Eating Habits Essays (Examples)

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Eating Disorder
Anomalous eating habits involving too less or too much dietary intake that may lead to physical or mental harm to an individual is known as Eating Disorders.

Classification of Eating Disorders

According to Walsh and Sysko (2009) Eating Disorders are most commonly classified into three categories

Anorexia nervosa (AN)

Bulimia nervosa (BN)

Atypical eating disorder or Eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS)

Anorexia Nervosa is a medical condition associated with exceptionally low food intake, less bodyweight and an apprehension of increase in the body weight in the affected person. The affected person usually exhibit transition from severe limitation to the binge eating behavior.

Bulimia Nervosa is a medical condition in which the effected individual binges on food and his repeated episodes of eating become out of his control. Hence, this disease is associated with obesity in the affected person. (Marcus and Wildes, 2009) Later on, the individual try to counteract this behavior by utilizing different methods….

D. esearch questions. This study will be guided by the following three research questions:

1. Can high cholesterol levels be genetically related?

2. Can high cholesterol levels be anatomically induced?

3. Do high cholesterol levels always result from poor eating choices?

E. Assumptions and Limitations. For the purposes of this study, it will be assumed that a chi-square analysis represents a superior methodology for the investigation of the above-stated general hypothesis.

F. Definition of terms.

1. Coronary heart disease (CHD).

1. High-density lipoprotein (HDL). This is the so-called "good" cholesterol (Griffith & Wood, 1997).

2. Hypercholesterolemia.

This term refers to an elevation of cholesterol in blood plasma (Albertine, 2001).

3. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL). This is the so-called "bad" cholesterol; these are the particles that contribute to atherosclerosis (e.g., the hardening and narrowing of the arteries) (Ulrich, 2002).

Chapter 2: eview of the Literature

Overview. As noted above, there are two types of lipoproteins in the blood; their relative quantities in the blood….

The need for these types of interventions has been abundantly documented in recent years at the national as well as state and local levels. At the national level, the Healthy People 2010 initiative cites physical inactivity, overweight, and obesity as being high-priority areas for prevention and intervention in general and especially for youths, because:

1. The percentage of overweight youths has doubled during the past 30 years;

2. As many as 70 to 80% of overweight teens become overweight adults; and,

3. Poor eating habits and inactivity are directly related to conditions of overweight and obesity (Kyles and Lounsbery 38).

Based on the foregoing trends, increased participation in physical activity and sports should be considered an important enterprise for everyone, but particularly young girls who are at higher risk of developing poor eating habits (Kyles and Lounsbery 38).

The problem of obesity and poor eating habits, though, cannot be solved using one approach in isolation….

, 2010()
Food consumption

Water is an essential component in the balance of the ecosystem that mankind has continually thrived from over the years. The average intake of meat products has been on the rise over the past few years. The intake of meat products is seen as the greatest hazard in the human race sustainability both in terms of resource use and the health hazard it has UNEP, 2010()

To produce one tone of fodder, used as food for the meat producing animals, it takes thousands of tonnes. On average, a cow will produce 18 pounds of meat that is sufficient to feed 50 people for less than one week. The amount of water used in production in much higher than the amount of precipitation received annually ichard W. & Kate P., 2009.

This means that water usage in rearing animals for meat is significantly high compared to levels sustainable in the globe.….

self-aware of their eating habits. Most often changes in the diet are associated with changes in lifestyle, education, and social behavior. The Paleolithic diet is one of the things that influenced the eating habits since the 1970s onwards and is considered to represent the adaptability of the modern human to ancient eating habits.
This diet is not only used for weight loss but also for changing the perspective on food and eating habits in general. For instance, part of the paleo diet is a well-balanced lifestyle based on increased workouts and lots of movement. The belief is that a diet based on ingredients that were used in the cave man era are valid for every day use if the life-style is similar to that especially with due consideration for exercise.

The diet is based mostly on the way of life the cave men had and on the hunters and gatherers society;….

Complementary and Alternative Medical Methods, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Eating Habits and Mealtime
The objective of the research in this study is to answer in what ways do complementary and alternative medical methods provide permanent treatment alternatives for autistic behavior in children ages 3 to 8.

