Value Creation Essays (Examples)

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U.S. Airways Conflict between Delivering
Short-term Earnings Vs Long-Term Value


For any company to be able to provide short-term profits short-term thinking, budgeting and planning is required. On the other hand short-term business decisions are often unable to support the long-term viability of the business leading to heavy losses. This conflict of interest in companies like U.S. Airways is common were the company is responsible to shareholders and fund managers.

To be able to provide short-term earnings decisions supporting current market growth are given priority over those that deal with laying the foundations for longer term value creation of the brand or service. This is supported by the employment packages offered to the top notch employees in large corporations. It mostly encourages them to take decisions with short terms company advantage in mind. A similar story is of those company executives who would be retiring within the next few years.

Furthermore, companies are always….

ancolombia: Talent, Culture, And Value Creation Management in Mergers
Supporting evidence


anco De Colombia



Change leader

Analysis of case data

- Efficiency



Alternative 1-Focus profitability and reducing cost-of-operations

Alternative 2- Recreating source of competitive advantage

Alternative 3- Franchising the rural branches

Decision criteria

Analysis of alternatives

Selection of alternative


Exhibit I

Manifesto for Integration of anco Colombia, Corfinsura, and Conavi

Exhibit II

Non-consolidated financial statements of ancolombia Group

ancolombia Group was successfully led by the outgoing CEO Jorge Londorio until his retirement in January 2011. Required by the terms of governance to get retired on reaching the age of superannuation, Londorio as well as the rest of the organization was anxious as to what direction will the company head towards under the leadership of incoming CEO Carlos Raul Yepes having a background cement industry. Although Londorio led the group into two biggest mergers of Colombia, mergers of anco Colombia, Corfinsura, and Conavi and an unprecedented market share and reach for the group, the financial statements of….

Value Co-Creation
Promise or Pay's marketing strategy

The aim of Promise or Pay program is to use minor and personal promises to instigate real life and widespread social transformation. It's an accepted fact that self-improvement promises are hard to keep. As matter of fact, 45% of the people finalize New Year resolution from which 8% fulfill them. Last year, the self-help industry compiled a mammoth $11 billion. According to research, goals are achieved by a percentage of 33% when they are openly shared with others. That percentage increases by 72%, when there is money at stake. Promise or Pay unites these two methodologies as they oblige the clients to secure a promise publicly and fulfill it. In case, the clients are unable to fulfill their promise, they have to compensate it to a charity. Promise or Pay guarantees that a win-win situation is achieved as the clients have a satisfied feeling….

Atlas Shrugged and Ego

Roark and the Value-Creation Process
Howard Roark feels that value creation and what it requires of the creators is crucially important from a moral perspective because of the value of Ego. Ego is the reason for Rand's hero, the reason for being. It is a value based on Self-Actualization and it is ultimately the same concept that plays into the composer Richard Halley's sense of why he creates/composes music -- because he wants to exercise his mind and meet another individual who appreciates his creation in the same cerebral way: he produces the music and exchanges it for the mental appreciation that the discerning listener gives in return.

The reason that Howard Roark thinks that value-creation is crucial, morally speaking, is because he puts the Ego front and center as the moral purpose of life. One's Ego is the driving force of reality and to be false to the Ego is like….

Annotated Bibliography on Value Creation Through Diversification Glvan, A., Pindado, J., & De La Torre, C. (2014). Diversification: A value-creating or value-destroying strategy? Evidence from the Eurozone countries. Journal of Financial Management, Markets, and Institutions, 2(1), 43-64.
This research is aimed at showing the relationship between company value and product diversification strategy. The study digs deep into the types and levels of diversification to determine the real value addition that can be achieved using this strategy. The method used to calculate the benefits of diversification is regression, and the diversification measures used include the Revenue-based Herfindahl Index and Total Entropy. Other traditional variables that impact firms' value are also included in the function.
The study results showed that diversification impacts the firm's value, but a breakpoint marks the maximum benefits. Going beyond this point drops the value of the company. A more significant section of previous research is based outside the UK and US, and….

value differences between merging with other companies inside of Western Europe vs. investing in merging with companies in BRC nations. Thus, mergers and acquisitions from within Western Europe were gathered. These were then compared to mergers of Western European companies with BRC nations, including Brazil, Russia, ndia, and China. The data set chosen was to include a span of ten years, from 1999 to 2009. First and foremost, there were more mergers within this time frame than past 2009 based on the fact that the economic crisis in Europe had worsened to a degree that made mergers and acquisitions decline overall in the region. Moreover, after 2009, there were actually increasing trends of BRC nations investing in acquiring Western European nations, and not the other way around because of declining financial conditions that were weakening the acquisition and leveraging power of many European companies. The period of 1999 to….

