Government Constitution What Are The Main Components Essay

Government Constitution

What are the main components of the United States Constitution that serve as the framework for how society governs and is governed? Explain.

It does not try to reflect on the particulars of how to run the national government. Officials who run the government provide the particulars that fit the general framework. As the government's framework, the Constitution must be interpreted as specific problems arise. The Supreme Court is frequently called upon to decide any questions that arise. Its decisions aid to update the Constitution to reflect changing times and circumstances. Conclusions by judges who interpret and apply the Constitution to precise cases help to add essence to the general framework of government set up by the Constitution. These judicial decisions create what is known as constitutional law (Features of the Constitution, 2008).

How does each component function to support the Constitution? Explain.

The Constitution consists of three separate branches of government. Each component...


At the same time, the Constitution has a system of checks and balances that ensure that no one branch reigns supreme. The three branches are:
Legislative Branch - This branch is made up of the Congress which is accountable for making the federal laws. Congress is divided into two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Executive Branch - The Executive power is given to the President of the United States who is tasked with the job of carrying out, enforcing, and managing the laws and government. The system of government is part of the Executive Branch.

Judicial Branch - The judicial power of the United States is given to the Supreme Court and the federal courts. Their responsibility is to interpret and apply U.S. laws through cases brought before them. Another vital power of the Supreme Court is that of Judicial Review whereby they can rule laws unconstitutional.

The Constitution is founded on the idea that the central government does not control all the authority…

Sources Used in Documents:


Features of the Constitution. (2008). Retrieved from

Kelly, M. (2012). Overview of United States Government and Politics. Retreived from

What Is Public Policy? (2012). Retrieved from

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"Government Constitution What Are The Main Components", 10 July 2012, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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