Wilder Essays (Examples)

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Wilderness Act of September 3
Pages: 4 Words: 1226

One wilderness management expert notes, "Campsite impact assessments and monitoring methods range from photographic approaches to condition class approaches to a more intensive quantitative measurement of multi-parameters" (Glidden, 2005, p. 1). Managers had to develop methodologies to measure impacts of different areas, and staff must be able to implement these methodologies consistently. There are also many other assessments and needs programs that must be managed throughout the area. This means additional management and in-field staff, and it also means that to the public, their recreational opportunities may alter from time to time in specific wilderness environments.
If too many people use areas of a wilderness, it could permanently damage the fragile ecosystem of the area, and so, that area may be closed to visitors, which negatively affects anyone who utilized the area for recreation, and now cannot. In addition, in redesignating these public lands as wilderness areas, it effectively removed…...



Editors. (2008). "The Wilderness Act." Retrieved 10 June 2008 from the Wilderness Society Web site:  http://www.wilderness.org/OurIssues/Wilderness/act.cfm .

Glidden, N. (2005).  http://www.wilderness.net/toolboxes/documents/recsitemonitor/Overview-Recreation%20Site%20Monitoring%20Programs.doc

Global Warming and Intervention
Pages: 5 Words: 1767

Preserving the ilderness through Non-Intervention Harm or Help Nature?
In 2014, the ilderness Act turned 50. The act was introduced to "Establish a National ilderness Preservation System for the permanent good of the whole people, and for other purposes" (ilderness Act 1). The act was introduced with the aim of protecting the wilderness, and created the National ilderness Prevention System by first defining what was meant by 'wilderness' and then laying down the rules to protect them as public land, and restrain human influences, allowing the lands to develop as naturally as possible, and maintain its primeval character (ilderness Act 3). This approach assumed that non-intervention is the optimal strategy to retain a natural environment. However, while direct interference was effectivity bared with an apparent "hard green line" (Solomon 1), there have been subsequent questions regarding the non-interference paradigm and if that is really the best approach. The aim of…...


Works Cited

Cole, D N. "Paradox of the Primeval: Ecological Restoration in Wilderness." Ecological Restoration 18.2 (2000): 77 -- 86. Print.

Garmestani, Ahjond S, and Craig R. Allen. Social-Ecological Resilience and Law. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014. Print.

Hobbs, R J. et al. "Guiding Concepts for Park and Wilderness Stewardship in an Era of Global Environmental Change." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8.9 (2010): 483 -- 490. Print.

Long, E, and E. Biber. "The Wilderness Act and Climate Change Adaptation." Environmental Law 44 (2014): 623 -- 694. Print.

Wild Water Gets Soaked Wild Water Is
Pages: 2 Words: 672

Wild Water Gets Soaked:
Wild Water is a water park that is managed by Jason and Marie Salerno since it's a family business. The brother and sister run the park that is situated around the New Jersey shore and also receive help from their parents. The park has developed to become a landmark for both locals and summer tourists since it has been in existence for over 4 decades. Throughout its operations, the water park's organizational culture has remained hierarchical despite of the fact that the employees and Jason and Marie refer to each other as part of the family. However, while this organizational culture at Wild Water is the same, the environment in which the park operates is constantly changing. As a result of these changes in the environment, there are significant effects on the organization's competitive environment due to various elements in its macroenvironment.

Generally, the macroenvironment and competitive environment…...



Thompson, A.A., Strickland, A.J. & Gamble, J.E. (2010). Creating and executing strategy: the quest for competitive advantage: concepts and cases (17th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Wild Geese Analysis Oliver's Wild Geese Mary
Pages: 2 Words: 691

Wild Geese Analysis
Oliver's "Wild Geese"

Mary Oliver is an American poet who explores an individual's relationship with nature through her work. Oliver's poetry has been described as "an excellent antidote for the excesses of civilization for too much flurry and inattention, and the baroque conventions of our social and professional lives. She is a poet of wisdom and generosity whose vision allows us to look intimately at a world not of our making" (Mary Oliver, n.d.). In "Wild Geese," Oliver uses imagery, content, and form to explore the relationship between an individual and nature.

In "Wild Geese" (1986), Oliver use of imagery helps to establish the bond that she is advocating between individuals and nature. The first six lines of the poem focus on the individual and establish that the individual does "not have to be good" and does "not have to walk on [their] knees/for a hundred miles through the desert…...



