Marketing Essays (Examples)

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In many ways, the course work for a marketing degree overlaps with the coursework for a business degree. This should come as no surprise, since both business degrees and marketing degrees help you learn practical skills that work across a broad ra

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Example Essays

Marketing in Order to Market
Pages: 3 Words: 940

Programs is another element of the new four Ps. The company needs to have two programs. The first is that the launch program. The company needs a strategy to bring this product to market, and it needs to have a program that will allow it to gain exposure, build a brand quickly, and get the distribution it needs to compete. The second program needs to follow up the first one quickly, and take the product through the growth stage of the life cycle. This program has to continue to expand on the brand building, and get a strong follow-through on the launch. The key here is that the company needs to convince customers to drink the product regularly, and not just in a hiking context. That means that the company needs to keep the interest level high in the product. This is why the company needs to have the best…...


Works Cited:

Marketing Management by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, 14th Edition, ISBN: 0-13-600998-0, Prentice Hall, Inc. 2012.

Marketing Yue Sai Assessing Potential Marketing Yue
Pages: 5 Words: 2210

Yue Sai; Assessing Potential Marketing

Yue Sai, owned by L'Oreal, has not been performing as well as expected. Part of the issue may be related to the way that the brand has been managed and the current positioning, which maybe argued as ambiguous, there have been different approaches to marketing, and while L'Oreal have made investments in supporting the brand, they appear to have been unable to differentiate the brand sufficiently to increase sales. While it may be tempting to argue that brand should be repositioned again, given the history and the changes that have already been seen, it possible this would create consumer confusion, with memory and current messages creating a conflict and detracting from the brand. Branding can also take time to establish, especially when the message is the change or alter previous values (Kotler and Keller, 2011). Taking this into consideration it may be suggested that the current…...



Kotler Philip; Keller Kevin, (2011), Marketing Management, Prentice Hall

Yang, H, (2013), L'Oreal in China; Marketing Strategies for Turning Around Chinese Luxury Cosmetic Brand Yue Sai, INSEAD

Marketing E-Mail Email Marketing Is the Use
Pages: 3 Words: 823

Marketing E-Mail
Email marketing is "the use of email in marketing communications." (rownlow, 2012) Email marketing is reported as a term that "covers every email" that is ever sent to a customer, potential customer or public venue." (rownlow, 2012) Email marketing refers to the sending of "…direct promotional emails to try and acquire new customers or persuade existing customers to buy again." (rownlow, 2012) In addition, it is reported that sending emails which are designed in a way that will provide encouragement for customer loyalty and enhance customer relationships. In addition, placing your marketing messages or advertisements "in emails sent by other people." (rownlow, 2012)

Three Primary Forms of Email Marketing

Email marketing is in three primary forms stated to be the following: (1) direct mail; (2) sending a print newsletter; (3) placing advertisements in subscription magazines and newspapers. (rownlow, 2012) It is reported that email marketing's popularity is because: (1) sending email…...



AWeber Communications (2012) Why Opt-In Email Marketing. Retrieved from: 

Brownlow, Mark, (2012) What is Email Marketing? Email Marketing Reports. Retrieved from:

Email Marketing (2012) Business Link. The Chartered Institute of Email Marketing. Retrieved from:

Marketing Management Marketing Mix Product Price Promotion
Pages: 7 Words: 2222

Marketing Management
Marketing mix



Promotion Plan using AIDA+ 4






Promotion Budget & Implementation Calendar


Sustainable Marketing Campaign

The edwoods Group (edwoods) was founded in 1997 and is a privately held highly social conscious company providing property and casualty insurance underwriting as well as risk and claims management services to non-profit organizations, camps amongst others. edwoods is a for-benefit corporation formed to create shared value for all stakeholders and to cater to a market underserved by most insurers. The company's business and social mission is to safeguard and enhance the quality of life of the communities it serves and its motto is to 'serve others'. It has a peculiar approach towards reducing the injuries and accidents among the children and also covers all the other aspects that the average insurers within the U.S. do cover.

edwoods Groups (edwoods) being a for-benefit corporation formed to create shared value for all stakeholders and to cater to a market…...



