Volunteering Essays (Examples)

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Volunteering and Its Significance There Are Various
Pages: 7 Words: 2146

Volunteering and Its Significance
There are various incidences that we have over time come to get people volunteering, for instance in different organizations, charitable institutions, there are volunteering in the neighborhood drives, environmental cleanups, volunteering even in fund raising for the community and even to the lower level of taking some time to help the neighbor take care of their overwhelming chores.

Having a family of two little kids, one nine years old and the other six years old, both girls, my concern is mostly on the ability to bring them up to be the right citizens in the U.S.A. And achieve the best they can in the sense of humanitarian and social aspects of life. There have been several incidents of our family giving a helping hand in voluntary service and trying to help where we can.

The last of the several voluntary works was my family volunteered at a soup kitchen…...

Volunteering in Favor of Community
Pages: 1 Words: 406

As part of the community service requirement, students will also gain valuable experience in service that cannot be provided by most part time jobs that are accessible to teenagers. The requirement will give students ideas about possible professions as well, from becoming a social worker, to a hospital employee, a teacher -- even a forest ranger!

From the community's point-of-view, the local community will benefit from the added aid to charitable organizations. Also, volunteer work is an important requirement for many college applications. True, some students already engage in such service as part of the high school Key Club or local service organizations -- but for those who do not, fifty hours over the course of four years of publicly funded education is hardly an unreasonable expectation.

The community gives a great deal to its students -- students are our hopes, dreams, and futures. But to realize their own, fullest potentials later…...

Volunteering at My College Campus
Pages: 4 Words: 1332

In terms of language development, most of the children I observed were still at the beginning stage of this process which will eventually result in their ability to talk, listen, and to communicate with people at will. The vast majority of the children I witnessed showed indications of their natural proclivity to language -- meaning that they made noises and sounds, particularly when they were playing with one another and with members of the daycare staff. However, very few of them were able to form actual words, or at least any words that I was able to recognize. What was interesting about this aspect of observation was the fact that several of the children were able to make the same sort of sounds repetitively -- if not the exact same sound, then at least something quite similar to it. In this respect and by using this method of "communication," some…...

Volunteering in the Community
Pages: 2 Words: 666

Community Service
I feel that it is important for young people to engage in community service. It is important to establish at an early age that you are part of a larger community. One of the things that happens, especially in high school, is that you become quite focused on yourself. Your world is fairly small, mostly just a small geographic area, your friends and family. Community service broadens a young person's world, giving them experiences that they otherwise would not have.

In the course of community service, you see a lot of things. I volunteered at a nursing home, where you basically are assigned one person with whom to meet weekly and talk to. I was assigned a younger person with a mental disability who was unable to take care of himself, a low functioning person. This experience was exceptionally eye-opening. You see the people working there and learn things about…...

Good Life Volunteering Trends Give
Pages: 1 Words: 358

Rates of volunteering have also increased 64% for Americans ages 65 years and over since 1974. Additionally, the proportion of Americans volunteering for an educational or youth group has increased 63% since 1989.
In light of the increased interest in volunteering amongst persons with more flexible schedules like teens, college students, and retirees, Heifer International runs study tours to enable these demographics combine travel with volunteerism. Also, Heifer International has a specific fundraising ideas section on its website for youth groups. Community giving and combining personal enrichment with volunteering is likely to become an even more significant trend in the future, as the population grows older and also as students seek to improve their resumes for colleges and for the competitive job market with unique experiences like volunteering for organizations like Heifer International.

orks Cited

Volunteer Growth in America: A Review of Trends since 1974." (2006). Corporation

For National and Community Service. Retrieved…...


Works Cited

Volunteer Growth in America: A Review of Trends since 1974." (2006). Corporation

For National and Community Service. Retrieved 4 Feb 2007 at  http://www.nationalservice.gov/about/role_impact/performance_research.asp 

Heifer International. (2006). Official Website. Retrieved 4 Feb 2007 at  http://www.heifer.org/site/c.edJRKQNiFiG/b.201443

Managing and Motivating Volunteering Staff
Pages: 4 Words: 1255

ole of Management in ewarding Volunteers
Organizational leadership entails the proper maintenance of structures and systems within the company. This requires that the leadership from the top to the bottom have to be made to work together in a proper manner. This has to be done for the sake of maintaining a proper leadership system in the organization in question. The situation is trickier in situation where the employees are working on voluntary system basis because there is little remuneration to boost their motivation. In such cases, instances of quarrels and disagreements between the top leadership and the rest of the employees are commonplace. This is evident in the case of the Online University. The management had chosen to open a broadcasting station for use in communication. The following study identifies the appropriate management strategy for employees a volunteering regime.

