Vision Statement Essays (Examples)

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Vision Statements and Culture
Pages: 7 Words: 1916

422d Security Forces Squadron, AF Croughton, United Kingdom
The mission of the United States Air Force is to fly, fight and win -- in air, space and cyberspace. We are America's Airmen.

Commander, 422d Security Forces Squadron

FOM: S1, 422d Security Forces Squadron

SUBJ: evised Squadron Mission and Vision Statements

In response to your request for feedback concerning the need to update the squadron's mission and vision statements in light on domestic and global events that have taken place since they were last reviewed, this memorandum provides a brief description of the 422d Security Forces Squadron, and the organization's current mission and vision statements. In addition, an evaluation of the Squadron's mission and vision statements is followed by a discussion concerning the extent to which these statements facilitate making important tradeoffs in the organization. Finally, descriptions concerning how the current Squadron's mission and vision statements could be improved and what the organization could do better…...



Brown, T. (1997, September). Turning mission statements into action. Harvard Business Review No. U97098.

Jefferson, R. (2015). A step-by-step exercise for creating a mission statement. Nonprofit hub. Retrieved from .

Jick, T. D. (1989, September 26). The vision thing. Harvard Business School, 9-490-019.

King, D. L. & Case, C. J. (2011, September). A mission statement analysis comparing the United States and three other English speaking countries. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 10(1), 21-24.

Mission and Vision Statements Why it Is
Pages: 2 Words: 607

Mission and Vision Statements
Why it is important to establish your vision and mission before you begin your administrative internship?

In my opinion, the relevance of having a clear and definite vision and mission in place prior to beginning one's administrative internship cannot be overstated. For purposes of this discussion, a vision will be taken as that mental picture one possesses with regard to a given undertaking. On the other hand, a mission in my view is essentially a proclamation of the key purpose of a particular undertaking. To begin with, a personal vision and mission statement will give me some sense of purpose. It will help me develop the motivation I need to complete my internship. With a clear and concise vision and mission, I am convinced that I will not waver as I pursue that which will be most beneficial to my professional development.

A vision and mission will also enable…...

OB Case Study Vision Statement in Summary
Pages: 2 Words: 671

OB Case Study

In summary, Etisalat's vision is a world where people reach is not limited by matter or distance. As a telecommunication company, its main vision is to create social contact and a profound transfer of information irrespective of geographic location. In essence, Etisalat is attempting to create a world where people will effortlessly stay in touch with family and friends. In addition, Etisalat would like to create a world where businesses of all sizes can reach new markets without the limitations of distance and travel. This vision as it relates to organizational behavior is particularly lofty. For one, competition, due primarily to globalization has created an environment in which human capital is vital to success. As the article illustrates, the UAE has imposed employment restructures that hinder the company's overall ability to be successful at its vision. In summary, the UAE has required Etisalat to employ a certain…...



1. Etisalat Group 2012 Annual Report 

2. Sinha, Prabhakar (2 June 2010). "UAE's Etisalat in talks to buy 25% stake in Reliance Communications." The Times of India (India).

3. Thompson, Ben (21 July 2009). "UAE Blackberry update was spyware." BBC. Retrieved 10 October 2010

Strategic Tool Kit Mission Vision Statement
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Strategic Toolkit: Mission; Vision Statement
Strategic Toolkit: Mission and Vision Statements

Business "toolkits" ideally contain Mission Statements and Vision Statements, along with other tools. While the Mission Statement is a concise declaration of why a business exists, the Vision Statement is a more elaborate assertion of what the business sees, hears and does to achieve the optimum outcome. The oca-ola ompany's Statements vs. Wal-Mart's Statements reveal wordy, imprecise uses of these tools vs. pointed but hyper-abbreviated applications of the same tools.

Elements of a Good Mission Statement

A Mission Statement is concise, clear and tells why your business exists. According to Kapenda, "if your mission statement can't fit on the back of your business card, then you need to go back to the drawing board" (Kapenda, 2008).

Elements of a Good Vision Statement

A good Vision Statement is supposed to "inform, inspire and energize" ourselves, our coworkers and other stakeholders through a "vivid mental picture of…...


Coca-Cola's Vision Statement is:

"Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth. People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs. Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value. Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities. Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities. Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization" (The Coca-Cola Company, 2010).