Blab, (2014). About the Redwoods Group. Retrieved July 31, 2014 from 

JE Browns Associates Insurance Services Inc., (2014). United States Liability Insurance GROUP Personal Umbrella Submission Checklist. Retrieved July 31, 2014 from 

Mella F., (2013). Benefits of Online Advertising. Retrieved July 31, 2014 from

Owomoyela S.K., (2013). Investigating the Impact of Marketing Mix Elements on Consumer Loyalty: An Empirical Study on Nigerian Breweries Plc. Retrieved July 31, 2014 from

Marketing Management the Cosmetics Industry and Market
Pages: 10 Words: 2826

Marketing Management
The cosmetics industry and market continually change to present players in the field with new opportunities and threats. In the context of the dynamic and competitive industry, Estee Lauder is seeking to introduce a new product line to better serve the changing needs of customers. The new product line would be sold with the Beautiful fragrance and would be distinguished by the fact that it is based on components such as antioxidants, peptides, minerals or growth hormones. The Beautiful product line addresses women in the baby boomer category and they target issues of skin rejuvenation.

The success of the new campaign and product line is based on the identification of all threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses. Upon the assessment of these features, two important issues are derived -- the barrier raised to the specific market segment by the cost, and the potential threats pegged to distribution channels. The future success…...



Burner Lippitt, M., 2003, Six priorities that make a great strategic decision, Journal of Business Strategy

Franklin, C., Your market analysis and marketing plan, Berkley Center for Entrepreneurial Studies

Golden, B.L., BUDT 725: Models and applications in operations research, Vol. 1 -- Customer relationship management through data mining

Hanley, D.C., 2001, Peace activists boycott Estee Lauder products, while Arabs revive plan for Israel boycott, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,   last accessed on December 19, 2011 

Marketing Monitoring and Evaluation There
Pages: 2 Words: 613

Part of the marketing program is to broaden the customer base to be more reflective of LA's total demographics. Such basic information can be collected by the intake staff, and can then be compared against data from prior to the marketing effort. If there is a specialized campaign -- say taking out ads in an ethnic newspaper -- we can track to see if there was a bump in the demographics of that group among our customers. Such direct studies can also help understand how best to reach specific target markets, especially the larger ones that can be segmented.

The major evaluative categories are profitability, productivity and efficiency. All three derive from targeting certain customer types that will help improve each of these things. Efforts in these areas can indicate successful execution of the marketing plan. That said, successful conception of the marketing plan will be measured more on whether there…...

Marketing Strategy Plan
Pages: 6 Words: 1843

Marketing Plan
CIC is a cardiac imaging center that has just opened, trying to win business from the established competitors in town with better equipment and service. The focus in terms of building market share is to oriented the marketing reps to build strong relationships with the physicians and the payers, both of whom are key drivers of business. This will help CIC to take advantage of the favorable social conditions of an aging population to build revenue and become profitable.

The Challenge

The challenge is to successfully market Cardiac Imaging Center. This is a new business, so there needs to be an emphasis on gaining exposure and gaining referrals in order to build the business. Key goals will be associated with revenue, market share, number of patients, number of partner physicians and profit.

Situation Analysis

Cardiac Imaging Center (CIC) is a new business that has just been completed. The service is a small imaging…...



Cassidy, J. (2013). Some good news on health care. The New Yorker. Retrieved April 1, 2014 from 

Garber, K. (2013). Payer mix for community hospitals. American Hospitals Association Resource Center. Retrieved April 1, 2014 from 

Mantkelow, J. (2014). PEST analysis. Retrieved April 1, 2014 from 

QuickMBA. (2010). Porter's five forces. QuickMBA. Retrieved April 1, 2014 from

Marketing Mix Is Defined as
Pages: 3 Words: 1003


Starbucks can be left without profits if it markets its products in the wrong locations. Place is the sites at which the company avails its products. This includes channels of distribution from the distribution point to the end customer. Starbucks attempts to minimize the distance customers have to move to the point where the product is sold. This is followed by targeting the appropriate target market before making decisions on how the products will be availed to them. For instance, because Starbucks is selling trendy food products, opening stores in rural areas will not bring any profits. They must take their products to locations where youthful people tend to hangout such as malls and multiplexes. This is the only way for them to gain maximum attention from the target market (Haberer, 2010).

Moreover, Starbucks must develop a pattern of being alert to offer the ease of shopping. When Starbucks diagnosed their…...



Lamb, W., Hair, F., & McDaniel, D. (2012). Essentials of marketing. Mason, Ohio: South-

Western Cengage Learning.

Gitman, J. & McDaniel, D. (2009). The future of business: The essentials. Mason, OH: South-

Western Cenage Learning.