The Online University has understaffed its management. It is run on…...



Michale. T. (2013) Developing & managing volunteers. Washington D.C.: FEMA.

McSweeney, P., & Alexander, D. (2010). Managing volunteers effectively. Aldershot: Arena.

Shepard, M. (2009). Volunteer benefits. St. Paul, Minn.: Research Dept., Minnesota House of Representatives.

Volunteer to Better Health
Pages: 4 Words: 1689

Volunteer to etter Health
Volunteerism and Personal Development

While an academic definition of volunteerism is any activity in which time and talent is given freely to deliver services or perform tasks to benefit another person, group or cause with no direct financial compensation expected, volunteering is really just a more organized form of giving of ourselves to contribute in some way to shape our own future and that of others.

Surveys show that most people believe that helping others has a positive effect on the general well-being of both the donor and the recipient. The positive relationship between subjective and objective well-being and volunteer work include life-satisfaction, self-esteem, and self-rated health. Also, volunteers increase the opportunity to advance educational and occupational objectives when exploring the idea that volunteering benefits both the helper and the helped.

It has also been suggested that the degree of one's well-being in helping redress the damaging affects of our…...



Volunteerism and Personal Development:

Monthly Seminar for Integrating Volunteer Service into Career and Personal Lives. Centre for Adult development. (27 March, 2004. http://www.adultdev.org/VOLUNTEER.htm

Volunteering and Healthy Aging: What We Know. Volunteerism in Canada.

A march, 2004.  http://www.volunteer.ca/volcan/eng/content/older-adults/canada_adults_report_printable.htm

Volunteer Shelter the Center Against Family Violence
Pages: 1 Words: 324

Volunteer Shelter
The Center Against Family Violence (CAFV), located in El Paso, TX is an organization dedicated to confront and prevent domestic violence in all its forms. The CAFV started out as a hotline service but has not blossomed into comprehensive shelter that aims to protect those who have been harmed due to domestic violence.

To become a volunteer at CAFV, a lengthy and tough training program is necessary. Since many of the women who use these services need protection, confidentiality and security policies are put into place that make it difficult to simply volunteer at this shelter. A lengthy application must be filled out as well as a criminal background check must be performed before you are allowed to volunteer at this shelter. Personal references are also required. This process is much like being employed there as the hiring standards and the volunteering standards are very similar. According to their website…...



CAFV homepage. Viewed 3 November 2013. Retrieved from  http://www.cafv.org/volunteer/volunteer-at-cafv

Volunteers in Community Safety the
Pages: 7 Words: 1978

Examples of material donations are the kits and medication used for the treatment of rehabilitated youths who formerly indulged in drug abuse.
The Local Authority -- the local authority is another important source of funding for the project. The local authority gives cash donations as well as the provision of community warders to aid in providing security in the neighbourhoods and town.

Power and stratification within the organisation

The etter Youth project is an initiative that is headed by the UK government through the home office. Most of the administrative decisions are made by the Home Office through the Directors who is chosen by the home office. The projects are to be done through the direct supervision of both the Home Office and the various stakeholders.

Engagement with the community

My engagement with the community is based on patriotism. As a citizen of the UK, I feel that it is my responsibility to ensure…...



Hibell, B., Andersson, B., Bjarnason, T. et al. (2004) The ESPAD Report 2003. Alcoholand other Drug use among students in 35 European Countries.Stockholm:The SwedishCouncil for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs, The Pompidou group at the Council of Europe.

Hope, T. And Murphy, D. (1983) The Problems of Implementing Crime Prevention:

The experience of a demonstration project. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice

Volunteers America's Involvement Responsibilityto Community Summarize Factors
Pages: 2 Words: 658

Volunteers America's involvement responsibilityto community. Summarize factors influenced social responsibility
The social responsibility strategies of the Volunteers of America were shaped by a number of interrelated factors. The most eminent of these pertained to Christianity. The organization was conceived as a means of propagating Christianity's notions of goodwill towards all when it was initiated in 1897 by Maud and Ballington Booth. Christianity is a religion that focuses on social responsibility and is extremely community oriented. It was this aspect of this religion that led the founders of this organization to attempt to have a volunteer-based organization to carry out the goals of the religion, which became largely synonymous with the goals of the organization.

