Nursing Why Should Nurse Regularly A-Level Outline Answer


, 2009). Outline nurses' roles in changing health policies.

Because nurses play a primary role in the healthcare system, they should be at the center of changing health policies. (Webber, 2011)

They should both regularly consult and learn of health policies and help to change and form new ones.

The insight nurses attain into how health policies affect patient care is extremely valuable and should be utilized.

Nurses must take action when it comes to health policies in order to positively effect a nation's healthcare.

According to studies, too much emphasis is currently placed on treating illness rather than preventing it (Webber, 2011).

Studies suggest that nurses should be at the forefront of policy-making in order to transition to a system in which sickness prevention is priority (Webber, 2011).

Currently, it seems nurses don't have as much power as they should regarding health policies but this needs to change for the well-being of all healthcare. (Webber, 2011).

Give a simple review on recent literature (within 5 years) on contact precaution.

In the literature I reviewed, researches analyzed reports of negative outcomes to do contact precaution or CP. They found 15 studies that were published between 1989 and 2008 that pertained to adverse reactions to CP (Morgan...


These studies were then consolidated into four categories of adverse CP reactions. The categories were increased depression and anxiety, less of patient to nurse contact, decreased patient satisfaction for the care, and delays in care and more adverse events not related to infections (Morgan et al., 2009). The study also found that although contact precaution is recommended by some disease prevention organizations, it may not have positive outcomes. Though CP recommendations are made with good-intent to prevent the spread of MDROs (Multidrug-Resistant Organisms), the analysis in this study illustrates that unintended consequences occur that are possibly hazardous to patients when using CP (Morgan et al., 2009). It is considered urgent by this study that measures be taken to abolish these unwanted consequences of CP.
Reference List

Parker R.M., Keleher H.M., Francis K., and Abdulwadud O. (2009). Practice nursing in Australia: A review of education and career pathways. BMC Nursing, 8.

Webber J. (2011). Nurses must influence governments and policy. International Nursing

Review, 58, 2, 145-146.

Morgan D.J., Diekema D.J., Sepkowitz K., Perencevich E.N. (2009). Adverse outcomes associated with contact precautions: A review of the literature. AJIC: American

Journal of Infection Control, 37, 2, 85-93.

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Reference List

Parker R.M., Keleher H.M., Francis K., and Abdulwadud O. (2009). Practice nursing in Australia: A review of education and career pathways. BMC Nursing, 8.

Webber J. (2011). Nurses must influence governments and policy. International Nursing

Review, 58, 2, 145-146.

Morgan D.J., Diekema D.J., Sepkowitz K., Perencevich E.N. (2009). Adverse outcomes associated with contact precautions: A review of the literature. AJIC: American

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