Urban Design Essays (Examples)

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Urban Design When Discussing Urban
Pages: 2 Words: 611

Kowloon could be the epitome of a city that was developed under the theory of magical correspondences. esidences in Kowloon were not built in an orderly or organized manner, but rather were constructed according to the vast forces at work in the universe.
Oftentimes, the Chinese would employ a person knowledgeable in the ways of the gods to ensure that the houses were built to maintain a sense of harmony and to promote a connection between the residen and the gods.

Travelers to Kowloon might often confess of feeling boxed in, or being unable to discern the 'box within a box' layout of the city. This design is not by accident however, cities in Asia

were often laid out in order to maintain a sense of hierarchy, and contained proper colors, 'proper locations' and were often surrounded by gateways, doors and sacred entrances that afforded the residents protection from the dark forces…...



Zande, R.V.; (2010) Creating the Urban village: Teaching pre-service teachers about sustainable design in architecture and community planning, International Journal of Art and Design Education, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 321 -- 329

Benedict Park Urban Design and Ed Benedict
Pages: 3 Words: 913

Benedict Park
Urban Design and Ed Benedict Park

The story of Ed Benedict Park in Portland, Oregon, is indicative of many of the principles of urban design and the importance of gardening as a discipline, a knowledge area, and a matter of aesthetics. Named for the citizen that dedicated the last years of his life to claiming this publicly acquired space, the land that now contains a skateboard park, a public garden, playground structures and equipment for children, grassy areas for sports play and other recreation, and paved paths lined with trees for joggers and those simply out for a casual stroll. Each of these elements is integrated into the park as part of a cohesive design that takes up the entirety of a large block, and fits into the larger surroundings of Portland, Oregon and the specific area in which the park is isolated as both a well-integrated part of the…...

History Urban Design
Pages: 3 Words: 972

urbanization of Californian suburban city Lancaster. The city does not have a very long history and therefore agricultural activities never found much place here as Lancaster was driven towards industrialization from the very beginning. The paper sheds light on the growth of this major Los Angeles city.

Lancaster, CA is one of the greatest success stories of Los Angeles County as it grew from non-existent area to a busy suburb in less than a century. It is amazing that a city, which is so well managed today, was granted city status only in 1977 when it was officially incorporated after significant pressure from the community. The city status gave this community the right to self-governance and thus it finally emerged out of the shadow of Los Angeles political influence. The reason why it is called a great success story is because it was discovered only in 1876 and by…...



Lancaster, CA official Website:  http://www.cityoflancasterca.org 

Lyle Sandler, Early Tales of Palmdale:


Buchanan Report Warned Urban Designers of the
Pages: 6 Words: 1840

Buchanan report warned urban designers of the potential damage caused by the motor car and presented ways of mitigating this damage.
"It is impossible to spend any time on the study of the future of traffic in towns without at once being appalled by the magnitude of the emergency that is coming upon us. We are nourishing at immense cost a monster of great potential destructiveness, and yet we love him dearly. To refuse to accept the challenge it presents would be an act of defeatism" (Lyall, 2005, p. 204)

To that end, Colin Buchanan, architect, civil engineer and planner, presented government with a set of policy blueprints that included strategies to be used for traffic containment and segregation and that could be feasibly and gainfully incorporated into urban development.

The rise of the motor car signalled a plethora of problems not least congestion of streets, pollution, smog, growth in road collisions, accidetns,…...



Banister, D. (2002). Transport Planning. NY; Signet Boooks

Lyall, S. (Jan. 22, 2005) The NY Times A Path to Road Safety With No Signposts


PPS; (n.d). Hans Monderman,

Urban Areas
Pages: 3 Words: 1059

Urban Area
Globalization has created a profound impact on society. Through globalization, emerging markets continue to grow and develop. New and innovative products are created that provide solutions to societal problems. As such, wealth is created that is distributed to nations that provide services to humanity. As wealth is distributed, urban areas are created and cultivated. These cities, over time, become populated with the new inhabitants, and continue to thrive. The development of cities and urban areas correlates directly with economic growth and development. With an economic system that continues to innovate, produce product and provide jobs, urban areas cannot be properly developed. The documentary, Urbanized is a testament to the merits of a market economy and how the city of the future may be fundamentally different from the city of today (Kolb, 1972).

