Pop Culture Essays (Examples)

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Pop Culture
Pages: 3 Words: 848

Pop Culture- Compare and Contrast Two Topics From List Below
Society has the tendency to promote values that it is familiar with and that most people are likely to identify. The masses thus come to feel that it would be perfectly normal for them to take some things for granted simply because they are considered socially acceptable. Across time literary specialists and philosophers played an active role in trying to understand the way that particular ideas are introduced to the public and how people end up believing that these respective ideas need to be respected as a result of eventually coming to identify their culture with them.

Brief explanation of the first work

Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan's "Why Vampires Never Die" discusses with regard to the concept of a vampire and about how it came to be an essential element in artistic works created during the last century or more. The…...

Pop Culture
Pages: 2 Words: 641

Pop Culture
Serazio, Michael. "Shooting for Fame: Spectacular Youth, Web 2.0 Dystopia, and the Celebrity Anarchy of Generation Mash-Up." Communication, Culture & Critique 3 (2010) 416 -- 434.

In "Shooting for Fame," Michael Serazio argues that the new media environment creates unique opportunities for a vehemently destructive sort of narcissism. Pointing to the Columbine massacre, the Virginia Tech massacre, and the Jokela High School Massacre in Finland, the author claims that the attacks are both "premeditated," in the traditional sense that their perpetrators planned the attacks; and "premediated," in the sense that the acts were "prepackaged," as Serazio puts it (425). The media was instrumental to the message and the massacres. The act of premediation also suggests that the perpetrator choreographs movements and actions to make them media ready and therefore celebrity-ready. Celebrity consciousness creates narcissism, distorted ideals, skewed role modeling, and also egomania. Therefore, "Shooting for Fame" discusses the violent repercussions…...

Pop Culture Project I Am Thin Therefore
Pages: 3 Words: 963

Pop Culture Project
I Am Thin, Therefore I Am

Pop culture today places a huge emphasis on being thin. You see it everywhere: in the news, in magazines, on television, on the Internet, and any other kind of media. e are constantly being bombarded with images of impossibly thin women and lean, muscular men, while at the same time, advertisements for diet products are at an all-time high. The combination of these two things, always being thrown at us in the media we see, can lead many people to believe that these models and actors, who are paid to be thin (and often airbrushed for print media to look more thin than they really are), are the norm and the ideal for society. If we want to fit in and be normal, media tells us, we must be thin or we are irrelevant. Society loves thin people, while it ignores everyone else.…...


Works Cited

Cottingham, John. The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.

Descartes, Rene. Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Russell, Bertrand. The Problems of Philosophy. New York: Simon and Brown, 2011.

Pop Culture Gender and Sexuality
Pages: 3 Words: 993

Pop Culture Artifact: Bacardi's Ugly Friend Ad Campaign
Alcohol ads are noted for their misogyny, from simple objectification to actively implying violence toward women. However, these ads are generally targeted at male audiences, designed to engage the male gaze. he Bacardi Breezers "Ugly Friend" ad campaign targeted women, specifically women's insecurities about their physical appearance, using stereotypes of behavior to sell product. Published on the web in 2009, the ad campaign featured an interactive website that allowed women to choose their "ugly friend" for various situations, read stats about the friend, and even comment on Facebook pages created for them. It was located through searching for alcohol advertisements, due to the highly sexist and frequently controversial nature of alcohol ads. Given the prevalence of alcohol use in American culture, the way in which it is sold is highly telling as to the ways in which advertisements target their markets. his ad…...


This ad campaign uses stereotypes, objectification of women, and misogyny to sell a product. It plays on perceived female insecurity, using the male gaze as the ultimate purveyor of the value of a woman. Further, it clearly states that women are all in competition with one another, and more, in competition for men. Women are told they only have value for their looks, even "ugly" women are only important for their ugliness. They are treated as objects, discussed as accessories, and overall dismissed. More, however, women are asked to participate in their own oppression by taking on the role of the user. These ads present a sexist, limited view of the world and what will sell product to women.

Advertisements can be found here:

   http://media.onsugar.com/files/2010/02/08/5/301/3019466/Picture_2.preview.jpg   http://media.onsugar.com/files/2010/02/08/5/301/3019466/Picture_3.preview.jpghttp://media.onsugar.com/files/2010/02/08/5/301/3019466/53bf998b3155df51_Picture_1.preview.jpg 

Pop Culture in Dangerous Attitude and Trend
Pages: 4 Words: 1792

Pop Culture
The most important development in a child is his individual identity. While children are shaping their attitude and identities, most of the times they tend to imitate their ideals and personalities for inspiration. The youth relates to a specific individual or a personality as their role model due to a certain quality or skill that they posses. It is not necessary that the child should look / dress or copy all the qualities of his hero, they can just select the attributes which suit them best and the ones they can relate, hence applying those skills or attributes to themselves. For example, the Supreme Court judge uth Bader Ginsberg may not have a direct influence on girls and women to become lawyers and subsequently judges, but her being there makes other female believe that it's a possibility too (Gibson & Cordova, 1999).