Creation Business Plan
The Creation

Creation is an online store that will offer a wide range of unique and beautiful accessories for home. This store is especially for those people who want to decorate their homes with some unique and distinctive things. In addition to this, the store aims at serving those people who do not want to visit shops and then select any particular accessory for their home. Due to this reason, creation is an online store, which deals with its customers through internet. Acceptance of order and payment al are done online while sitting at home and just pressing some buttons.


As far as the internal and external environment of the store is concerned, the external environment is very competitive. It is because of the fact that a number of online home accessories stores are already doing good business and they have a good will among customers. On the other….

Creation Myth Analysis
Case Study of the History of iblical Creation Narratives

What Is Myth?

What Is History?




Is Genesis 1:1-2:4 Myth?

Is Genesis 1:1-2:4 History?

Is Genesis 1:1-2:4 oth Myth and History?

An Analysis of the iblical Creation Narrative of Genesis 1:1-25 and Egypt's Possible Influence on the Historical Record

God created the world in just six days, and rested on the seventh, but scholars have not rested at all over the millennia in their investigation of its account in the historical record, particularly Genesis 1:1-25. Given its importance to humankind, it is little wonder that so much attention has been devoted to how the universe was created and what place humanity has in this immense cosmos. Indeed, the creation of the universe and the origin of mankind are the subject of numerous myths around the world, with many sharing some distinct commonalities. According to S.G.F. randon, "The creation of the world and the origin of mankind….

Creation Stories
A Comparison of the Biblical Creation Narrative and the Babylonian Enuma Elish: Substance vs. Form

Every culture known has some sort of explanation for how the world and the universe as we know them came into existence. Creation stories have helped cultures to make sense of natural phenomena that they did not understand, and also in many instances demonstrate the perspectives and basic instructions for how ongoing human civilizations are meant to interact with the world. Many early creation myths appear to have a high degree of commonality, and it has even been suggested that at times the creation myth of one culture was simply taken by another culture and adapted to suit its own needs and purposes. This paper will examine one such instance and the two creation myths at stake, revealing that while the form of the myths may be highly similar, the purpose and substance are quite….

Values Portrayed eality TV
The modern day media has recently found out that profits can be higher if reality TV shows are produced. Based on these reasons, there is a long list of reality TV shows that are being produced. Not all of these shows are successful, but the one that are successful have achieved great deal of profits, cultural prominence and popularity. The question that arises here is that if these shows should be produced or should they be aired for the audience.

Many definitions have been given for reality TV but one of the most important definitions is a show that showcases situations that have actually happened. Apparently, there is no scripting in these shows as in the case of dramas and serials. A small group of people are showcased in these shows who are not trained actors but these are chosen as they face unusual situations.

Since a few years,….

The use of various artifacts as symbols is also important in showing the transference and transformation of values in many texts. In Whale ider, a whale's tooth that has been cast into the ocean serves as a symbol of leadership, and the protagonist's retrieval eventually cements her ascendance to the role of a tribal leader. Her positive arc moving away from traditional values is shown in her appropriation of certain physical symbols of this traditional value system. In this way, the protagonist both literally and symbolically adopts and yet transforms the traditional values of her tribe in order to achieve her own identity.

Artifacts are out to a much different use in Franz Kafka's the Metamorphosis. Of course, the arc that the protagonist of this story travels is also markedly different from that of the protagonist in Whale ider; Gregor Samsa is quite happy his traditional role of a grown son….

Consumers and the Co-Creation of Meaning in Online Settings: Practices and Implications for Online Business

To say that the Internet has changed the way in which business is conducted would be to grossly understate the transformation that has taken place in the last decade or so due to the spread of Internet technologies and the growth in online capabilities for both businesses and consumers. Price comparisons, shopping with companies around the world from the comfort of one's own home, and a host of other consumer activities that greatly increase consumer power and thus business competitiveness in almost any industry. On the business side of the equation, Internet capabilities enable faster communication between warehouses/suppliers and factories/retailers, meaning business processes that are leaner and more efficient are now possible, quality and consistency across networks are more controllable, and a variety of other processes can be enhanced in many ways. These new capabilities….

