Wall Street Essays (Examples)

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Wall Street

all Street
Compared to what it looks like and implies today, all Street had relatively humble beginnings. Its towering skyscrapers and art Deco architecture, its digital tickers and wireless waves resemble little the original New Amsterdam road. Named after an actual mud -- and timber wall built by original Dutch inhabitants of Manhattan Island, all Street has morphed beyond its geographic location, and has come to symbolize American corporate culture in general. Films like Oliver Stone's all Street promote its image as a bastion of greed and financial prowess, of investment genius and corporate corruption. all Street therefore signifies more than just the New York Stock Exchange that started there over two hundred years ago. In fact, most major New York-based investment firms no longer maintain headquarters on all Street. In spite of its many transformations, all Street retains an aura of mystique and intrigue that is unrivaled by any other….

Wall Street Journal News
Establishing and maintaining public relations has become an increasingly important feature in corporate strategic planning because no company can achieve public confidence without a good P plan. A good P plan addresses the right audience with the right message. It reflects the core values of the corporation along with their commitment to serve their customers with unique benefits and products etc. However, in this dynamic global business environment bad public relations plan can damage the business and allow even the customers to sway away towards its competitors. This is because bad P programs allow the customers to make connections between the news provided to them and the core values of the company. Therefore, this paper will generate the strategic planning necessary to overcome the fiasco being generated by the news media about Halliburton and (1) its accounting practices; (2) its services in Iraq (3) and its commitment….

Where the contract specifies that delivery must be a specific shade of color and be delivered no later than 12:00 PM, that element becomes a material element. Even then, the measure of damages would have to reflect actual damages. Under ordinary contracts, damages for breach of contract do not include the indirect costs resulting to the non-breaching party. Therefore, a party who orders a new freezer may not sue for the cost of spoiled meat if the breach of agreement to provide the refrigerator on the specified date caused the buyer to lose perishable food that he ordered for delivery that same day, hoping to store it in the new refrigerator.
However, parties may also specify the nature of specific damages that will be caused by a breach, and where those terms are part of the contract, the breach will entitle the non-breaching party to those specific damages that were….

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon has concluded that computer sabotage coming from another country can constitute an act of war, a finding that for the first time opens the door for the U.S. To respond using traditional military force.

The Pentagon's first formal cyber strategy, unclassified portions of which are expected to become public next month, represents an early attempt to grapple with a changing world in which a hacker could pose as significant a threat to U.S. nuclear reactors, subways or pipelines as a hostile country's military.

In part, the Pentagon intends its plan as a warning to potential adversaries of the consequences of attacking the U.S. In this way. "If you shut down our power grid, maybe we will put a missile down one of your smokestacks," said a military official.

Recent attacks on the Pentagon's own systems -- as well as the sabotaging of Iran's nuclear program via the Stuxnet computer….

There is very little direct connection presented with regards to the electorate, and what is presented is in a brief, fear-oriented snippet: "factories would shut down, people would lose their jobs."
By framing the article from the perspective of regulators, the article portrays the all Street bailout as economic necessity. The public is being asked to sympathize with the regulators, who are portrayed as working hard to stabilize a difficult situation. The article does not carry a strong political perspective in its subtext. hat it does carry, however, is a view favorable to all Street, the Journal's target audience. The Journal is, however, an influential paper likely to hold sway with voters, who want to see Congress and the regulators managing the stability of the economy effectively. At the time, the chaos of the recession was not portrayed as a given, indicating that such action as taken by the regulators….

Wall Street Journal Online. The Wall Street Journal Online has over 646,000 paying subscribers. It features updated, in-depth coverage and analysis of business news drawn from more than 1,600 journalists working for the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires around the globe. The Online Journal has enhanced the business of Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswire.

