Trust Essays (Examples)

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Explain how you develop and maintain trust at work and why confidentiality is so important in building and maintaining trust at work.

Trust is critical to the functioning of any team or organization. Individual employees need to be able to trust their role in the organization so that ideas, concerns, and opinions are shared freely. Likewise, supervisors need to trust their employees will share their opinions that pertain to increasing productivity. Other areas in which trust in the workplace is important include the need for confidentiality and the protection of company trade secrets.

Developing and maintaining trust at work involves creating a corporate culture built on honesty and mutual respect. According to O'Neill (2009), a trusting workplace environment entails teaching employees how they can succeed, rewarding good behavior, providing unconditional support, sharing information, and keeping commitments. Management should also remain solidly committed to the company vision. "If staff are to trust the….

eriods of trust in the government are not, perhaps, as easily identified, but they are just as numerous. Following the onset of the Depression and the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a period of restored faith and hope in the government began and continued throughout World War II and after. rior to that, there was a great deal of trust placed in the federal government throughout much of the first half of the nineteenth century, when continued expansion and progress made the future seem limitless and full of possibilities protected by federal investment and the physical strength of the nation's army. Most recently, the election of resident Obama reflected a renewed faith and hope in the government's ability to address meaningful issues.

The stock market crash in 1929 and the resulting Great Depression were events that triggered a large amount of mistrust of the way the federal government had been handled,….

Trust Race the Power of

(2009), yet faculty trust was included as an identified feature of academic optimism and thus the relationship of these two studies is made clear and the reliability of Smith and Hoy's (2007) study greatly increased. This study also did not take race into account, making it again less comprehensive and slightly less meaningful than Goddard et al. (2009).
Comparisons of race and of racial attitudes to academic achievement abound in the literature, and one interesting study found that the racial self-perception and identification of African-American males was highly related to academic achievement (McLaughlin et al. 2009). That is, different definitions and associations existed with these students' racial self-identities, and these differences correlated to different levels of academic achievement (McLaughlin et al. 2009). Though the specific item measured and analyzed was entirely different in this study, like Goddard et al. (2009) this shows that perception and attitude can counter the negative….

He notes there has been an overall decline in government trust since the mid-1960s. Only once since 1975 has government trust broke 50%. That occurred in the months following 9/11. After the tumultuous assassinations of the 1960s, the Vietnam War, the resignation of President Nixon, and the stagflation of the late 1970s, public trust fell from 80% in 1966 to about 25% in 1981. The Watergate scandal, the regularity of hyper-partisanship, the rise of cable news, and the constant parade of government frustrations that contradict the impracticable campaign promises now expected from candidates has seriously undermined faith in the government.
Faith in government has consistently fallen in downtimes. Distrust in government increased during the recessions of the mid-1970s, early 1980s, early 1990s and late 2000s. The only recession that did not cause a spike in distrust was the early 2000s, but Thompson asserts that the era of unity and patriotism….

Trusted Friends
Fast Food Nation: Chapter 2 review "Your trusted friends" (31-59)

One of the most striking aspects of McDonald's is the way in which it markets itself as a 'friendly' organization committed to family values, even while it sells food that is blatantly unhealthy and damaging to consumers' health. The Happy Meals it promotes to children have an innocent quality, even while the food is carefully engineered so that it is full of sugar and salt, and designed to 'hook' children at an early age.

According to Chapter 2 of his famous nonfiction book Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser does respect certain aspects of the Ray Kroc legacy. As an entrepreneur, Kroc's achievements are impressive. He began with nothing and built an empire just as vast and dominant as alt Disney's. Kroc was savvy to the impact children could have on a family's consumption habits. Children would 'nag' parents and grandparents….

Trust Is a Valuable Tool

The principal is the property that is contained in the trust that produces income like dividends, rents, and interest. Payments for bills to the trust may be paid out of either income or principal but payments to beneficiaries may be made out from income only. Where such payments will be made lies within the discretion of the trustee. Determining the proper distribution of income and principal is one of the more important functions of the trustee. The persons who benefit from the operation of the trust may differ from the persons who are entitled to the principal when the trust terminates to an accurate balancing of payments from income and principal is essential to the proper administration of the trust.
The handling of the income and principal in a trust can be a complicated affair and can subject the trustee to some criticism from beneficiaries and so a trustee should….

Trusted Friend
Summary of Eric Scholosser's Essay

There are very few living persons in the United States above the age of 5 or 6 who do not know about the alt Disney Company (Disneyland and Disney orld) or about McDonald's ("I'm lovin' It!" is their current ad slogan) fast food franchises. But it is not likely that many Americans know the history of McDonald's and how their founder, Ray Kroc, built this chain from the ground up with guile, guts, aggressive marketing and by making political deals. Nor are many Americans aware of the alt Disney's anti-union strategies or the fact that he was a secret FBI informer. Disney sided with the House Un-American Activities Committee -- chaired by disgraced U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy -- and supported the idea of the House of Representatives blacklisting Hollywood actors and writers.

In Schlosser's book (Chapter 2) the author traces the steps that Kroc and….