Production of Value using SDL:
Service-dominant logic is a mindset or model that has emerged as the world continue to be increasingly interconnected and turbulent. This logic emphasizes on the relations of the producer and consumer as well as other partners in the supply and value network in their co-production of value through collaborative procedures. The logic is driven by an intrinsic purpose of carrying out an activity with other parties making it to be customer-centered and responsive. Actually, service-dominant logic considers service as the application of knowledge through actions, procedures, and performances for the advantage of the entity itself or another entity. Therefore, the concept leverages the strengths of the company to meet the needs of customers and accomplish both organizational and societal objectives (Lusch & Vargo, n.d.). Consequently, is generates competitive advantage and long-term customer loyalty through aligning the firm's capabilities with the needs of customers.

Co-production in Service Dominant….

To survive, further market segmentation within the La-Z-Boy family must be created, to engage in risk management through diversification. This can ensure that regardless of how the economy does, some market segment will want to buy some of the company's products, from one of its brands or companies. The corporation can create value-based, low-cost products to compete with al-Mart, for example, offering slightly more customization than the giant retailer, but with fewer styles and fabrics currently offered. Speed might be less of a focus than value for England, Inc. In the future.
England, Inc. Or other brands can stress customization and even further market segmentation in style -- hip, trendy sofas and other furniture in a limited array of bright and eye-catching fabrics could target young people in dorms and apartments who want to buy customized furniture, even if they cannot afford to move into their own homes. Other brands….

As these preferences are determined, the algorithm then determines the best invitations to treat to present to the consumers. Today, these processes are powerful and can drive business at these websites, but they do not yet constitute bona fide interaction between the travel provider, the agent (website) and the consumer. Rather, the algorithms merely produce smarter sales pitches. At such a point when algorithms can literally cater to consumers' needs based upon the consumers' interactions the travel industry will be on the cusp of experiencing genuine co-creation. Co-creation at this point, however, is not an automated process. It must be conducted by humans. Given that more people are purchasing travel online than ever before, this would point to a decline in co-creation. It may be, however, that this technology will emerge in the next few years and truly transform the travel industry into one where co-creation is the norm.

1. The impact of corporate social responsibility on consumer perceptions and purchasing behavior.
2. The role of corporate social responsibility in building brand reputation and trust.
3. The challenges and opportunities of implementing sustainable business practices in a globalized economy.
4. The importance of ethical sourcing and supply chain management in corporate social responsibility.
5. The role of businesses in addressing social and environmental issues through corporate philanthropy and community engagement.
6. The impact of corporate social responsibility on employee motivation, retention, and productivity.
7. The relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance.
8. The implications of government regulations and policies on corporate social responsibility initiatives.

Benefits of Using a Specific Search Term String for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

In the realm of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) holds immense significance, influencing a website's visibility and organic traffic. Employing specific search term strings in SEO practices offers a multitude of advantages, propelling businesses toward greater online success.

1. Targeted Traffic Acquisition

Specific search term strings allow businesses to precisely align their content with the queries their target audience is actively searching for. By incorporating these terms into website content, businesses can effectively filter and attract highly relevant traffic. This targeted approach ensures that visitors are more likely to....

Literature Review

Marketing is a crucial aspect of any business, as it involves identifying and satisfying the needs and wants of customers. The essence of marketing lies in creating value for customers through various strategies and techniques. In this literature review, we will explore different perspectives on the essence of marketing and its importance in today's competitive business environment.

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2016), marketing is a process that involves understanding the marketplace and customer needs, designing customer-driven strategies, and delivering superior value to customers. The authors emphasize the importance of creating value for customers and building....

