Coping With Disappointment In Life One Is Essay

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¶ … Coping with disappointment In life one is likely to face disappointments. Life's disappointments come in different sizes and shapes and they occur to people of different ages though at the core exists a similar principle. Disappointments exist as a result of the difference between what one expects and what one gets in reality. Depending on how deep the disappointment is one might experience a wide range of emotions such as sadness, hurt, jealousy or anger over a period of time.

If one is already in the throes of disappointment they should not be depressed instead one should sit down and brainstorm over the alternatives that may be present in the situation. Denial is very powerful therefore accepting the situation as it is very crucial. For instance if the disappointment is someone that has...


Very many people around us can be role models as they come through difficult situations successfully. These can be friends, family members or even celebrities. Gaining strength from their life journey's of these people enable one to move forward towards their future as well as from disappointing situations.
Talking to friends or family can help one get cope with the situation easily. Letting out the disappointment is very important this is by letting people around you know how one feels. People can give their ideas on how best one can handle the situation. One should not allow themselves to be victims…

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