Unethical Practice Essays (Examples)

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Further, many home owners lost their homes due to foreclosure and this impacted the society in a negative way.
The stock markets were no exception to this problem and most companies saw their stock prices dive down. This prevented them from accessing the required capital for expansion and at the same time, many individual investors lost heavily. A good percentage of Americans saw the erosion of their 401K and this placed further financial difficulties in their personal lives.


In short, the unethical practices used by the banks in a wide array of activities including lending had a big impact on the economy. They used many tactics such as shadow banking, creating complex instruments, predatory lending, fraudulent mortgage contracts and sub-prime lending to bring the financial industry on the brink of disaster. It is hoped that regulators, financial executives and the people would be more wary in the future to prevent such….

unethical practices and behavior in Accounting. Review the effect of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 on financial statements.
Identify situations that might lead to unethical practices and behavior in Accounting

The company may distort its accounts in order to make its situation more attractive to current and prospective investors. It may distort its accounts believing that economic conditions will be more promising in the future or equivocating one account with another.

Other situations that may result in unethical practices may be the situation of hiring accountants who, even though they are from an external agency, are paid a bonus to audit the financial records of the organization in a biased way. The organization, too, may reward these auditors in other manners, and so, even if not done overtly, the bribery induces the auditors to lean towards the organization and distort the accounts.

Furthermore, organizational behavior is modeled and influenced by the general organizational….

casts light upon the unethical practices carried out in the domain of marketing strategy. The paper identifies basic ethical issues explaining how customers are trapped and they lose confidence in the organizations and their marketing campaigns.
Marketing is considered as the backbone of a business organization which enables it to communicate with the customers. It is an unquestioned fact that business is driven by the customers who are primary revenue generators and no business can survive without customers (Kotler). The core objective behind establishment of a business is to earn profit and the customer is the sole body driving the process of profit generation.

Profit generation is the function of increasing gap between cost and price of item sold or increasing the number of items sold. The former option is difficult to practice in every industry and it may be a temporary approach. Hence the business practitioners tend to focus on….

Vioxx demonstrates the unethical practice perpetuated within the business community. Typically, the pharmaceutical companies often put their financial interests above the health and safety of drug users. The paper also highlighted the unethical drug approval process implemented by FDA. The paper suggests that the government should introduce tougher drug approval process to ensure that FDA approves only the ethical products into the market.
The case provides the overview of a controversy that involves Vioxx, a drug produced by the U.S. based Merck (Merck & Company), a leading global pharmaceutical company in the United States. Vioxx is an anti-inflammatory drug used for the treatment of acute pain and arthritis without irritation. Merck launched Vioxx in 1999 for the treatment of the acute pain and arthritis and ever since the drug was launched, medical experts had written series of reports about the cardiovascular risks associated with the long usage of Vioxx. Years….

Through the development and implementation of a customized plan, the parties could attain a series of objectives. These results, the main supporters of the importance of a program, refer to the following:
eduction in the joint costs

Identification of complex supply issues

Opportunities for operational integrations

Sustained and continuous benchmarking

Improved communications

Support for strategic decisions

Improved collaborations and Improved value for both company and supplier (the Office of Government Commerce, 2010).

12. Supplier management and unethical suppliers

At a general level, the development and implementation of a high quality supplier management program allows the company to create the benefits above stated. All of these perceived outcomes, such as increased trust, collaboration and communications, have the eventual outcome of improving the relationship between the company and its providers. At an ethical concerns level, this materializes in the following:

The firm is better able to identify and assess any ethical concerns

The firm is better able to convince the supplier to….

Offshoring an Ethical Business Practice?
The practice of offshoring jobs is one that has been discussed at length by both by critics and proponents. Proponents argue that it is an unavoidable outcome of trade agreements that are both necessary and helpful to the global economy. Critics disagree and find offshoring to be destructive to the economy. As Sir James Goldsmith has pointed out in his argument against the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), offshoring wrecks the domestic infrastructure by removing jobs from American cities, which negatively impacts American families. The North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) serves as another example: nearly one million American jobs were lost within the first five years of the trade deal taking effect (Muhho, 2014). From the standpoint of of Buddhist Ethics, refraining from harming living things is a precept that one should follow. This same idea has been perpetuated by numerous other….