Specifically, factors relating to the strategies for social responsibility for Volunteers of America, have to do with social reform as conceived by Methodists during the 18th century. Social reform movements that were religiously inspired in the 19th…...



McGee, T. (2012). "Nonprofit groups essential for disadvantaged residents." www.triblive.com. Retrieved from  http://triblive.com/neighborhoods/yourfoxchapel/yourfoxchapelmore/3131196-74/needs-christmas-area#axzz2MXRsBHXP 

No author. (2013). "Volunteers of America." www.voa.org. Retrieved from  http://www.voa.org/About-Us/Our-Statement-of-Values-and-Code-of-Ethics

Volunteer Placement at Open Hand
Pages: 2 Words: 720

The Catechism of the Catholic Church has a discussion of a "Love for the Poor," stating "those who are oppressed by poverty are the object of a preferential love on the part of the Church" ("Article 7: The Seventh Commandment, VI. Love for the Poor, 2448"). With these words and teachings of the Church, I took it as my duty to help those in need, realizing that, although we may be classed as a rich country, we still have the same social problems as many so-called third world countries.
Through the past 20 hours of service at Project Open Hand, I have learned a great deal about poverty in the country in which I live and have seen the relevance of the teachings of the Catholic Church. Although I myself was greatly surprised by how little I knew about the poverty situation in the United States, there is a great…...



United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Catholic Campaign for Human Development.

"Poverty USA: The State of Poverty in America." Poverty in America. Web. 22 Apr. 2010.

"Article 7: The Seventh Commandment, VI. Love for the Poor, 2448." Catechism of the Catholic

Church: Second Edition. Web. 22 Apr. 2010.

Need for More Volunteer Firefighters
Pages: 6 Words: 1963

Volunteer Firefighters
Need for More Volunteer Firefighters

Volunteer Firefighting is declining at an alarming pace and there are many reasons associated with this worrisome trend. It is imperative to not only study those cause but also devise practical means of resolving the problems of recruitment and retention. This paper, therefore, discusses the major reasons and the consequential recommendations as to improving volunteer firefighter numbers.

The need for an active firefighting force in itself is inherently important for large scale disaster management. Disaster management is a field that always calls for improvement in today's world as lives are vulnerable to hazards almost every day. And needless to say that firefighting in particular, is a venerable trade that deserves to have more investment in terms of physical as well as human capital. The need to augment the value of firefighting as a profession is ever prevalent, not only because of the exalted nature of the…...


Works Cited

Bartel, L. (1998). Recruiting Volunteer Firefighters. Clark County Fire Number 12, Ridgefield. Washington: Executive Fire Officer Program. Retrieved February 2013

D'Intino, R.S. (2006). Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Retention In Rural Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania. Retrieved February 2013

Fisher, J.R., & Maxfield, R.J. (2012, January). The Need For Fire Service Professional Development. (H. P. III, Ed.) Business and Global Social Responsibility, 19 No. 2. Retrieved from  http://works.bepress.com/john_fisher/11 

Graff, L.L. (2009). Reconceptualizing The Value Of Volunteer Work. The Value of Volunteer Work. Retrieved February 2013

Decline in Fire and EMS Volunteers in the US
Pages: 3 Words: 960

Volunteer Firefighting
The current setting of our country's economic position leaves many questions unanswered and creates new problems in unexpected areas. Volunteer firefighters are in short demand these days and it is necessary and important to investigate and gain knowledge of the reasons why this trend is occurring. The purpose of this essay is to examine some root causes of the current decline in volunteer firefighting across the United States of America. In addition to describing the causes of this problem, I will also introduce some proposed solutions that may be helpful in setting a new trend towards solving this problem.

Most agree in today's world volunteer firefighters are in sharp decline and retention of these workers is suffering as well. Markley (2012) recently warned the firefighting community when stated that "when the National Fire Protection Association released its latest figures on the number of firefighters in the United States last October,…...


