Social Justice We Have Described One Of Term Paper


Social Justice We have described one of the roles of social justice work as that of the "bricoleur," What is the significance of this role for the process of research and evaluation?

The reading explains that the bricoleur is mindful of the subjective nature of inquiry and the preferences that inquiries bring during research. In fact, every part of a research project, from thesis to drafting is different depending on the personality and preferences of the researcher. Being aware of this is key to ensuring an unbiased approach to the study. The means of reaching a state of unbiased study and reflection is through the same approach as the bricoleur. Researchers must step back and study the various components behind the motives for the study. Once the motives are evaluated and the researcher made aware of any potential biases, then the study can be conducted with the researcher effectively stepping back to evaluate the overall work. By stepping back at various points throughout the research and drafting, the final created report brings both the researcher's personality along with the subject's personality and communication to the forefront.

Question 2: What are the common linkages between participatory approaches to evaluation and social work's theory base discussed in Chapter 5?

Participatory research is research that allows the subjects to be in their normal environment (Selener, 1997). The purpose behind participatory research is to eliminate prior restraints commonly associated with formal studies. Often researchers assume that a study is meant to be top-down and the person forming the study is in charge of how the study should go. In a...


This allows for more freedom of expression from the actual research subjects, as there are no assumed rules or restrictions in their responses (Cornwall, 2009).
Another common link between participatory approaches and the theory base is the fact the subjects are fragile. Often children and parents within the situations are struggling to make ends meet or life normal, so honestly and actively participating in a research study may not be very appealing to that person. Take for instance a study on preschool children. Taking a child alone into an interview room is highly intimidating. Instead, a researcher can use a more creative approach, such as asking the child to make a song or act out a play. The researcher takes on an active role encouraging the interaction. While the initial ideas presented to the child may be directed a specific way for the study, the results will be much more sporadic and useful for interpretation and reflection.

Question 3: Are there other suggestions you might have for building critical reflection skills beyond those discussed in the chapter?

One of the most effective means of critical reflection I have found is meditation on an issue. Ironically enough, I have drafted my best critical analysis in my mind during a 30 minute nap. The simple time taken to clear the mind of everything else can add a heightened sense of focus and analysis that is otherwise not achievable.

Another critical reflection strategy that can be effective is mapping out ideas and arguments (Fook, 2007). A very helpful example would be to form a spider's web using…

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Works Cited

Cornwall, Andrea and Jewkes, Rachael (2009). What is participatory research? Social Science & Medicine, 41(12): 1667-76.

Fook, Janis and Gardner, Fiona (2007) Practising critical reflection: a resource handbook, Maidenhead, UK, Open University Press

Mezirow, Jack (1998). On Critical Reflection. Adult Education Quarterly, 48(3): 185-89.

Selener, D (1997). Participatory action research and social change. New York, Life Sciences Publications.

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