Trust-Based Management

Truth, Trust and the Bottom Line presents a critique on the book written by Diane Tray and illiam J. Morin. This paper basically outlines the seven steps and the message highlighted by the authors in their book. This paper also highlights various quotes to support its claim.
Truth, Trust And The Bottom Line

Truth, Trust and the Bottom Line written by Diane Tracy and illiam J. Morin explicitly illustrates why trust plays a significant role in effective management and good leadership. The authors of the book also go on to explain how trust can be built by following seven steps. The book is ideal for leaders, managers, CEOs and directors who want to learn and improve how to coach and attain feedback. The book primarily outlines a seven step process that explains to the readers, effective ways of deputizing themselves in order to capacitate and retain their employees while accentuating bottom….

Sex Partners
L. Jones

Trust Issues and Sex Partners

When one enters into a sexual relationship with a partner, there are particular trust issues that typically come into play. These may include issues of sexual health and disclosure, issues of confidentiality and mutual respect, and even issues of fidelity or commitment.

In my life as a person currently in a committed relationship of some years, I have dealt with all of the above. Further, I have found through experience that the failure of any of these three key aspects of trust can cause significant strain on the relationship, and even cause it to eventually fail.

Of course, foremost in the area of trust between two sexual partners is the issue of personally safety. In my experience, if I don't feel that I can trust both the intentions of the person I am with regarding his or her levels of responsibility and honesty regarding their sexual….

Trust and Communication

Communication and Trust
Do some research to identify four to six common communication problems that occur in organizations. The text discusses several organizational communication problems. Provide examples of where you see the problems in your organization. Also, identify four to six possible solutions or principles that leaders should utilize to stimulate effective communications. Solutions might line up to problems (i.e., one solution matched to one problem, etc.) or be a general list of solutions to address the problems.

Communication mistakes are common in every organization in existence. Not only are they common, but they also consist of many different forms of communication blunders that can slow an organizations path to its objectives. Furthermore, communication problems can also occur at every level of the organization. Despite the importance of effective communication skills, many organizations overlook the opportunity for training and development in this area. This paper will prepare a list of common communication….

Virtual Teams and Trust

Companies have taken steps towards deeper and more meaningful technology integration. Meaning, virtual teams have become the new way to form and develop teams. David Kauffman and Golan Karmi's article titled: "How Team Leaders Can Use ICT to Improve Trust Among Virtual Teams to Increase Collaboration?" suggest trust building can lead to effective team building in virtual teams via the use of ICTs. "This improvement in the level of team trust through proper use of ICTs will allow achieving a higher level of collaboration within the virtual team" (Kauffmann, 2015, p. 204). ICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies. ICT factors may enable communication by taking advantage of already available tools like the internet and social media. The aim of the article is to offer through search, strategies and tools leaders can use to grow trust in virtual teams.
The authors begin by defining trust. The first definition they give is,….

Tolbert, C., Mossberger, K. (2006). The effects of e-government on trust and confidence in government. Public Administrative Review, 66(3): 354-369.
The authors' thesis in this article is that trust is very important in government and e-government such as government websites can be an effective way for government to build trust with citizens. The methodology the authors use to test this hypothesis is a two-stage model analysis of Pew survey data. The researchers thus examine the relationship between citizens' trust in government and e-government usage. The findings indicate that there is a statistically significant relationship between the two and the researchers discuss the findings in the following terms: using local and/or federal government websites can help to improve interaction between citizens and government and promote "process-based trust" that would otherwise be inconceivable and absent among many individuals within the state (Tolbert, Mossberger, 2006, p. 354).

The researchers conclude that e-government is a….

Trust within a marriage

Conflict Management
Resolving of conflicts between two people is usually simple. However, in many situations, resolution of conflicts can be made more difficult. This is true when it comes to workplace situations, per chance conflicts that arise with strangers and so forth. However, when family or friendship is in the mix and a conflict is present, resolution and solutions can be fleeting and hard to come by. Not only are there personal feelings and a lot of history involved, there can also be a lot of bogging down and movement away from clean solutions as there can be a focus on things that are not really the problem. Rather, they are just a manifestation or symptom of the problem. While the particular details matter a great deal, there needs to be a weeding out of what the real problem is and everyone involved has to be committed to focusing on that….

" It just so happens that the Carnival is in season, what better time to launch such a plot? This dramatic irony allows the audience to perceive something that Fortunato does not -- the relentless pursuit and planning that is occurring as Fortunato enjoys himself celebrating Carnival. Even the name Fortunato (the fortunate) is ironic, since he is anything but fortunate as the intended victim of murder. This theme of irony will present itself again and again, and is Poe's technique for allowing the reader to both follow the story from the murderer's point-of-view, since it is he who is narrating, and to distance oneself and feel the true horror of the approach of death. The web/trap is set when Montresor dangles a rare wine, Amontillado, in front of Fortunato, but is cynical enough about it that he toys with Fortunato's greed and avarice.
It is perhaps the merging of dramatic….

