Constitutional Law Essays (Examples)

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However, where a state statute exerts control over matters capable of being regulated by Congress under the Commerce Clause, those statutes are invalid because they conflict with a concept that is generally referred to as the "dormant Commerce Clause" (Dershowitz, 2002; Friedman, 2005). In modern application, federal courts apply a three-pronged test to determine whether or not a given state statute is invalid by virtue of a conflict with Congressional constitutional authority in relation to the exercise of the dormant Commerce Clause. In that regard, the first consideration is whether or not the statute is "even-handed" and only burdens interstate commerce "incidentally" and without discriminating against intestate commerce either on its face or in its effects. The second consideration is whether the statute furthers an objectively legitimate state purpose. The third consideration is whether any state statute that does further a legitimate state purpose does so in a manner that….

" (GAO, 2006) Issues involved are stated to include "the dispersal of residents in low-income communities to other neighborhoods or cities." (GAO, 2006) it is stated that an inherent right of "sovereignty, eminent domain in a government's power to take private property for a public use while fairly compensating the property owners." (GAO, 2006)
There have been actions in state legislatures toward prohibition of "certain eminent domain practices, such as preventing property from being transferred to one private party to another for specific purposes..." (GAO, 2006) Eminent domain laws in many states have been changed so as to permit "private-to-private transfers only if it meets certain conditions, such as the property having been determined to be blighted." (GAO, 2006) However, these modified eminent domain laws have not undergone testing and moreover there is no available historical data on eminent domain use by which to make comparison of the effects that these….

In addition to the argument that the law's requirement of hanging the Ten Commandments is contrary to a country with no established religion, the commandments were also serving no functional purpose but a religious one. In many schools, the teaching of religion and religious ideas occurs in social studies, history, and culture classes. This contributes to students' understanding of different viewpoints, heritages, and the foundations of countries and institutions. Thus, using the Ten Commandments as a lesson in Western law would be a reasonable use of the document in my view. Even hanging the ten commandments in a classroom as a display for a lesson or project or with other types of important laws would have been acceptable Hanging the Ten Commandments as they were in Kentucky, however, was done without a corresponding lesson. That is to say, a secular or educational purpose of the commandments hanging in every classroom,….

In the case, Carty was a passenger of a vehicle operated by another individual. The vehicle was stopped for speeding, and the driver of the vehicle was asked to sign a form of consent to search the vehicle. During the search, the officer did a pat down of both Carty and the driver, at which time cocaine was found on Carty. The signed consent to search did not include any reference to a pat down, but both parties agreed to a pat down when requested by the officer for "reasons of safety." Carty moved to have the evidence withheld, since the search was unconstitutional (332 N.J. Super. 200, 2002).
The Supreme Court of New Jersey found that even thought the consent documents were strongly worded in an effort to inform of a right to refuse search, the documents were not sufficient to uphold the Constitutional requirement. The form states:

The individual….

Constitutional Law
The case of the 'Lawrence vs. Texas' of June 26, 2003, was in a nutshell about privacy rights and 'equal protection' under the law, and whether 'sodomy' can come under the protection of the U.S. Constitution.

Who were the Petitioner(s) and the espondent(s)? The case deals with two gay men, or in other words, homosexual men, that is, men who prefer partners of the same sex, who happened to be indulging in sex in a home in Houston, Texas, in the year 1998, from where they were arrested. The house belonged to the petitioner, John G. Lawrence, and a neighbor reported to the police that there was a 'weapons disturbance' happening at the house, when in fact, John G. Lawrence and Tyron Garner, another man, were having sex within the privacy of the home. Both the men were arrested and taken over to jail, where they were kept overnight, and….