To begin Urbanized provides enlightening insights into which the colonies or social formations, in which we arrange, support…...



1) Kolb, Frank (1984). Die Stadt im Altertum. Munchen: Verlag C.H. Beck. pp. 51-141: Morris, A.E.J. (1972). History of Urban Form. Prehistory to the Renaissance. London. pp. 22-23

2) Taylor, Nigel, (2007), Urban Planning Theory since 1945, London, Sage.

3) Wheeler, Stephen (2004). "Planning Sustainable and Livable Cities," Routledge; 3rd edition

Urban Drainage System Sustainable Urban
Pages: 10 Words: 3018

If there is an aggregate sub-base, these can provide water quality treatment. There should be good compaction and appropriate geo-textiles especially for areas accessible to heavy vehicles.
Permeable pavements reduce the need for deep excavations thereby providing a cost benefit. This system reduces the run-off rates and peak flow. The overall benefit is that it removes pollutants and holds water so that it does enter the main drainage. A lot of water in the main drainage would either need pumping or treating thereby using energy (Wild et al. 2002).

4.5. Swales

They are continuous vegetated drainage systems which convey or store water while allowing filtration when appropriate. Usually, they are the equivalent of roadside gullies or drainage pipes in conventional drainage systems. However, swales have gentle gradient so that water moves at low velocity. The sediments in storm water run-off can, therefore, settle out.

The advantage of swales is that it has vegetation…...



Apostolaki, S., Jefferies, C., Smith, M. & Woods-Ballard B. 2002, Social Acceptability of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Proc. 5th Symposium of the International Planning and Environmental Association. Oxford, September.

Apostolaki, S, Jefferies, C. & Smith, M. 2003, the Perception and Social Acceptability of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Proc. 1st International Conference on Sustainable Development & Management of the Subsurface. 5-7 Nov. Utrech, the Netherlands

Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) 2000, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems -- design manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland. Report No. 521

Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) 2002, Source Control Using Constructed Pervious Surfaces. Report No. 582

Urban Planning and Environment
Pages: 6 Words: 2164

economy is in a state of recovery from the great recession. One of the key implications of this economic recovery for urban planning encompasses the decline in unemployment rate. Between 2010 and 2016, the unemployment rate has significantly declined from about 10% to the prevailing rate of 4.9% (Bureau of Labor Statistics). However, it is imperative to note that a great deal of employment opportunities are in major cities such as California, ashington, Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania. Fifty percent of new business establishments across the nation evolved in only 20 major urban counties (Florida). This implies that such urban places are bound to experience an increase in population from skilled workers. In turn, this will cripple the other areas. Considering this, there are also implications for economic policy, governmental budgets and local and state governments. In particular, the local and state governments should apportion and channel government budgets to…...


Works Cited

American Society of Landscape Architects. "Sustainable Urban Development." Retrieved from:  https://www.asla.org/sustainableurbandevelopment.aspx 

Badger, Emily. "Why Trump's Use of the Words 'Urban Renewal' Is Scary for Cities." The New York Times, 2016. Retrieved from:  http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/07/upshot/why-trumps-use-of-the-words-urban-renewal-is-scary-for-cities.html?_r=0 

Birch, Eugenie Ladner. "Radburn and the American Planning Movement the Persistence of an Idea." (1980): 424-439.

Blumenfeld, Hans. Criteria for Judging the Quality of the Urban Environment. The Canadian Architect (November, 1972).

Urban Outfitters Case Study Urban Outfitters Has
Pages: 4 Words: 1592

Urban Outfitters Case Study
Urban Outfitters has defined a highly differentiated and unique shopping experience, supported by the eclectic and highly varied store layouts and merchandise strategy. This approach to retailing appeals to the individuality and uniqueness every consumer also sees in themselves, allowing the consumers to define themselves by what they like. INA actuality, Urban Outfitters is more aligned to key marketing concepts and strategies than its much larger and less differentiated competitors including Sears and Wal-Mart. Appearing non-conformist and counter-culture within its image, Urban Outfitters is actually providing an escape for consumers to use their purchases to define who they really are and what they actually care out. etailing that appeals to the values and individuality of a consumers are highly effective in creating loyalty and continued repurchase (Puccinelli, Goodstein, Grewal, Price, aghubir, Stewart, 2009). The intent of this analysis is to explain why Urban Outfitters continues to be…...