Many companies' names could be placed within that statement and work just as well

Mission and Vision Statement Serves as the
Pages: 2 Words: 524

mission and vision statement serves as the foundation for many companies strategic plan. However, not all companies even have a mission statement. In fact, one survey found that out of one hundred CEOs that sixty percent had no mission statement and eight percent had no statement of values (elch & elch, 2008). There are many businesses that do not believe a formal mission is necessary. However, the mission serves as the first step in the strategic planning process and can be an invaluable tool to communicate both internally and externally. This analysis will look at two mission statements, one from Home Depot and one from Nike to determine how these statements represent their organizations.
Figure 1 Strategic Planning (QuickMBA, n.d.)

Home Depot

The Home Depot is in the home improvement business and our goal is to provide the highest level of service, the broadest selection of products, and the most competitive prices.…...


Works Cited

Welch, J., & Welch, S. (2008, January 3). State Your Business. Retrieved from Bloombererg Businessweek:

Vision and Mission Statements Strategic planning
Pages: 6 Words: 1788

Based on the situation at Saint Francis de Sales Schools, the organization is suffering from a lack of vision and confusion with regards to its mission. There is not enough forward-looking perspective in the organization; the school has continuously been resting on its laurels instead of planning for the future (Klag, Giroux & Langley, 2012). Instead of focusing on the changes in the society and how the school should adopt to meet them—such as the rise of technological advancements in the Digital Age, and the demands of demographic shifts—the school has instead dithered away without growing its list of donors or building for tomorrow. Therefore, vision statement for Saint Francis de Sales Schools should be: To be the number 1 leader in secondary school academic performance and all-around accomplishment in England.
The mission statement for Saint Francis de Sales Schools should be: 1) To form well-rounded students by adopting a balanced approach…...

Vision Statement Discuss the Way Vision Was
Pages: 4 Words: 1298

Vision Statement
Discuss the way vision was used at Mentor Graphics.

At Mentor Graphics Corporation, the created vision had several components, which might be regarded as questionable in terms of effectiveness. First, the vision was "unarticulated," meaning that, at best, the vision was not even a statement as such. Instead, it is likely that most employees and managers were not as such aware of the vision statement, but rather had little more than a vague notion of what the company aimed to do. The second component of the developing vision was to "Beat Daisy." In addition to being somewhat vague, this statement is also reactive to the products of others rather than focusing on the goals of Mentor Graphics Corporation itself.

McCarthy (2009), however, provides some good advice on creating an effective vision statement. The first requirement is to determine what the company would like to achieve in the future. This appears inherent…...



Constandse, R. (2011). Writing a Compelling Vision Statement. Retrieved from: 

Maurer, R. (2011). How to Create a Vision (or Compelling Goal) Statement. Retrieved from: 

McCarthy, D. (2009, Jul. 25). How to Create a Shared Vision Statement. Great Leadership. Retrieved from: (2012) Mission Statements and Vision Statements. Retrieved from:

Vision Statement Ever Since I Was Young
Pages: 2 Words: 667

Vision Statement
Ever since I was young I have always wanted to become successful. I have always wanted to be a good example and to inspire other people in their life. I have always envisioned myself as someone who leads and others follow. Above all I always have the passion of helping others (Gillespie-Brown 2012). After I completed my high school education I went to the university where I am majoring in organization management in Human resource management. I am a very organized individual and I am sure that this aspect will come in handy in future as I practice what I have learned through my college education.

The world today is becoming very competitive. Education has become an important aspect of life. Gone are the days where one could just finish their high school education and look for jobs at restaurants or stores. Today everyone is keen on furthering their education.…...



Gillespie-Brown, J.( 2012).Building a personal vision statement. Retrieved October 27,2013 from 

Heathfield, S.(2011). Create Your Personal Vision Statement. Retrieved October 27,2013 from

Vision Statement Teaching Goals You
Pages: 2 Words: 600

I would say that my greatest strengths as a teacher are my commitment to improving the lives, learning, and attitude of my students and my determination to engage in intense self-scrutiny about my teaching methods. I am determined to make school a dynamic and welcoming place. Balancing the individual needs of students with the need to create an integrated and fully-functioning classroom is my challenge and the challenge of so many educators today: we must meet pre-determined standards in terms of what students can learn, but are coping with a more diverse population than ever before.

I hope to use that diversity as a strength to make my classroom a better place. Using team assignments enable stronger and weaker students to work together and create a more cohesive sense of unity. I also intend, on the other hand, to encourage students to engage in independent activities, such as research projects, which…...

