Sharing Things I Would Never Lend When Term Paper



Things I would never lend

When thinking about my possessions, I think that I would never lend my grandmother's jewelry, because it is too precious to me, and I would not want to let it out of my sight. It forms a memory of my grandmother that is important to me, and so, I would not share it, not even with one of my closest friends. I also would not lend my car, because I need it every day, and I would be afraid someone might get in an accident while they were driving it. I think my attitudes and habits about sharing are like most people's, they would not think twice about sharing clothes, or books, or music, or small items, but items that are expensive or treasured are off limits for sharing. If I did share clothing, I would expect it to come back clean, for example, and I would expect it would come back in a reasonable time frame, not weeks or months after I shared it.

Things I would lend to someone I trusted, but do not currently

As I said, I would lend clothing, books, and other things, and in fact, I like to share books, music, and other small items with people I like and trust. I would lend money to a friend I trusted if I had it to lend, and I would hope that my friends or family would react the same way if I was in need. I feel money is something very personal, but if a person is strong enough to ask for it, they probably really need it, and I would want to help them out. I have never loaned anyone money, and there are some people I would not trust to pay it back, so I don't think I would loan money to them. I would share my time volunteering for an organization I trust, too, if I had the time. I think that is an important aspect of sharing, that you don't have to share physical things, you can share your time and your commitment, too, and sometimes, that gives far greater rewards than sharing material things. Sharing is intensely personal, and your background, family, and upbringing all play a part in sharing.

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