Working Mothers Essays (Examples)

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Working Mothers

) who complement one another in order to achieve functions of the family. In the opinion of Stephan Beach and Linda L. Lindsey, who are the authored, "Essentials of Sociology," reproduction, socialization, provision of protection, regulation of sexual behavior, companionship for the members of a society all comes under the functions of family along with the social placement (2003:290).
It is gender according to which the roles are divided in the family so that the family's functions could be achieved. Although, it is only the nuclear families for whom this gendered division of roles work, in case of the heterosexual couples along with their adopted or biological child/children it is the father who works outside the house while the mother is expected to take care of the house and children. There are a lot of people who find this ideal unattractive or impossible. In case of the homosexual couples, single-parent households,….

1986). In actuality, as long as there is enough love and support at home, a woman working outside the home could actually provide some very useful instruction to her children, not just on the redefinition of gender roles and the multiplicity of a woman's choices that has occurred in recent decades, but also on the responsibilities of life and the hard work it takes to achieve success.
This conclusion is born out by earlier research that shows children that come from two-parent households with a working mother actually spend more structured quality time with their children, and that the children have a greater sense of responsibility, without any noticeable detriments. These conclusions were drawn as early as the 1960s, in a study that focused solely on middle-class white families and controlled for economic conditions and other known issues in child success rates and development (Yarrow et al. 1962). In general,….

The study focused on mothers in management because as white collar workers they were more inclined to suffer from the loss of steam, reputation ability to advance as they worked to combine their mothering responsibilities with the needs of the career. In addition they would have the financial ability to negotiate roles and if needed move into different jobs as opposed to quit all together to go home.

Gaining greater knowledge about how, when, and why these privileged women make sense of and construct work-family choices and identities may provide more appreciation for the struggles that other women face when not living under (presumably) the best of conditions (Bowers, et al., 2005)."

Women in management already face obstacles as the nation still struggles with perceiving women as supervisor personalities.

Add to this the introduction of children and the female manager faces a double dilemma when it comes to maintaining her career path.

Work --….

When the working mother effectively manages her job's demands and occupational stressors, instead of inevitably experiencing distress, she can experience growth and positive change as she faces and addresses challenges.
In the midst of concerns relating to distress, the working mother would do good to remember that removing all stressors from work is frequently not feasible nor may it always be desirable. When one recognizes that the potential for positive outcomes of the stress process exists, the potential to identify ways to manage of work-related demands and experience satisfaction, contentment and better performance in the workplace and at home increases. ecognizing, acquiring, and implementing the tools necessary to more effectively manage workplace demands that may translate into stressors, however, requires education and effort.

In the following table, Straub (2006) compares a number of common hassles working mothers may experience to numerous common uplifts they may cultivate or nurture to help them….

Working Parent
Working full time while being a parent to two children is one of the most challenging positions to be in. According to Barrow (2006), most working parents spend just 19 minutes a day looking after their children. The situation is more intense for working mothers than fathers, as record numbers of women are working full time while also contending with mortgages, household bills, and rising cost of petrol and other expenses.

Mothers like me who have husbands that can watch the children are the lucky ones. Yet it remains a struggle. Although my husband does pick up the kids from school and watches them while I am at work, he still ascribes to traditional gender roles and norms that make my job tougher. In addition to working full time, I also perform the household domestic chores: a form of unpaid labor that must be factored into my daily energy expenditures.….

Working egulations & Conditions
The Working Tine egulations of 1998 established a variety of legal provisions impacting the working hours and rest periods of employees. egulation 12 establishes the right to an uninterrupted break of 20 minutes for a daily work period in excess of six hours. egulation 10 establishes an entitlement to a daily rest period of 11 consecutive hours for each 24 hours during which the employee works, although there are a host of exceptions to this provision. egulation 11 establishes the right of adult workers to one day off a week, averaged over a two-week period (National Archives 2012).

There are a variety of provisions, and rights, available to mothers, fathers, and adult caretakers that impact the terms and conditions of an employee's employment. Using women as an example, it is clear that there are many provisions intended to protect, and enhance, the employment conditions and opportunities of working….

Working Women and Breastfeeding
According to Bouchez (2016), nursing babies once involved hardly any complications. As a majority of mothers were housewives, it wasn't hard to keep up with breastfeeding.

However, the scenario today is quite different and complex. With throngs of females joining the labor force, an increasing number of new moms face breastfeeding-related problems, which they must balance with their career demands. About 70% of moms in the workforce have kids aged below three years. About 33% of this cluster rejoins their jobs as soon as their baby turns three months, while about 66% return to work within half a year of the baby's birth. Clearly, a large employee group's breastfeeding requirements are to be accommodated. A number of females claim rejoining their jobs is the key cause of breastfeeding cessation. The many physical and emotional obstacles they encounter at work are: the absence of a pumping-friendly, private space, inflexibility….