Mary Oliver. (n.d.). Poets.org. Accessed 7 April 2012 from,  http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/265 

Oliver, M. (1986). Wild Geese. Dream Work. Accessed 7 April 2012 from,  http://peacefulrivers.homestead.com/maryoliver.html#anchor_14792

Wild Species Which Includes That of Animals
Pages: 4 Words: 1428

Wild species, which includes that of animals, plants, and of other organisms, constitute the most part of the seafood of the world and of the timber. The Wild species provide a means of earning to the communities apart from providing them with food, medicines, fibers, skins, furs and forage, without which many communities could not have had their living.
Apart from this they also help in the intellectual growth, provide a sense of beauty and also promotes the religious and cultural beliefs of the people. ecause of the importance given to the wild species and of the use made of them by people, many natural and semi-natural ecosystems owe their present existence and even their future would owe to these uses.

Firstly, the use of wild species is that it has direct commercial value in terms of fishing, hunting, harvesting which enables the U.S. economy to earn $200 billion and also…...



Albuquerque, NM. (1990) Conserving Endangered Species: A Commitment to the Future. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southwestern Region.

Costanza, R. et al. (1997, May 15). The Value of the World's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital, Nature 387: 253-260.

Hill, H.R. (1994, August 8) Ohio State University Study Finds Genetic Altering of Bacterium Upsets Natural Order, The Oregonian,

Food and Drug Administration 57 Federal Register 22987(1995, December) EPA Approves Bt Corn and Cotton With Conditions, The Gene Exchange,

Wild at Heart by John
Pages: 6 Words: 1876

Satan (the devil as defined in the bible) has been connected to the book in a strange manner. He has been blamed as the reason for the various kinds of internal spiritual conflicts in women. It does not define Satan well enough to explain why driving him away from one's mind can be a solution to problems in life. God has been stated as someone who loves everyone. hile this does comply with the Bible, it can create confusions. God has been mentioned as someone who longs to have a relationship with everyone to fill a place in his heart. This can imply that god is not perfect and needs us to make him complete. The fact that god needs us to worship to be a part of his heart, for his satisfaction, presents a false image. A lot of efforts have been made to explain god's love for us…...


Works Cited

Eldredge, J.(2001) Wild at heart: Discovering the secret of a man's soul. Thomas Nelson

Eldredge, J. & Eldredge, S.(2005) Captivating: Unveiling the mystery of a woman's soul. Thomas Nelson

Wild Swans Three Daughters of China Juan
Pages: 2 Words: 539

Wild Swans Three Daughters of China
Juan Chang's Wild Swans Three Daughters of China is a delightful combination of a historical epic of China from 1924 to 1978 and a novel that unfolds the story of 'Three Daughters' (Juan Chang herself, her mother and maternal grandmother) within that same historical period.

The book begins by giving the reader a view and insight into life in China in the 1920's through the simple device of narrating Chang's grandmother's experiences as a concubine to a powerful Chinese warlord and the story of her eventual escape. From the 1920's through to the 1960's, the history of early 20th century China and Communist China under Mao unfolds as Chang continues on her quest to chronicle the life and times of three generations of her own family. The 1940's, 50's and 60's act as a setting to the life story of Chang's mother.

The story of Chang's…...

Wild Swans Three Daughters of
Pages: 5 Words: 1789

S. demand.
Before leaving China, Chang began to seriously question Mao and his methods, and after she left, she realized just how repressive the government was, and that she would not return to China to live. Today, long after Mao's death, China has made it into the 21st century, but it is still a repressive and controlling dictatorship, essentially, and this book helps put the country and its leadership in perspective. The Chinese are proud people, and they seem to accept power and control as a way of life. It would not be hard to imagine another revolution in the country, as western ideas and attitudes make their way into this emerging giant. It would be interesting to see what this author has to say about that, in the future.

In conclusion, Chang's book is a close look into 20th century history and development in China. It shows how the country has…...



Chang, Jung. 2003. Wild Swans: Three Daughter of China. New York: Doubleday.

Jung Chang. 2003. Wild Swans: Three Daughter of China. New York: Doubleday, 16.

Ibid, 19.

Ibid, 34.

Wild Child
Pages: 2 Words: 666

ild Child
To hom it May Concern:

It is the decided opinion of investigators as well as medical personal that the individual known as Kaspar Hauser is definitively the kidnapped prince of the royal House of Baden. The reasons for this opinion can be explained through empirical analysis of the information provided both by the individual known as Kaspar Hauser and the work of the researchers involved in the investigation. Among the myriad of reasons behind this decision are the way in which he was held, the characteristics of royalty shown in the young man in question, and his untimely death which indicates his true parentage.

The individual in question has no memory of his life outside of the cell in which he spent his formative years. Such imprisonment would only likely be necessary if the person was likely to be recognized in a more hospitable situation. By keeping the child locked…...


