Overlearning One Of My Greatest Research Paper

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Then I will write down my shorter assignments, as well as self-scheduled blocks of study time in my day planner. I will try to cluster the periods devoted to the same or similar subject matter together. Mnemonics

Using mnemonics is a useful and fun method of fact retrieval and create indelible memories. For example, back when I first studied the planets, I remember learning a series of fun mnemonic devices to remember their order. Similarly, in biology I remember learning the mnemonic 'King Phillip came over for good spaghetti' to recall the taxonomy order of Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. Mnemonics provide more effective retrieval cues than simply memorizing information by rote: creating my own retrieval methods would be a fun way to use this technique in a more personalized fashion, and a way to remember the facts...


Mnemonic learning takes what is objective data and transfers it from a process of storing it as 'semantic memory' (memories unrelated to experience) into something connected to lived, personal and tangible memories. For example, when remembering the taxonomy mnemonic from biology, I always recall a cartoon my biology teacher showed me of a king eating good spaghetti!
Elaborative rehearsal

In general, I need to work harder to associate the material I am learning currently with material I have learned in the past. That is why going over what I learn every day is so important -- to build on what has been learned in the past day-by-day. In the past, I have tended to be very strong at the beginning of the semester, but once my energy flags I can lose the day-to-day reinforcement and discipline necessary for creating a learning scaffold.

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