Life Essays (Examples)

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Life Philosophy How Shall I
Pages: 5 Words: 1602

The feeling of being lost and lonely can be overwhelming. Those are the times I must work especially hard; those are the times that test my faith in God. I may come to feel psychologically strong by moving through difficult periods with grace and trust. Feeling at home in the Universe is a rare feeling, which may only come a few times in my life. However, I can prepare myself by living the good life and by trying to feel spiritually comfortable each and every day. I can do this by continual studying, regular prayer, and open-minded, open-hearted interactions with other human beings. Only through avid spiritual pursuits and a living a healthy lifestyle can I ensure living in tune with God's will.
A may gain strength, direction, and the uplifting of my spirit also through enthusiastic spiritual pursuits. Church and other spiritual social gatherings will allow me the opportunity…...

Life Altering Events Change it
Pages: 3 Words: 924

They also pointed out that my uncle would hardly have approved of the manner in which I was handling his death. In fact, it was this particular observation, more than any other, that helped snap me out of my grief and self-pity.
Ultimately, the experience taught me that life's setbacks must be faced with understanding and equanimity, failing which one runs the risk of falling prey to despair and stagnation. Indeed, as Erikson rightly points out, the key to a healthy identity lies in developing a sense of integrity; a feeling that life is worthwhile, irrespective of hardships and losses (Wu). Though my uncle's death played a major role in my self-development, I must confess that it also left behind one negative effect. And, that is, an irrational fear that I will loose other loved ones to death, as suddenly as I lost my uncle.

The lessons I learnt from the…...



Smith, M.K. (1999). Life span development and lifelong learning. The Encyclopedia of Informal Education. Retrieved Nov. 16, 2004: 

Words of Wisdom 4 U. Motivational Quotations on Change. Retrieved Nov. 16, 2004: 

Wu, S. Erikson's Eight Stages of Human Development. About: Psychology. Retrieved Nov.

Life of Jesus Critically Examined Penned in
Pages: 5 Words: 1385

Life of Jesus, Critically Examined
Penned in the tumultuous year of 1835, during an era defined by dogmatic religious intolerance and institutionalized adherence to the edicts of the church, David Friedrich Strauss' The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined represents an astonishingly bold assault on the complacency of Christianity, one which compels readers to challenge their own conception of faith. A respected theologian with a philosophical yearning to comprehend the world around him, Strauss found himself torn at the tender age of twenty-three between his desire to live the pious life of a local pastor, and his increasing awareness to the writing of thinkers such as Schleiermacher and Hegel. His first foray into the realm of religious thought was "The Doctrine of the Restoration of All Things in Its Religious-Historical Significance," a doctoral dissertation written in 1831 which argued that "the restoration of all finite things to the creator, and the concomitant…...



Hodgson, Peter C. 1972. "Editor's Introduction: Strauss's Theological Development from 1825 to 1840." The Life of Jesus Critically Examined. Tr. from the fourth German edition by George Eliot [1846]. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.

Lawler, Edwina G. David Friedrich Strauss and His Critics: The Life of Jesus Debate in Early Nineteenth-Century German Journals. [American University Studies, Series VII, Theology and Religion: Vol. 16.] New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 1986.

Madges, William. "Review of Christ Unmasked: The Meaning of the Life of Jesus in German Politics." Journal of Religion 65 (1985): 286-287.

Massey, Marylin Chapin. Christ Unmasked: The Meaning of The Life of Jesus in German Politics. Raleigh, NC: The North Carolina University Press, 1983.

Life in Media Scientific Method Http Www youtube com Watch v t7iufdtznxi& feature related Although
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Life in Media
Scientific Method

Although this is a video from the children's educational television program Sesame Street and thus designed for younger viewers, it can nonetheless prove a useful tool to those who are struggling with the processes that go into the scientific method. It also shows how important it is to make a hypothesis, but to be willing to change that hypothesis when to results of the experiment proves that hypothesis to be fault. All too often, people attempt to make the results fit into their theory rather than admit their initial theory was wrong and formulate a new one. The video instructs on the steps of Scientific Method and also makes clear the importance of the process.