Works Cited:

Bondeson, Jan. "The Mystery of Kaspar Hauser." The Great Pretenders: the True Stories Behind

Famous Historical Mysteries. New York, NY: Norton. 2004. 72-126. Print.

Wild by Jack London Buck
Pages: 2 Words: 824

He is willing and able to work always and though Skeet and Nig are also always willing to work for John, it is only Buck who seems genuinely happy and ready to do the work. Buck is much different than the other dogs when it comes to attention as well. "Unlike Skeet, who was won't to shove her nose under Thornton's hand and nudge till petted, or Nig, who would stalk up and rest his great head on Thornton's knee, Buck was content to adore at a distance" (91-92).
Buck is able to turn from a wild beast into a tame and loving animal and it is because of John that Buck is able to do this. It can be gathered that John is a bit of a wild beast himself. Buck's connection to John is very primitive; though he feels and hears the call of the wild, he does…...



London, Jack. The Call of the Wild. London: Puffin Classics, 2008.

Wild -- Vocabulary Exercise Context
Pages: 2 Words: 609

Basically, Charles had accidentally rolled backwards at the edge of a parking area outside a fraternity at another college. His open-topped Jeep slid a few feet backwards down a steep wooded hill in the black of night and came to rest on loose rocks and soil at a very steep upward angle. The hill was so steep that it would have been impossible to release the brake to engage the clutch without sliding backwards down a rocky mountainous hill. n fact, the hill was too steep for the emergency brake to hold the vehicle in place alone. t took a few second for Charles to get the attention of three friends in the backseat, but he managed to tell them they had to get out of the Jeep calmly and only from the sides and not the back. Then he told the girl in the passenger seat that he needed…...


Illustrated Meaning -- Lacerated

One look at the results of Clint Malarchuk's lacerated jugular vein by a skate blade was enough to convince him that he no longer wanted to play that position at all. Luckily, Malarchuk was saved by excellent emergency care.


Wild Horse Saloon for the Purpose of
Pages: 3 Words: 814

Wild Horse Saloon for the purpose of exploring hospitality management skills. The writer spent time at the dance club and read some published articles about the venue to be able to present this information in the paper. There were three sources used to complete this paper.
The Wild Horse Saloon is known worldwide for its country western performers as well as the ambiance it provides for its patrons. The Wild Horse Saloon is a venue that is used for many thing including television shows, talent contests, and nightly dance sessions. For the purpose of evaluating hospitality management skills the Wild Horse Saloon is an excellent venue to compare to well-known skills.

The Wild Horse Saloon provides the world with music. It has many functions, not the least of which is a currently ongoing talent show that rivals American Idol. In addition there are televisions shows filmed there and the performances of…...



Eff, Tony; Kyle, Reuben (1995). Circle of prosperity. (Nashville, Tennessee)(includes related articles on Nashville's achievements in 1995). Vol. 9, Business Perspectives, pp 1(9).

Author not available (1994). WHEN THEY'RE NOT DANCIN', THEY'RE WATCHIN'., St. Louis Post-Dispatch, pp 01H.

Wildhorse Saloon (Accessed 4-9-2002)


Wild Swans Three Daughter of
Pages: 4 Words: 1377

Born in 1952, she lived through some terrible times when her family was renounced by the Communists, while Chang joined the ed Guard like any good young Party member. Chang was very bright, and received an excellent education under the regime. Her family, in the beginning anyway, led a middle-class rather privileged life, at least until they came under suspicion by the Communists of being traitors to the Party. Eventually, Mao felt education was unnecessary, and because of suspicions, Chang's father was arrested, her mother was placed in detention, and Chang was sent to work as a peasant in the country. Chang stayed in the country for several years, reunited with her family, and finally some of the sanctions were lifted. She could only work though, the universities were shut, and she could not continue her education.
Education was no longer relished in China, and Chang's experience shows how far…...



Chang, Jung. Wild Swans: Three Daughter of China. New York: Doubleday, 1991.

Wild Dog Coffee Needs Help Pouring Espressos
Pages: 6 Words: 1793

Process Improvement Plan for Delivering an Espresso BeverageIntroductionWild Dog Coffee Company is a popular coffee shop that strives to provide high-quality beverages and exceptional customer service. To achieve this goal, it is important for the company to continuously monitor and improve their processes (Krajewski & Malhotra, 2022). In this context, this paper provides an analysis of the beverage service times data for 50 beverage preparation events using their order processing system. It also provides a cause-and-effect diagram to identify potential sources of variation in the espresso beverage preparation process. Based on this analysis, the paper offers recommended quality and customer service improvements for the company\\\'s beverage preparation process. By implementing these recommendations and continuously monitoring their processes, Wild Dog Coffee Company can ensure high-quality beverages and exceptional customer service to their customers.The ProcessTo prepare an espresso beverage, the first step is for the barista to grind the coffee beans to…...