This is the ongoing pop culture, where parents…...



Gerbner, G. (1993). Women and minorities on television: A study in casting and fate. A report to the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Radio and Television Artists. Philadelphia: The Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania.

Gibson, D.E., & Cordova, D.I. (1999). Women's and men's role models: The importance of exemplars. In A.J. Murrell, F.J. Crosby, & R.J. Ely (Eds.), Mentoring dilemmas: Developmental relationships within multicultural organizations (pp. 121-141). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Giroux, H.A. (1997). Are Disney movies good for your kids? In S.R. Steinberg & J.L. Kincheloe (Eds.), Kinderculture: The corporate construction of childhood (pp. 53-67). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Screen Actors Guild. (1999, May 3). New Screen Actors Guild employment figures reveal a decline in roles for Latinos, African-American and Native American Indian performers. Press Release. Available: www.sag.org

Pop Culture Every Day I
Pages: 4 Words: 1289

American popular culture is about numbing the mind and senses, and deferring responsibility for problems like depression, anxiety, and ill health. For these core reasons, I have become media conscious and aware of the effect that American popular culture has on sheep-like consumers.
Because I can no longer tolerate American popular music, I have been increasingly drawn towards truly good and creative artists from all genres. I have a great appreciation for rap and hip-hop but not the drivel being played on MTV. Instead, I have become aware of underground labels and artists such as Cannibal Ox. I have been listening to good classic rock and not the types that Clear Channel-owned radio stations play over and over to the masses. American popular music is, like American fast food, commercialized drivel that has no soul. People with taste have to work harder to find what is good and worth listening…...



Online Communication Studies Resources (n.d.). Retrieved online:  http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/POP-Culture.html 

"Popular Culture." (2010). Retrieved online: http://culturalpolitics.net/popular_culture/

Popular Culture Madness.  http://www.popculturemadness.com/

Pop Culture Device in the Future in
Pages: 2 Words: 672

Pop Culture Device in the Future
In this world of expanding technology, individuals are frantically trying to keep up with the latest technological trends. One of the latest technological trends is the iPad, a tablet that combines the capabilities of the majority of Mac devices into a single device approximately .37 inches in depth, 1.44 pounds in weight, and 9.5 inches in height (iPad, 2013). An iPad is designed to be similar to other touchscreen Mac products such as an iPod Touch or iPhone, features a single home/menu button at the bottom of the screen, an earphone jack, volume up and down buttons, and either a 30-pin traditional connector or a Lightning connector to charge the device (iPad, 2013). The iPad has the ability to surf the web, take pictures and capture video, watch movies via apps like Hulu and Netflix, and listen to music using iTunes or other music services.…...



iPad. (2013). Apple. Accessed 15 May 2013, from  http://www.apple.com/iPad/design/

Pop Culture Cultural Elements of
Pages: 4 Words: 1361

N.C.I.S. reflects this particular aspect of contemporary American society as well. That is why the particular job of Gibbs and his co-workers is so important -- as federal agents, they deal with issues of terrorism on a national, and in some cases even international, level. Early on in the show's history during its second season, a Federal Bureau Investigations agent by the name of Vivian Blackadder was involved in counteracting the effects of a terrorist operation in Spain. This particular episode demonstrated the fact that in many ways, N.C.I.S. is chronicling the most important societal issues in America today. Also, it is worth noting that the particular episode referenced in this paragraph took place not long after the destruction of the World Trade Center. Thus, the show actually portrays the important sociological issues that people are concerned about. Moreover, by doing so it allows people to visualize and contextualize…...



Giddens, a. (2011). Essentials of sociology (3rd ed.). New York, N.Y.: W.W. Norton.

King, D. (2013). "5 years after Virginia Tech, campuses improve safety." www.bgnews.com. Retrieved from  http://www.bgnews.com/in_focus/years-after-virginia-tech-campuses-improve-safety/article_0311e86a-5a23-11e2-ad29-001a4bcf887a.html 

Thompson, R. (2002). "Pop culture takes on terrorism." The New York Times. Retrieved from  http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/transcrime/articles/Pop%20Culture%20Takes%20on%20Terrorism.htm 

Zakaria, F. (2012). "The case for gun control." Time. Retrieved from  http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2121660,00.html

Pop Culture American Idol Reflection
Pages: 3 Words: 806

The American Idol is "an annual American televised singing competition which seeks to discover the best young singer in the country, through a series of nationwide auditions." The show is engaged with real people with real emotions. Contestants of the show may belong or may come from different age groups or different race, or either they came from different towns or cities, thus defining what culture or way of life they have.
In a specific episode of the show, a controversy arose during the semi-finals during the season three that involved the three highly praised African-American contestants, Jennifer Hudson, La Toya London and Fantasia arrino. There had been an instance where everybody was been surprised because of the elimination of Jennifer Hudson. During the elimination, a guest judge for that season, Sir Elton John criticized the voting as "incredibly racist" (Yahoo, 2004). This statement that arose from such occurrence can…...



