Problem Solution Essays (Examples)

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You may not be familiar with the problem-solution essay, but you probably aware of the broader genre in which it exists: the persuasive essay.  If you wonder how a problem-solution essay fits under the persuasive umbrella, the explanation is

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Ciba Vision Problem-Solution Example 1
Pages: 2 Words: 696

Once again, due to problems with the supplier, the product was unavailable through conventional pharmacies and the cost of a bottle of Miraflow (20 mL) skyrocketed from $6.00 to $30 on eBay -- an increase of 400%. This created a negative perception of a lack of affordability of CIBA's core products. CIBA took note of this problem and collaborated with I2, a supply chain company. It set the goal of keeping product availability at major retail establishments at 99.5%. Before embarking upon its venture with I2, the product supply chain was highly fragmented, resulting in shortages in many areas and causing the price to spike online. The result was a series of unhappy customers. This also had the effect of deterring new customers from trying CIBA Vision products, because of the perception of the product being unnecessarily pricy.
Collaborating with a singular company allowed for a higher level of product…...



Armour, L. Turning a blind eye from CIBA Vision, (2006). Retrieved on June 10, 2011

I2 customer success story. (2008). Retrieved on June 10, 2011

Advance Directives Problem Solutions
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

advance directives. The writer explores what they are and possible solution to reduce problems with them. There were three sources used to complete this paper.
The past few decades have seen an increase in law suits revolving around the final medical wishes of those who fall ill. Media coverage has provided the nation with front row coverage when it comes to people in comas, vegetative states, and no hope of recovery. Family members are often pitted against each other and the hospitals as the patient lays waiting for a decision to be made. One of the things that has been increasing in popularity to prevent such problems is the use of advance directives. While advance directives are gaining in popularity and power their relative infancy creates an atmosphere for problems. Advance directives can lay to rest painful family decisions, as well as doctor decisions that may or may not agree…...

Problem Solving Problem Representation and
Pages: 1 Words: 305

The text denotes that "the process of problem representation may seem automatic or trivial in some respects, but it is a critical component of successful problem solving. And the ways in which problems can be represented are as varied as problems themselves." (Robinson-Riegler & Robinson-Riegler, 449)
Indeed, there are considerable variables in how one may choose to interpret or be able to comprehend a particular problem. here, for instance, great complexity and a wide range of variables may be present, an individual may acknowledge or dismiss any number of details in representing the problem. This representation will, in turn, critically effect the nature of the problem solution, which will arise out of that which the individual can rationally perceive as appropriate, feasible and desirable where solving the problem is concerned.

orks Cited:

Robinson-Riegler, G. & Robinson-Riegler, B. (2008). Chapter 11. Cognitive Psychology: Applying the Science of the Mind,…...


Works Cited:

Robinson-Riegler, G. & Robinson-Riegler, B. (2008). Chapter 11. Cognitive Psychology: Applying the Science of the Mind, Pearson Education, Inc.

Solution Focused Brief Therapy
Pages: 8 Words: 2659

Solution-Focused Therapy
The author of this paper is about to offer a brief literature review of what has come to be known as solution-focused therapy. Included in that literature review will be several specific topics or examples that are within the solution-focused therapy paradigm. These include the history of the theory, the use of language to help create a solution-focused therapeutic environment, the role of family history when it comes to solution-focused therapy, the shift from a problems focus to a solutions focus in a way that benefits the client, the development of a short vignette that is based on a family situation, global goals of the treatment method using the language of theory, interventions that should be used at each stage of treatment (those being beginning, middle and end) and a succinct summary of all of the above. There are certainly other methodologies that can be used when treating a…...



Carr, S.M., Smith, I.C., & Simm, R. (2014). Solution-focused brief therapy from the perspective of clients with long-term physical health conditions. Psychology,

Health & Medicine, 19(4), 384-391. doi:10.1080/13548506.2013.824594

Cotton, J. (2010). Question Utilization in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Recursive

Frame Analysis of Insoo Kim Berg's Solution Talk. Qualitative Report, 15(1), 18-

Solutions to the Problems in Accounting and Finance
Pages: 5 Words: 1852

Accounting and Finance Soving Probems Soutions
P4-5: Microsoft Statements of Cash Fow 1999-2001

The Microsoft Corporation uses the indirect method to prepare the statement of the cash fow. The cash fow by operating activities is prepared by reconciing from the net income to the net cash. As being reveaed in the Microsoft statement of cash fow, the net income, depreciation, amortization, account receivabes and others are used to arrive at the net cash. In the cash fow statements, the depreciation and amortization are added to the net income based on its accrua basis.