ReferencesDesai, K. J., Desai, M. S., & Ojode, L. (2015). Supply chain risk management framework: a fishbone analysis approach. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 80(3), 34.Gligor, D. M., & Holcomb, M. C. (2012). Understanding the role of logistics capabilities in achieving supply chain agility: a systematic literature review. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(4), 438-453.Krajewski, L. J., & Malhotra, M. K. (2022). Operations management: Processes and supply chains (13th ed.). Pearson. Madhani, P. M. (2017). Customer-focused supply chain strategy: Developing business value-added framework. The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, 14(4), 7-22.Worley, C. G., Williams, T., & Lawler III, E. E. (2016). Creating management processes built for change. MIT Sloan management review.

Wild Type and Lac Operon Mutant Strains of the Bacterium Escherichia Coli
Pages: 3 Words: 1073

Lac Operon Genetics
Practical 2. Analysis of wild type and lac operon mutant strains of the bacterium Escherichia coli

Complete the results tables below using the data you obtained in the practical.

Describe the size, colour and eosin sheen of the colonies on the EMB plates in Table 1 below.




Eosin sheen


Large colonies purple

Strong eosin sheen


Large colonies purple

Weak eosin sheen


Small colonies pink

No eosin sheen


Small colonies pink

No eosin sheen

Fill in the fluorescence results for NA+glu and NA+lac in Table 2 below.


NA+glu within 1 minute of MUG overlay


minutes after MUG overlay


minutes after MUG overlay

NA+lac within 1 minute of MUG overlay


minutes after MUG overlay


minutes after MUG overlay





* Record the degree of fluorescence as (-) or (+) or (++) or (+++). Where (-) is no fluorescence and (+++) is the greatest fluorescence.

5. Based on your experimental observations of each strain on EMB and the NA+lac and NA+glu plates decide on the genotype/phenotype of each of the strains and…...

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about arctic national wildlife refuge oil drilling?
Words: 282

1. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Oil Drilling

2. Drilling into Controversy: The Environmental and Economic Implications of Arctic Oil Exploration

3. Arctic Treasure or National Sacrifice: The Dilemma of Oil Drilling in the ANWR

4. Wilderness vs. Wealth: Exploring the Potential Impacts of Oil Development on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

5. Balancing Conservation and Extraction: The Case for Sustainable Development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

6. The Arctic Oil Frontier: Unlocking Energy Resources or Endangering a Pristine Ecosystem?

7. Environmental Stewardship vs. Economic Necessity: The Tug-of-War over Arctic Oil Drilling

8. Oil Drilling in the Arctic: Navigating the....

How can a single paragraph convey a complex idea?
Words: 577

The canvas of communication is vast, and its colors myriad. Among the array of expressive forms, the paragraph stands out as a versatile and potent tool, capable of conveying intricate ideas with remarkable depth and nuance. Within its confines, a skilled writer can weave a tapestry of words that illuminate complex concepts, challenge perspectives, and evoke profound emotions.

The secret to crafting a paragraph that effectively conveys a complex idea lies not merely in the choice of words but in the architecture of thought. Just as a building's foundation determines its stability, the structure of a paragraph provides the framework upon....

How does attending a summer sleep-away camp as a child shape one\'s overall development and well-being, ultimately influencing their thesis on the benefits of such experiences?
Words: 497

Summer sleep-away camp experiences during childhood hold transformative power, shaping individuals' overall development and well-being in myriad ways. These immersive environments foster independence, social skills, personal growth, and a profound appreciation for nature, laying a foundation that influences their perspectives and outlooks later in life.

Independence and Self-Reliance

At camp, children are thrust into a setting where they are expected to manage their daily routines and responsibilities independently. They learn to make their beds, pack their belongings, and adhere to schedules without parental supervision. This newfound autonomy cultivates a sense of self-reliance and prepares them for future challenges.

Social Development and Teamwork

Camp provides....

What title best captures the journey of someone facing a loss of faith?
Words: 725

A Crossroads of Belief: Navigating the Loss of Faith

When faith falters, a profound journey begins – a journey into the uncharted territories of doubt, uncertainty, and the search for meaning amidst the ruins of shattered beliefs. Capturing the essence of this transformative experience, a title that encapsulates the multifaceted nature of this exploration is crucial.

1. Unveiling the Ashes of Faith

The loss of faith is often akin to a volcanic eruption – a cataclysmic event that leaves behind a desolate landscape. The once-solid foundation of belief crumbles into ashes, and the individual is left grappling with the void that remains. "Unveiling....

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