Marketing Advertising Is Part of
Pages: 2 Words: 955

Means-Ends Chain

Nostalgia and taste

Nostalgia for a comfortable life, sitting around the campfire singing songs with Jack, fun, happiness, acceptance, and comfort.

2. Ad strategy through components above: "Campaign -- oses for Your Mother for Mother's Day From FTD." -- basic idea, field of roses, talking with each other, they can't wait to be picked fresh and sent for special occasion; vying for who gets to surprise Mom and why. ather than animation, use of computer aided techniques, the real roses "appear" to talk in the field. No humans are shown in the commercial.

oses for Your Mother for Mother's Day -- From FTD




Message Strategy

Combination Conative and Promotional

Designed to convince consumers that roses are special and that for the upcoming MD holiday, it is best to send something unique that Mom would not expect.


Emotional -- Guilt, emotion

Consumers are usually at their wit's end trying to understand what to get Mom on MD. The…...



DuPlessis, E. (2008). The Advertised Mind: Groundbreaking Insights Into How Our Brains

Respond. Kogan Press.

"Jack in the box Launches Campaign," (February 1, 2010). Marketing Daily. Cited in:

Marketing Perception Project
Pages: 4 Words: 1139

Marketing stimulus constantly surrounds consumers. It is prevalent throughout much of the traditional forms of media with respect to print, television and radio. As such, due to the overall ubiquitous nature of advertising, ads that are often very well planned, do not receive the attention they should otherwise warrant. This occurs due to a litany of factors. Many of these factors pertain the nature of advertising itself. The sheer number of advertisements can be overwhelming for the average consumer. Studies have proven that a consumer needs roughly 7 views of a particular ad to simply remember the product or service. However, these 7 views must occur in the context of many thousands of ads that present themselves daily. Therefore the competition for a share of the consumers mind is tough given the circumstances prevailing today.
One company that does a good job with marketing is that of Nike. The company sells…...

Marketing Strategies Go to a Wal Mart
Pages: 3 Words: 871

Marketing Strategies
Go to a Wal Mart or Target and find the following marketing strategies in action:

An example of how an end-cap is used to highlight a product

An end cap is a display product that is placed at the end of the aisle. An example of how an end cap can be used to highlight a product is with Coca Cola. As, this is place where they will build a creative display to capture the mood for a particular time of year (in this case it is football or Halloween). This helps Coke related products to stand out in relation to other merchandise. Once this occurs, is when consumers will choose the Coca Cola that is on display at the end of the aisle. ("End Cap," 2011)

An example of a product/service that might be targeted at a specific ethnic population

A good example of product that might be targeted to an ethnic…...



End Cap. (2011). Merriam Webster. Retrieved from: 

Cherry, K. (2011). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. About. Retrieved from:

Marketing Attribute Analysis the Attributes of the
Pages: 4 Words: 1276

Attribute Analysis

The attributes of the Smart Wall are that is offers the opportunity to change the look and feel of a room with some programming, in particular a smartphone app that can activate the wall covering. The wall covering is billed as a wallpaper but it is not really that, since it is comprised of LED lights that are controllable with the app, and thereby able to change the colors and patterns of the wall, giving total flexibility for the look and feel of a space. The app will be available for both Android and Apple and will use Bluetooth to communicate with the SmartWall.

The attribute is interesting, and certainly not something that has been seen much. Thus, there is some risk here in that the market for this is not all that well-known. For example, there have been a few things with variable lighting on walls that have been…...



American Blinds. (2013). Wallpaper trends. American Blinds. Retrieved December 1, 2013 from 

Doorknob. (2013). Make room! Cool color-changing walls for your home. Doorknob. Retrieved December 1, 2013 from 

IBIS World. (2013). Interior designers in the U.S.: Market research report. IBIS World Retrieved December 1, 2013 from 

Macron, M. (2013). Contemporary wallpaper design trends. HGTV Retrieved December 1, 2013 from

Marketing Models Review of Marketing and Promotional
Pages: 5 Words: 1477

Marketing Models
eview of marketing and promotional model

Any organization's marketing program must take into perspective its marketing strategy and analysis, the target marketing process, marketing planning program development, and the target market. As a person in charge establishing a marketing campaign for a product in its mature stage of the product life cycle, it is imperative that a marketing strategy is developed. The person establishing the marketing campaign has to determine the product or service area and market in which the product is to compete (Breaugh, 2011). The strategic marketing plan must take into consideration an organization's corporate strategy. The marketing strategic plan should act as a guide to specific marketing programs and policies. The process of development of a strategic marketing plan should be based on situational analysis. There are three steps that have to be followed in the process of developing a marketing strategy. These are opportunity analysis, competitive…...



