Wind Essays (Examples)

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Wind Turbines the Depleting Fossil
Pages: 10 Words: 3239

The production of electricity from power plants relying on this varying resource changes considerably. On the other hand the electricity demand does not cope with such variations. (Komor, 2009)
• Other forms of barriers: There are some other obstacles like allowing challenges of renewable power plants and technical hazards with regard to transmission connecting to the plant, higher proportion of capital to operating costs and policy instability. (Komor, 2009)

The prime concern over using renewable energy sources like solar & wind energy relates to dependability, economic feasibility and sustainability, which must be considered thoroughly at the time of erecting as well as during the maintenance of electrical power plants. The Photo Voltaic is applied to enhance solar energy and transform it readily into electricity and the wind generators would convert the mechanical energy to electricity with the help of an electricity generator. Since the Photo Voltaic Cells depend mostly on the…...



Ajao, K.R; Oladosu, O.A; Popoola, O.T. (2011) "Using Homer power optimization software

for cost benefit analysis of hybrid-solar power generation relative to utility cost in Nigeria" IJRRAS vol. 7, no.1, pp: 96-102.

Hau, Erich. (2005) "Wind Turbines: Fundamentals, technologies, applications, economics"


Wind Load Rapid Urbanization Coupled
Pages: 11 Words: 3104

This effect is particularly important for structures on the boundary of different topographical features, such as those in Chicago, which sits next to Lake Michigan and thus feels the brunt of wind sweeping in from across the surface of the water while at the same time feeling the effects of the polar jet stream, or Los Angeles, which is positioned between the ocean and a range of tall mountains and so experiences the turbulence of ocean winds hitting the land. Furthermore, because the acceleration or deceleration of the velocity profile diffuses itself through turbulence, the higher up a structure, the more turbulence it will experience (Azad 1993).
Computational Fluid Dynamics

Having provided an overview of the atmospheric boundary layer and the areas of the ABL that most influence wind effects on high-rise buildings, it will now be possible to discuss computational fluid dynamics in greater detail in order to demonstrate how…...



Azad, R.S. 1993, the Atmospheric Boundary Layer for Engineers, Kluwer Academic

Publishers, Berlin.

Garratt, J.R. 1992, the Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Huang, S., Li, Q.S. & Xu, S. 2007, "Numerical evaluation of wind effects on a tall steel building by CFD," Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 63, no. pp. 612-627.

Wind Power Wind Farms and
Pages: 9 Words: 2540

Figures 3 and 4. Vertical Axis and Home ind Turbine Configurations.

Sources:, and

Current and Future Trends in ind Power Applications.

hile the foregoing wind power initiatives would indicate that wind farms are already contributing a large percentage of the nation's energy needs, the research shows that this is far from the case. In this regard, the current total respective renewable energy consumption rates based on source in the United States are shown in Table 1 and Figure 3 below.

Table 1.

Respective Sources of U.S. Renewable Energy Consumption, 2004.




ind Energy

Solar Power

Conventional Hydroelectric

Geothermal Energy

Source: Tenenbaum at 751.

Figure 3. Respective Percentage of U.S. Renewable Energy Consumption, 2004.

Source: Based on tabular data in Tenebaum at p. 751.

Notwithstanding the relatively small contribution represented by wind power shown in Figure 3 above, this percentage amount represents a quantum increase in the use of wind power over just a few years ago, and all signs indicate these trends…...


Works Cited

Brown, Marilyn a., Benjamin K. Sovacool and Richard F. Hirsh. (2006). "Assessing U.S. Energy Policy." Daedalus 135(3): 5.

Gray, Richard. (2008, October 26). "Wind Farms May Pose Risk to Shipping." [Online]. Available: .

Hansen, Lena M. (2005). "Can Wind Be a 'Firm' Resource? A North Carolina Case Study." Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum 15(2): 341-342.

Keley, Lisa a. (2007). "The Power of the Sea: Using Ocean Energy to Meet Florida's Need for Power." Environmental Law 37(2): 489-490.