Arndt, M.. (2010, March). Urban Outfitters' Grow-Slow Strategy in Europe. Business Week,1.

Grewal, D., Levy, M., & Kumar, V.. (2009). Customer Experience Management in Retailing: An Organizing Framework. Journal of Retailing: Enhancing the Retail Customer Experience, 85(1), 1-14.

Patton, P.. (2008, February). URBAN OUTFITTERS. Fast Company,(122), 53,56.

Puccinelli, N., Goodstein, R., Grewal, D., Price, R., Raghubir, P., & Stewart, D.. (2009). Customer Experience Management in Retailing: Understanding the Buying Process. Journal of Retailing: Enhancing the Retail Customer Experience, 85(1), 15-30.

Urban Outfitters Sears or Wal-Mart
Pages: 3 Words: 926

Exclusivity for these groups signals uniqueness. In a creative and individualistic society such as America's, uniqueness has cachet and value to the consumer, so any fashion item that can convey this uniqueness will also have value.
Exclusivity also has value because of its scarcity. This is a simple supply and demand equation. The price of a good (its value) is related to the demand for it and the supply of it. When demand is higher than supply, the price increases. Thus, by managing the scarcity of items in the stores, any popular or high quality items will be subject to supply constraints. The consumers of Urban Outfitters know this, and respond by assuming scarcity. They purchase the product quickly, knowing that they may otherwise lose out on the opportunity to do so.

The third reason why exclusivity is valuable is because of the thrill of the hunt. This psychological characteristic is…...

Urban Its Services and Rnp Parameters
Pages: 3 Words: 974

Urban ITS Services on oad Transport:
Urban public transport services have attracted considerable attention in relation to the interaction between general traffic and public transport modes. These transportation services have been characterized with issues regarding the costs of operations and the quality of service across public transportation modes. Given the need for smooth traffic flow, there have been various initiatives geared towards the improvement of urban public transport services. One of the major initiatives that have been adopted in the recent past is the introduction of new systems or Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) signals. These systems have had tremendous impact on positioning, navigation, and timing for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in urban areas. These systems have been introduced as part of the constant new technology, practices, and research for management of traffic, which is increasingly becoming a complex process and exercise. Intelligent Transport Systems assist in increasing mobility and lessening…...



Cheon, S n.d., An Overview of Automated Highway Systems (AHS) and the Social and Institutional Challenges they Face, UC Transportation Center, viewed 17 August 2014,

Ochieng, W.Y, Turhan, B.E, Fox, J & Johnston, G 2000, Road Transport Navigation

Requirements in Urban Areas: Assessment of the Performance of GPS and the Design of a LAAS, The Institute of Navigation, viewed 17 August 2014,

Vahidi, A & Eskandarian, A 2003, Research Advances in Intelligent Collision Avoidance and Adaptive Cruise Control, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 4, no. 3, pp.143-153.

Urban Political Science
Pages: 6 Words: 1740

Urban Political Science: Questions and Answers

Miami-Dade County is seeking a new chief for its ethics board.

What is the primary purpose of this ethics board?

he ethics committee was first enacted to change the Miami home rule charter. It was set up as an committee that has semi-judicial powers and it is independent of all other government offices in the county for the purpose of maintaining its ability to look into the ethical practices of government offices with an unbiased view (Miami Dade.gov).

What issues has the Commission handled that do NO relate to the member of the Board itself?

Since the board is now just conducting the search for a new boss (Hiaasen, 2011) it is not doing any business save that. It has recently worked to create a new ordinance on conflict of interest standard because it has had an issue with the county commissioner violating the conflict of interest…...


The budget for the entire county is $3 billion, and that has been cut from a previous proposal. The center itself also is going to be operated at an expenditure which was reduced from previous estimates, but specific numbers were not given (Varian, 2011). The articles did say that a community room would cost a group $850 per night which makes it unreasonable for most groups.