The Microsoft added the unearned revenue to the net income because the company has aready received money for the product and services not yet fufied. As a resut, the company has the ega obigation to suppy these good and services to the purchaser. In other words, the unearned revenue is an equivaent of the net revenue that the Microsoft wi…...


l. The gross profits represent the overall revenue derived from the total sales minus the cost of sales. Amazon made more sales in 1999 than 1998 because the net sale was $1,639,839,000 in 1999 compared to 1998 net sales, which was $609,819,000. The gross profits in 1999 was $290,645,000 compared to 1998 gross profit, which was $133,664,000.

m. Examples, of accrued expenses and other current liabilities include wages payable, monies that the company owe suppliers and interests payable for bank loans.

n. Total purchase of Amazon's inventory for 1999 are $220,646,000.

Solution Identification
Pages: 3 Words: 918

Solution Identification
To identify a solution, one must understand the nature of the problems. In addition to what has already been identified, it is worth noting that failure to reach the original objectives is not just an execution problem, but a problem with the objectives themselves. A 20% increase in sales would in most mature businesses be considered phenomenal in nature. So the failure to reach an unrealistic goal is hardly a failure at all; it was inevitable. So a starting point is to set realistic objectives before worrying about why they were not reached.

That said, there is more that the company can do. Never turning over bosses is another solution. One of the identified issues is that there was a new boss who took months to figure out how to do their job. That's not exactly professional caliber. In that case, if there are no professional caliber employees available it…...



Clark, D. (2010). Excellence. Big Dog and Little Dog's Performance Juxtaposition. Retrieved February 21, 2014 from 

Rouda, R. & Kusy, M. (1995) Organizational development. Cal Tech. Retrieved February 21, 2014 from

Rouda, R. & Kusy, M. (1996). Managing change with large-scale, real-time interventions. Cal Tech . Retrieved February 21, 2014 from

Rummler, G. (2010). Continuous process improvement. Big Dog and Little Dog's Performance Juxtaposition. Retrieved February 21, 2014 from

Solution Focused Brief Therapy Today
Pages: 8 Words: 2292

For example, Jones and Charlton note that it is possible to develop appropriate problem-solving techniques in the following four major areas:
1. Identifying the goal which is appropriate and achievable;

2. Identifying exceptions to the usual pattern of problems;

3. Measuring the student's progress towards achieving the goal; and,

4. Providing useful and positive feedback.

Finally, SFBT can be used either as a "stand-alone" counseling approach or in tandem with other techniques. For example, Linton (2005) emphasizes that SFBT ". . . can operate as a stand alone approach or in conjunction with traditional models of treatment. Solution-focused mental health counselors do not view SFBT and traditional models of treatment as incompatible. Collaborating with clients to create counseling goals, be they directed towards abstinence, self-help group attendance, changes in thinking errors, or some other goal of the client's choosing, selves to enhance motivation to change" (p. 298). Likewise, Jones and Charlton also note that,…...



de Shazer, S. (1979, Summer). Brief therapy with families. American Journal of Family

Therapy, 7(2).

de Shazer, S. (1986). An indirect approach to brief therapy (Family Therapy Collections, Vol.

19, pp 48-55, Aspen Systems). Milwaukee, WI: Brief Family Therapy Center.

Solution Focused Brief Therapy Sfbt
Pages: 7 Words: 1994

Thus, giving the patient a 'bird's eye view' of his/her life gives him/her a chance to reconsider past actions committed and change these to improve his/her relations with a partner or family member. As in family brief therapies, reconstructing a family's life according to each member's interpretation and reflection helps the therapist identify the family member who adopts a constructive or destructive view of the 'reconstructed family life.' Through SFT, the therapist is able to create a therapeutic process that would be time-efficient and beneficial to patients.
itter and Nicoll (2004) elucidated effectively the effectiveness of brief therapy treatment for couples and families (64):

brief therapists seek to establish in their clients a renewed faith in self as well as optimism and hope for their immediate and long-term futures. It is caring, however, that guarantees the client support and a safe return in a future session, now matter how the real…...



Bury, D. (2000). "Constructivist paradigms in other therapies." Journal of Constructivist Psychology, Vol. 13, Issue 4.

Bitter, J. And W. Nicoll. (2000). "Adlerian brief therapy with individuals: process and practice." Journal of Individual Psychology, Vol. 56, Issue 1.

____. (2004). "Relational strategies: two approaches to Adlerian brief therapy." Journal of Individual Psychology, Vol. 60, Issue 1.

Disque, J.G. And J. Bitter. (2004). "Emotion, experience, and early recollections: exploring restorative reorientation processes in Adlerian therapy." Journal of Individual Psychology, Vol. 60, Issue 2.