CONCLUSION In conclusion, as the global waste production continues to rise at an alarming rate, the paper and pulp industry's contribution cannot be overlooked. With companies like United Pulp and Paper Co., Inc. leading the way in sustainable practices, there is a clear opportunity for further enhancement and improvement in waste management and energy efficiency. By exploring innovative solutions such as integrating waste-to-energy conversion, utilizing advanced technologies in fiber recovery, sludge management, water reuse optimization, and biogas utilization, UPPC can significantly reduce their environmental impact while also improving operational efficiency and resource utilization. Through strategic engineering design modifications and operational enhancements, UPPC....

3 Pages
Term Paper


U S Airways Conflict Between Delivering Short-Term Earnings vs Long-Term Value Creation

Words: 1004
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

U.S. Airways Conflict between Delivering Short-term Earnings Vs Long-Term Value Creation For any company to be able to provide short-term profits short-term thinking, budgeting and planning is required. On the other hand…

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11 Pages
Case Study


Bancolombia Talent Culture and Value Creation Management

Words: 3390
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Case Study

ancolombia: Talent, Culture, And Value Creation Management in Mergers Supporting evidence IC anco De Colombia Conavia Confinsura Change leader Analysis of case data - Efficiency Profitability Alternatives Alternative 1-Focus profitability and reducing cost-of-operations Alternative 2- Recreating source of competitive advantage Alternative 3-…

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7 Pages

Education - Computers

Marketing and Value Creation

Words: 2505
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Value Co-Creation Promise or Pay's marketing strategy The aim of Promise or Pay program is to use minor and personal promises to instigate real life and widespread social transformation. It's…

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2 Pages


Atlas Shrugged and Ego

Words: 683
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Roark and the Value-Creation Process Howard Roark feels that value creation and what it requires of the creators is crucially important from a moral perspective because of the value of…

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3 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Diversification and Value Creation

Words: 817
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography on Value Creation Through Diversification Glvan, A., Pindado, J., & De La Torre, C. (2014). Diversification: A value-creating or value-destroying strategy? Evidence from the Eurozone countries. Journal of Financial…

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5 Pages
Multiple Chapters


Value Generation in Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions

Words: 1373
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Multiple Chapters

value differences between merging with other companies inside of Western Europe vs. investing in merging with companies in BRC nations. Thus, mergers and acquisitions from within Western Europe…

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5 Pages
Business Plan


Creation Business Plan the Creation Is an

Words: 1497
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Business Plan

Creation Business Plan The Creation Creation is an online store that will offer a wide range of unique and beautiful accessories for home. This store is especially for those people who…

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50 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Creation Narrative Analysis of Genesis Myth or History or Myth and History

Words: 15782
Length: 50 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Creation Myth Analysis Case Study of the History of iblical Creation Narratives What Is Myth? What Is History? Manetho Josephus Jeroboam Is Genesis 1:1-2:4 Myth? Is Genesis 1:1-2:4 History? Is Genesis 1:1-2:4 oth Myth and History? An Analysis of…

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4 Pages


Creation Stories a Comparison of the Biblical

Words: 1207
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Creation Stories A Comparison of the Biblical Creation Narrative and the Babylonian Enuma Elish: Substance vs. Form Every culture known has some sort of explanation for how the world and the…

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7 Pages


Values Portrayed Reality TV the Modern Day

Words: 2167
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Values Portrayed eality TV The modern day media has recently found out that profits can be higher if reality TV shows are produced. Based on these reasons, there is a…

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3 Pages


Value Struggle the Struggle Between

Words: 873
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The use of various artifacts as symbols is also important in showing the transference and transformation of values in many texts. In Whale ider, a whale's tooth that has…

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6 Pages


Online Consumers and the Co-Creation of Meaning

Words: 1834
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Online Consumers and the Co-Creation of Meaning in Online Settings: Practices and Implications for Online Business To say that the Internet has changed the way in which business is conducted…

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3 Pages


Production of Value Using Sdl Service-Dominant Logic

Words: 980
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Production of Value using SDL: Service-dominant logic is a mindset or model that has emerged as the world continue to be increasingly interconnected and turbulent. This logic emphasizes on the…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Business Value What Is England

Words: 1517
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

To survive, further market segmentation within the La-Z-Boy family must be created, to engage in risk management through diversification. This can ensure that regardless of how the economy…

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16 Pages
Research Paper


Co-Creation Does Not Exist in

Words: 4824
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

As these preferences are determined, the algorithm then determines the best invitations to treat to present to the consumers. Today, these processes are powerful and can drive business…

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