World Essays (Examples)

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World War One the First

Serbia refused, knowing that Russia would support them if attacked by Austro-Hungary. Meanwhile, Germany supported Austro-Hungary, and within two weeks of the assassination, armies across Europe were mobilizing for war.
Germany attacked France preemptively because it believed that France support Russia resulting in a dreaded war on two fronts. Because Germany's Schlieffen Plan had always envisioned dealing with France first in any war with Russia, Germany declared war on France immediately even though France was still uninvolved in the issues directly. Germany attacked France in August 1914 through neutral Belgium to avoid the heavily fortified French-German border. his brought England and Prussia into the war by virtue of international agreements in place since 1939.

he war quickly involved most of Europe but bogged down in trench warfare in 1915 because combat tactics had not yet evolved to match the destructive power of mechanized warfare that slaughtered men exposed on the battlefields.….

WWI & WWII World War

Japan would be obliged to negotiate with each former enemy in terms of making reparations.
It appears therefore that any attempts at creating peaceful solutions to the conflicts arising during the World Wars culminated in much further conflict, particularly as involving the United tates, Germany and the U...R. Furthermore, it also appears that the ideal of taking sufficient time in order to prevent further conflict was somewhat defeated by conflicts that still existed.


The World Wars and the Cold War are sad episodes in human history. Furthermore, the kind of peace treaties created and the reactions of the various countries to these leave something to be desired. It appears that, once there was a taste of the nature and horrors of war, it was almost impossible to stop its impetus. Indeed, some critics, such as Huppauf, hold that both wars became so filled with momentum that, although the majority saw the….

World War II Put-Off by

Although Churchill wanted the Americans to focus mainly on Germany, the United States was forced to attend to its problems with Japan, initiated by the attack on Pearl Harbor. The United States pursued a decisive military campaign in Asia, establishing military bases throughout Southeast Asia (Indochina) and helping squelch Japanese imperialist encroachment throughout the region. Their efforts proved successful and as Japanese military power waned, kamikaze pilots became increasingly common. These suicide bombers attempted to make up for a weak Japanese air force. Although only moderately successful in scale, the kamikaze provided a stunning, dramatic reminder of the intensity of the Japanese campaign.
After the Nazi surrender, the Americans sought a swift end to the long and bloody war. oosevelt's successor Harry S. Truman turned attention toward Japan, which continued to fight heartily with its kamikazes. The atomic bomb seemed the most decisive means to secure a victory in the….

Second World War Acted as

In this regard, the rise of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers led to many antagonisms to the European colonial dominance across the world. In this regard, Britain and France had a lot of challenges in maintaining their colonies across the world and had to decolonize most of these colonies in order to cut costs. Moreover, many people in Britain felt that it was high time some of the colonies were disposed off in order to focus on the internal affairs of their country. Moreover the emergence of institutions like the United Nations provided many opportunities for nationalists to oppose and challenge the nationalist influence. In this regard, the colonial masters were subsequently held accountable for their conduct in their colonies. In a way, the face of imperialism was gradually changed from a sense of pride to a demonstration of embarrassment.
Much of the British internal infrastructure….

World War I and World War II
The causes of World War II had their roots in the aftermath of World War I. World War I did not settle the issues that had led to it, and added new tensions among and within many countries.


At the end of World War I, Europe saw major political changes. Paradoxically, it led to a rise in both republics and dictatorships. Before World War I, Europe's countries had only three republics but 19 monarchies. Within a few years of World War I's end, ther were 2 monarchies left, and 14 republics (Author not given, 2003). In Russia, the monarchy was overthrown for a Communist government.


The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, created a climate that would help lead to World War II. 27 victorious countries met with each other (Author not given, 2004), each with its own agenda. The three greatest powers of….

World War II From 1939

Japan was particularly threatened by the construction of the Pearl Harbor base and the Panama Canal (orld pp).
On December 7, 1941, Japanese warplanes attacked Pearl Harbor, the largest U.S. naval base in the Pacific, and the following day, the United States declared war on Japan (orld pp). Japan also attacked U.S. air bases in the Philippines, and immediately invaded the Philippines and the British Colonies of Hong Kong, Malaya, Borneo and Burma in order to seize the oilfields of the Dutch East Indies (orld pp).

A few days later on December 11, 1941, Germany declared war on the United States, although it was not obligated to do so under the 1940 Tripartite Pact, also called the Three-Power Pact, that was signed by Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Japan, forming the Axis Powers, and warning the U.S. To remain neutral in the war (orld pp). Hitler made the declaration, believing that….

Much of the credit for the successful defense of Britain was the result of the invention of round-based radar that enabled British Fighter Command to alert their interceptors of the approach of Nazi warplanes during the crucial Battle of Britain in

1940 (Bishop & McNab, 2007). By the end of the war, American fighters were equipped with the first air-to-ground missiles. Of course, of all the many inventions and developments in weaponry during the war, the most devastating and revolutionary was the atomic bomb developed by the U.S. that finally ended the war in the Pacific almost a year after victory in Europe (Ambrose, 2001).


