Elin Can Easily Justify Her Research Proposal


If and when Elin encounters obstacles she will need to approach them with the savvy marketing techniques she has been studying throughout her education. Pitching her research project is like pitching any other product or service. Elin can draw up a project plan that outlines the goals of her research. She should emphasize her interest in the organization as well as her ample skiing experience. Elin can use that as a sales pitch as well as a way to encourage those companies to consider hiring her after she graduates. Moreover, the summary plan of her research will put in writing what Elin hopes to accomplish. Any individual or organization that disapproves of some aspect of that plan can work with Elin on adapting her research instead of trashing it altogether. Finally, Elin may need to show those organizations and individuals who are resistant to her research prior studies that demonstrate the effectiveness...


She may even be able to show how her research can benefit their organizations.
3. Most of the skills Elin needs can be classified as communications skills. She will also need to develop her organizational and time-management skills but she probably already has those from her long-term as a graduate student. Elin's field work depends on powerful interpersonal relations skills. Her research also demands the ability to persuade because she will be asking for detailed company data. She will be interviewing personnel frequently. Her oral and written communications skills must be solid. Moreover, Elin's area of specialization implies the need for cultural competence. She will need to learn about different communications styles and social norms because she intends to work in an international setting. Elin will have to remain flexible in her communications and if necessary, use…

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