Solution-Oriented Decisions Models What Are
Pages: 1 Words: 335

This encourages people to speak their minds, rather than to simply go with the procedural flow. Solution-oriented decision making can be very positive experience for people committed to their jobs, who wish to exhibit excellence and be treated as valued members of a team, and who want to get ahead by distinguishing themselves -- there is no room for people who merely want to punch a clock and work 9-5 at a solution-oriented organization.
A culture of creativity at a solution-oriented workplace creates a safe place for all employees to take risks and to float ideas that may potentially fail -- every successful idea requires brainstorming many failures. A solution-oriented workplace is also 'can do' in its attitude: there is no problem that is too difficult that it cannot be solved, provided enough people work at it for long enough, through mental effort, planning, and implementation.

orks Cited

Ramsey, Robert. (2005). Lead,…...


Works Cited

Ramsey, Robert. (2005). Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Corwin Press.

Solution to the Problems Affecting Leonard Cooper
Pages: 2 Words: 522

solution to the problems affecting Leonard Cooper Charter School LAN
Network collision that slows down the network and interferes with print jobs

The problem of network collision is noted by ouse (2006) to be most common in half duplex Ethernet network. The collision observed at the Leonard Cooper Charter School LAN is most likely caused by the two or more devices (printers and competing workstations on the LAN most certainly) attempting to effectively transmit data at al most an exact same time (such as sending a print job).The Leonard Cooper Charter School LAN therefore detects the collisions of the two or more transmitted packets as then effectively discards them. It is important to note that collisions are perfectly normal occurrences on the Ethernet networks.


For the collisions to be avoided on the Leonard Cooper Charter School LAN, there is a need for the Ethernet to employ Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detect…...



Rouse, M (2006).Collision. Available online at

Solution Focused Change
Pages: 2 Words: 694

Solution focused coaching involves viewing people as unique, competent, and responsive to suggestions (Visser, 2012). This approach is a respectful change approach (Bodien, 2011) in that it acknowledges and works with the perspective of the client defined solutions that are unique to the client. The solution focused change approach is based on several assumptions (from Bodien, 2011):
Problem analysis and problem diagnosis are not needed to achieve positive change and to solve problems.

This assumption indicates that the focus in the solution focused change approach is on understanding what is desired by the client as opposed to defining and trying to ascertain what factors of the client's history contributed to their current situation or complaint. Thus, solution focused change approach is proactive and allows the client to get right to work as opposed to spending time ruminating on history, causes, etc.

Assumption 2. Vividly describing the desired future is the beginning of a…...



Bodien, G.L.S. (2011). The solution focused mindset at work. Retrieved from .

Visser, C.F. (2012). The solution-focused mindset: An empirical test of solution-focused assumptions. Retrieved from


Problem of Evil God Evil
Pages: 6 Words: 2146

Defenses against it may be equally inconclusive, but in their fertility they at least promise a solution some day.


dams, Marilyn McCord. Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1999.

Belliotti, Raymond a. Roman Philosophy and the Good Life. Plymouth: Lexington Books, 2009.

DeRose, Keith. "Plantinga, Presumption, Possibility, and the Problem of Evil," Canadian Journal of Philosophy 21 (1991), 497-512.

Draper, Paul. "Probabilistic rguments from Evil," Religious Studies 28 (1992), 303-17.

Dueck, a.C. Between Jerusalem and thens: Ethical Perspectives on Culture, Religion, and Psychotherapy. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1995.

Ferreira, M. Jamie. "Surrender and Paradox: Imagination in the Leap." In Kierkegaard Contra Contemporary Christendom, edited by Daniel W. Conway, 142-67. New York: Routledge, 2002.

Griffin, David Ray. God, Power, and Evil: Process Theodicy. Louisville: Westminster Press, 2004.

Hick, John. "The 'Vale of Soul-Making' Theodicy." In the Problem of Evil: Reader, edited by Mark Joseph Larrimore, 355-61. Malden, M: Blackwell Publishing, 2001.



A.C. Dueck, Between Jerusalem and Athens: Ethical Perspectives on Culture, Religion, and Psychotherapy (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1995), 153.

M. Jamie Ferreira, "Surrender and Paradox: Imagination in the Leap," Kierkegaard Contra Contemporary Christendom, ed. Daniel W. Conway (New York: Routledge, 2002), 145.

Larrimore, xx.

Solutions to the Present Value Problems
Pages: 3 Words: 925

Solutions to the Present Value Problems
The study uses the formula below to solve the problems.


Original Equation: FV = PV * (1+ i) n

Manipulation: Divide both sides by (1 +i) n

Final Equation: PV = FV / (1+ i) n or PV = FV * (1+i) -n


PV = Present Value

FV =Future Value

i= interest rates n = Number of years.