Ambrose, S. (2001). The Good Fight: How World War II Was Won. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Bishop, C., McNab, C. (2007). Campaigns of World War II Day By Day. London, UK:

Amber Books.

Commager, H., Miller, D. (2002). The Story of World War II: evised, Expanded & Updated from….

World War One Marked the

Instead, imperial powers used their increased military might and economic clout to control vast amounts of wealth and capital around the world. In the wake of the colonial era, neighboring nations in Europe vied for control of Colonial resources that would boost their national economies. Yet each country wanted its own, larger slice of the pie. Before Europe dreamed of even considering itself to be a cohesive political and economic entity like it is today, in the early 20th century neighboring countries like France, Belgium, and Germany fought over landholdings in various regions of the world including Africa and the Middle East as well as the East Indies. Japan and the United States would also play an important role in the evolution of imperialism prior and during World War One.
Finally, nationalism was one of the main causes of the First World War. A relatively new phenomenon in world history,….

World War II
Russian campaign was the culminating event of World War II. German aggression against Soviet Union was an extremely fierce battle ever took place in human history. German troops met new kind of enemy in vast fields of Ukraine and swamp Byelorussian woods: Soviet armed forces were much stronger and experienced than any European army of that time, as German, and Nazi soldiers and their allies (Italians, Romanians, Hungarians, Slovaks) noticed that during the first days of the new war. When reading Hitler's plan -- Barbarossa -- everyone would notice that this operation was the main Hitler's strategic aim and any activity of Wehrmacht in Northern and Western Africa was simply a wish to threaten British interests in that region but not to win a war. It can be easily proved by figures of German troops fought in Africa and in Russia and sizes of these military theaters.

Let us….

orld ar II can be regarded as the greatest war in human history by virtue of the massive death toll it incurred, the monumental ramifications of its aftermath and the implications of its moral impropriety on all sides of the battlefield. However, its magnitude may be best measured in its geopolitical scope, which was so widespread as to incite theatres of operations almost pervasively throughout the globe. One of the ostensibly less significant stages for conflict was China, where American forces fought Japanese aggression alongside the resident standing army. But China's importance in II can be more appropriately measured with a firmer understanding of the Chinese circumstance prior to the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor and subsequent American involvement in the international altercation. Therein, evidence of mounting tensions between America and Japan provided an ignored harbinger of the Pacific war to come.
hen Japan invaded China in 1937, the world began….

World War Two Represents the Greatest Cataclysm
The first ever time the atom bomb was used

Millions of lives were lost and property destroyed c) Was disastrous for vast majority of the Jews

Political reasons

Poor framing of the League of nations

Lack of preventive initiative from ritain as a super power

irth of Dictatorship in Germany and Italy

Events a) German occupation of European nations b) Russian and German conflict (alkan) c) Intervention of the United States

Atomic ombing and Japanese surrender

Results of the War a) Emergence of U.S. And Russia as super powers b) Formation of United Nations Organization

End of dictatorship

Conclusion a) ought a new global political climate b) Intensity of the war could have been reduced by proper enforcement of stipulations listed in the treaty of Versailles

World War Two


In the annals of human history the Second World War would be remembered as the greatest cataclysm. It is a pity that the quest for hegemony has….

As the debris falls around them, McLoughlin and Jimeno are both trapped under rubble. Pezzulo attempts to rescue them, and is injured in the process. At the end of the movie, a United States Marine comes to the rescue. Names David Karnes (Michael J. Shannon), he eventually brings McLoughlin and Jimeno out but Pezzulo has already died.
Stone portrays the family members as well, showing how the disaster affected those inside and outside of the buildings. Because the film focuses on firemen and police officers, the theme of bravery is central to World Trade Center. The film focuses more on how McLoughlin, Jimeno, and Pezzulo deal with the crisis, but also shows the shock and terror felt by their loved ones.

McLoughlin emerges as the star, as Cage enjoys the most screen time. Indeed, the police sergeant is a true leader who motivates a team of men through the disaster. His….

World War 1 And Its

The first global conflict brought along new means of warfare as trenches and similar means of protection conventionally used during wars started to be less effective because they could not successfully protect soldiers from artillery fire, toxic gas, and machine guns.
Paul is initially influenced by his school teacher in joining war efforts, as he appears to be charmed with the prospect of experiencing an adventurous account involving killing enemies, making friends, and generally fighting for his country. However, his experiences demonstrate that the presumably heroic deeds of the central character are not worthy of risking one's life for. Common soldiers were provided with false information regarding warfare with the purpose of having them express less hesitation about getting actively involved in fighting for their country (Marten 21). Even with that, many of them considered stories such as Paul's and feared that they would regret having joined the army.

Remarque's novel….

World eligion in Homeland Security
The relation between national security and religion has existed for quite some time now with a clear manifestation on how religious persecution and national security threats correlate. According to Inboden (2012), predicting what security threats the United States would face from the beginning of the 21st century would require consideration of a congressional testimony from a State Department official who could barely be understood. When we look back at the history of the wars that have been fought by the United States this correlation is seen to have started earlier than the 21st century since these wars have been against enemies that had total disregard of religious freedom. These included countries with varied religious and ideological practices including cultism, atheistic communism, orthodox nationalism, Baathism, Islamist theocracy, and Jihadism, yet all had the common characteristic of being hostile to religious freedom.