Children with ASD are reported to have "complex feeding issues that go beyond normal fussy eating behaviors. They also do not usually respond to commonly used behavioral feeding modification methods." (ritish Dietetic Association, 2011, p.4) Additionally reported is that children who eat less than 20 different foods on a regular basis and are under the age of five years "appear to be the most vulnerable and will benefit from individual dietary assessment and advice." (ritish Dietetic Association, 2011, p.4) It is reported that a great many children with ASD also have "selective eating and therefore self-limiting diets as a direct result of their disorder." (ritish Dietetic Association,….

Understanding Men’s and Women’s Eating Habits Various studies conducted and even opinions among the people confirm that men and women have different eating habits. When couples get married, they say “I do” for many things and signing up for a lifetime of togetherness goes hand in hand with signing up for shared eating habits. In most cases, couples will always have a great impact when it comes to one another’s dietary patterns. Therefore, their eating behavior has been affected by those who are around their circles, but for couples, it trickles down to their shared environment. Men and women exhibit distinguishable eating habits of their preferences, eating schedules, dietary programs, and socialization.
A couple eating in a restaurant show their different eating preferences by choice of meals they order. The man is more likely to eat meat and poultry products such as veal, duck, and ham plus shellfish such as oysters and….

Preschool children are not "little adults" that simply require less amounts of the same foods as adults. For instance, according to Wittman (2013), young people aged 3 and 4 years are typically called preschoolers and have special nutritional needs that must be satisfied in order to ensure proper development. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's "Choose My Plate" recommendations for 3- and 4-year-old children for various food groups are set forth in Table 1 below.
ecommended Daily Servings for 3- and 4-Year-old Children

3-Year-old Children

4-Year-old Children


cup of fruits

to 1-1/2 cups of fruit


cup of vegetables

1-1/2 cups of vegetables


ounce equivalents of grains

ounce equivalents of grains


ounce equivalents of protein

ounce equivalents of protein


cups of dairy

2-1/2 cups of dairy




Source: Adapted from Wittman, 2013

Studies have confirmed that preschool children from low-income families suffer more nutritional deficiencies compared to their counterparts from middle-class families (Doong & Shariff, 2008). Moreover, preschool children from low-income families also have a higher prevalence of….

Chinese Festive Food Advertisements in Malaysia
Today, Malaysia is a middle-income country that has succeeded in overcoming many of the developmental obstacles that remained following centuries of colonization and foreign occupation to become a rapidly growing economic powerhouse that is well situated to take advantage of the forces of globalization. Indeed, from a nation largely dependent on extraction industries and raw material exports just 40 years ago, Malaysia has developed a diversified economic infrastructure that promises to achieve the country's goal to achieve high-income status by the year 2020 (Malaysia economy, 2016). In the process, Malaysia has experienced a rapid growth in its upper and middle classes and, with a per capita income of $26,600, even younger consumers have larger amounts of disposable income compared to years past (Malaysia economy, 2016). These trends have also translated into higher levels of festive food consumption levels in Malaysia, an issue that forms the….

Introduction Children are highly dependent on their parents because they are their sole providers. Parents' primary responsibility is to provide the basic needs - food, shelter and clothing - of their children. Therefore, parents shape the eating habits of children especially those under the age of 12 years. Generally, children are usually ready to learn how to eat new foods. They also observe the eating behavior of adults around them (Reicks, et al.). However, their eating behaviors evolve as they grow old. Numerous studies have identified factors that influence children eating behavior. They include living condition, access to food, number of caretakers or family members nearby, employment status, age, gender and health condition (Savage, et al.). This paper will estimate the effects that the above factors have on the eating habits of children.
The data for this project was compiled from various internet sources. All the statistical analysis was carried out using….

American food reflects the diversity of its population, and is continually evolving as its demographics change, too. Globalization has also allowed American eaters to acquire specialty items from around the world, from fresh produce to prepared and packaged goods, enabling immigrants to continue eating the foods from their native or ancestral lands. Many American families come from a Mediterranean background, and it is relatively easy to locate Mediterranean foods and consume products like olive oil. The health benefits of olive oil have also made the product popular among the general public. Furthermore, foods that originated in the Mediterranean like pizza have become part of the American diet. Food is an important emblem of culture and ethnicity, which is one of the reasons why immigrants perpetuate their food and eating customs. Moreover, food brings together family and friends within immigrant communities and thereby strengthens social ties. Superstitions and religious beliefs may create….