It has been recognized that breastfeeding constitutes the best source of infant nourishment, functioning as nutrition as well as the "living fluid" imbued with a complex blend of enzymes, hormones, and antibodies, unique to the mother and her infant. Baby formula is unable to replicate the above essential substances. As breastfeeding is recognized as the superior mode of feeding infants, it must be protected, promoted and supported even among working mothers, after they return to their jobs. The WHO (World Health Organization) recommendation is that babies ought to be given nothing but breast milk until six months of age, with some amount of breastfeeding to be continued, at least till they reach two years of age (Deirdre Desmond & Sarah Meaney, 2016).
Breastfeeding at the Workplace

Breastfeeding rates in a majority of industrialized nations are generally below the desired levels. For instance, the 2002 U.S. estimate is that roughly seven in ten….

Thus, these two stories point out a variety of plights for the working person of the modernist time. First, they both suggest that socioeconomic status and occupational status is very closely tied to respect within the community. ithout a good job, both stories imply, it is easy for one to be looked down upon in addition to being chastised. Second, the stories point out that working conditions can be so deplorable that they affect a person's mental and emotional functioning and characteristics. This certainly occurs in Abner's case, as he is driven to a violence that eventually kills him because of the work that he must do, toiling daily for those who have more wealth and power. For Krebs, too, the conditions of fighting as a soldier have so impaired his emotional and psychological faculties that he finds it difficult to assimilate into the society and the family that he….

Working Poor and the Efficacy of the Earned Income Credit and T.A.N.F.
When many Americans think of poverty, they think of people who are not working. Moreover, when they think of social welfare programs, they think of those programs aimed at assisting families without wage earners. However, many of America's poor are the working poor; families with one or two wage earners that are still mired in the depths of poverty. The government has implemented two different programs aimed at providing financial assistance to these Americans: the Earned Income Credit (EIC) is a special income tax rebate for low-income workers which can actually help low-wage workers avoid paying any income taxes and entitle them to a cash rebate beyond any taxes that they have paid; while the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program provides for the direct distribution of cash payments to families struggling with poverty.

These two programs signaled a….

I know that I cannot give all of my students the advantages of a stable, high-income, two-parent home, a safe neighborhood, and parental involvement. If educators could do that, then there would not be an education crises in this country. However, I can work to make sure that all children receive the same real opportunities in their educational environment. This means going beyond giving children theoretical access to the same opportunities, and making sure that high-needs children have the same real access to resources and opportunities. If I can play a role in bringing educational equality to disadvantaged children, then I think that I can help make a meaningful difference in the lives of disadvantaged children. Just days ago, the United States experienced an inauguration that was historically significant because a poor, African-American child of a single mother attained the highest office in our nation. Obama would not be….

TANF and Teen Mothers Will

The question of whether TANF is working to reduce the number of teen pregnancies is inconclusive. The literature review leaves many more questions than answers.

The literature review found many conflicting results and studies that were significantly flawed. The real impact of TANF on teen pregnancies cannot be determined from the studies conducted thus far. The mass media was found to quote inconclusive findings. The body of evidence found is in need to further studies to determine the status and effects of TANF on teen pregnancy. This research will fill the gap in research by providing a reliable assessment of the impact of TANF on the ability to teen mothers to become independent and successful.

The literature review found many effects of TANF on the status of mothers as a result of the program. However, there were many flaws found in the program as well. In order for TANF to provide….

Single Poor Mothers

Women's Issues: Poor Single Mothers
Poverty single Mothers

Women's Issues

Poor Single Mothers

Does Parker's 1971 definition of poverty still have relevance today? The purpose of this work is to discover the answer to this question as well as research the plight of single mothers in America today and explain the major economic and social problems that are faced by single mothers. Further this work will discuss the assistance available today that would have improved Parker's life in the decade of the seventies.

According to Parker, 1971 there is shame in being poor and poverty is to be viewed with anger and not pity. Poverty is "dirt," "being tired" states Parker who uses much small definition that poignantly catch the reader's attention. Parker reveals to the reader the vicious cycle of poverty. The facts concerning poverty are not the kind that are encouraging or inspiring and quite unfortunately the cycle described by Parker is real….

Whereas in 1963, 70% of all African-American families were headed by married couples, that rate had dipped to 46.1% by 1996. In 2001, the rate had increased to 47.9%, the first uptrend in 40 years (Kinnon, 2003). The rate of African-American crime and incarceration, which is closely linked to males from single-parent households, has also dipped since 1996.
Concerns about TANF and current welfare programs

While the statistics are compelling, there are a series of questions which have not been addressed by these welfare reforms. There are still about 50% of the former welfare population which has not been able to graduate from the welfare-poverty cycle, nor have they been able to find work. In states where the TANF provisions were enacted, including the 5-year limitation on welfare benefits, there has been a back-sliding on the part of state legislatures to extend welfare assistance for the "hard core" unemployed.

The effects on….

After a literature review of existing studies on the subject, "we have clear indications that breast-feeding helps prevent an extra incident of gastrointestinal illness in some kids -- an unpleasant few days of diarrhea or vomiting, but rarely life-threatening in developed countries" noted Hana osin in a controversial article in The Atlantic (osin 2009). Despite graphic public advertisements that link breast-feeding with putting a child at great medical risk, the evidence is less certain than one might assume. Although breast-feeding has been credited with everything from improving babies' IQs to preventing obesity, the ability to prevent these conditions with breast-feeding remains uncertain, particularly when women's economic status is taken into consideration when evaluating the studies (osin 2009).
Cultural biases against trusting a woman to actively make choices about how they will be mothers may have more to do with the censure of women who choose to discount so-called common wisdom….

