Karma Most Of The Time, Term Paper

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I can remember so many instances in my life where "karma" has worked its way, both in good things and bad things that I did. In those instances, I did not intend to do the good things and bad things though. I just realize that I did when "karma" rewards or punishes me. But don't say that "karma" doesn't work to reward or punish all the time. it's not what I mean. I still believe that "karma" works all the time. Maybe I haven't realized it yet. But what I have realized, based on my experiences, is that "karma" works fast when on unintended good or bad things. That's why because of this, I tend to be afraid to be bad to others because...


To me, the works that "karma" does are just fair. it's perhaps a way to balance our life. If I don't get punishments for the bad things I do, I might be already a very bad person today. How about you, do you believe in "karma"?

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