Odysseus, Achilles, And Aeneas Is Thesis

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¶ … Odysseus, Achilles, and Aeneas is that they're al obsessed with glory. In these terms, they're all the same. But what's different about Aeneas is his interest in fate, or the fact he has been "destined" to found Rome. Both Odysseus and Achilles seem to be willing to let things happen to them instead of taking control of their own fates. Odysseus seems rather complacent at the hands of Calypso and Achilles is willing to sit out the battle like a two-year-old because his woman has been taken away. While these two are certainly motivated by battle, glory, and maybe even love, they don't seem so concerned about fate as Aeneas is about fate and destiny. This is what sets him apart from the other two heroes. But why is he so interested in fate? The traumatic experience he had during the Trojan war is mainly to blame. In fact, Aeneas says that even telling the story of his defeat "renews the sad remembrance of our fate" (Book II, line 4). For this reason, I think Aeneas is different than the other heroes. His sad story has made him think more about fate and the future.

Out of all the stories of heroes, Marvel Comics and otherwise, I have to say that Spiderman is the ultimate American heroes. Spiderman incorporates the American dream. Peter Parker was a sad, artistic guy who didn't quite have the girl and was a little bit of a nerd, but then he became Spiderman, a beloved celebrity. This shows other Americans that they can do anything. Also, the Spiderman story shows that those who we think are our friends can be our enemies, that integrity is key, and that we must always fight for good, not for evil or for revenge. Spiderman faces real struggles like every American faces. In the end, though, he's always able to pull through. That's why I think he is our ultimate hero.

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