If Harry had been stopped at a sobriety checkpoint, the outcome of his case would be dramatically different. The Supreme Court has determined that sobriety checkpoints are legal, as long as they are conducted in a neutral manner. Stopping all approaching cars meets the neutrality requirement. Moreover, the Supreme Court has also determined that the use of drug dogs does not violate one's Fourth Amendment rights; commentators have called this the "plain smell" exception. A positive sign from a drug dog is sufficient to form probable cause that there are drugs in a vehicle, which then gives an officer the right to conduct a full search of the car and its contents, including closed areas such as the glove box and the trunk. Therefore, the prospects for success in Harry's possession case for the marijuana in the vehicle would change, because Harry would likely be found guilty. However, the nature….

Following In Re Marriage Cases, a group of protesters gathered enough signatures in order to place a constitutional amendment on the ballot in November, 2008. The amendment set out to limit marriage in California to opposite-sex couples. However, that initiative didn't get far because in the State of California, voters may only amend the state constitution by initiative, they may not revise it. A revision must be passed by the state legislature or by constitutional convention (Same Sex Marriage: Developments in the Law, 2009).
The issue of same sex marriages has been a hot debate for years and will continue to be just that. As more and more states enact laws regarding these marriages, the way that people look at them will also change. Until the proponents of a federal law regarding same sex marriages mange to get a measure passed it will continue to be up to each state….

The court held that the district court's refusal to reopen the case and receive additional evidence after the remand from the court was not error. The court did not remand with directions to reopen the case and retry it. The only direction was that the district court was to make more detailed findings on the question of allegedly discriminatory hiring practices that adversely affected the educational opportunities afforded the Mexican-American pupils in a claim under Title VI of the Civil ights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C.S. § 2000d et seq. The district court considered various and different matters, and also made comprehensive findings on the school district's hiring practices. The district court concluded that the school district had not engaged in any discriminatory employment practices which adversely affected the quality of educational opportunities afforded the Mexican-American children. The court upheld the judgment of the district court, saying that the school….

After that great war, the black soldiers of the very nation that liberated Europe and Asia from murderous dictatorships returned home to social rules that prohibited their sharing water fountains and food services next to the white majority (Nevins & Commager).
Civil ights as a Fundamental Social Value:

Before respectfully issuing my recommendations to the Elders as requested, I would like to outline the most important principles that I believe the history of human societies on earth have made clear in the realm of social rules as pertains to diverse populations. First, the true measure of human society is not how well its most privileged and powerful members live; rather, the true measure of any society is the homogeneity with which all members of society are incorporated into it and the minimization of differences between opportunities available to all persons. Second, government authorities have a legitimate justification and motive for regulating….

His presence at the premises was a product of the coercive interrogation rather than any freely-given consent to search secured through legal means.
he State will argue that no warrant was required for Hardbutt to search the premises because Hiphop consented to the search and voluntarily allowed Hardbutt onto the premises. herefore, even if the drugs are excluded as the subject of the interrogation, the deer carcass was never discussed in the interrogation and that the deer carcass was simply discoverable as it was in plain sight.

he State will likely argue that the confession about the deer carcass was separable from the confession pursuant to the earlier interrogation at the police station and given freely. Once on the premises, Hiphop had access to food and water and lavatory facilities and he simply responded spontaneously to Hardbutt's questions..

he State's strongest argument against exclusion of the deer carcass is in the event….

This essay provides a brief overview of several of the key factors in conflict of laws, including the areas where choice of law is likely to be at issue.

Domicile is one of the key factors in choice of law. Domicile is not the same as location. Instead, domicile is a legal fiction connecting a person to a location for a specific purpose. Domicile impacts jurisdiction and choice of law. Domicile is more than residence, as it requires physical presence and the intent to remain in the state indefinitely. There are three types of domicile: domicile at origin, domicile of choice, and domicile by operation at law. The law of the forum determines domicile.

Jurisdiction of Courts

Jurisdiction is the court's ability to exercise authority over the parties. For a court to be able to exercise jurisdiction over a party: there must be sufficient contact between the state and the party; the….

