operation D Torch the Focus

Words: 1550
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

This will embolden the Axis powers by believing that their strategy for a long protracted war will be successful. At the same time, the large numbers of casualties…

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6 Pages

History - World War II

The Center of Gravity for Operation Torch

Words: 2763
Length: 6 Pages

staff officer with the Combined Chiefs of Staff, European Theater of Operations. As a recent CGSOC graduate, your supervisor has tasked you to review the Norfolk Group's plan…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Umlauf the Torchbearers the Mannerist Aesthetics of

Words: 1513
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Umlauf, The Torchbearers The Mannerist Aesthetics of Umlauf's "The Torchbearers" Charles Umlauf's "The Torchbearers" is informed by Renaissance art in its handling of the human form, but it is identifiably a…

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25 Pages
Term Paper


Ethical Changes in the Classroom

Words: 6690
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Vietnam War was a turning point in the Army's growing realization that senior military leaders, and not just political leaders, had a responsibility to be able to…

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4 Pages


La Vie En Rose There

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Just as there is a drastic difference between the Louis Armstrong version of What a Wonderful World, and that of Hawaiian folk singer Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, yet both bring…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Theatrical Lighting History and Discourse

Words: 3518
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As stated previously, there are two types of lighting in theaters, General Composition and Selective. During theses early phases, while there were some forays into selective illumination, they were…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Lady of Guadalupe to Understand

Words: 1860
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

orks Cited Boehm, Deborah A. "Our Lady of Resistance: the Virgin of Guadalupe and contested constructions of community in Santa Fe, New Mexico." Journal of the Southwest. March 22, 2002.…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Light in Christian Worship Candlelight

Words: 3239
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It is not intended for the contemplation of the reserved sacrament. Under this new principle, Roman Catholic tabernacles are now set in separate chapels or other more appropriate…

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4 Pages


Psychomotor Assessment 1st Method Psychomotor Assessment Neurological

Words: 1120
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Psychomotor Assessment 1st Method Psychomotor Assessment Neurological observation as relating to psychomotor Assessment framework revolves around collecting data about the CNS or brain and spinal cord of a patient. Some of…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Democratic-Republican National Convention DRNC Case

Words: 1664
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The decision as to which protests should be permitted needs thorough evaluation in this particular case. The Amnesty International protest proves to be at a safe enough distance from…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Focus on the Relationship Between History and Memory

Words: 837
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Memory: The Statue of Liberty The 7-volume French Realms of Memory: Rethinking the French Past and its condensed 3-volume English translation examine French History through "collective memories" of powerful…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


Archaeological Interpretations of Upper Paleolithic Cave Paintings

Words: 2661
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Archaeological Interpretations of Upper Paleolithic Cave Paintings There are many questions related to the chronological spread of Paleolithic tool production and paintings due to geographical differences in the progress…

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55 Pages
Term Paper


Project Management Case Study in Managing a

Words: 14774
Length: 55 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Project Management: Case Study in Managing a Complex Shipyard Project in Singapore Background of Complex Shipyard Construction Project Company background Project Overview and Objective ork Process of Building Construction Issue Analysis in Shipyard Construction…

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5 Pages
Creative Writing


Hero Myth Creative Writing Exercise

Words: 1862
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

Hero Every year, right before the beginning of the rainy season, right when the air is at its thickest, hottest, and most utterly unbearable, everybody rushes around, trying to get…

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24 Pages
Literature Review


History and Development of Master Builder and Design Build Tradition of Western Civilization

Words: 6891
Length: 24 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Architecture through the Ages Mesopotamia Construction in ancient times is second only to agriculture-it reaches back as far as the Stone Age and possibly further (Jackson 4). Before the existence…

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