Breaugh, J.A. (2011). Modeling the Managerial Promotion Process. Journal of Managerial

Psychology, 26(4), 264 -- 277.

Foong, L. (2011). Comparing Centralized vs. Decentralized Marketing-Finding Middle Ground.

Retrieved February 1, 2014 from

Marketing Effectiveness Memo
Pages: 4 Words: 1141

Marketing Effectiveness Memo:
Marketing is an important aspect of every business, especially hospitality establishments because they operate in an increasingly competitive market. Every business should develop effective marketing strategies that are geared towards attracting customers. When developing marketing strategies, the focus of the initiatives should be ensuring that the product and/or service meets the demands of customers. These marketing initiatives should also act as the foundation for developing and sustaining long-term relationships with customers. One of the major establishments in the hospitality industry that has benefited from comprehensive marketing strategies and initiatives is McDonalds Corporation in fast food operation.

McDonalds Marketing Efforts and Target Audience:

As previously mentioned, McDonalds Corporation is one of the establishments in the hospitality industry that has profited significantly from comprehensive marketing strategies and initiatives. The essence of the firm's marketing efforts is emphasis on becoming the best fast-food restaurant rather than becoming the biggest fast-food chain through an…...



Lamb, C., Hair, J. & McDaniel, C. (2007). Marketing (9th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

"Marketing Strategy of McDonalds." (2007). Sales & Marketing Strategies. Retrieved February

15, 2014, from 

Yastrow, S. (2010, January 12). Do You Focus on Internal Marketing? Retrieved February 15,

Marketing Response There Are Several
Pages: 8 Words: 3792

This is why those service providers to other businesses often stress customer results in the core industries they compete in. These customer successes show the depth of expertise in a given area. These success stories make services tangible to customers. Marketing strategies used to support this approach include the widespread use of video and interactive online materials to show the problems solved and results delivered with a service. The greatest proof point any business can have is their customer base explaining how they were able to solve a major problem or issue using the service.
esponse to Question #4

The strategy for pricing the GasEnhance device needs to be more focused on how to create a long-term competitive advantage, and less about how to penetrate a market quickly to gain market share. This product needs to be launched with a premium, highly defensible pricing strategy that takes full advantage of how…...



Choudhary, V., Ghose, A., Mukhopadhyay, T., & Rajan, U. (2005). Personalized pricing and quality differentiation. Management Science, 51(7), 1120-1130.

Holmstrom, J., Framling, K., Kaipia, R., & Saranen, J. (2002). Collaborative planning forecasting and replenishment: New solutions needed for mass collaboration. Supply Chain Management, 7(3), 136-145.

Lusch, R.F., & Brown, J.R. (1982). A modified model of power in the marketing channel. JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, 19(3), 312-312.

Rao, S., Goldsby, T.J., & Iyengar, D. (2009). The marketing and logistics efficacy of online sales channels. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 39(2), 106-130.

How do I select 3 functional areas of a business and their purpose supporting company goals for an essay due?
Words: 375

Depending on the approach to business management that you study, there can be four to seven functional areas of business.  We favor a business management approach that highlights six functional areas of business: strategy, marketing, finances, human resources, operations, and technology and equipment.  To pick which ones to include in a paper you need to write, we would look at what each functional area does and pick the three areas where we had the most subject-area competency.  However, if the paper was a research paper, intended to teach us more about business operations, we would actually take....

Can you help me with an essay topic or essay title for mobile phone marketing?
Words: 481

In modern times, almost everyone carries a powerful computer with them- their mobile phone.  These phones are excellent for marketing purposes because they allow marketers to contact people through text, email, social media applications, and targeted advertising on web searches.  This means there are many ways you can approach an essay on mobile phone marketing.  We will provide ten possible titles and ten possible topics for such an essay.

Essay Titles

  1. You’ve Got Mail
  2. Tempting Customers on the Brink of Buying
  3. We Know What You Want
  4. Brand Building
  5. Know Your Audience
  6. Turning Clicks into Conversions
  7. Marketing Mobile Phones to a Mobile Market
  8. Is SEO....

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