Civil Liberties Essay


One of the fundamental issues taking place in the United States in the present day encompasses the aspect of civil liberties and civil rights for all individuals and groups. A particular aspect in consideration is the lack of fairness and equity for black people in the United States. In the contemporary, there continues to be heated debate and arguments made regarding how the African-American group of people are being treated in the nation. In particular, the issue in this regard encompasses the recent verdict made by a jury ruling that Jeronimo Yanez, a police officer in Minnesota was not guilty for shooting and killing Philando Catile. Imperatively, castile was killed by the police officer during a routine traffic stop while with his girlfriend and child (Miller, 2017).

Observed Political Event

The observed political event is a political rally and speech made by Valerie, Philando Castile's mother subsequent to the verdict made. Valerie makes a serious outcry outlining that justice was not done and delineates the continued police brutality against black people in America. The environment and setting of the speech is one that is somber and dismal. The people gathered along the steps of state Capitol in protest, carrying banners and signs as well as chanting...

Valerie comes out pushing back against the decision made by the jury insisting that the United States of America as a civilization is not evolving, but is rather de evolving and going back to the mid-90s period when there were numerous injustices and lack of civil liberties against African-Americans. The people included in the speech are mostly African-American people who gathered together in protest and making a rally against the aspect that blacks as a minority group in America are being treated without any justice (Miller, 2017).

Relations to Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

The speech discussed above is related to civil liberties and civil rights regarding inequities on African-American individuals in the United States, and more importantly, police brutality against the black people in America. There is increasing concern is that America has systemic racial inequalities, which might have a significant role to play on the shootings by law enforcement in the nation. Aside from the incident of Philando Castile, there have been several other incidents of police brutality and police killings in the United States devoid of any justice or significant actions being undertaken (Baragona, 2017). In accordance…

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"Civil Liberties" (2017, June 27) Retrieved May 6, 2024, from

"Civil Liberties" 27 June 2017. Web.6 May. 2024. <>

"Civil Liberties", 27 June 2017, Accessed.6 May. 2024,

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