Vision Statement a Culture of Learning New
Pages: 4 Words: 1173

Vision Statement
A Culture of Learning: New Mexico Junior College

In modern day America, the focus on being a hard-worker, making a lot of money, and being socially popular are considered essential to achieve a certain standard of political and economic success. Many Americans still hold the concept of being wealthy only in the financial sense; and thus the spiritual element remains withheld entirely from academic, intellectual, or other "mind" pursuits (Elias 2008). The separation of mind (intellectual pursuits), body (practical, Calvinistic matters), and spirit (the examination and appreciation of meaning) has seriously degraded the average American's ability to use their intuitive, creative reasoning powers to keep their cold, systematic reasoning capabilities sharp, elastic, and progressive. As a result of this causation, the American public is largely anti-intellectual, and so are its students. Through nurturing student interest in internal, versus external, issues, the hope is to eventually change the reason why students…...


Works Cited

Elias, R. (2008). Anti-intellectual Attitudes and Academic Self-Efficacy Among Business Students.

Journal of Education for Business, 84(2), 110-16. doi: 10.3200/JOEB.84.2.110-117

Pedicino, J. (2008). Teaching Critical Thinking in an Age of Political Disinformation and Perceived

Anti-intellectualism: Helping to Build a Responsible Citizen in a Community-College

Vision Statement Email Address
Pages: 2 Words: 956

As a Command Sargent Major, I would be the "senior enlisted adviser to the commanding officer of a battalion-sized or larger unit," including "all other enlisted personnel within the unit (Guerra 2010). Moreover, "Command sergeant majors have the task of upholding military customs and traditions," which means that I would have the honor of receiving due respect for the U.S. Army traditions and process that make my personal and professional goals a reality. ithout the existence of the Army, and the hierarchial process that I can work upward to gain responsibility, financial security, and greater self-confidence, I do not think that I would have the passion and determination in life that I do today.
My Professional Goals: Gaps and Solutions

My envisioned professional life in five years has been a source of great excitement, hard-work, and determination. hile I have worked extensively to become fit for the Command Sargent Major position,…...


Work Cited

Guerra, Tony (2010). "Job Description: Command Sergeant Major."


Vision Statement to Ensure Students Have the
Pages: 2 Words: 575

Vision Statement
To ensure students have the skills necessary to pursue whatever dreams they may have, whether that is to go to college or to enter the workforce upon graduating.

To incorporate technology-based learning into all classes.

Teachers are often intimidated by technology they do not understand and feel that their more technologically-literate students comprehend technology better than themselves. This can lead to technology avoidance amongst teachers. However, although students may be fluent in the language of texting, they may not necessarily be well-versed in how to use the Internet for research, how to design a web page, or have mastered other technical skills that are critical for success in college and in the workforce. Technology can be integrated into research process in the humanities (such as English and history) and also be used to conduct experiments in the sciences. Once the technology is provided for the district, it is a cost-effective way…...

Vision Statement of the College of Nursing
Pages: 2 Words: 694

vision statement of the College of Nursing at Northwester State University is to serve as "innovator and pacesetter the educational preparation of individuals in nursing and radiologic sciences professions."
Its mission, meanwhile, states itself as an institution that aims to improve the health of citizens of Louisiana and to do this through assisting its students in both continuing, graduate, and undergraduate studies to achieve professional success in a responsible manner as contributive members of their chosen field in their specific community. Its values, accordingly (that feed into this mission consist of: Excellence, espect, Caring, Teamwork, and Professionalism.

The University of Alabama nursing school, meanwhile, is more idealistic seeking to be both innovative and dynamic and to expend its mission of health care not only in Alabama but also worldwide. That is its vision.

Its mission adds to its vision by asserting itself as being research center and academic health center and that…...



Northwestern State University of Louisiana About the College of Nursing and Allied Health 

UAB School of Nursing. About our school.

Vision Statement and a Mission
Pages: 4 Words: 1027

This vision will use the strategies and abilities of every department within the company as it grows. Each person who works for SDI will be expected to understand and agree with the philosophies and visions of the company.

The vision for success for SDI promotes planning, organization and clear conscious decision making as the company moves forward for the next few years.


The mission statement of any company speaks directly to the products and services that the company will provide to its consumers. A mission statement does not review the vision of the company but when held against it the mission statement must be clearly in agreement with the vision statement.