Chemistry in Biology

This brief website provides the basic information that a biology student would need to understand the foundations of chemistry for their field of study. It clearly outlines the elements and atoms…...


Works Cited:

"Different Between Plant Cell and Animal Cell." (2010). 

"Self-Instructional on Basic Chemistry for Biology." (2001).

Life of Psychology
Pages: 5 Words: 1766

Life of Psychology
Understanding and tolerance of the behavior of other people

As a psychologist, I always do not do what I would like to do. My intended thoughts and behavior are blocked by the behavior of other people. I believe that my behaviors and thoughts are a result of various forces such as pushing and pulling me in different directions. However, I rarely apply the concept of reinforcement and I decry the idea of enhancing my will power. I often point out that much self-help advice is unquestionably correct and very simple. Other people have forced me to stop procrastinating as I can now plan for my time and be successful when dealing with patients (Bugelski, 2009). However, this advice has been useless since I have failed to follow it. The willpower of other people has hindered me from making such a change. I know that if I identify the forces…...



Bugelski, B.R. (2009). Psychology in the common cause. New York: Praeger.

Cooper, J., & Hogg, M.A. (2007). The SAGE handbook of social psychology. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Hayes, N. (2010). Foundations of psychology. London: Thomson learning

Rathus, S.A. (2009). Psychology, Concepts & Connections, Brief Edition: Psyktrek 3.0 Enhanced Edition With User Guide and Printed Access Card. Wadsworth Pub Co.

Life Span Case Study Project
Pages: 13 Words: 3503

Interview No. 3 - "Bill" (age 54 years):

The interview with Bill took place immediately following the conclusion of the interview with Anne who left the dining room after being thanked for her participation and the refreshments. Bill is a semi-retired disabled veteran of the U.S. Air Force with Vietnam-era service; he continues to work part-time as a pizza delivery driver. Because the couple's ownership of a shared computer with high-speed Internet access had been established in the interview with Anne, this interview skipped these questions and went directly to an interrogatory concerning what Bill used the computer for most of the time. Bill replied that, "I like to play chess sometimes, and I've been a big fan of all of the Tiger Woods golfing games on CD for the computer." As to socializing on the computer, Bill said this feature was available in his chess room, but he avoided it…...



Austrian, S.G. (2002). Developmental theories through the life cycle. New York: Columbia University Press.

Hannush, M.J. (2006). Erikson on development in adulthood: New insights from unpublished papers. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 37(1), 115.

Harder, a.F. (2002). The developmental stages of Erik Erikson. Learning Place. [Online]. Available: .

Appendix a Questions Used in Semi-Structured Interviews with Life Development Subjects

Life Transition a Well Balanced
Pages: 4 Words: 1632

In this mix, the therapist will have to identify what the client's view of the situation is. If it reflects reality, the humanist-existentialist. If not, the other solution-based approach may be the best. If this author were the therapist, it would be prudent to see if the entire family unit could be engaged for family therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy might be necessary for dysfunctional behaviors on the part of the adults. The therapist will need to see if the issues are two, three, or four levels based upon ogers' humanist approach based upon a discordant relationship between these levels. ogers lays out several conditions that would provide for a client-centered therapist the discover the depth beneath the upper layer. In general, the deeper the layer, the more extensive the intervention that is necessary (ogers, 1957, 96-97).


To sum up, a well balanced therapist, should have the expertise to combine the humanistic-existentialist…...


Rogers, C.R. (1957). The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21, 95 -- 103.

Rosenfeld, D. (2007). Maimonides on life. Retrieved from .

Watson, J.C. (2006). A reflection on the blending of person-centered therapy and solution-focused therapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 43(1), 13 -- 15.