Over 100 of that group will be allowed to participate in a special training session that both teaches and tests medical preparation and fire suppression skills, and which will allow those who pass to gain entrance into the department (eese 2011). Those who are not selected will be eligible to partkae in a $30 million dollar monetary award that was largely facilitated by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The fact that such a venerable organization had to become involved with this particualr grievance of African-American firefighters is largely indicative of the fact that such unethical practices of hiring -- which directly influence the amount of those promoted -- are based upon discriminatory measures against African-Americans.
In conclusion, it has been conclusively demonstrated that there is a history of unethical practices in regards to the promotion of African-American firefighters that continues throughout contemporary times. In some respects,….

Unethical Business esearch Practices
What unethical research behavior was involved?

The antitrust case brought by Wal-Mart and other retailers against Visa and MasterCard in the U.S. Eastern District court, was settled in 2003 for $3 billion and primarily involved a dispute concerning the efficient pricing of access to payment information, including security data that confirmed or refuted the transactional identities of cardholders (oberds & Schreft, 2009). In their pleadings, Wal-Mart and other class action litigants argued that third-party providers such as Visa and MasterCard required them to accept both debit and credit cards issued by MasterCard but the interchange fees were higher for debit cards (Ulzheimer, 2012). In sum, the suit filed by Wal-Mart and other large retailers claimed that Visa and MasterCard "required all merchants who accept their credit cards to also accept their signature debit cards [which] constitutes an illegal tie-in in violation of antitrust law" (Peterson, 2002, p. 31).….

These benefit the local company as well as the entire region.
Leverage financial and other investments in the community. ecause nonprofit organizations mobilize vast reserves of goodwill, corporate investment in the community can have tremendous reach in building a better corporate profile and in strengthening public support of the private sector. (Kanaga, 1998)

The work of Nae and Grigore (nd) entitled: "An Overview of European Multinational Corporations" the social and political changes brought about by globalization have raised new questions as well as expectations about governance and social responsibilities. More and more companies of all sizes and sectors are recognizing the importance of their role in society and the real benefits of adopting a proactive approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)." (Nae and Grigore, nd)


The work of Young (2007) entitled: "Fiduciary Duties as a Helpful Guide to Ethical Decision-Making in usiness" states that the….

HTC's Code Of Ethics
Hospitality estaurant Training Center (HTC) is seeking to create an ethical workplace as it provides training to underprivileged youths in culinary arts skills and techniques. The ethical goals and priorities of HTC include creating an ethical workplace, commitment to ethical behavior, setting ethical examples, and developing positive business value and social change. In this regard, HTC employees will be required to comply with all environmental, safety, and fair practice laws when conducting their various responsibilities. As part of compliance with the relevant laws, the company's employees are required to be responsible and ethical when dealing with the firm's public image, products, partnerships, and finances. Secondly, HTC requires employees to demonstrate respect to the management and their colleagues when carrying out their work. Third, at HTC, employees should demonstrate professionalism and integrity in the workplace. Fourth, all employees are required to protect the company's property by treating it….

Scope and StandardsHistory of Psychiatric-Mental Health PracticeThe history of psychiatric-mental health practice is unfortunately one in which some rather unethical practices appear to have been accepted by and large by communities at one time or another. However, after reflecting on the evolution of psychiatric-mental health nursing, the deinstitutionalization movement stands out to me as a significant turning point. This shift from large-scale mental institutions to community-based care models is one that I view as helpful overall. At the same time, I recognize that there are challenges that remain as a result. For instance, this change does permit patients to live in less restrictive environments and encourages patient autonomybut it has also exposed the lack of adequate community resources for mental health in some cases, particularly where support networks are needed. If we can really understand the best way to support mental health practice, we can keep this positive change going….

Unethical Business esearch Conduct
Business research is conducted for many reasons that are dependent on intended recipient of the research. For business marketers, research might include customer surveys of focus groups. When the research is for the development of a product, it can have a scientific basis and when it comes to stakeholders the research may include financial projections. This paper will therefore look at an article that focuses on some of the unethical business research conduct. The paper will clearly highlight some of the unethical research behavior that is involved and the people who are affected by these unethical research behaviors. The paper will further highlight how the unethical behavior has affected the organization, individuals and society at large. Finally a conclusion will be made on how the unethical behavior can be avoided or resolved.