Wind Energy Advantages of Wind Energy the
Pages: 6 Words: 2205

ind Energy
Advantages of ind Energy

The exploitation of nonrenewable energy sources by the global population, notably by modern technological societies, has contributed to hostile political, economical, and environmental climates. The most notable nonrenewable energy sources, fossil fuels, which includes the burning of coal, petroleum, and natural gas, has induced concern of global warming, soaring oil prices, national energy security, and is depriving the earth of natural resources (Conner 130). Knowing the detrimental effects of burning fossil fuels, and that fossil fuels are a limited, nonrenewable source, prompts the exploration and use of clean (limited harmful emissions) and renewable energy sources. One solution to the energy crisis is the implementation of wind energy to harvest wind currents to convert kinetic energy to mechanical energy (Etherington 15). Improvements in wind energy technology over the last thirty years have made wind energy an efficient and credible source of renewable energy.

Advantages and improvements to wind…...


Works Cited

Burton, T. Wind Energy: Handbook. 1st ed. . West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,

2001. XX-XX. Print.

Conner, A. "Twenty Percent Wind Energy by 2030: Keys to Meeting the DOE's Goal."

Environmental & Energy Law & Policy Journal. 5.1 (2010): 130-143. Print.

Wind Turbines Proposed Poor Mountain Bent Mountain Area
Pages: 6 Words: 1737

Wind Turbines Proposed Poor Mountain/Bent Mountain Area
This is an argumentative research essay in which the issue selected is wind turbines' proposed poor mountain/bent mountain area. Invenergy, a privately held company in United Sates, proposed to build some electricity generating wind-turbines on top of the Poor Mountain. This Poor Mountain is situated in oanoke County. According to the company officials, this project will set a bench-mark for other companies as it will result in building more than fifteen turbines. The land area held for this purpose would be about 2000 acres and it will fulfill the electricity need of more than 8000 households in oanoke County.

Background or History of the Issue

The issue of building turbines on the Poor Mountains in oanoke County was proposed by a private company named Invenergy. The logic behind proposing the building of wind turbines is to provide excess electricity to oanoke County on cheap prices. This…...



Frey, Barbara J. And Hadden, Peter J. February 2007. Noise radiation from wind turbines installed near homes: effects on health. 137 pp.

Kamperman GW, James RR. 2008. Simple guidelines for siting wind turbines to prevent health risks. Noise-Con, July 28-31, 2008, Institute of Noise Control Engineering/USA.

Phipps, Robyn. 2007. Evidence of Dr. Robyn Phipps, in the matter of Moturimu wind farm application, heard before the Joint Commissioners 8th-26th March 2007, Palmerston North [New Zealand]. 43 pp.

Style, P, Stimpson I, Toon S, England R, and Wright M. 2005. Microseismic and infrasound monitoring of low frequency noise and vibrations from wind farms. Recommendations on the siting of wind farms in the vicinity of Eskdalemuir, Scotland. 125 pp.

Wind Power the Greatest Challenge of the
Pages: 8 Words: 2542

Wind Power
The greatest challenge of the 21st century is filling the gap between energy demand and supply with clean, reliable and green source of energy. Energy is very essential and it is in material form in everything that is around us. The opportunity cost of obtaining the energy that we require is the impact that is made on our environment. Some energy sources have greater impacts while others have relatively lesser ones. All sources of energy affect the environment in one way or the other. There is absolutely no such thing as an entirely clean source of energy. (Boyle & University, 2004)

There are primarily two sources of energy:

Non- enewable Energy Sources- These sources of energy cannot be replenished. They have been used as a source of energy for thousands of years. Oil, natural gas, coal, uranium (all commonly known as fossil fuels) are examples of non-renewable sources of energy. They…...



Boyle, G. (1996). Renewable energy: Power for a sustainable future. New York, NY:

Boyle, G., & University, O. (2004). Renewable energy. Oxford University Press, USA.

Evans, R.L. (2007). Fueling our future, an introduction to sustainable energy. Cambridge Univ Pr.

Kruger, P. (2006). Alternative energy resources, the quest for sustainable energy.