Life in Historical Context the
Pages: 3 Words: 1015

Particularly speaking in the context of economic growth, the world witnessed remarkable progress as technological revolution was started and countries had understood the need to have independent economy so that they cannot be defeated by other countries. High economic growth was witnessed in Europe, USA and Japan as well. [4: Peter Duus and Kenji Hasegawa, Rediscovering America (USA: University of California Press, 2011).]
The overview of Japanese tradition and their consumption patterns show that Japan made high development in economy and industry[footnoteRef:5]. Many quality tools were developed in Japan which proved to be worth following all over the world. The economy was booming by leaps and bounds hence Japan was assumed to be direct competitor of USA at many fronts. The changes were noted by the laymen in Japan particularly the farmers witnessed incredible changes in their lifestyle[footnoteRef:6] after the war ended in 1945. [5: Wm ary, Carol Gluck and…...



Bary, Wm, Gluck, Carol and Tiedemann, Arthur. Sources of Japanese Tradition. USA, Columbia University Press, n.d.

Duus, Peter and Hasegawa, Kenji. Rediscovering America. USA, University of California Press, 2011.

Partner, Simon. Toshie. USA, University of California Press, 2004.

Stevenson, David. 1914-1918: the history of the First World War. USA: Penguin, 2004.

Life the Pursuit of Pleasure
Pages: 1 Words: 386

Also, I think we pursue pleasure in most of the choices we make, such as taking an umbrella when it is raining and we have to walk, so as not to feel the discomfort of getting our clothes wet and so on. In most of the cases, I and people in general are pursuing pleasure, by doing what we like and trying to avoid anything that gives us displeasure. Thus, although I cannot always target those pleasures that would be delightful, such as doing only what gives me immediate gratification, in one form or another, my life is governed by the pursuit of pleasure. Many times, I feel the imperative desire of doing things in a certain order, thus prioritizing pleasure. Thus, as Freud observed, the pleasure principle, in its various forms governs the life of all human beings.
orks Cited

Feldman, Fred. Pleasure and the Good Life: Concerning the Nature,…...


Works Cited

Feldman, Fred. Pleasure and the Good Life: Concerning the Nature, Varieties and Plausibility of Hedonism. Oxford: Clarendon, 2004.

Nicolay, Claire. "The Pursuit of Pleasure: Gender, Space and Architecture in Regency London." Criticism. 45(1), 2003.

Life and Death
Pages: 1 Words: 360

Life and death seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum. In fact, death entails the absence of life. Yet without life, there would be no death, and without death, there would be no life as we know it. All living things eventually run their course and perish; some just beings live longer than others. Therefore, life and death are like two sides of the same coin because everything that lives is destined to die.
However, life and death differ in some overt and significant ways. For example, a dead ant cannot run or eat. It does not respond to any stimuli. Its nervous system is shut down and its body will soon start to decompose. A live ant, on the other hand, will run when provoked, will eat when hungry, and will respond to threatening stimuli. The live ant's body courses with electricity because it is alive. The differences…...

Life Styles Circumplex
Pages: 5 Words: 1266

Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is designed to provide individuals with timely feedback concerning ways that their personal and professional lives can be changed for the better. Using a series of "styles" to measure various aspects of life, the LSI can provide some startling accurate results when respondents are honest and forthright in their responses. This paper provides a summary and analysis of the results of the administration of the LSI to the author, followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion.
Self-Actualizing Style

A score in the medium range that is close to the high range means that people with this score are "generally confident" concerning their ability to effect change and improvement in themselves and others. Individuals with this score are pragmatic with a wide range of interests and are able to excel at those things that are deemed rewarding. An interesting finding for a medium…...

Life of Paul Daily Living
Pages: 3 Words: 963

Life of Paul
Paul the Apostle is one of the most significant figures in early Christian history. He was born soon after Christ was, and Paul's conversation to Christianity remains one of the central allegories in all of scripture. Therefore, Pauline texts are at the heart of the Christian canon. Paul was born in Tarsus, the "principle city of the lush plain of Cilicia in the southwest corner of Asia Minor," which is modern-day Turkey (Pollack, 2012, p. 16). Tarsus was a melting pot of the Middle East, putting Paul into contact with people as diverse as Hittites, Greeks, Assyrians, Persians, and Macedonians (Pollack, 2012). Paul's early daily life was formative for his later intellectual and spiritual development. Pollock (2012) describes Tarsus as a "city between the mountains and the sea," (p. 16). Born in "a city between the mountains and the sea" provides an apt symbol for the spiritual growth…...