The article "The case of Neurontin; Skewed esearch in service selling" is an example of some….

Unethical Leadership

Unethical Leadership
Leadership is not an inherited gift or a family heritage. Becoming a leader is a deliberate and planned process of personal and professional development that must be carried out experientially. It requires one to have the courage to say both "yes" and "no' to an everlasting chain of large and small tests. In order to become a true leader, one must be prepared to define his/her values, character, and leadership style. The resilient, tough leaders make this process a way of life, not only in business, but within their families, communities, and the world (Chandler, 2009).

Leadership can be described as "a process of social influence through which an environment is provided where personal, professional, and/or organizational goals can be successfully achieved" (Bahreinian, Ahi & Soltani, 2012). In today's rapidly-growing and spirited industry, efficient management is the major cause of making an organization superior to the other. If truth be….

(Freyhofer 104)
Globalizing clinical research has reportedly proven to be one solution for America's pharmaceutical paradox. Doctors prescribe more than 10 prescriptions for the average American each year. Only one person in 350, however, will submit themselves to be a participant in experimental drug testing. On the other side of the globe, however a profusion of under-treated, poor, physician-trusting patients who live in Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia provide the rapid, positive results needed for new drugs to receive quick approval. One review noted that 99% of controlled trials published in China netted positive results upon the drug/treatment being investigated. (Shah 23) In Nigeria during 2002, thirty Nigerian families filed a class-action suit against Pfizer, who allegedly violated the Nuremberg Code in 1996 as they presided over an experiment on Nigerian children suffering with meningitis. esearchers reportedly forced a risky, unapproved, experiment on unsuspecting subjects who, as a….

Unethical 'Best Practices'
Corporate Governance Case Study: Enron

Enron, the seventh-largest American corporation, collapsed in December 2001 in what most people refer to as the 'New Economy's first major failure'. Following its collapse, Congressional committees immediately embarked on inquiries to determine the cause(s) of its bankruptcy. Once investigations were complete, it was evident that the corporate governance mechanisms employed by the company had contributed to its downfall. The company employed the Anglo-American model of corporate governance, which places substantial emphasis on shareholder rights as opposed to stakeholder rights, and which, in addition, is management-dominated and has a unitary board structure with a single powerful leader. Driven by an urge to keep shareholders appeased by paying them more even when the company's resources were strained, Enron's managers employed off-balance sheet transactions with SPEs, and were able to hide huge amounts of debt that was often collaterized with the company's stock. The CFO, Andrew….

1. The Dark Side of Business: Unethical Practices in the Corporate World

2. The Ethics of Exploitation: Uncovering Unethical Practices in the Modern Workplace

3. Unmasking Unethical Behavior: A Closer Look at Fraud and Corruption in Business

4. Ethics vs. Profit: The Impact of Unethical Practices on Companies and Society

5. Whistleblowing on Unethical Practices: Exposing Wrongdoings for the Greater Good

6. The Slippery Slope of Unethical Behavior: How Small Transgressions Can Lead to Larger Issues

7. The Role of Ethics in the Digital Age: Addressing Unethical Practices in Technology

8. From Enron to Volkswagen: Case Studies of Unethical Practices and Their Consequences

9. Unethical Practices in Healthcare:....

1. Unethical Practices: A Scrutiny of Corporate Greed and Moral Decay

2. The Shadow of Unethicality: Unveiling the Perils of Unprincipled Behavior in Business

3. The Moral Compass in the Marketplace: Reorienting Ethical Standards in Corporate Decision-Making

4. A Path to Perdition: The Consequences of Unethical Practices in the Business World

5. Deconstructing Unethicality: Exploring the Motives and Manifestations of Corporate Malfeasance

6. The Corrosion of Trust: How Unethical Practices Undermine Business Integrity and Public Confidence

7. Ethical Erosion: A Systemic Analysis of the Factors Contributing to Unethical Behavior in the Workplace

8. The Triple Bottom Line of Unethicality: Impacts on the Economy, Environment, and Social Well-being


Lesser-Known but Interesting Essay Topics on Code of Ethics for Supply Chain Management

1. The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain Management

Explore the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in automating supply chain processes, such as decision-making, inventory management, and supplier selection.

