Hugo Is The Question Of Thesis


The marginalization of women in history is a theme that has affected many disciplines, from education to the workforce. Hugo's article regarding the invisibility of women due to male dominated adult education historical writers allows readers to learn quite a bit, both about the history of adult education and also about the treatment of women in American society. First, the article suggests that the history of adult education may not be accurately interpreted. Because women often interpret events differently than men, the current history simply gives a majority opinion. Many important events and issues that women saw as paramount were not addressed in the current histories. Thus, this article can serve as a warning to current researchers that they should not buy the current history of adult education as fact, but realize certain viewpoints are not addressed. Furthermore, researchers...


Hugo states, "those interested in history need to understand better the gender dynamics at work in the field and the mechanisms that support those dynamics" (2). Based on this statement, the reader can understand that the invisibility of women in the past has implications for the future of adult education.
In addition, the invisibility of women clearly has an impact on other fields as well. Scholars studying adult education may conclude that since women's contributions were not acknowledged in this field, they may also not have been acknowledged in other typed of education. Furthermore, scholars may even apply this to other disciplines such as the workforce and other scholarly pursuits. Thus, Holt's article suggests that scholars in all disciplines should examine their histories for possible issues in visibility.

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"Hugo Is The Question Of" (2008, November 13) Retrieved May 4, 2024, from

"Hugo Is The Question Of" 13 November 2008. Web.4 May. 2024. <>

"Hugo Is The Question Of", 13 November 2008, Accessed.4 May. 2024,

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