Drivers In Miami On Today's Essay

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College degrees provide more job opportunities because they show that a candidate is knowledgeable, hardworking, and reliable. Of course, college degrees show that a candidate is knowledgeable because graduating college requires taking courses and passing tests. In addition, however, a college degree shows that a candidate is both hardworking and reliable because both of these qualities are needed in order to complete the tasks required in college. College degrees also allow people to find better, more professional jobs, as professional employers want workers who have exhibited their ability to work in a professional environment. The...


Finally, college diplomas help graduates find better paying jobs. Jobs that pay more usually require skilled work, and an employer does not want to pay a large sum to someone with a poor work ethic or ability to complete tasks. A college degree shows that a candidate has the ability to work hard at something and accomplish it. Thus, college degrees not only help candidates find better jobs, but also more professional and higher paying jobs; college degrees are invaluable in this…

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"Drivers In Miami On Today's" (2009, June 12) Retrieved May 2, 2024, from

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