2. Ethical Supply Chain Management in the Era of Globalization

Examine the challenges and opportunities in maintaining ethical practices in global supply chains, considering issues of cultural diversity, labor laws, and environmental standards.

3. The Role of Blockchain Technology in Enhancing Ethical Supply Chains

Investigate the potential of blockchain technology to ensure transparency, traceability, and accountability....

Thesis Statement:

Poor leadership is the primary factor contributing to business failures.


Begin by establishing the significance of leadership in business success. Highlight statistics or research demonstrating the correlation between effective leadership and organizational prosperity. State the thesis statement clearly, emphasizing the detrimental impact of poor leadership on business outcomes.

Body Paragraph 1: Lack of Vision and Strategic Direction

Explain how poor leadership can hinder the establishment of a clear vision and strategic direction for the organization.
Discuss the consequences of having a leader who fails to inspire and mobilize employees towards a common goal.
Provide examples of businesses that failed due to....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Unethical Practice in Mortgage Lending

Words: 1567
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Further, many home owners lost their homes due to foreclosure and this impacted the society in a negative way. The stock markets were no exception to this problem and…

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2 Pages


Unethical Practices and Behavior in Accounting Review

Words: 714
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

unethical practices and behavior in Accounting. Review the effect of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 on financial statements. Identify situations that might lead to unethical practices and behavior in…

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8 Pages

Business - Advertising

Casts Light Upon the Unethical Practices Carried

Words: 2420
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

casts light upon the unethical practices carried out in the domain of marketing strategy. The paper identifies basic ethical issues explaining how customers are trapped and they lose…

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5 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Vioxx Demonstrates the Unethical Practice Perpetuated Within

Words: 1736
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Vioxx demonstrates the unethical practice perpetuated within the business community. Typically, the pharmaceutical companies often put their financial interests above the health and safety of drug users. The…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Detecting Unethical Practices at Supplier

Words: 1671
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Through the development and implementation of a customized plan, the parties could attain a series of objectives. These results, the main supporters of the importance of a program,…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Social Responsibility and Business

Words: 3942
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Offshoring an Ethical Business Practice? The practice of offshoring jobs is one that has been discussed at length by both by critics and proponents. Proponents argue that it is…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies

Unethical Labor Practices in the

Words: 1810
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Over 100 of that group will be allowed to participate in a special training session that both teaches and tests medical preparation and fire suppression skills, and which…

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3 Pages


Unethical Business Research Practices What Unethical Research

Words: 939
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Unethical Business esearch Practices What unethical research behavior was involved? The antitrust case brought by Wal-Mart and other retailers against Visa and MasterCard in the U.S. Eastern District court, was settled…

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10 Pages


Unethical Management Practices Have on

Words: 2890
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

These benefit the local company as well as the entire region. Leverage financial and other investments in the community. ecause nonprofit organizations mobilize vast reserves of goodwill, corporate investment…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Unethical Behavior and Workplace

Words: 774
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

HTC's Code Of Ethics Hospitality estaurant Training Center (HTC) is seeking to create an ethical workplace as it provides training to underprivileged youths in culinary arts skills and techniques. The…

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2 Pages


Practice for APRN in Mental Health

Words: 596
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Scope and StandardsHistory of Psychiatric-Mental Health PracticeThe history of psychiatric-mental health practice is unfortunately one in which some rather unethical practices appear to have been accepted by and large…

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3 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Unethical Business Research Conduct Business Research Is

Words: 1012
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Unethical Business esearch Conduct Business research is conducted for many reasons that are dependent on intended recipient of the research. For business marketers, research might include customer surveys of focus…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Unethical Leadership

Words: 2942
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Unethical Leadership Leadership is not an inherited gift or a family heritage. Becoming a leader is a deliberate and planned process of personal and professional development that must be carried…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Unethical Experimentation Issues and Concerns

Words: 4124
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Freyhofer 104) Globalizing clinical research has reportedly proven to be one solution for America's pharmaceutical paradox. Doctors prescribe more than 10 prescriptions for the average American each year. Only…

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2 Pages


Unethical Best Practices Ethics and Morality

Words: 864
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Unethical 'Best Practices' Corporate Governance Case Study: Enron Enron, the seventh-largest American corporation, collapsed in December 2001 in what most people refer to as the 'New Economy's first major failure'. Following…

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