4: Was this an appropriate use of government funds? (A: No)

No it was not. The term community center cannot be adequately applied to this center because the entire community will not be able to access it. Also, the cost to tax payers was very high. The people who are supposed to be able to use the center cannot because of the high cost and they cannot afford the taxes

Urban Problems and Solutions
Pages: 5 Words: 2150

Urban Problems and Solutions
In the 1990's, the United States exhibited a decreasing trend in the rates of pre-marital sex and teen pregnancies. However, the rate of teenage pregnancy in United States is yet considered to be alarming in comparison to that of other developed countries of the world. It has been estimated that about 1 million teenage girls in the U.S. are being victims of teenage pregnancy every year.

Due to the fact that teen mothers and babies are vulnerable to health hazards, the considerable birth rates among teens have become alarming. The ignorance of pregnant youngsters deprives them of taking appropriate medical attention, making them vulnerable to medical complexities. The teenage pregnancies have tremendous emotional impact on the adolescents. Under feeding, negligence in taking nutrients, habits of smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse etc. which are common among most of the youngsters make their newly born babies prone to health hazards. Besides,…...



Arthur, Shirley. 1996. Surviving teen pregnancy: Your choices, dreams, and decisions. Buena park, CA: Morning Glory Press.

Johns, M. J; Moncloa, F & Gong, E.J. 2000. Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs: Linking Research and Practice. Journal of Extension. Volume. 38; Number: 4, pp.42-47

Wong, J. & Checkland, D. 1999. Teen Pregnancy and Parenting: Social and Ethical issues. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Urban Ecology on the Ground
Pages: 8 Words: 2818

Therefore, strong educational campaigns are absolutely essential in the successful execution of urban ecological advocacy programs. One of the most fundamental efforts that come from NOAA funding is that of educational campaigns. Along with sponsoring coastal cleanups, NOAA is a prime example of a government agency focusing on recycling education campaigns within Miami-Dade's most populated areas, like the area surrounding Brickell Ave. Educating the public in terms of recycling has been one of NOAA and it's affiliates' most powerful tools in implementing successful urban conservation programs. With such a large population so close to natural wonders, the Brickell Ave area needs effective educational campaigns to curb littering on beaches and in parks, as well as lightening the impact of the local trash supply in the city's landfills. NOAA allocates federal funds for this very purpose within a localized sphere, once again proving the synergetic collaboration between local advocacy groups…...



City of Miami. (2010). City of Miami tree master plan. Miami Green Commission. Retrieved February 18, 2010 from  http://miami-dade.ifas.ufl.edu/pdfs/disaster/Hurricane%20Preparation%20files/City%20of%20Miami%20Master%20Plan.pdf 

Devuyst, Dimitri. (2001). Introduction to sustainability assessment at the local level: a human ecological perspective. How Green is the City? Sustainability Assessment and the Management of Urban Environments. New York: Columbia University Press. 1-36.

Gonzalez, George a. (2005). Urban sprawl, global warming and the limits of ecological modernization. Environmental Politics. 14(3):344-362.

Hold the Line. (2010). Supporters. UBD Line. Retrieved February 18, 2010 from http://www.udbline.com/organizations.htm

Urban Studies Stimulus Bill the
Pages: 5 Words: 1709

The more jobs that can be created with this money, the more people that can get back to work and the money people that can get on with their lives. And that is exactly what the people of New York City want to do.
orks Cited

Hill, Jeffery. "hat the Stimulus Bill Really Means for Cities." 2009. Next American City. 7

June 2009 http://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citmla.htm

"House Passes Stimulus Package; Rep. Michael E. McMahon Secures Tax Cuts and Funding for Critical Investments in Staten Island and Brooklyn." 2009. Congressman Michael E.

McMahon, 7 June 2009 < http://mcmahon.house.gov/2009/02/house-passes-stimulus-package-rep-michael-e-mcmahon-secures-tax-cuts-and-funding-for-critical-invest.shtml>

Light, Larry. "Stimulus Package Offers a Break for Mass-Transit Commuters." 2009. The all

Street Journal, 7 June 2009, http://blogs.wsj.com/wallet/2009/03/11/stimulus-package-offers-a-break-for-mass-transit-commuters/

Mason, J.. "Federal Stimulus and Medicaid: How Big a Savings for the City?" 2009. IBO

eblog, 7 June 2009, http://www.ibo.nyc.ny.us/cgi-park/?p=7

Meckler, Laura. "Obama Signs Stimulus Into Law." 2009. The all Street Journal, 7 June 2009,

< http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123487951033799545.html>

Silberner, Joanne. "Stimulus Bill Calls For Computerizing Health Care." 2009.…...


