Gay Adoption Numerous Studies Have Term Paper


Moral issues should not come to play. Individuals who are against the adoptions do not care about equality or that research does not support their fears. Nor do these individuals care that the American Academy of Pediatrics, among an entire list of other human services and medical organizations for the betterment of children and families has taken a stand that adoption by gay parents and gay parenting in general does not offer real or significant emotional dangers to children. Rather, the emotional danger comes when parents -- be they heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual -- abuse their children. It is how children are raised that is of concern, not who raises them, argues the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. "Children of gay, lesbian and bisexual and transgender parents are similar to children with heterosexual parents with respect to their emotional and personal development. it's the quality of the parent-child relationship and not the parents' sexual orientation that is associated with the development of a child or adolescent." The American Psychological Association argues that "research has shown that the adjustment, development, and psychological well-being...


May 30, 2008. Gay adoption report overdue. Sydney Star Observer
June, 2008.

Petre, Jonathan. May 24, 2008. Church pulls out of Catholic agencies over 'gay equality' adoption law. Daily Mail. 5 June, 2008.

Muskera, Dave. May 14, 2008. A Gay Adoption Head Scratcher American Chronicle

June, 2008.

Pew Research Center. March, 22, 2006.Less Opposition to Gay Marriage, Adoption and Military Service. Only 34% Favor South Dakota Abortion Ban. 5 June, 2005.

Sources Used in Documents:


Dennet, Harley. May 30, 2008. Gay adoption report overdue. Sydney Star Observer

June, 2008.

Petre, Jonathan. May 24, 2008. Church pulls out of Catholic agencies over 'gay equality' adoption law. Daily Mail. 5 June, 2008.

Muskera, Dave. May 14, 2008. A Gay Adoption Head Scratcher American Chronicle
June, 2008.
Pew Research Center. March, 22, 2006.Less Opposition to Gay Marriage, Adoption and Military Service. Only 34% Favor South Dakota Abortion Ban. 5 June, 2005.

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