Marketing Strategies Go To A Wal Mart Marketing Plan

Marketing Strategies Go to a Wal Mart or Target and find the following marketing strategies in action:

An example of how an end-cap is used to highlight a product

An end cap is a display product that is placed at the end of the aisle. An example of how an end cap can be used to highlight a product is with Coca Cola. As, this is place where they will build a creative display to capture the mood for a particular time of year (in this case it is football or Halloween). This helps Coke related products to stand out in relation to other merchandise. Once this occurs, is when consumers will choose the Coca Cola that is on display at the end of the aisle. ("End Cap," 2011)

An example of a product/service that might be targeted at a specific ethnic population

A good example of product that might be targeted to an ethnic population is Mexican food. As, those stores with high amounts of Latinos will carry more of the kinds of spices and foods that this group consumes. This helps to increase sales among this demographic of consumers and it is improving the brand image of the location.

3. A product that is targeted at lower or lower-middle class consumers

A product that is targeted at the lower income consumers is Sunnyside orange juices. As, this is on sale for: $1.00 (at...


A product that is targeted at upper-middle or lower-upper class consumers
A piece of merchandise that is targeted towards upper middle class consumers is: with Wal Mart selling Eternity for Men. This is because; they found that in many high end retailers such as Macy's demand for this product was strong. The fact that they are selling this item is an indication that they are reaching out to this group of consumers.

5. An example of demographic segmentation (Age, etc.)

Another example of demographic segmentation can be seen in the women's clothing department of Wal Mart. As, they have the different style categorized between: children, teens and the 20 something crowd. These different elements are important, because they are showing how Wal Mart is targeting this demographic of consumers (based upon the clothing, styles and the look of the display inside the store).

6. A product that is targeted at the Baby Boomers

A product that is directly targeted at the Baby Boomers is: the discounts of over the counter medication, vitamins and supplements. As, this group of the population is increasingly using more of these kinds of products. To help stimulate demand; the company will…

Sources Used in Documents:


End Cap. (2011). Merriam Webster. Retrieved from:

Cherry, K. (2011). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. About. Retrieved from:

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"Marketing Strategies Go To A Wal Mart" (2011, October 28) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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