The Wall Street Journal has over 646,000 paying Internet subscribers. Many believed the Wall Street Journal would fold with the popularity of the Internet, but this did not happened. Instead, it has increased the sales of the Wall Street Journal. "The Wall Street Journal has been published since 1889" (1998) It has always met the challenge of time and technology. Even before the explosive growth of the Internet, the WSJ was making its headway to create a powerful online news product. The history of the Wall Street Journal….

Also, the slower GDP growth in the hinese mainland may mean fewer visitors willing to gamble.
But although the housing demand may cool, the expansion of the Macau economy does not seem like a parallel to the U.S. housing bubble. First of all, the presence of gambling means that housing will likely always be at a premium in the region, as it is the only place where the hinese government allows gambling. There will always be a demand for workers to staff the venues that allow people to gamble, eat, sleep, and be entertained. Although an international recession will have an impact upon the Macau economy, certain economic sectors seem better equipped to weather an economic downturn -- and sadly, a poorer economy could even mean a rise in gambling, and draw even individuals to the area looking for work (or a quick profit) at the gaming houses. Additionally, the….

Of course, it seems that companies have partly given up on the secrecy and are now informing their employees aout the policy and otaining their consent. It is no good if the process isn't entirely transparent and it seems it is not, ecause one can't really e sure that the sum declared y the company is real.

Even if the companies have legal acking and have declared that most of the enefits otained from insurance policies will e used "to finance employee enefits" (Schultz and Francis, 2002), we are entitled to ask ourselves if this is truly so or whether the companies have discovered one of the numerous holes in the legislation that allow them to make profits unaccounted for and turn the law upside down so as to otain profits that are not suject to taxation.

On the other hand, when discussing ethics here, we should consider the fact that life….

Wall Street Journal (Sparshott, J (November 27, 2012) talks about Government inclination to convert the dollar bill into dollar coins. Whilst the public seems to mostly prefer the dollar bill according to the way it is and whilst Crane & Co., the company that prints these bills, is reluctant to eliminate paper money, The Government (as too the Federal eserve System) views coins as being more of a rational choice. It lasts longer, and can save the government more money enabling it to invest in other more important public programs.
"We continue to believe that the government would receive a financial benefit from making the replacement," Lorelei St. James, a director at the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office, said in remarks prepared for a Congressional hearing scheduled for Thursday.

Predictably, companies that would profit by mining he coins (such as Mining and metals companies, mass transit agencies, vending machine manufacturers and other….

all Street Journal -- February 26th, 2015
Brooklyn Men Are Accused of Aiding Militants

Pervaiz Shallwani; Rebecca Davis O'Brien; Grossman, Andrew

The Islamic State in Syria (ISIS), also referred to as ISIL, has had some success in using the web to spread propaganda and recruit support from many parts of the world. This has prompted the U.S. law enforcement to try to prevent Americans from joining extremist groups in the Mideast or acting on their behalf in the U.S.; top law-enforcement officials have cited threats from Islamic State as among the biggest risks to U.S. national security (Shallwani, O'Brien, & Grossman, 2015). The article covers three individuals that have been recently for attempting and conspiring to provide material support to ISIS which, if convicted, can carry a prison term of fifteen years in prison.

There is a global effort to stop the material support to ISIS and ISIL but more than three thousand….

Wall Street Movie

leadership problems presented in the film? Refer to the models of leadership from organization behavior.
The seductive appeal of Gordon Gekko's credo "greed is good" has proven so persuasive with audiences that it is easy to forget about the organizational problems his leadership style creates for Wall Street firms. Gekko's autocratic yet ethically defiant mode of leadership creates a cult of personality around the man, without advancing the interests of any particular permanent business organization. Rather than an organization that builds upon past successes to create models for the future, the type of organization portrayed led by Gekko instead completely revolves around Gekko's charismatic personality. His whole world revolves around his immediate needs and the system of rewards he seeks, in terms of making money. This creates a rapacious organizational structure around him, a structure that has little sense of loyalty to anything other than Gekko's autocratic leadership style of….