Works Cited

Flemming, J. (2011, July 11). Decline in volunteering hurts fire departments around the country. Firerescue 1, Retrieved from   Decline-in-volunteering-hurts-fire-departments-around-the-country/http://www.firerescue1.com/recruitment/articles/1080089 -

Markley, R. (2012, March 1). "A Dangerous Dilemma. Retrieved from   201203?page=1http://firechief.com/leadership/ar/volunteer-firefighter-recruitment-changes -

Salsberry, G. (2012). As number decline nationwide, local volunteer firefighters holding steady.Colletontoday.com, 20 July 2012. Retrieved from   firefighters-holding-steady/article_a589fee8-d26f-11e1-9ea0-0019bb2963f4.htmlhttp://colletontoday.com/news/as-number-decline-nationwide-local-volunteer -

Why I Volunteer in My Kids School
Pages: 2 Words: 713

Volunteering is a way in which an individual can enrich his or her life while serving others. Volunteering provides a sense of community and self-worth. Perspectives can improve and lives can be changed when one chooses to volunteer and give of oneself.
One reason why I volunteer is simply because the school needs help with so many functions and activities. Volunteering also helps me appreciate and respect those who work at the school on a daily basis. Volunteering is a way for me to escape from the stress of my world. When I volunteer and become involved with someone else, I lose track of time and discover that I am really enjoying myself. Another reason I volunteer is that it makes me feel great to help with school functions and activities. I get to be a part of the process, which gives me a sense of purpose and I also get…...

Individuals Might Volunteer to Help Others by
Pages: 7 Words: 2527

individuals might volunteer to help others by comparing experimental results with the self-reported motivations of Teach for America volunteers. Ultimately, the study demonstrates that volunteerism is rooted in self-interest, and this is evidenced by not only the experimental data, but by the actions of Teach for America as an organization as well as the self-reports of individual members. Although this does not help explain why volunteerism is held in such high regard, it does serve to demonstrate that volunteering and ostensibly altruistic actions are not as difficult to explain as one might think.
The question of why people volunteer to help others is difficult to answer succinctly, because answering it demands that one consider a number of relatively disparate fields of study and investigation, including everything from evolutionary psychology to management theory. However, one can at least begin to formulate a general explanation of volunteerism that seems to hold regardless…...



Fogarty, M. 2011, "Teach for America fails the test," Education, pp. 7.

Katz, S.J. 2007, "Teach for America, Hope for the Future," Bioscience, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 735.

Kent, K.J. 1997, "So why should anyone get involved with volunteer organizations?," Chemical

Engineering Progress, pp. 12.

Help with essay on every secondary school student should be required to do community service as a condition for graduation?
Words: 426

The most important thing about writing a persuasive essay is that you are not simply presenting information; you are trying to convince the reader to agree with your position.  It is also not an argumentative essay.  In a persuasive essay, it is not only permissible to use opinions and emotion, but in an argumentative essay the writer needs to rely solely on logic.  The idea that secondary or high school students should be required to do community service as a condition for graduation is one that many people have discussed.  People give many different reasons....

how can government help schools in the rural?
Words: 1012

The government can play a crucial role in supporting schools in rural areas by implementing various measures. Here are some ways in which the government can help:

1. Infrastructure development: The government can provide funds for the construction and renovation of school buildings, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other essential facilities. This will ensure that rural schools have adequate physical infrastructure to provide quality education.

2. Technology integration: The government can facilitate the integration of technology in rural schools by providing funds for the purchase of computers, projectors, internet connectivity, and other necessary equipment. This will enhance the teaching and learning experience for....

Need Help with Essay Topics on Selflessness?
Words: 287

1. The importance of selflessness in building strong and harmonious relationships.
2. Exploring the concept of selflessness in different cultures and religions.
3. The impact of selfless acts on personal fulfillment and happiness.
4. Examining the role of selflessness in personal growth and development.
5. The psychological and social benefits of selflessness.
6. The challenges and rewards of practicing selflessness in modern society.
7. Analyzing real-life examples of selflessness and its impact on individuals and communities.
8. The role of selflessness in leadership and its impact on team dynamics and performance.
9. Exploring the connection between selflessness and empathy.
10. Critically evaluating the limitations and potential negative consequences of....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Meaning of Life?
Words: 651

1. The Absurdist Perspective and the Meaning of Life: Explore the philosophical viewpoint of Albert Camus and other existentialists who assert that life's inherent meaninglessness is a source of freedom and personal responsibility. Discuss how this perspective can shape one's approach to life, decision-making, and the search for meaning.

2. Religion and the Divine Purpose: Examine the role of religion and spirituality in providing a sense of meaning to life. Discuss how religious beliefs, rituals, and practices can shape an individual's values, provide a framework for understanding the world, and offer hope and purpose beyond the confines of everyday existence.

3. The....

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