Begun In 1876 By Thomas Term Paper

Financially GE is a very strong company. GE has paid a dividend each quarter for over one hundred years. In addition, GE's dividends have been raised for 29 consecutive years. Recently, some of its financial honors include: In Fortune Magazine's 2005 "Global Most Admired Companies" list, GE ranked first overall; In Fortune Magazine's 2005 "America's Most Admired Companies" list, GE ranked second overall; GE was ranked first in the Financial Times' 2004 "World's Most Respected Companies Survey" for the seventh consecutive year since the Survey's inception in 1998; GE was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index as one of the world's leaders in environmental, social and economic programs. In March 2005, it received the highest corporate governance rating of 10.0 from Governance Metrics International.

When doing a search of GE lawsuits, it appears that the company does have some legal problems in areas of pollution as well as product recalls. A lawsuit of interest, especially since GE prides itself on its diversity is the following: Marcel T. Thomas, the chief executive of GE Aviation Materials was promoted three times since joining the company in 2001. This year, despite a big increase in his unit's sales and profits, he received a low rating and a negligible compensation increase. Thomas is black, and he believes that his treatment is a result of racial discrimination. On May 17, he sued G.E. He is seeking to have the...


Both sides are marshaling their arguments. The suit offers an example of how people can look at the same numbers and draw opposing conclusions. It shows that no matter how race-neutral its policies, no company can be certain that it has rooted out racism.
GE is known as a very good company to work for, especially when graduating with an engineering or sales degree from college. The organization has several two-year programs that provide extensive experience with the businesses and act as stepping stones into management roles. The organization offers a wide range of benefits and incentives based on performance. Its training program for both entry-level and management-level employees is well-known, as its support of diversity programs both in the company in colleges and communities throughout the U.S. About $1 billion is spent annually on employee training and development. It employs over 315,000 employees worldwide.

GE is listed as one of the best places to work for women and working mothers.

Overall, GE is a very good company for which to work, if an individual likes working for large global organization. Especially for individuals who are just graduating from college and those still getting their degree, the organization has a number of well-known internship and entry-level programs for men and women and individuals of all backgrounds.

GE Company. Website…

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Overall, GE is a very good company for which to work, if an individual likes working for large global organization. Especially for individuals who are just graduating from college and those still getting their degree, the organization has a number of well-known internship and entry-level programs for men and women and individuals of all backgrounds.

GE Company. Website retrieved November 1, 2005.

Workplace Fairness. Lawsuits in the News. Website retrieved November 1, 2005.

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