Wikipedia Contributors (2007). "Reality Television." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 1, 2007 at  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_TV_show 

Yahoo News (2004). "Elton John Says 'American Idol' Vote Is 'Racist'." Retrieved May 1, 2007 at  http://au.news.yahoo.com/040427/11/oqwi.html

Pop Culture and High Culture Are and
Pages: 2 Words: 648

pop culture and high culture are and how can you relate them?
Say the words 'high culture' and almost immediately the first images that spring to mind are those of Shakespearean acting and opera. We see Twilight as pop culture, but Romeo and Juliet and Carmen as great art. However, when Shakespeare wrote his plays, he wrote for a mass audience, not literary critics. In fact, some of his most enthusiastic fans were 'groundlings,' or people who listened to his plays on the ground seats of the theater. Opera was once considered popular music when it was first produced, even though it is almost always performed in lavish, costly, venues today. Clearly, the original intention of the author is not what makes something 'high' or 'low'-brow culture. However, because so many decades separate us from the vocabulary, stage conventions, and associations of Shakespeare and Bizet, these works are now considered…...

Pop Culture and the Arts
Pages: 2 Words: 667

The hip-hop culture has brought about many changes in the business world and specifically in terms of companies who employ ethnic minorities. Reese (1998) states: "One of the many positive side effects of the hip hop culture is that it encourages corporations to recruit a diverse cadre of individuals. Hence, recruiting minorities who have the pulse of this culture becomes an imperative. The African-American market alone has $325 billion in buying power. A myriad of organizations that appeal to the hip hop culture have diversified for competitive advantage. It makes good business sense. For example, half of Universal Music Group's employees are minority. This organization is number one in market share in the U.S., Europe, Latin American and Australia. The record label's overall market share is 23% globally and 25% in the U.S." Therefore, it is easy to understand how powerful an impact hip-hop culture may potentially have on…...



Reese, R. (1998) From the Fringe: The Hip Hop Culture and Ethnic Relations. February 1998. Paper presented at the Far West and Popular Culture Conference. Online available at http://www.csupomona.edu/~rrreese/HIPHOP.htmL

Kendalls, Christopher (2008) the Hip Hop Revolution in Music and Culture. Helium. Online 2008. Available at  http://www.helium.com/tm/414457/differences-music-first-being 

Trends in Pop Culture and the Arts

How Pop Culture Impacts Celebrity Worship
Pages: 6 Words: 1662

Introduction Whether it is film, fashion or even music, pop culture not only has mass appeal, but also general acceptability. For ages, music has been a key aspect of pop culture. Today, music is a crucial component of our everyday life and towards this end, it comes in formats and forms that are as diverse as its audience. Thanks to the special bond or connection that people have with music, they tend to develop a cult-like affinity to the composers of such music. Thus, the listening audience becomes drawn to celebrity musicians – and soon enough, the said celebrities are elevated to a deity status. The listening audience starts pegging all its hopes, aspirations, and dreams on these mortal composers of popular music; with the obvious result being celebrity worship. In addition to occasioning significant damage to the moral fabric, celebrity worship also infects the collective conscience of the society and…...


Works Cited

Jackson, Sue, and Vares, Tar. “Too Many Bad Role Models for Us Girls: Girls, Female Pop Celebrities and \\'Sexualisation\\'.” Sexualities, vol. 18 no. 4, 2015, 143-154.

Levy, Michael. Celebrity and Entertainment Obsession: Understanding Our Addiction. New York, Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.

Sheridan, Lorraine, North, Adrian, Maltby John, and Gillett Raphael. Celebrity Worship, Addiction and Criminality. Psychology, Crime, and Law, vol. 13 no. 6, 2007, 559-571.

What Pop Culture Means
Pages: 1 Words: 357

Reflection Popular culture and values inform people on what to hold as important in their own lives. They are informed by what they see and hear on social media—i.e., their peers and groups that they interact with. As Bandura (2018) points out, people’s behavior and thoughts are influenced by media, peers and groups. The values that people have are thus shaped by what they come across in popular culture, which is exactly what Adorno and Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School taught in their analysis of the culture industry. They asserted that popular culture was shaped to keep the public thinking and behaving in a specific manner, to be comfortable with the status quo and to keep them from questioning new ideas or alternatives to their present situation.
One example of popular culture that really appeals to people today is Star Wars. When Star Wars first came out in the 1970s, it was…...