Trust and Leadership
There are many different concepts of leadership and leadership models that have all attempted to embody the true nature of what it means to be a leader. However, leadership is a complex phenomenon that is not easily reducible. Some of the more popular theories that have emerged include leadership models such as trait theory, situational theory, transformational leadership, behavioral theory, competencies theory, network theory of leadership and many more (Turner & Muller, 2005). Many of these models have focused on the stereotypical leader that is strong and often a charismatic hero figure.

However, some emerging models place more emphasis on more progressive leadership ideas that can also be more feminine in nature. For example, the Servant Leadership Survey (SLS) is one such attempt that uses an eight dimensional measure that includes standing back, forgiveness, courage, empowerment, accountability, authenticity, humility, and stewardship (Van Dierrendonck & Nuijten, 2010). Humility and servitude….

There are several different types of army leadership styles that can produce the desired results among the armed forces.  Leadership in the army differs a little from leadership in other scenarios because some type of followership is built into the armed forces. The main leadership styles that you are likely to encounter in the army are transactional, transformational, servant, and autocratic. 

Transactional leadership is the type of leadership one most often encounters in the military.  It is based in structure and relies strongly on both rewards and penalties.  Rather than collaborating with subordinates, the transactional leader....

Accounting ethics are incredibly important because accountants are entrusted with handling money for individuals, businesses, and other organizations.  Unethical accountants can expose a business to financial risks and liabilities, even if their breaches of ethics do not amount to criminal behavior or involve intentional wrongdoing on the part of the accountant.  Huge financial scandals, such as Enron, could not occur without ethical breaches on the part of the accountants because the financial structure of large organizations requires at least passive participation in wrongdoing by people at the accountant level.  Accountant ethics are....

A surprising number of factors contribute to church leadership.  While many people think that either knowledge of religion or adherence to religious principles are the two most important characteristics in a church leader, they are often secondary to actual leadership characteristics.  Servant leadership has served as a model for the ideal Christian leader, both in and out of the church, but on its own is not enough to be an effective leader for the church.  Leaders have to incorporate some other management principles to be truly effective. 

Church Leadership Essay Topics and Essay....

2 Pages


Trust Explain How You Develop and Maintain

Words: 689
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Trust Explain how you develop and maintain trust at work and why confidentiality is so important in building and maintaining trust at work. Trust is critical to the functioning of any…

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3 Pages


Trust in Government Trust in

Words: 872
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

eriods of trust in the government are not, perhaps, as easily identified, but they are just as numerous. Following the onset of the Depression and the election of Franklin…

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4 Pages


Trust Race the Power of

Words: 1121
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

(2009), yet faculty trust was included as an identified feature of academic optimism and thus the relationship of these two studies is made clear and the reliability of…

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2 Pages


Trust & Distrust Five Causes

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

He notes there has been an overall decline in government trust since the mid-1960s. Only once since 1975 has government trust broke 50%. That occurred in the months…

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3 Pages

Business - Advertising

Trusted Friends Fast Food Nation Chapter 2

Words: 866
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Trusted Friends Fast Food Nation: Chapter 2 review "Your trusted friends" (31-59) One of the most striking aspects of McDonald's is the way in which it markets itself as a…

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9 Pages

Business - Law

Trust Is a Valuable Tool

Words: 2962
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

The principal is the property that is contained in the trust that produces income like dividends, rents, and interest. Payments for bills to the trust may be paid…

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3 Pages


Trusted Friend Summary of Eric Scholosser's Essay

Words: 1063
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Trusted Friend Summary of Eric Scholosser's Essay There are very few living persons in the United States above the age of 5 or 6 who do not know about the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Trust-Based Management

Words: 1612
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Truth, Trust and the Bottom Line presents a critique on the book written by Diane Tray and illiam J. Morin. This paper basically outlines the seven steps and…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Trust Issues in Relationships

Words: 332
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sex Partners L. Jones Trust Issues and Sex Partners When one enters into a sexual relationship with a partner, there are particular trust issues that typically come into play. These may include…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Trust and Communication

Words: 815
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Communication and Trust Do some research to identify four to six common communication problems that occur in organizations. The text discusses several organizational communication problems. Provide examples of where you…

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3 Pages
Article Critique

Business - Companies

Virtual Teams and Trust

Words: 1083
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Critique

Companies have taken steps towards deeper and more meaningful technology integration. Meaning, virtual teams have become the new way to form and develop teams. David Kauffman and Golan Karmi's…

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2 Pages
Journal Professional


Public Administration and Government

Words: 575
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Journal Professional

Tolbert, C., Mossberger, K. (2006). The effects of e-government on trust and confidence in government. Public Administrative Review, 66(3): 354-369. The authors' thesis in this article is that trust…

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6 Pages


Trust within a marriage

Words: 2494
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Conflict Management Resolving of conflicts between two people is usually simple. However, in many situations, resolution of conflicts can be made more difficult. This is true when it comes to…

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2 Pages
Data Analysis Chapter


Trust the Narrator -- Montresor

Words: 696
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Data Analysis Chapter

" It just so happens that the Carnival is in season, what better time to launch such a plot? This dramatic irony allows the audience to perceive something that…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


How Does Trust Affect Leadership

Words: 623
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Trust and Leadership There are many different concepts of leadership and leadership models that have all attempted to embody the true nature of what it means to be a leader.…

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