This relation therefore points to the fact….

Who to Save: Thinking About Stereotypes The end of the world is a terrible prospect to contemplate. To rebuild society, while it is necessary to reproduce humans on a biological level, ideally one would hope to create a new, better society to support future life. This includes a society which is less prone to disease, famine, and basic unkindness. It would also be valuable to preserve the best knowledge which exists in the present generation for the good of future generations, hopefully to avoid future nuclear devastation, environmental degradation, and strife.
Given the need for sound scientific knowledge, the first person I would choose would be the lesbian Chinese microbiologist. Not only would she know how to combat diseases that might arise in the future that could save humanity, she is only 32 and would likely be healthy and able to exist for many years, providing assistance to the remaining human beings….

This book is about how politicians don't have the best interests of the American people in their hearts anymore, and how greed and corruption has stopped many of them from doing what's right to help the country as a whole. The middle class are struggling with this more than others, because they get the least help. Rich people don't need help from the government, and poor people get a lot of assistance and handouts. If someone is middle class, he or she often needs a little assistance to really live comfortably but can't get that help because he or she....

Descartes is often stuck in his internal "bubble" because of the nature of his meditations. Being meditative is an inward practice, and does not allow for getting out of one's bubble very easily. A person's search for certainty can certainly backfire, especially if he or she spends too much time in that internal world. It is important to understand and see the world for what it really is, instead of what one wants it to be or hopes it will become. It is vital to step outside that bubble and see what is real in the world, so a person....

Gandhi's life can be considered a success, not just because of all the peace he brought to others, but because of the peace he had within himself. His ethical and political views were grounded firmly in the spiritual views he held, as evidenced by the calm demeanor he always possessed. He had wise words for nearly every leader in politics about how they should treat others, and he spoke great truth about the world and society even though it was often ignored. The world did not change him when he saw that most people did not subscribe to his calm....

2 Pages

Drama - World

World War One the First

Words: 530
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Serbia refused, knowing that Russia would support them if attacked by Austro-Hungary. Meanwhile, Germany supported Austro-Hungary, and within two weeks of the assassination, armies across Europe were mobilizing…

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5 Pages

Drama - World

WWI & WWII World War

Words: 1615
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Japan would be obliged to negotiate with each former enemy in terms of making reparations. It appears therefore that any attempts at creating peaceful solutions to the conflicts arising…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

World War II Put-Off by

Words: 982
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although Churchill wanted the Americans to focus mainly on Germany, the United States was forced to attend to its problems with Japan, initiated by the attack on Pearl…

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7 Pages

Drama - World

Second World War Acted as

Words: 2030
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

In this regard, the rise of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers led to many antagonisms to the European colonial dominance across the world. In…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

World War 1 As a Catalyst in World History

Words: 703
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

World War I and World War II The causes of World War II had their roots in the aftermath of World War I. World War I did not settle the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

World War II From 1939

Words: 602
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Japan was particularly threatened by the construction of the Pearl Harbor base and the Panama Canal (orld pp). On December 7, 1941, Japanese warplanes attacked Pearl Harbor, the largest…

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1 Pages

Drama - World

World War Two Weaponry Like

Words: 364
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

Much of the credit for the successful defense of Britain was the result of the invention of round-based radar that enabled British Fighter Command to alert their interceptors of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

World War One Marked the

Words: 880
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Instead, imperial powers used their increased military might and economic clout to control vast amounts of wealth and capital around the world. In the wake of the colonial…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

World War II Russian Campaign Was the

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

World War II Russian campaign was the culminating event of World War II. German aggression against Soviet Union was an extremely fierce battle ever took place in human history. German…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

World War II Can Be Regarded as

Words: 588
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

orld ar II can be regarded as the greatest war in human history by virtue of the massive death toll it incurred, the monumental ramifications of its aftermath and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

World War Two Represents the Greatest Cataclysm

Words: 1654
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

World War Two Represents the Greatest Cataclysm The first ever time the atom bomb was used Millions of lives were lost and property destroyed c) Was disastrous for vast majority of…

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3 Pages
Movie Review


World Trade Oliver Stone's 2006

Words: 925
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Movie Review

As the debris falls around them, McLoughlin and Jimeno are both trapped under rubble. Pezzulo attempts to rescue them, and is injured in the process. At the end…

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2 Pages


World War 1 And Its

Words: 774
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The first global conflict brought along new means of warfare as trenches and similar means of protection conventionally used during wars started to be less effective because they…

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2 Pages

Mythology - Religion

World Religion in Homeland Security

Words: 995
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

World eligion in Homeland Security The relation between national security and religion has existed for quite some time now with a clear manifestation on how religious persecution and national security…

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2 Pages

Philosophy - Utopia

Who to Save End of the World Scenario

Words: 646
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Who to Save: Thinking About Stereotypes The end of the world is a terrible prospect to contemplate. To rebuild society, while it is necessary to reproduce humans on a biological…

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