Eating Behaviors in First Year College Students
Drugs and Alcohol

Eating Behaviors in the First Year College Students

Eating Behaviors in First Year College Students

The transition from high school to undergraduate life is perhaps of the most challenging experiences from adolescence into early adulthood. One of the common side effects of this transition is weight gain that occurs during the first or freshman year of college. The paper will discuss how behaviors related to eating habits and alcohol consumption contributes to the general weight gain of first year undergraduates. Among college students, this weight gain is fairly typical and is known as "the freshman 15," referring to the average amount of pounds undergraduates gain over the course of freshman year -- fifteen pounds. It is a requirement of most colleges and universities of the United States that students are mandated to live on campus and eat from a school meal plan for their….

Eating and Clothing Pefeences
Clothing Pefeences and Diet as Reflections of Pesonalities

"You ae what you eat." "You ae what you wea." These ae two simple yet poweful sayings that ing so tue. Moe often than not, people's pesonalities ae eflected in the clothes that they wea o food that they eat. Eating has a diect effect on a peson's physical health, indiectly affects his/he body size, and to some extent, influences the peson's peception of his/he body image. Clothing, meanwhile, ae almost always diectly linked with people's moods and pesonalities. The level of comfot and even colo choice in clothes detemine if a peson is fun o seious, conscientious o caefee, o conscious about comfot o appeaance. Oftentimes, both clothing and diet have a diect influence o link with individual pesonality.

Eating is moe than just satisfying one's hunge; it is also a eflection of one's lifestyle. Lifestyle could be influenced by….

Eating disorder is characterized by abnormal eating habits involving excessive or insufficient intake of food which is detrimental to the individual's physical and mental well-being. There are two common types of eating disorders although there are other types of eating disorders. The first is bulimia nervosa which is excessive eating coupled with frequent vomiting. The second type is anorexia nervosa which is immoderate restriction of food which leads to irrational weight gaining. The other types of eating disorders include eating disorders not otherwise specified which are essentially where a person has anorexic and bulimic behaviors, binge eating disorder which is compulsive overeating without any kind of compensatory behavior, and pica which is craving for certain non-food items such as glue, plaster, paper. It is estimated that roughly 10-15% of cases of eating disorders occur in males and statistics show that women are at a higher risk of developing eating disorders….

Only one male ate his burger torn into pieces, only one ate his burger around, while 10 of the males ate their burgers across.
Age appeared to be correlated to one specific type of eating behavior: tearing the burger into bites. Of the people who tore their burgers into pieces, two of them were very young children. The other two were either older teenagers or very young adults. No person over the age of 20 tore their burger into pieces to eat it. However, age did not seem correlated to whether a person ate a burger across or around. Most people ate their burgers across. In fact, of the 25 people observed, 15 of them ate their burgers across, and the age of those diners ranged from 10 to 65. There did not seem to be an age-pattern with the people who ate their burgers around, either; they ranged from….

1. The impact of marketing and advertising on children's food choices and their contribution to the rise in childhood obesity
2. The role of schools in combating childhood obesity through nutrition education and healthy meal options
3. The connection between socioeconomic status and childhood obesity rates
4. The importance of regular physical activity and its impact on reducing childhood obesity
5. The effects of digital devices and screen time on childhood obesity rates
6. The influence of parents and family habits on children's weight and eating habits
7. The challenges of addressing childhood obesity in minority and marginalized communities
8. The long-term health implications of childhood obesity....

Title: Unveiling the Tapestry of Cultural Diversity: Exploring How the Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

In the intricate tapestry of human existence, there lies a kaleidoscope of cultures, each with its unique customs, beliefs, and practices. What may seem ordinary and mundane to one individual can be extraordinary and fascinating to another. This essay delves into the captivating realm of cultural diversity, examining how the typical and familiar can transform into the different and unusual when viewed through the lens of contrasting cultural perspectives. By exploring real-life examples and insightful anecdotes, we will uncover the beauty and significance of embracing cultural differences and....

1. Encourage social engagement: Encouraging elderly individuals in long term care facilities to participate in group activities, social events, and regular interactions with other residents can combat feelings of isolation and improve mental well-being.

2. Implement regular physical activity programs: Physical exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression, and promote general well-being. Facilities should offer a variety of exercise options tailored to different abilities and needs.

