Bustedtees.com Busted Tees Is A Company That Essay


¶ … BustedTees.com Busted Tees is a company that makes apparel with hilarious messages and images. The company sells tees of all colors and sizes, with funny and comical images and symbolism. It also sells unique gift items at discounted prices, making it affordable to younger demographics. Pop culture references are splattered all over the tees, which are clearly visible individually starting from the very home page. There is only a small banner with the company logo, and then large images of the graphics on the tees. The company allows a younger audience to enjoy their favorite jokes or pop culture references right on their chests. To further appeal to a younger demographic, the site is very interactive. There are customer reviews present for each product, as well as a "Stalk Us" bar that provides a self mocking spin on the company's social media networking. This allows customers and visitors to enjoy their experience and share it with their friends.


It is presented in a very simple format that clearly outlines major user tools, without sacrificing room to display the product. User tools and options are located along the very top of the page and down the left side. This makes it easy for users to know where to look for certain sizes, colors, gifts, and more administrative tools. The type is kept simple so the products can speak for themselves, which is a wonderful refreshment compared to a lot of sites that over complicate the page with colors and graphics that distract from the lure of the products. The contact button is in slightly smaller text, yet it is right at the top, making it easier to find than having to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page. In fact, all the links are pretty consistent and easy to find and use. More authoritative links are located In different shades of blue at the top of the page, allowing customers to check…

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"Bustedtees Com Busted Tees Is A Company That" (2013, March 25) Retrieved May 3, 2024, from

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"Bustedtees Com Busted Tees Is A Company That", 25 March 2013, Accessed.3 May. 2024,