" (Sage, 1) This is a matter of its emergent identity, which echoed so many of the trespasses of the British Crown. Indeed, we can see that in its vying for independence, the United States would still demonstrate in some ways its immediate cultural relationship to Europe while explicitly seeking an evolution in the terms surrounding this culture.
Most certainly, the manner of treatment to which Native American inhabitants were subjected is considerable evidence of the American connection to racialist British values which drove colonialism and slave trade throughout the world. But there is also direct evidence in the debates that would unfold following the revolution between federalist and anti-federalist ideologies that the United States would still have to work to be freed form many of the vestiges of its oppressive parent nation.

The murmurings that would give rise to the American Revolution, in fact, were less a matter of principal than….

Commonwealth v. Johnson.. 1. List the facts relevant to whether Gail and/or William Johnson’s were protected by the First Amendment
Gail and William Johnson were convicted for criminal harassment in the state of Massachusetts. State statutes outline specific prohibitions on spoken or behavioral harassment, including the types of cyberharassment techniques used by Gail and William Johnson. The Johnsons claimed that the statute violated First Amendment rights to free speech, claiming that their cyberharassment methods were similar to verbal harassment.
2. Summarize the Commonwealth’s arguments that the Johnsons’ and their friend’s conduct was cyberharassment.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts argued that the Johnsons’ behavior constituted cyberharassment based on several incidents. The first incident was posting the politician’s home address in a Craigslist ad. The second posted the politician’s phone number on a different Craigslist ad. The third was an email sent directly to the politician containing his social security number and other sensitive information. The fourth….

public to scholars, the death penalty has come under severe criticism in contemporary epoch. The debate between the supporters and criticizers of capital punishment has been going on for decades. Is death penalty constitutional? hat are the factors that may render it unconstitutional? Is racial discrimination one of such factors?
The paper uses a set of law review articles and highlights racial discrimination in death penalty in United States, discusses different theories with regard to the racial bias question and explores the debate of racial bias pervading the American judicial system to question the constitutional basis of death penalty.

A lot of research has been conducted on racial discrimination in courts. All this research can be classified in terms of a societal or an individual perspective. Gibson discusses these two approaches on racial discrimination. The first approach can be attributed to sociologists who believe that courts can not remain neutral. They….

European Union has brought with it both triumph and controversy. The purpose of this discussion is to investigate the details of the draft constitution.
In particular, this discussion will seek to Critically evaluate the extent to which the draft Constitution creates an institutional architecture that both sustainable for the future of Europe and achieves an appropriate inter-institutional balance. Let us begin our discussion with a brief overview of the European Union and the nations that are a part of the entity.

Overview of the European Union

According to a book entitled, The Expanding European Union: Past, Present, Future, the European Union was formed in 1957 with the participation of Italy, France, Germany, Luxembourg. Belgium, and the Netherlands. (edman 1998) The union was originally referred to as the European Economic Community (EC). (edman 1998) The book explains the "EC" gradually expanded and became the European Union. The author asserts,

Any European State may apply….

Constitutional law is one of the two most important types of law for anyone in the legal field to understand.  The United States legal system is derived from a combination of a common law tradition and constitutional law.  The common law tradition helps people understand the legal norms that are not expressly outlined in the Constitution or by legislation, while the Constitution places limits and guidelines on the rights and duties that can be governed by the law.  This is true with administrative law, which specifically addresses the laws related to various government agencies.  This is especially....

1. The Role of Emotions in Political Decision Making: Exploring how emotions influence political beliefs and actions, and whether they should be considered in political theory.

2. The Impact of Technology on Political Communication: Analyzing how social media and other digital platforms have changed political discourse and debate in the modern age.

3. Intersectionality in Political Theory: Examining how issues of race, gender, and class intersect in political theory and shape debates on social justice and equality.

4. The Ethics of Political Violence: Discussing the moral implications of using violence as a political tool and when it may be justified.

5. Post-Colonial Perspectives in....

Sure! Here are a few essay topics on administrative law:

1. The role of administrative agencies in the modern regulatory state
2. The concept of administrative discretion and its impact on the rule of law
3. The principles of administrative law and their application in practice
4. The delegation of legislative authority to administrative agencies and its implications for democratic governance
5. Judicial review of administrative action and the limits of administrative power
6. The relationship between administrative law and other areas of law, such as constitutional law and criminal law
7. The challenges of administrative law enforcement and compliance in a rapidly changing global environment
8. The....