Wind Farm Mother Nature Is Very Powerful
Pages: 2 Words: 574

ind Farm
Mother nature is very powerful and is always producing to provide for her many life forms that reside on her surface. The wind is a great resource for harnessing the powers of nature and using them for manmade purposes. The purpose of this essay is to explore the best situation to build a wind farm upon. The essay will first look at the characteristics of local wind before refining the selection using criteria that can maximize the wind farm's capabilities and minimize the artificial footprint that may result.

Lutgen and Tarbuck (2011) described local winds as important systems that help regulate the earth's climate. They stated "local winds are simply small-scale winds produced by a local generated pressure gradient. Those described here are caused either by topographic effects or by variations in surface composition in the immediate area." There classifications have been given these local winds by these authors. They…...


Works Cited

Lutgen, F.K., & Tarbuck, E.J. (2011). Foundations of earth science (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Chapter 13-page 382-385

Wind Farms in Canada Insert Subject Subject Code
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Wind Farms in Canada
[insert Subject/subject Code]

How Will the Use of Wind Farms Benefit Canada?

In Canada, the development of helpful energy saving concepts is in debate, because of the issues present in the economy. The primary goal of this proposal is to focus on the benefits of the use of wind farms for Canada. This is a business proposal, related to the researcher's business degree, discussing how the business of creating wind farms in Canada can be environmentally and economically beneficial for Canadian residents. The use of wind forms could help provide a sustainable solution to an overall environmental need, harnessing natural energy and therefore decreasing the monetary costs of other energy alternatives. Basically, while wind farms require an investment, they will eventually pay for themselves because they will harness free energy, and energy is an item that always costs money.

Why is it important to find a sustainable energy solution? Sustainable…...

Wind Power in 1987 Renner and Renner
Pages: 3 Words: 937

Wind Power
In 1987, Renner and Renner wrote, "One year after the dramatic collapse of world oil prices, any initial enthusiasm about it has yielded to a more sober assessment of the inter- national energy market. The predicted benefits of the oil price drop have turned out to be grossly overstated: cheap, abundant oil is clearly not the solution to the world economy's deep structural problems. Moreover, oil does not seem likely to remain cheap and abundant. Last year's turmoil is part of a larger boom-bust cycle that will almost certainly usher in a new energy crisis sometime in the 1990's."

Now it is 2005, and the price of gasoline seems to rise every day. Just as Renner and Renner saw in the 80's, once again we are reminded, every time we fill our gas tanks, that over-reliance on oil for energy is a poor energy plan. While many options exist to…...


Sources for Development." Environmental Law, 32:2.

Pasqualetti, Martin J. 2000. "Morality, Space and the Power of Wind-Energy Landscapes." The Geographical Review, 90:3.

Renner, Michael G., and Renner, Michael R. 1987. "Shaping America's Energy Future." World Policy Journal, 4:3.

University of Tennessee. 2000. "Technology for the 21st Century." Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 15:2.

Wind Power an Opportunity Has
Pages: 2 Words: 583

While I could lose on this particular investment, if I made this investment several times, I would come out ahead with a 146.5% payoff.
It should be noted that a key step in this process is to evaluate the quality of the estimates. The expected value of future cash flows is only as valuable at the information that goes into deriving them. It is a situation of garbage in, garbage out. In this case, the different weightings came from one analyst, who based his decisions on OPEC's informational output. OPEC may have been attempting to obfuscate its future policy direction in order to ward off oil speculators, or the analyst may have misinterpreted OPEC's communiques. In either case, it would have been advisable to gather information from more analysts before making the weightings.

There are also capital budgeting techniques that could be applied in this scenario. For example, if the up-front…...

Wind Farms in Canada as Pollution and
Pages: 20 Words: 5604

Wind Farms in Canada
As pollution and global warming threaten our environment, wind farms represent a particularly sustainable response via the creation of energy from wind.