3. Provide access to mental health services: Having access to mental health professionals, counselors, and therapists can help elderly individuals manage stress, cope with challenges, and work through emotional issues.

4. Offer cognitive....

The fast food industry has a significant impact on our society, economy, and health, making it imperative to critically examine its origins, marketing tactics, and nutritional content in order to better understand the consequences of consuming fast food on a regular basis. Some potential thesis statements for a paper on fast food could include:

1. The prevalence of fast food in modern society has led to detrimental health consequences, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, making it crucial to analyze the nutritional content and impact of fast food on individuals.

2. The fast food industry's marketing tactics, such as targeting children through catchy....

4 Pages

Drugs and Alcohol

Eating Disorder Anomalous Eating Habits Involving Too

Words: 1386
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Eating Disorder Anomalous eating habits involving too less or too much dietary intake that may lead to physical or mental harm to an individual is known as Eating Disorders. Classification of…

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22 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Public vs Private

Eating Habits and Developing High

Words: 6237
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Term Paper

D. esearch questions. This study will be guided by the following three research questions: 1. Can high cholesterol levels be genetically related? 2. Can high cholesterol levels be anatomically induced? 3. Do…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Overeating and Poor Eating Habits

Words: 2591
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The need for these types of interventions has been abundantly documented in recent years at the national as well as state and local levels. At the national level, the…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Human Eating Habits and Food

Words: 1094
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

, 2010() Food consumption Water is an essential component in the balance of the ecosystem that mankind has continually thrived from over the years. The average intake of meat products has…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Self-Aware of Their Eating Habits Most Often

Words: 1066
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

self-aware of their eating habits. Most often changes in the diet are associated with changes in lifestyle, education, and social behavior. The Paleolithic diet is one of the…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Complementary and Alternative Medical Methods Autism Spectrum Disorders Eating Habits and Mealtime

Words: 1233
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Complementary and Alternative Medical Methods, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Eating Habits and Mealtime The objective of the research in this study is to answer in what ways do complementary and alternative…

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3 Pages

Gender / Sexuality

Societal Perception on Eating Habits Across Genders

Words: 929
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Understanding Men’s and Women’s Eating Habits Various studies conducted and even opinions among the people confirm that men and women have different eating habits. When couples get married, they say…

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2 Pages


Promoting Healthy Eating Habits in Preschool Children

Words: 570
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Preschool children are not "little adults" that simply require less amounts of the same foods as adults. For instance, according to Wittman (2013), young people aged 3 and 4…

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11 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Advertising

How Food Advertisement Promote Unhealthy Eating Habits

Words: 2305
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Chinese Festive Food Advertisements in Malaysia Today, Malaysia is a middle-income country that has succeeded in overcoming many of the developmental obstacles that remained following centuries of colonization and foreign…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


How Parents Influence Healthy Eating Behavior Children Age 1 12

Words: 2256
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Introduction Children are highly dependent on their parents because they are their sole providers. Parents' primary responsibility is to provide the basic needs - food, shelter and clothing - of…

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2 Pages


Food and Eating in the Culture of Immigrants

Words: 691
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

American food reflects the diversity of its population, and is continually evolving as its demographics change, too. Globalization has also allowed American eaters to acquire specialty items from around…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Eating Behaviors in College Freshmen

Words: 1401
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Eating Behaviors in First Year College Students Drugs and Alcohol Eating Behaviors in the First Year College Students Eating Behaviors in First Year College Students The transition from high school to undergraduate life…

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2 Pages

Psychology - Personality

Eating and Clothing Preferences Clothing Preferences and

Words: 616
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Eating and Clothing Pefeences Clothing Pefeences and Diet as Reflections of Pesonalities "You ae what you eat." "You ae what you wea." These ae two simple yet poweful sayings that ing…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Eating Disorder Is Characterized by Abnormal Eating

Words: 3326
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Eating disorder is characterized by abnormal eating habits involving excessive or insufficient intake of food which is detrimental to the individual's physical and mental well-being. There are two common…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Psychology - Social

Eating Burgers at Mcdonald's Diners

Words: 1199
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Only one male ate his burger torn into pieces, only one ate his burger around, while 10 of the males ate their burgers across. Age appeared to be correlated…

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