Fundamental Rights Protected by the Due Process Clause

The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides essential protections for individuals against arbitrary or unjustified actions by the government. It safeguards a range of fundamental rights that are considered essential for a fair and just society.

Procedural Due Process

Procedural due process focuses on ensuring that individuals are afforded fair and reasonable procedures before being deprived of life, liberty, or property. These procedures include:

Notice: Individuals must be given adequate notice of any charges or proceedings against them, allowing them time to prepare a defense.
Hearing: Individuals have the....

3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Constitutional Law Case Study --

Words: 933
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, where a state statute exerts control over matters capable of being regulated by Congress under the Commerce Clause, those statutes are invalid because they conflict with a concept…

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9 Pages

Business - Law

Constitutional Law Real Estate Eminent

Words: 2921
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Thesis

" (GAO, 2006) Issues involved are stated to include "the dispersal of residents in low-income communities to other neighborhoods or cities." (GAO, 2006) it is stated that an inherent…

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2 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Constitutional Law Religious Freedom and

Words: 810
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In addition to the argument that the law's requirement of hanging the Ten Commandments is contrary to a country with no established religion, the commandments were also serving no…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Constitutional Law There Are a

Words: 2969
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the case, Carty was a passenger of a vehicle operated by another individual. The vehicle was stopped for speeding, and the driver of the vehicle was asked…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Constitutional Law the Case of the 'Lawrence

Words: 3461
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Constitutional Law The case of the 'Lawrence vs. Texas' of June 26, 2003, was in a nutshell about privacy rights and 'equal protection' under the law, and whether 'sodomy' can…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Constitutional Law- Search and Seizure

Words: 1764
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

If Harry had been stopped at a sobriety checkpoint, the outcome of his case would be dramatically different. The Supreme Court has determined that sobriety checkpoints are legal, as…

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5 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Constitutional Law Full Faith and

Words: 1603
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Following In Re Marriage Cases, a group of protesters gathered enough signatures in order to place a constitutional amendment on the ballot in November, 2008. The amendment set…

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20 Pages


Constitutional Law Bilingual Education the

Words: 6623
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Thesis

The court held that the district court's refusal to reopen the case and receive additional evidence after the remand from the court was not error. The court did not…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal

Mythology - Religion

Constitutional Law - Rights the

Words: 1349
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

After that great war, the black soldiers of the very nation that liberated Europe and Asia from murderous dictatorships returned home to social rules that prohibited their sharing…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Constitutional Law Criminal Investigations the

Words: 1401
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

His presence at the premises was a product of the coercive interrogation rather than any freely-given consent to search secured through legal means. he State will argue that no…

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32 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Gilbert Law Summaries Constitutional Law

Words: 10293
Length: 32 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This essay provides a brief overview of several of the key factors in conflict of laws, including the areas where choice of law is likely to be at…

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8 Pages

American History

Evolution of Constitutional Law the

Words: 2266
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

" (Sage, 1) This is a matter of its emergent identity, which echoed so many of the trespasses of the British Crown. Indeed, we can see that in its…

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4 Pages

Europe's Culture

Four Cases That Involve Constitutional Law

Words: 1440
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Commonwealth v. Johnson.. 1. List the facts relevant to whether Gail and/or William Johnson’s were protected by the First Amendment Gail and William Johnson were convicted for criminal harassment in the…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Death Penalty in the Constitutional Law

Words: 4228
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

public to scholars, the death penalty has come under severe criticism in contemporary epoch. The debate between the supporters and criticizers of capital punishment has been going on…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


European Law Constitutional Law

Words: 3070
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

European Union has brought with it both triumph and controversy. The purpose of this discussion is to investigate the details of the draft constitution. In particular, this discussion will…

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