Using the formula presented above, the paper calculates the PV of the $10,000 bond with the 6% of annual coupon at the end of the five-year. Using the Excel Software 2007 for the calculation, the answers to the problems are as follows:

At 6% interest rates, the PV is as follows:

PV = $10,000 / (1 + 0.06)

PV= $7,472.58

Using the excel formula, the solution is as follows:

Excel Formula

=B1 / (1+B2)^





Interest Rates


Number of Years



b. At 8% interest rates

PV = $10,000 / (1 + 0.08)

PV = $6,805.83197

Using the Excel formula, the solution is as follows:

Excel Formula

=B1 / (1+B2)^5






Identification Decision Making and Problem Solving in
Pages: 3 Words: 977

Decision making and problem solving in companies are probably the most important processes in any business. These processes ensure that companies run smoothly and effectively. There are a variety of decision-making and problem-solving processes that ensure the effectiveness of business processes. Often, these are chosen on the basis of their effectiveness in the particular business setting involved. The automotive industry, for example, would not function on the same decision-making process as a childcare business. Particularly, problem identification relate to various problem-solving styles, including the morphological approach, the Kepner-Tregoe approach, inventive problem solving, constraints thinking, the collective-participative style, and the fairness approach. These will be related to five types of businesses, including an automotive business, a restaurant, an electronics business, a DVD store, and a preschool,

The first important step in problem solving is problem identification (Reference for Business, 2010). All five businesses investigated have a problem identification process in place.…...



Jones, D, Padgett, M., Rose, C., and Weilacker, R. (2009, Aug. 3) Problem Formulation and Identification. Retrieved from: 

Pashiardis, P. (1994). Problem and Dilemma Identification and Formulation as the Most Critical Element of the Decision-Making Process: Behavioral Biases and Characteristics. International Intervisitation Programme in Educational Administration. Retrieved from: 

Reference for Business.. (2010). Problem-Solving Styles. Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed Retrieved from:

Management Solutions for Electronic Waste
Pages: 16 Words: 5441

" (fom Wold envionmental news, Intenet edition)
Besides developing flexible legislation that will distibute the functions of ecycling between manufactues and municipal sevices thee has to be a definite and developed pogam that would specialize on the optimal and the most exhaust utilization of electonic waste, eduction of e-waste landfills and incineation. Recycling pogam should not be limited to the ecycling of CRT monitos, as thei ownes ae moe likely to bing the whole obsolete compute system to the ecycling, not just compute monitos.

The benefit of integal pogam of ecycling is that it allows using a vaiety of mateials used in the electonics manufactuing like pecious metals, semi-pecious metals, and some electonic items in the euse.

The most impotant pat of the e-waste management is seach of the most appopiate and qualified patnes in the technical o pactical pat of the poblem solution. This poblem is of the essential value, as the…...


reference: being reused repaired and modernized; being recycled and the most ecologically disadvantageous solution is simply being land filled. But the realization of these practices faces a lot of obstacles mainly of financial character. All of them are quite expensive and do not bring desired return.

That's why scientists and economists agree in the following: recycling of e-waste has to be the concern of electronics manufacturers. Loop industry is the most optimal solution to the problem as the manufacturer becomes responsible for the recycling of the products he makes. Introduction of such practices has the negative outcomes of course. Because technological process becomes more complicated and intensive, requires involvement of additional equipment and facilities on the hand with new labour the net value of the production increases and so the customers would have to pay more for electronics.

Another direction in the solution of e-waste problem is export of e-waste to the developing countries, where the process of recycling is cheaper and the possibility of e-waste to be reused, repaired and modernized is higher. Moreover some third world countries use unpopulated territories for e-waste. Anyways, this kind of solution is not appropriate again, because most of these practices somehow avoid law regulations of these countries and cannot have a mass character. It only creates additional problem which would have to be solved in close future.

As most of experts agree that recycling of e-waste has to be the problem of e-products manufacturers they have to develop different effective strategies and technologies for the most optimal solution of this problem: starting form transportation of e-waste from customer to the process of recycling. At this point global environmental community has to cooperate and share new practices and approaches in solving this problem. It refers both to technology and legislative regulation of the problem.

And in developing own strategy for e-waste management the officials of different countries have to work together and adopt practices of each other that are being effective. Countries of European Union had already made the first steps to the solution of this problem, making manufactures to be responsible for the waste caused by their products. The United Sates and Canada should start to introduce these practices as well, if they want to achieve ecological balance and safe coexistence of scientific and technological progress with health of humanity.

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