In Canada, the wind farms are becoming more and more popular and a question is, at this stage, being posed relative to the means in which these farms generate benefits and costs. Specifically, the question is whether the benefits of constructing such a farm outweigh its costs. In order to answer this particular query, the current chapter focuses on the collection and analysis of information. The data collected originates from various sources and contexts and is comprised in the form of the case study. The following subsection of the chapter then deals with the presentation of the methodology used in the collection of information. Emphasis is then placed on the actual information retrieved, through both review of the available literature, as well as the construction of…...



Bartram, R.A., 2010, Canada in crisis (2): an agenda for survival of the nation, Trafford Publishing, ISBN 1426933916

Rosano, M., 2009, On with the wind: wind energy in Canada timeline, Canadian Geographic Magazine, last accessed on July 4, 2011

Ryan, V., 2009, Advantages and disadvantages of wind power, Technology Student,   last accessed on July 20, 2011 

Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thornhill, A., 2009, Research methods for business students, 5th edition, Pearson Education, ISBN 0273716867

Wind Farms in Nantucket Cape
Pages: 11 Words: 4378

(Kleekamp, 2005)
The agreement between all the countries at Kyoto had clearly specified that all countries were to cut down on their release of heat trapping gases by 5.2% from the levels that they had reached in 1990 by the period of 2008 to 2012. This is also subject to the condition that Australia and United States did not approve of the protocol through approval by their democratic authorities and China and India are not bound to observe it as they are developing countries. At the same time, it may be noted that China is trying to convert one tenths of its energy requirements come from renewable sources by 2020 according to their own plans, and has now reached a level of 37,000 megawatts of electricity generation from renewable resources. This country is now followed in that respect by Germany, United States, Spain and Japan. Thus in spite of all…...



Beck, Lindsay. (6 November 2005) "Renewable energy investment at record high: Report"

Retrieved at   7 November, 2005 

Coleman, Jack. (20 October, 2005) "Deconstructing the wind farm bird-kill story" Providence

Journal. Retrieved at 7 November, 2005

Wind Dust and Deserts Represent
Pages: 4 Words: 1460

Today, the rocks are in the process of being reduced to sand, but make for an interesting geological study.
All of the deserts of the world are different, but have sand, sun, dust, and wind in common. They are often the product of the environments that border them, and prevent rainfall or moisture from reaching them. Geologic studies reveal that these deserts were very different places as recently as 5,000 years ago. The periods of Earth's evolution are recorded in the rock sediments, and can be identified from satellite images. As the Earth evolved, and mountain ranges rose from the depths of the Earth, pushed forward by shifting plates and separating continents, it impacted the conditions of what eventually became desert regions on Earth.

The deserts are hostile environments for mankind, but they are not without life. Insects, and even elephants and lions can be found in some of the most…...


Reference List

Baars, D.L. (2000). The Colorado Plateau: A Geologic History. University of New

Mexico Press.

Bowman, I. (1915). South America: A Geography Reader. Rand McNally Press, New

York, NY.

Wind Ensemble Concert Review Wind
Pages: 2 Words: 651

he program note continues: "he last idea is a motif of three chords first appearing very softly under the piccolo solo at the beginning of the piece, in flutes, clarinets, and horns. Later it appears at extremely strong dynamic levels, for example in the middle of the Aria movement. Much symbolism also appears: in addition to the (Fanfares), the unbroken hope of the Hussite song, sound of bells, or the tragedy (Aria), there is also a bird call at the beginning (piccolo solo), symbol of the liberty which the city of Prague has seen only for moments during its thousand years of existence." his complex and haunting proclamation of national, religious, and individual liberty stands in contrast to the large, blaring sounds of Samuel Barber's "Commando March" of triumph, with its bright, celebratory sound.

Other compositions in the concert used repeating themes to great effect such as noted band composer Frank…...


The program note continues: "The last idea is a motif of three chords first appearing very softly under the piccolo solo at the beginning of the piece, in flutes, clarinets, and horns. Later it appears at extremely strong dynamic levels, for example in the middle of the Aria movement. Much symbolism also appears: in addition to the (Fanfares), the unbroken hope of the Hussite song, sound of bells, or the tragedy (Aria), there is also a bird call at the beginning (piccolo solo), symbol of the liberty which the city of Prague has seen only for moments during its thousand years of existence." This complex and haunting proclamation of national, religious, and individual liberty stands in contrast to the large, blaring sounds of Samuel Barber's "Commando March" of triumph, with its bright, celebratory sound.