Works Cited

Hill, Jeffery. "What the Stimulus Bill Really Means for Cities." 2009. Next American City. 7

June 2009  http://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citmla.htm 

"House Passes Stimulus Package; Rep. Michael E. McMahon Secures Tax Cuts and Funding for Critical Investments in Staten Island and Brooklyn." 2009. Congressman Michael E.

McMahon, 7 June 2009 < http://mcmahon.house.gov/2009/02/house-passes-stimulus-package-rep-michael-e-mcmahon-secures-tax-cuts-and-funding-for-critical-invest.shtml>

Racism and America's Urban Cycle
Pages: 4 Words: 1303

Essentially, those in the lower tiers of the urban socioeconomic hierarchy, rather than having been drawn out of despair, have
been thrust to the periphery of America's 'revitalizing' cities.

Question 2:
One of the most important points raised by the course reading
material would be that underscoring a clear proclivity toward urban design
and planning in those who would first colonize the new lands. Though
massive and ripe with natural resources and incredible frontiers, the new
land was also flowing with inherently profitable waterways, brimming with
commercial trade prospects and inhabited by a native population which,
though Chudacoff reports it to have been significantly underestimated as an
city-dwelling peoples as well, would appear ripe for exploitation. More
importantly though to this discussion would be the text's consideration of
the inherency of the European urban culture to America's development.
Indeed, according to Chudacoff's (2005) account, "the Europeans who
colonized North America were from the beginning urban-minded people, linked
to commercial markets. Even the earliest explores in…...


Works Cited:

Chudacoff H. & J.E. Smith. (2005) The Evolution of American Society,

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-13-189824

Jacobs, Jane. (1961). The Death and Life of Great American Cities. New

York, Vintage Books. ISBN:067974195X

Massey, D. and N. Denton. (1998). American Apartheid: Segregation and the

Is there anything in the news related to how do you plan that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 190

One potential essay subject related to planning in the news could be the impact of urban planning on community development. For example, exploring how city planners are incorporating sustainability measures into their urban design to create more environmentally friendly and livable cities, or examining the role of gentrification in urban planning and its effects on local communities. Another potential topic could be the challenges and opportunities of disaster preparedness and emergency planning in the face of climate change and increasing natural disasters. This could involve discussing how cities and countries are adapting their emergency response plans to better protect their....

what is the profile of the coffee shops in terms of their location it must be local review of related literature and it must be 2019 above studies?
Words: 491

Profile of Coffee Shops in Terms of Location


Coffee shops have become an integral part of urban landscapes, offering a comfortable and social environment to enjoy coffee, tea, and other beverages. Their strategic location plays a crucial role in their success, as it influences factors such as accessibility, visibility, and customer traffic. This literature review examines the profile of coffee shops in terms of their location, drawing upon studies conducted in various regions.

Proximity to Residential Areas

Multiple studies have highlighted the importance of coffee shops being located near residential areas. For instance, a 2020 study by Park and Kim found that coffee....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on gamification. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 285

Here are a few lesser-known but interesting essay topics on gamification:

1. The ethical implications of using gamification in educational settings
2. The impact of cultural differences on the effectiveness of gamification strategies
3. Gamification in healthcare: examining its potential benefits and challenges
4. The role of gamification in promoting sustainable behaviors and environmental awareness
5. Gamification and its applications in employee training and development programs
6. The use of gamification in mental health interventions and therapy
7. Gamification in the criminal justice system: exploring its potential for rehabilitation and reintegration
8. The psychology of gamification: understanding how game elements impact user behavior
9. Gamification in the political process:....

How does spatial accessibility impact customer behavior for food enterprises on Arellano Street?
Words: 522

Literature Review
The impact of external spatial accessibility on customer behavior for food enterprises has been a topic of interest for researchers in the field of urban planning and economic development. Spatial accessibility refers to the ease with which individuals can reach a certain location from their point of origin, taking into consideration factors such as transportation networks, distance, and land use patterns.
A study by Fotheringham and O'Kelly (1989) found that increasing the accessibility of a location can lead to an increase in foot traffic and sales for businesses located in that area. This is because easier access makes it more....

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