The Black Wall Street

Black Wall Street was the name given to the affluent black community of Greenwood Avenue in Tulsa, Oklahoma (Jaynes, 2011). They generated a prosperous and self-sufficient business district amidst intense racism and segregation laws. Several upper class and middle class blacks lived and worked in the area with the town generating high black economic activity (Rogers, 2010). What began as a journey to Greenwood Avenue in Tulsa as servants, led the pioneering business owners to turn inward and produce their own society where most of the capital spent went back into the community.
Such a closed community had its own economy. Black customers bought from black store owners. Black patients went to black doctors and so forth. This was because of the hatred whites felt at the time regarding blacks. Regarding the first domain and applying that lens into Black Wall Street, Fundamental Economics has 13 key concepts. Two of which….

innie exerts an opposite influence by recalling to Jake the necessity of being a good, moral person if he wishes to keep her in his life. Even the baby that innie is carrying plays a part in Jake's need: he uses the baby as leverage to win back the money that Gordon has pilfered from him and innie. The baby is "time," and "time" is what Gordon really values. Jake offers Gordon the opportunity to make right with innie by donating the $100 million from the trust fund to the charity that Jake and innie support. By helping Gordon make right, Jake buys himself an "in" with innie, and Gordon is there to insist that the two give their relationship another try.
Prior to this happy reunion, however, Jake suffers his lowest moment in the film. That moment comes as a consequence of the false solution provided at the end….

Having these in mind, the appearance of this section might have been the main reasons for which new readers from the young generation have been convinced to become regular readers of the journal.
All in all, it can be inferred from the above-mentioned statements that Wall Street Journal has been drawn towards the same time as the business world; with one of the greatest histories in the periodicals' world, a great number of readers and an unimaginable prestige, the American Journal, later on adapted to the Asian and European tendencies as well, would remain a reference paper for the business world in the new century as well.


Rosenberg, Jerry M. Inside the Wall Street Journal: The History and the Power of Dow Jones and Company and America's Most Influential Newspaper. New York: Macmillan, 1982, 345 pp.

The Wall Street Journal, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall_Street_Journal;

The Wall Street journal, at http://www.answers.com/library/ritannica%20Concise;

Press reports on world history standards:….

Improving consumer protection is a less vital factor in the reform package. It focuses on ancillary issues such as predatory lending and credit card interest. Improving protections may help to reduce the incidence of consumer bankruptcy, but has two negative consequences. The first is that the illusion of protection can encourage increased risk-taking behavior among consumers. The second is that increasing consumer protection fails to address the underlying issue, which is the atrocious level of financial literacy among the general population. These reforms, therefore, may not be effective.

The fourth set of reforms addresses the ability of government to respond to the crisis. The Federal Reserve's involvement in stabilizing the financial industry may have been needed at the time, but is inappropriate in the context of the Fed's tradition role. Furthermore, the FDIC has been forced into desperate action as its reserves have run low in the face of 100+ bank….

Right now, it is impossible to discuss the financial markets without looking at what happened with GameStop stock, so we are going to focus our example essay outline on this event.  To understand how a bunch of small investors organizing on social media were able to disrupt hedge fund managers and traditional ways that they profit off of failing companies, it is important to understand the concept of shorting stocks

I. Introduction

A. Stock shorting

B. Why businesses fail from stock shorting

C. Why GameStop was vulnerable

D. The impact of purchasing GameStop....

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the Wall Street Crash of 1929
B. Importance of understanding the causes and consequences of the crash
II. Background
A. Economic conditions leading up to the crash
B. Speculation in the stock market
C. Overproduction and underconsumption
III. Causes of the Crash
A. Stock market bubble
B. Excessive borrowing and margins
C. Lack of government regulation
D. International economic instability
IV. Effects of the Crash
A. Stock market collapse
B. Bank failures
C. Unemployment and poverty
D. Worldwide economic downturn
V. Response to the Crash
A. Government interventions
B. New Deal policies
C. Reforms in banking and financial sectors
VI. Lessons learned from the Crash
A. Importance of regulation and oversight
B. Need for diversification and risk management