Other compositions in the concert used repeating themes to great effect such as noted band composer Frank Ticheli's "Symphony No. 2." But Husa's use of voices, bells, and radical re-envisioning of each theme was far more striking than Ticheli's more straightforward "Symphony" which lacked the sense of emotional 'narrative' of Husa. Even the more radical works like the Michael Markowski's "Shadow Rituals" with its sharp cascades of notes, rapid changes and varieties of tempos of rhythms did not use repetition as forcefully as the Czech piece. Although Husa's work was not as crowd-pleasing as Markowski's or Ticheli's, much less the velvety tones of Vittorio Giannini: "Symphony No. 3" it was the piece that resonated in the memory, long after the concert ended.

Karel Husa's remarks, which are always included when "Music for Prague 1968" is performed in a program note by his request, are available online, introduced by Steven Stucky for the L.A. Philharmonic, May 2007,

Wind Won't Know My Name
Pages: 10 Words: 3613

On pp. 35-36 it is clear that the U.S. government wanted to keep the Navajos "away from the Hopis" but didn't want to "anger the Navajos by moving them." The failure to correctly administer a negotiated settlement in this ongoing dispute was, according to Benedek, "exacerbated" because Indian agents respected the "industriousness" that the Navajos showed and agents on the other hand were "highly critical of the Hopis lackadaisical attitude toward animal husbandry" among other matters (Benedek, p. 36).
This was obviously a misunderstanding on the part of Indian agents because the Hopi culture was far more interested in dances, religious customs and ceremonials than raising animals and other cultural traditions of the Navajo.

Negotiation or Third Party Intervention? Or Alternative Dispute Resolution?

The 1934 Indian Reorganization Act called for a "New Deal for Indians" and contained a requirement that tribes create constitutions and governments (like the white man does). New boundaries…...


Works Cited

Abu-Nimer, Mohammed. "Conflict Resolution: Culture, and Religion." Journal of Peace

Research 38, no. 6 (November, 2001), 685-704.

Benedek, Emily. The Wind Won't Know Me. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992.

Brugge, David M. The Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute: An American Tragedy. Santa Fe: University

Book Review on Third World America, how our politicians are abandoning..?
Words: 123

This book is about how politicians don't have the best interests of the American people in their hearts anymore, and how greed and corruption has stopped many of them from doing what's right to help the country as a whole. The middle class are struggling with this more than others, because they get the least help. Rich people don't need help from the government, and poor people get a lot of assistance and handouts. If someone is middle class, he or she often needs a little assistance to really live comfortably but can't get that help because he or she....

Can I get help writing an essay on any violence topic?
Words: 369

The topic of violence is a broad one because violence is persuasive in our society, there are competing theories about the causes of violence, and violence begins to impact people at a very young age.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are eight types of violence children may be exposed to or experience: bullying, child maltreatment, community violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, school violence, sexual abuse and sexual violence, sex trafficking, and teen dating violence. These different types of violence not only impact children, but also adults in the community,....

Can you submit a brief statement that discusses the decisions you made to create a positive social impression.?
Words: 347

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression.  However, one of the things that I have learned after studying social impressions is that you not only do not get multiple chances to make a first impression, you may not get additional chances to make any impressions after making a bad first impression, because people tend to avoid those who give them bad impressions. Of course, this is only true when people have choice about whether or not they spend time with you.  In situations where people do not....

I need to know how to write a position paper on mediation course?
Words: 376

Mediation is one of the most popular forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).  While there are many benefits to mediation and other forms of ADR, including reduced costs for both parties, more rapid resolutions, and the decision-makers ability to consider principles outside of the legal principles involved, there are times when mediation is not the best solution.  If we were writing a position paper on mediation and mediation education, we would focus on domestic violence scenarios and why mediation is not a proper dispute resolution procedure in cases....

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