The mission statement for the Solar Feeder (SDI) Is as follows:

Our mission statement is to provide our customers with a bird feeder that prevents squirrels and other animals from removing the feed so that birds can get to it without being…...

Wal-Mart Corporation Mission and Vision Statement Analysis
Pages: 12 Words: 4775

Wal-Mart Corporation
Mission and Vision Statement Analysis

Linking Wal-Mart's Mission and Vision to Their Strategic Goals ands Objectives

Assessing the Link Between Wal-Mart's Financial Performance And Its Strategic Goals

Wal-Mart Competitive and Marketing Analysis

Wal-Mart Marketing Analysis

Selecting An Appropriate Strategy (low cost, differentiation or niche) For Maximizing Organization's eturn on Shareholders

Potential Wal-Mart Merger & Acquisition Strategy

Incentive and eward Strategies for Wal-Mart Employees

Evaluating How Current Strategies Define Ethicacy Levels at Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart atio Analysis

Income Statement Analysis, 2007 -- 2011

Wal-Mart Capstone Analysis

Mission and Vision Statement Analysis

The foundations of the Wal-Mart value chain and its global success is predicated on how well this company aligns every internal system and strategy to their unique value proposition of Low Price Everyday (LPED) leadership. This unique value proposition galvanizes the mission and vision statement of Wal-Mart and is one of the foundations of their success and continued growth. Their competitors give lip-service to price competition yet only Wal-Mart has engrained the…...



Nabil Alghalith (2005). Competing with IT: The UPS Case. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 7(2), 7-15.

Jonathan Birchall. (2009, October 23). Walmart set to focus on growth outside U.S.. Financial Times,16.

Susan Christopherson 2007. Barriers to 'U.S. style' lean retailing: the case of Wal-Mart's failure in Germany. Journal of Economic Geography: Transnational Retail, Supply Networks, and the Global 7, no. 4 (July 1): 451-469.

Richard De Santa. (1998, January). Technology. Supermarket Business, 53(1), 18.

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding developing mission and vision statements for a us air force squadron?
Words: 553

1. The importance of mission and vision statements for a US Air Force Squadron and how it guides decision-making and operations.
2. The process of developing mission and vision statements for a US Air Force Squadron and the key considerations that need to be taken into account.
3. The role of leadership in communicating mission and vision statements to squadron members and ensuring alignment with organizational goals.
4. The impact of mission and vision statements on morale, motivation, and performance within a US Air Force Squadron.
5. The challenges and obstacles in developing mission and vision statements for a US Air Force Squadron and....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding developing mission and vision statements for a us air force squadron?
Words: 681

Developing Mission and Vision Statements for a US Air Force Squadron

Topic 1: The Importance of Mission and Vision Statements in Shaping Squadron Identity

Analyze the role of mission and vision statements in defining a squadron's purpose, values, and aspirations.
Explore how these statements foster unity, alignment, and a sense of belonging among squadron members.
Discuss the impact of clear and concise mission and vision statements on squadron morale and effectiveness.

Topic 2: Crafting a Compelling Mission Statement: Elements and Best Practices

Examine the key elements of an effective mission statement, including purpose, core values, and strategic goals.
Provide examples of well-written....

How can organizations ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion are truly integrated into all aspects of their operations?
Words: 539

Ensuring True Integration of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Organizational Operations

Integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into an organization's operations requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach that transcends mere statements or initiatives. To ensure true integration, organizations must adopt a holistic strategy that permeates all aspects of their operations, fostering a workplace where individuals from diverse backgrounds feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute.

1. Establish a Clear DEI Vision and Strategy:

Define a clear DEI vision statement that articulates the organization's commitment to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. Develop a comprehensive strategy outlining specific goals, initiatives, and performance....

\"What key elements are crucial in developing an effective organizational strategy? (Literature review)\"
Words: 617


In the ever-changing business landscape, organizations must continuously adapt and evolve their strategies to maintain their competitiveness and achieve long-term success. Developing an effective organizational strategy is crucial for guiding decision-making, aligning resources, and ensuring that the organization achieves its desired outcomes. This literature review explores the key elements that are pivotal in developing an effective organizational strategy.

Environmental Analysis

A thorough understanding of the external environment is essential for crafting an effective strategy. Porter's Five Forces analysis (1980) provides a systematic framework for examining the industry dynamics, including the threat of new entrants, bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, intensity of....

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