Origins Of Environmentalism Research Paper


Rachel Carson's claim "for time is the essential ingredient; but in the modern world there is no time" (Carson 6) is meant to emphasize the fact that humanity has the tendency to ignore factors like the future and their general well-being. People in the contemporary society are obsessed with progress and some are willing to do everything in their power in order to make things happen faster. As a consequence, these individuals express little to no interest in the effects that their actions have on the natural world. Carson most probably wanted her readers to understand that it would be difficult and almost impossible for certain people to turn their attention away from progress as a result of acknowledging that their actions are going to have a negative impact on the environment. While time is one of the most important concepts today, people constantly feel that they have very little time. Most are obsessed with organizing their time in order to be able to do a series of things they are concerned about and still fail to do most of them. This shows that time has come to affect people negatively and they are nonetheless unhesitant about obsessing about it. Carson wanted to raise public awareness concerning how human activities destroy the natural world. From her perspective, the environment is going to be completely devastated...


The world has very little time to do something about this and in spite of this most people continue to act as if everything is perfectly normal and as if it is up to others to care for the environment. Society has practically reached a stage where people are too busy to care about the world.
Carson's 'other fork in the road' is meant to represent the path humanity can take on in order to recover from the critical situation it is in. Even with the fact that people's addiction to power and profits makes it difficult for many to want to take on this path, it is actually possible for the world to embark on a journey of recovery. Moreover, Carson wants people to understand that they have no option other than to experience a reawakening process that can enable them to see the bigger picture.

As long as people continue to recklessly exploit the natural world without caring about the effects of their actions things are going to stay the same and the 'other fork in the road' will not even be considered as an option. It is thus particularly important…

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Works cited:

Carson, R. (2002). Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin Harcour.

(2008). Global Politics in a Changing World: A Reader. Cengage Learning.

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