Key Events Preceding the Wall Street Crash of 1929:
1. Post-World War I Economic Boom (1918-1929):
Unprecedented economic growth fueled by wartime production and consumer spending.
Rapid expansion of industries such as automobiles, construction, and manufacturing.
High levels of speculation and investment in the stock market.
2. Easy Credit and Speculation (1920s):
Federal Reserve's expansionary monetary policy made credit widely available.
Brokers encouraged investors to buy stocks on margin (borrowing money).
Speculation became rampant, with stocks being bought and sold rapidly for quick profits.
3. Stock Market Bubble and Overvaluation (1927-1929):
Stock prices soared to record highs, fueled by speculation and easy credit.

5 Pages
Term Paper


Wall Street

Words: 1583
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

all Street Compared to what it looks like and implies today, all Street had relatively humble beginnings. Its towering skyscrapers and art Deco architecture, its digital tickers and wireless waves…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Wall Street Journal News Establishing and Maintaining

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Wall Street Journal News Establishing and maintaining public relations has become an increasingly important feature in corporate strategic planning because no company can achieve public confidence without a good P…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Wall Street Journal - Contracts

Words: 1091
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Where the contract specifies that delivery must be a specific shade of color and be delivered no later than 12:00 PM, that element becomes a material element. Even…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Wall Street Journal Responses Student

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304563104576355623135782718.html?mod=WSJ_hp_mostpop_read#printode WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon has concluded that computer sabotage coming from another country can constitute an act of war, a finding that for the first time opens the door…

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4 Pages


Wall Street Bailout Has Been

Words: 1240
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

There is very little direct connection presented with regards to the electorate, and what is presented is in a brief, fear-oriented snippet: "factories would shut down, people would…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Wall Street Journal Online The Wall Street

Words: 4848
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Wall Street Journal Online. The Wall Street Journal Online has over 646,000 paying subscribers. It features updated, in-depth coverage and analysis of business news drawn from more than…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Wall Street Journal Cheng Jonathan

Words: 383
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Also, the slower GDP growth in the hinese mainland may mean fewer visitors willing to gamble. But although the housing demand may cool, the expansion of the Macau economy…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Wall Street Journal in December

Words: 722
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Of course, it seems that companies have partly given up on the secrecy and are now informing their employees aout the policy and otaining their consent. It is no…

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2 Pages


Wall Street Journal Sparshott J November 27

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Wall Street Journal (Sparshott, J (November 27, 2012) talks about Government inclination to convert the dollar bill into dollar coins. Whilst the public seems to mostly prefer the…

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4 Pages


Wall Street Journal -- February 26th 2015

Words: 1039
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

all Street Journal -- February 26th, 2015 Brooklyn Men Are Accused of Aiding Militants Pervaiz Shallwani; Rebecca Davis O'Brien; Grossman, Andrew The Islamic State in Syria (ISIS), also referred to as…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Wall Street Movie

Words: 652
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

leadership problems presented in the film? Refer to the models of leadership from organization behavior. The seductive appeal of Gordon Gekko's credo "greed is good" has proven so persuasive…

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3 Pages


The Black Wall Street

Words: 968
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Black Wall Street was the name given to the affluent black community of Greenwood Avenue in Tulsa, Oklahoma (Jaynes, 2011). They generated a prosperous and self-sufficient business district amidst…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Narrative in Wall Street Money

Words: 1290
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

innie exerts an opposite influence by recalling to Jake the necessity of being a good, moral person if he wishes to keep her in his life. Even the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Marketing Strategy Wall Street Journal

Words: 1590
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Having these in mind, the appearance of this section might have been the main reasons for which new readers from the young generation have been convinced to become…

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3 Pages


Policy Recommendations for Wall Street

Words: 795
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Improving consumer protection is a less vital factor in the reform package. It focuses on ancillary issues such as predatory lending and credit card interest. Improving protections may help…

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