Bandura, Albert. \\"Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections.\\"  Perspectives on Psychological Science 13.2 (2018): 130-136.

Influence of Popular Culture
Pages: 3 Words: 1005

The theory of culture industry, developed by the Frankfurt School (Horkheimer & Adorno, 1944), explains that popular culture is the result of a culture industry in the West that seeks to maintain control over the minds and hearts of the working class in order to prevent social uprising against the ruling elite. In effect, the culture industry is the tool of the ruling classes in that what is produced has an effect like that of an opiate: it removes the desire of the working class to strive for control of the means of production, which is what Marx and Engels (1848) called for in their Communist Manifesto. The Frankfurt School consisted of neo-Marxists who were disappointed to see that the workers’ revolution failed to transpire and that the class warfare that Marx had predicted never came to fruition. The Frankfurt School went on to explain that the failure of the…...



Durden, T. (2019). Facebook bans Zerohedge. Retrieved from

Horkheimer, M. & Adorno, T. (1944). The Culture Industry. UK: Routledge.

Marx, K. & Engels, F. (1848). Communist Manifesto. Retrieved from https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Manifesto.pdf

Weaver, R. (1948). Ideas Have Consequences. IL: University of Chicago.


Neandertals and Modern Humans
Pages: 3 Words: 963

Neandertals and Humans in Popular Culture Neandertals and “Cro-Magnon” (early AMH) have long held the popular imagination. From Boule’s unfortunate depiction of the old man at La Chappelle as a stopped, brooding primitive, to the tyranny of the Paleodiet, pop culture is frequently drawing attention on our hominin cousins and early forms of our species to make sense of our place in the world. This paper provides a critical analysis of Neandertals and humans in the popular culture. This critical analysis will be based on the film The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986), which is one of the films that provides a representation of pop culture of Neandertal and/or anatomically modern humans. Peer reviewed journal articles relating to the topic will also be incorporated in this critical analysis of the film’s depiction of Neandertals, AMH, and their interactions.
Film Depictions of Neandertals and AMH
The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986) is…...



Hamilton, Anne. “Popular Depictions of Neandertals.” Totem: The University of Western Ontario Journal of Anthropology 13, no. 1 (2011).

Twomey, Terrence. “The Cognitive Implications of Controlled Fire Use by Early Humans.” Cambridge Archaeological Journal 23, no. 1 (2013).

Villa, Paola & Roebroeks, Wil. “Neandertal Demise: An Archaeological Analysis of the Modern Human Superiority Complex.” PLOS One 9, no. 4 (2014).

Need Help with a thesis statement on different portrayals of King Arthur in books, tv series, and movies?
Words: 318

King Arthur has been a steady feature in pop culture since the original stories of him were told hundreds of years ago.  In fact, he retains a mythical status because of the quasi-historical nature of the stories told about him, leading to many people wondering if King Arthur is actually a real person.  The consensus appears to be that he was not an actual person, but that there were real people whose stories contributed to the stories of King Arthur.  It is no surprise, then, that he continues to be a compelling character in books,....

What subtopics can I write about for serial killers being my main essay topic?
Words: 377

Serial killers are a topic that has fascinated people, beginning before the term was even coined.  They have been romanticized in pop culture, but their crimes seem to be rooted in a personality disorder that keeps them from empathizing with others.  They kill in a variety of ways and, when left unchecked, the number of people that they can kill can get into the 100s. 

Some subtopics to consider when writing about serial killers for your essay topic are:

  1. The role of Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) in serial murders.
  2. Psychopath or sociopath?  Where on the spectrum of personality....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Adventure Tourism?
Words: 244

1. The impact of adventure tourism on local communities and environments.
2. The rise in popularity of extreme sports and adventure activities in tourism.
3. The benefits and challenges of adventure tourism for both travelers and destination communities.
4. The role of technology in promoting adventure tourism experiences.
5. The cultural significance of adventure tourism experiences.
6. The ethical considerations of participating in adventure tourism activities.
7. The importance of sustainable practices in adventure tourism.
8. The role of adventure tourism in promoting physical and mental well-being.
9. The future trends in adventure tourism and how it will continue to evolve.
10. The psychological motivations of individuals who engage....

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover gangs?
Words: 315

Certainly! Here are some potential essay topics related to gangs:

1. The impact of gangs on communities and neighborhoods
2. The role of social media in gang recruitment and communication
3. The relationship between poverty and gang involvement
4. The effectiveness of gang prevention programs and initiatives
5. The connection between drugs and gang activity
6. The influence of music and pop culture on gang behavior
7. The evolution of gang culture and symbols
8. The portrayal of gangs in the media and pop culture
9. The experiences of former gang members and their efforts to leave the gang lifestyle
10. The intersectionality of race, class, and gender in gang....

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