"A Chronology of Paul's Life." Retrieved online:

Howard, J. (2011). The Apostle Paul: A Biography. Golgotha.

Pollack, J. (2012). The Apostle. Colorado Springs: David Cook.

Rayment, W.J. (2012). Biography of the Apostle Paul. Retrieved online:

Life in a Bag Speech
Pages: 2 Words: 765

Life in a Bag Speech
Calculator (Future)

The calculator represent what I want to do with the future- as an accounting major, I do eventually want to become an accountant for a prestigious firm in a big city somewhere. The calculator most definitely symbolizes to me, what I want for my future a good job in a field that I am good at. My vision for the future obviously includes having a good job, which means I will be able to support a lifestyle of comfort with some luxuries included like vacations and a nice home. Without a god job, it will be impossible to attain all of these things that I desire for the future. The calculator has the ability to provide me with a future that I will be proud of.

Something from Ghana (Past)

Being an immigrant from Ghana, it is important that I remember where I came from as it…...



American Institute of CPAs, . "The Uniform CPA Examination." American Instiute of CPAs, 2011. Web. 25 Oct 2011.

Life in the 1950s
Pages: 3 Words: 1010

Life in the 1950's
The 1950's was a very pivotal time in the history of the United States. Essentially, this time period was one of transition. There were several factors that were responsible for some major transitions in the country during this epoch. The most prominent of these was the conclusion of the Second World War the previous decade, which set the stage for America's dual-superpower struggle with the Soviet Union (which was the only other developed nation to escape the war relatively unscathed). In fact, one can argue that the conclusion of World War II in the 1940's helped to influence virtually every other major social, economic, and political factor affecting the country. From an economic standpoint, the country was in the final decade of its position as the leading manufacturer in the world. Politically, it was engaged in the Cold War and attempting to stymie the tide of communism…...



Perrucci, R. And Wysong, E. (2008). The New Class Society: Goodbye American Dream? New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. 2008.

Salsamendi, C.M. (2013). Historical continuity of the Cuban Revolution. Megatrend Review. 10(2), 47-64.

Theado, M. (2004). Beat generation literary criticism. Contemporary Literature. 45(4), 747-761.

Life History Evaluating a Senior Interview
Pages: 2 Words: 743

Joyce is a 68 year-old woman who was born in British Columbia, Canada but moved to the United States with her family when she was sixteen years old. An engineer, Joyce has lived in seven different countries while on contract for her work. She is currently settled in Ashville, North Carolina where she is semi-retired. Joyce says that she still does consulting work as an engineer but that she is trying to “phase out” of a high-pressure lifestyle and ease her way into what she calls the “Third Act” of her life. Joyce does not like the term “golden years,” as she believes it connotes old age. She considers herself young and healthy, and stays active by hiking and doing yoga. Because of her job, her being a dual citizen, and her lack of interest in politics, Joyce claims that she has remained relatively detached from what is going on in…...



M., Joyce (2018). [Interview].

Elderly people who live on their own in the community?
Words: 130

There are a couple of ways to approach this. You can focus on research that has already been done, or you can survey elderly people in your community who live alone. That may be difficult, especially if you live in a small town or you don't know many people, but it can provide you with valuable information if you can get enough people to take the survey. You also need to decide what you want to know about those elderly people who live alone. Are you interested in their health? Their safety? How they handle daily life tasks or emergencies?....

Health Issues with Obesity?
Words: 195

1. A diet or lifestyle related disease is one that is brought about specifically because of the type of diet the person has or the lifestyle he or she chooses to live. 2. Obesity causes many health issues. The most common are sleep apnea, type II diabetes, and heart disease. 3. Obesity is linked to both diet and lifestyle. Someone who overeats and also does not exercise can become obese over time. 4. In society, obesity causes higher health care costs, "fat shaming," and discomfort for many people because of a lack of ability to accommodate larger-sized people (think airplane and bus seats,....

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