Applying Activity Theory To Ones Life Essay


Psychological Aspects of Aging

Activity theory is a psychological theory that could be used to explain successful aging. It holds that the more active a person is as he or she ages, the more likely that individual is to be happier and age without difficulty (Martin, Kelly, Kahana et al., 2015). This theory would apply to Helen's case because part of what would allow her to age successfully is to be active and continuously engaged with something -- whether it is a hobby, friendships, or problem-solving. The key is to be active in mind and body. This pursuit is not really equal to watching television, which is a passive activity rather than an active one.

The strategy of active theory holds that those who age successfully do so because they have trained the minds and bodies over the years to be productive, which staves off the broke down of unused parts -- just like it would in a well-maintained and well-used car. A car that sits in a garage and rusts, on the other hand -- one that is neglected and never driven -- is a prime example of what happens to the body and the mental faculties if they are not exercised continuously...

In fact, whatever type of activities appeal to the individual are acceptable so long as they actively engage the body and/or mind. Doing crossword puzzles can be a form of active engagement of the mind, while going for a walk is a form of active engagement of one's physical muscles.
Key life events that have influenced Helen's relationships are things such as dying, children moving out of the home, and friends moving apart. Health matters such as old age setting in also take their toll. To ease one's path around such obstacles, active theory enables one to stay active in the face of life's setbacks. One can find enjoyment taking up a new hobby, joining a social club, or providing entertainment for others. The idea is that the person who ages successfully is one who knows how to and enjoys staying busy (Martin, Kelly, Kahana et al., 2015).

As Helen's social worker, I would apply activity theory to Helen's life by…

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