Addressing the Persistent Gender Wage Gap in Canada

The gender wage gap, where women earn less than men for comparable work, remains a persistent issue in the Canadian workforce. Addressing this disparity requires a multifaceted approach that involves government, employers, and individuals alike.

1. Strengthen Pay Equity Legislation

Expand the scope of pay equity laws to cover all sectors and industries.
Introduce stricter penalties for non-compliance and establish transparent mechanisms for enforcement.
Ensure that job evaluation tools used for setting salaries are bias-free.

2. Promote Workplace Transparency

Require employers to disclose salary ranges and job descriptions for all positions.
Encourage companies to publish....

The wage gap in Canada has not improved significantly over the past decade. According to Statistics Canada, women in Canada continue to earn only about 87 cents for every dollar earned by men. This gap is even wider for racialized and Indigenous women, as well as women with disabilities.

To address this ongoing issue, the Canadian government has taken a number of steps including:

1. Pay equity legislation: The federal government passed proactive pay equity legislation in 2018 to ensure that women receive equal pay for work of equal value.

2. Gender diversity initiatives: Many companies and organizations in Canada have launched gender....

Mother's Day: A Cherished Celebration of Maternal Love


Mother's Day, an annual event observed worldwide, serves as a heartfelt tribute to the unwavering love, sacrifices, and countless contributions made by mothers in our lives. This essay aims to delve into the profound significance of this special occasion, exploring its origins, traditions, and the enduring impact of mothers on our societies.

Historical Origins

The origins of Mother's Day can be traced back to ancient Greece, where the springtime festival of Rhea, the mother of the gods, was celebrated. In the early 20th century, the modern concept of Mother's Day emerged in the United States....

10 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Working Mothers

Words: 3705
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

) who complement one another in order to achieve functions of the family. In the opinion of Stephan Beach and Linda L. Lindsey, who are the authored, "Essentials of…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Working Mothers Women's Work Motherhood

Words: 2110
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

1986). In actuality, as long as there is enough love and support at home, a woman working outside the home could actually provide some very useful instruction to…

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25 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Working Mothers and Their Needs

Words: 6926
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The study focused on mothers in management because as white collar workers they were more inclined to suffer from the loss of steam, reputation ability to advance as they…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Role Stress in Working Mothers

Words: 2421
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

When the working mother effectively manages her job's demands and occupational stressors, instead of inevitably experiencing distress, she can experience growth and positive change as she faces and…

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9 Pages


Working Parent Working Full Time While Being

Words: 2454
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Working Parent Working full time while being a parent to two children is one of the most challenging positions to be in. According to Barrow (2006), most working parents spend…

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2 Pages


Working Regulations & Conditions the Working Tine

Words: 917
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Working egulations & Conditions The Working Tine egulations of 1998 established a variety of legal provisions impacting the working hours and rest periods of employees. egulation 12 establishes the right…

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5 Pages

Women's Issues

Working Women Breastfeeding

Words: 1943
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Working Women and Breastfeeding According to Bouchez (2016), nursing babies once involved hardly any complications. As a majority of mothers were housewives, it wasn't hard to keep up with breastfeeding. However,…

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5 Pages

Women's Issues

Working Women and Breastfeeding

Words: 1801
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

It has been recognized that breastfeeding constitutes the best source of infant nourishment, functioning as nutrition as well as the "living fluid" imbued with a complex blend of enzymes,…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Working People the Plight of

Words: 1433
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Thus, these two stories point out a variety of plights for the working person of the modernist time. First, they both suggest that socioeconomic status and occupational status is…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Working Poor and the Efficacy of the

Words: 1732
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Working Poor and the Efficacy of the Earned Income Credit and T.A.N.F. When many Americans think of poverty, they think of people who are not working. Moreover, when they think…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Working in a High-Needs School

Words: 490
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

I know that I cannot give all of my students the advantages of a stable, high-income, two-parent home, a safe neighborhood, and parental involvement. If educators could do…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


TANF and Teen Mothers Will

Words: 1636
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The question of whether TANF is working to reduce the number of teen pregnancies is inconclusive. The literature review leaves many more questions than answers. Conclusion The literature review found…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Single Poor Mothers

Words: 1284
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Women's Issues: Poor Single Mothers Poverty single Mothers Women's Issues Poor Single Mothers Does Parker's 1971 definition of poverty still have relevance today? The purpose of this work is to discover the answer…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies

African-American Mothers and Poverty the

Words: 2159
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Whereas in 1963, 70% of all African-American families were headed by married couples, that rate had dipped to 46.1% by 1996. In 2001, the rate had increased to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Gender Judging Mothers Although Women

Words: 1388
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

After a literature review of existing studies on the subject, "we have clear indications that breast-feeding helps prevent an extra incident of gastrointestinal illness in some kids --…

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