Structural Problem There Are A Case Study


Norms are not outlined. There are frequent examples of workers who are ad libbing without telling people, and this results in nobody in the company actually knowing what is going on. Upper management does not appear to have any control -- all of the control and communication derives from Fisher and from the team's internal culture. The team's culture is what drives its success. Larry Fisher is largely responsible for guiding team culture, for example removing one team member who could not or would not assimilate with the team culture. The result is that team members get along with one another, and there is harmony there. However, the company itself has no specific organizational culture or group norms, and that does drift down to the operational level. . The company's culture is quite permissive and that allows the team to do things like test...


While Fisher is okay as a functional manager, his superiors are doing nothing to foster an effective corporate culture.
There are other issues, too. George Leighton does not take the role of the leader. As a leader, he should set the tone. Instead, he seems to have an issue with Fisher's management style, but does nothing about it. This is a strange approach, and the laissez -- faire attitude of senior management only contributes to the cultural issues the team has. Further, there is evidence that the team ignores some important facets of the business. Recalling work incident #2 where Betty drops the glass. This is an important issue because of the cost to the company and the risk of injury. This is not the sort of incident that should have been brushed off lightly; that indicates an issue with the corporate culture.

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